CSPAN – Health Care Bill *LIVE* & News

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(JimDemint) – Ensign, DeMint to Force Vote on Health Care Bill Unconstitutionality

Today, U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) and John Ensign (R-Nevada), raised a Constitutional Point of Order on the Senate floor against the Democrat health care takeover bill on behalf of the Steering Committee, a caucus of conservative senators. The Senate will vote tomorrow on the bill’s constitutionality. Read More Here

(Heritage) – Obamacare’s Constitutional Problems Proliferating

After the Democrats cleared the second of three 60 vote hurdles last night, Republicans ceded enough debate time back to the majority so that passage of Obamacare through the Senate will take place n Christmas Eve at 8 AM. Conservatives have every right to be disappointed that Senate Republicans did not force the maximum amount of debate possible. But they can take heart in a key point of order that will be voted on later today. Sponsored by Sens. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and John Ensign (R-NV), that vote will lay the groundwork for the possible legal dismantling of Obama’s health program. Read More Here

One thought on “CSPAN – Health Care Bill *LIVE* & News

  1. Ensign & DeMint failed. Constitionality,despite being their contractual duty, is not Congress’ priority. This bill will pass. The Democrats are determined. And the consequence will be the extension of economic depression through 2025.

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