Video: Complaints Flood CNN After Beck Smears Ron Paul Supporters As Terrorists – (Flashback)

PrisonPlanet – Complaints and demands for a retraction and an apology are flooding CNN today after Neo-Con host Glenn Beck and ex-Marxist David Horowitz smeared Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left as terrorist sympathizers and inferred that the U.S. military should be used to silence them, parroting a talking point that traces back to a September 2006 White House directive.

This is part of an ongoing propaganda assault which has also been mimicked by other anti-American Neo-Con talking heads like Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.

Beck opened up his show segment by inferring that the U.S. military should be used to silence domestic dissent against the war, claiming that those he would later identify as Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left and link with terrorists, were a “physical threat.”

“When you enlist in the U.S. military, you have take an oath that says you’re gonna support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies – foreign and domestic – we talk a lot on this program about the foreign threats – maybe we should spend some time tonight on the domestic one….the physical threat may be developing domestically as well,” said Beck.

Beck then goes on to make the absurd insinuation that Ron Paul supporters are a terrorist threat because they are causing disenfranchisement with the government. His evidence? The November 5th donation drive coincided with a 400-year-old piece of British history and Guy Fawkes plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

Beck then introduces his guests, the great grandson of Winston Churchill, and admitted former Marxist and now Neo-Con ideologue David Horowitz.

Watch the video.

We are forced to digest the bizarre and abhorrent spectacle of a British elitist, “former” Marxist Horowitz and anti-American Neo-Con Glenn Beck infer that 1776, the founding fathers and the very birth of freedom in America is somehow evil and affiliated with terrorism and extremism.

This brought back memories of a July 2001 FEMA training meeting in Oklahoma where a FEMA representative was caught on video instructing local police that the American people were the enemy and that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers were a terrorist organization.

Watch the video below.

Ex-Marxist Horowitz and Beck then go on to link the anti-war left, Ron Paul supporters on the right and libertarians like Lew Rockwell, with “Islamofascists” and terrorists.

Horowitz states, “I think it’s very significant he (Ron Paul) chose Guy Fawkes as an image.”

This in itself is a complete lie – the Ron Paul campaign did not create the November 5th donation drive, it was created by one individual and the November 5th motif was merely a gimmick to make people remember to donate. To suggest it was a thinly veiled expression of sympathy with a 17th century terrorist is manifestly ridiculous.

Horowitz then claims, “There are plenty, unfortunately, libertarian websites which are indistinguishable from the anti-American left these days – and others like that – they are totally in bed with the Islamofascists and have turned against this country.”

This is a completely fallacious, slanderous and damaging lie, but Horowitz and Beck are still laboring under the illusion that the American people buy their bellicose smear attacks which are completely devoid of any substance and delivered only with the aid of discredited sound bites and rhetorical clichés.

During the course of the segment, Beck also repeated the contention that another Timothy McVeigh would emerge from one of the groups he demonized.

Beck’s diatribe is just the latest in a series of smear attempts to equate 9/11 truthers, Ron Paul supporters and other activists with violence and terrorism, or otherwise discredit them. Bill O’Reilly has been doing it for weeks.

What is the origin of the talking points that are now being disseminated by the likes of Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and others?

Back in September 2006, we reported on a White House strategy document for “winning the war on terror,” in which conspiracy theorists were targeted as a wellspring of terrorism. The document threatens to “address” and “diminish” the problems they are causing the government in fulfilling their agenda.

The document states that terrorism springs from “subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation,” and that “terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda.”

Bush referred to the strategy paper as “an unclassified version of the strategy we’ve been pursuing since September the 11th, 2001,” that takes into account, “the changing nature of this enemy.”

The Neo-Con talking heads are actually parroting White House propaganda handed down to them by the Bush administration.

You can even trace the legacy right back to Bush’s November 10, 2001 speech to the U.N., in which he said that “outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th” should not be tolerated.

Watch the video.

In the current context, this unified assault also dovetails with the advance of H.R. 1955, entitled the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007″, which is vaguely worded and could easily be used to label activist groups as terrorist recruiters.

