Flu Emergency Declared in Los Angeles

Federal officials today declared a public health emergency involving human swine flu, warning Americans to prepare for widespread outbreaks now or in the future, yet urging them not to panic.

In a briefing at the White House, the acting head of the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Richard Besser, confirmed a 20th case of the flu, this one in Ohio. He said the government will likely find more cases — and cases that are more severe than the relatively mild ones seen in the United States so far — as it ramps up detection efforts.

Meanwhile, Nova Scotia’s chief public health officer said today that the east coast Canadian province has four confirmed cases of swine flu. And in Mexico, the country’s health minister said the disease had killed up to 86 people and likely sickened more than 1,400 since April 13.

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5 thoughts on “Flu Emergency Declared in Los Angeles

  1. I like how the usual words like “likely caused”, “likely find”, “probably swine flu”.

    The same rhetoric from the same people. I refuse flu shots. I got them in the NAVY and they made me SICK as hell. I haven’t had any in years,and I am healthy as hell. So many people get sick around me and I am like a rock in a storm, just healthy, healthy, healthy!!!

  2. Hey-they’ve got to use up the vaccines that big Pharma created for the over-hyped up avian flu scare. We don’t want millions of injections to go bad now, do we? I mean, things have an expiration date on them, including vaccines. Look into who is making all of these vaccines. They aren’t safe and not really needed…DON’T FALL FOR THIS HOGWASH!!!!!

  3. i was watching cnn last night after work and just felt they were hyping the shit out of this before much was known it seems…like it is already a global pandemic. on that count it seems they are upping the fear quotient as they deflect attention from the torture memoes, the anti-fed stuff, and the torture memoes.

    at the same time i remember last year on CLG and other sites reading about lost flu viruses or dethawed viruses or many other virus related scenarios. now we got a combination “baffling” virus and that is not news. remember, didn’t a certain company mail out wrong viruses or something like that too? my prayers to those who die(d) but this is fishy shit.

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