Video: EMU Part 1 – If any of this surprises you, then you have been living under a rock for ten years

(LondoBell) – For some context I think I’ll open with the old classic video of Mr. Barroso denying that there has been any loss of national sovereignty for the member states of the European Union. He refers to it as a ‘pooling of sovereignty’. Various newspapers and assorted ‘normal people’ who you will have the displeasure of seeing daily in the streets continue to parrot this belief in one way or another. Continue reading

Video: The Globalists’ Agenda – New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 – 2009)

A historical complete overview of quotes from politicians referring to a New World Order (NWO) or Global Governance. Dating back from 1950 to december 2009 this overview contains quotes from George Bush sr., Nixon, Al Gore, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Sarkozy, Henry Kissinger, Jose Barroso, Stephen Harper, David de Rothschild, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Janes Warburg, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and many more. Continue reading

MSM: Major Corporations Control European Union

(Guardian) – It is little wonder that José Manuel Barroso is seldom seen without a grin on his face these days. For the European commission chief is one of the luckiest guys in international politics. First, the appointment of a low-profile Belgian as the EU’s first permanent president has meant that Barroso will be able to keep on behaving as if he is the most powerful man in Brussels. And now, it looks likely that Barroso won’t need to lose any sleep about assembling his new team of commissioners (even if they don’t formally start work until January, a few months later than originally expected). Continue reading

MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship – Paul Watson

An astounding exchange took place in the European Union Parliament earlier this week when MEP Nigel Farage was reprimanded for daring to expose the fact that the EU is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by unelected bureaucrats to the detriment of national sovereignty. Farage effectively broke a tyrannical 1999 law that states it is illegal to criticize the EU. Continue reading

Lisbon Treaty II. The Face of Dictatorship: EU Preparing for Armed Gendarmerie Against Treaty-disobedient Populations

In a crisis situation, the following course of events is expected: 1. the local police are trying to become masters of the situation. If they do not, 2. EUROGENDFOR then comes to their aid – and their forces do not shrink from shooting. This is how they would still avoid the impression that the national army of an EU-country is to shoot at its own citizens. Only if this measure does not show the desired success, 3. the military can be used “to correct”. It is also intended to use troops from “friendly” foreign nations to let them shoot at one’s own rebellious people. Continue reading

The $531 Trillion Dollar Derivatives Time Bomb

What are derivatives? Some investors describe them as “dormant economic weapons of mass destruction”. They essentially are large leveraged bets on top of stocks, bonds and commodities. Money can be made within months or seconds by betting if a stock will go up, down or even remain the same. With no credit rating you can place a bet worth double your account balance. Big time investors get greater leverage with these instantaneous loans. Continue reading

MSM: G-8 leaders to receive books on Canova, gold coins

(Yahoo) – World leaders attending the Group of Eight summit opening Wednesday in Italy will each be presented with a gift from the past and one for the future. Continue reading