As Kurt Nimmo writes, “The only serious threat to the neocons and their neolib partners in crime emanates from the patriot and 9/11 truth movements—and that is why, as increasing numbers of patriotic and politically diverse Americans rally around the Ron Paul presidential campaign, we are witnessing increasingly virulent and desperate attacks against Paul, who is now absurdly conflated with “Islamo-fascist” terrorists.”

“If they are able to successfully characterize Ron Paul as a terrorist and thus sabotage his political campaign, there will be no end to the state-sponsored domestic terrorism they will unleash against the American people stripped of all advocates,” he concludes.

It also coincides with a House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on “Terrorism and the Internet” held last week, broadcast on C-Span, which featured a panel of “experts”, including representatives formerly of the RAND Corporation and the Simon Wiesenthal Center who presented 9/11 truth websites sites alongside sites that celebrate the attacks and offer training in terrorist tactics.

Why are Glenn Beck and David Horowitz a threat to America?

a) They openly call for the U.S. military to be used to suppress freedom of speech, a complete violation of the first amendment and everything that America stands for. This in itself exposes them as anti-American traitors.

b) They openly state, without any evidence whatsoever to substantiate the claim, that Lew Rockwell, libertarian and anti-war groups are “totally in bed with the Islamofascists,” which could prompt their nutcase followers into physical violence and perhaps even assassination attempts against anti-war and libertarian leaders as well as Ron Paul supporters.

c) If there are real terrorist groups in America, as we are constantly told, then Beck and Horowitz are diverting attention away from them by fingering peaceful protest and activist groups, leaving genuine terrorists under less scrutiny by law enforcement and the FBI.

Beck and Horowitz are the only ones doing harm to America – they are anti-American traitors.


– Use this form to contact CNN and demand that Glenn Beck issue a retraction and an apology for his wrongful and damaging characterization in linking Ron Paul supporters with terrorists.

– Spread this article to the four corners of the Internet and let anti-American trash like Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and their followers know that we will not be intimidated into silencing our support for Ron Paul. Every time they pull one of these stunts, re-double your activism.

Boycott CNN’s sponsors until they issue a retraction and an apology.

Source: National Exposito


Beck: 9/11 Truthers “Insane”, “Dangerous Anarchists”, “The Kind Of Group A Timothy McVeigh Would Come From”

CNN host Glen Beck viciously attacked the 9/11 truth movement last night on his Headline Prime show, describing the whole movement as “insane” and branding 9/11 activists as “dangerous anarchists”.

Beck singled out 9/11 truthers in a segment in response to the infiltration of Real Time with Bill Maher by We Are Change protesters last week.

In a piece that we would normally associate with the “fair and balanced” Fox News, Beck featured two guests who BOTH argued against 9/11 truth, as well as throwing in his own two cents.

“These truthers are exactly the kind of people who want to rock this nation’s foundation, tear us apart and plant the seeds of dissatisfaction in all of us” Beck huffed and puffed while introducing his yes men.

At one point Beck even suggested that the 9/11 truth movement is “the kind of group a Timothy McVeigh would come from”, insinuating the movement is intent on violence.

In response his guest, Michael Shermer, the founding member of “The Skeptics Society”, a debunking body that is actually skeptical of nothing and just defends the official line on most subjects, ludicrously frothed “Yeah that’s right, that’s what makes it a little bit scary, somebody that would infiltrate a talk show like Bill Maher’s show and then heckle him during the show, that’s getting out there a little bit, that’s not just posting things on the internet for fun to see what happens, but actually going down there to do something.”

Watch it (Note: Try to ignore the remarks at the beginning of the video which was obviously posted by a neocon bootlicker):

In thousands of 9/11 protests over the course of the last six years, not one person has been arrested for violent conduct. To cart blanche suggest that the truth movement is dangerous, “a threat to children” and intent on violence is extremely inflammatory and indicates just how afraid of investigating and debating the facts people like Glen Beck actually are.

The core of the 9/11 truth movement is composed of highly educated and progressive individuals who are strictly opposed to violence and are intent on protecting a free and peaceful society which has been under dire threat ever since the attacks of 9/11 and the ensuing cover up.

