Megadeth Awakens to the New World Order

Megadeth is rumored to have woken up to the New World Order after having viewed Alex Jones’ ground breaking documentary “EndGame.”  Now Megadeth has come out with their new album entitled “Endgame.”  You can read the lyrics below from their politically charged title track. Continue reading

Five Things You Should Know About the ‘Torture’ Memos

Judge Andrew Napolitano has read through the 175 of DoJ memos regarding CIA torture practices under the Bush administration: “This is not rocket science and it is not art. Everyone knows torture when they see it.” Continue reading

French Take To The Streets In May Day Anti-Sarkozy Protest

(AFP) -Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets across France Friday in May Day marches in a fresh show of force against President Nicolas Sarkozy’s handling of the economic crisis. Continue reading

Video: Plastic coffin liners being delivered by the truckloads

A listener sent in photos of thousands of plastic coffin liners awaiting pick-up for truck delivery somewhere in Alabama. Continue reading