Furthermore the movement represents the very antithesis of anarchism in that it is actively seeking to restore and protect our traditional form of government which has been usurped by an unaccountable cabal that continues to operate outside of Constitutional law and with little restraint using 9/11 as justification.

Naturally, Beck wheeled out the ever present James Meigs, whitewasher-in-chief at the military-industrial complex rag Popular Mechanics, which is owned by Hearst Publishing, the progenitor of the term “yellow journalism”.

Meigs is of course exactly the right man to dismiss claims of a controlled demolition on 9/11 given that he has a background in being a movie critic. Meanwhile experts in controlled demolition are visibly shaken when shown videos of building 7 and told that it came down on 9/11.

Meigs’ assertions have been thoroughly debunked, even by the bodies investigating the collapses of all three buildings. Meigs still regularly refers to the pancaking theory when describing the collapse of the twin towers, to explain how they collapsed without resistance, despite the fact that the theory was debunked by NIST itself after their study found that, “This type of assembly (the WTC steel) was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without collapsing for a substantial period of time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location on September 11th.”

It also violates the fundamental law of physics and the Law of Conservation of Momentum, as Professor Steven Jones outlines in his research paper.

Meigs also routinely fails to acknowledge the fact that NIST’s own analysis of the WTC steel concluded that temperatures in the impact zone reached no hotter than 600 degrees, no where near hot enough to weaken the structure, according to the Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers.

NIST admitted recently that it is STILL unable to provide an explanation for the total collapse of the twin towers, yet Mr Meigs seems assured, spending much of his time wailing about how truthers “do not fact check”.

Meigs also maintains that building 7 was severely damaged and ultimately felled by fires caused by falling debris from the towers, even though there is no evidence supporting this and NIST has been left with the only option but to probe whether the building was demolished on purpose.

Beck and his guests also maintain that the WTC “buildings”, thus including the one which was not hit by a plane, did not collapse from the bottom down. Anybody who watches the collapse of 7 can see that it falls from the bottom down, yet Beck and co. accuse others of ignoring the facts to fit their own agenda!

The three musketeers also fail to explain why first responders were told to evacuate the area because the building was going to be intentionally brought down, why police officers heard bombs tearing down the building and why a top security official who was stationed in WTC 7 witnessed bombs take out the lobby of the building before either WTC tower had collapsed.

Beck also bizarrely suggests that 12 percent of people polled believe that the government was involved in 9/11 when the actual numbers are much higher, with some polls suggesting around 80 percent.

The only accurate statement Beck makes is in suggesting that the U.S. government, or factions within it, were not competent enough to pull off 9/11 without it being discovered and ending up all over prime time news. In this he is entirely correct, it is all over prime time news, as well as prime time entertainment such as the Bill Maher show.

Finally Beck asked his viewers to back him up on this one by voting in a poll very fairly entitled Conspiracy Craziness: Anyone who believes our government could have successfully planned 9/11 is not only giving them too much credit, but they’re also insane. Do you agree or disagree?

Lets take a look at the latest results:

It seems the majority can quite clearly see where Mr Beck is wrong.

Source: Infowars

4 thoughts on “Video: Complaints Flood CNN After Beck Smears Ron Paul Supporters As Terrorists – (Flashback)

  1. With Ted Turner gone CNN is trying to establish itself as being just as mindlessly supportive of the terrorist state of Israel as Fox is…

  2. All we need are more Patriotic Americans to put a stop to all of this madness…….Where are they?
    Soon we will not be able to find an American Patriot because their are so many so called Americans carrying two flags that the colors are fading.
    It`s like Way Too Much water in ones Bourbon.When one gets “Way Too Much Water” in their Bourbon,or what ever,who do you complain to? The Bar Americas case,the “Bar Tender” is Congress.

  3. PS.If it happens too often,with too much water…..we have the “Bar Tender” fired.

  4. Have the “Ron Paul” supporters ever held any non peaceful protest……..NO!
    Glen Beck is a two face idiot that has sold out to the other side.
    Isn`t it odd that now “Ron Paul” supporters are called “Terrorist”? Do you wonder why?
    It`s because we are getting things done,in a Peaceful manor using the “Constitution” as our guide..nothing else,and it`s scaring the hell out of our enemies,including pussy boy beck.

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