BP Oil Gusher

Video: Live feeds from Skandi ROV2 – Video Link Here

(BusinessInsider) – BP CEO Hayward Set For Massive $16 Million Payout If He Quits

The sum, to be paid out in 500,000 pound annual installments ($742,700) could end up being higher, according to experts at Hargreaves Landsdowne. Read More Here

(June 21) – Video: Criminal Investigation of BP Staged Oil Spill Vital

Following the rise of sufficient indicators that BP knew about the conditions of its Gulf oil assets prior to the April 20 leak & explosion 62 long days ago and counting, Alex Jones has called for criminal investigations of key figures at BP, inside the White House administration and elsewhere. Further, Alex has urged activists and concerned citizens everywhere to take a proactive approach to dealing with the looming consequences of the massive oil leak. View Video Here

(GlobalResearch) – Wall Street and BP: Can We “Fix” the Oil and Financial Crisis Before It’s Too Late? – Danny Schechter

What’s the Link Between the Two? – Read More Here

(PressTV) – New Gulf oil leak figure: 100,000 bpd

New figures indicate that up to 100,000 barrels of oil a day may be gushing into the sea from BP’s blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Gulf oil spill: A hole in the world

The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism Read More Here

(WPost) – Obama, EPA to push for restoration of Superfund tax on oil, chemical companies

“This is really about who should pay for the cleanup,” said Mathy Stanislaus of the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. “Should it be the taxpayer, who has no responsibility for contaminating the sites, or should it be those individuals who create hazardous substances that contaminate the site?” Read More Here

(Infowars) – BP’s Super Mega Monster Big Gulp: Over $100 Trillion

Over the last two weeks hundreds of news articles have appeared in the mainstream news which have suggested that BP is shortly headed into bankruptcy due to the enormous expenditures they will incur cleaning up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Just four days ago BP executives agreed to establish a $20 billion escrow account to cover claims for damages from the spill off the gulf coast. And BP’s stock price has dropped roughly fifty percent since the offshore explosion, the price now hovering just over $30 per share. Read More Here

(PostCarbon) – Deepwater Horizon: The Worst-Case Scenario – Read More Here

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – Oil reported just offshore Cuba; Forecast “clearly shows the oil moving southeastward” – Read More Here

(WBTV) – Man claims to find oil in oyster at Cornelius restaurant – Read More Here

(June 20) – Video: Alex Gives His Full Report of The BP Gulf Oil Spill “False Flag” Event on Alex Jones Tv

Alex gives his full report on the bp gulf oil spill, and reveals why he is now sure it’s a 100% false flag event to usher in the global carbon tax talked about at the G-20 summit.

Part 1 of 5

Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher


The Mississippi River runs along a major geological faultline. The Macondo well was the result of the Deepwater Horizon drilling along the Mississippi Canyon – as I understand it, the extension of that same faultline under the sea.

The best video I have seen so far on the subject. Highly recommended, even if you have to pause it a few times. – Video Link Here

(Fox) – ‘Mass Die-Off’ Possible as Animals Flee Oil Spill – Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Who Died And Made BP The King Of The Gulf Of Mexico? – Read More Here

(ABCNews) – BP Oil Spill: As Pay Czar Promises Money, Workers Turned Away From BP Claims Center – Read More Here

Video: BP Blocks Attempt to Save Endangered Sea Turtles from Oil Spill – Video Link Here

(Guardian) – BP oil spill caused by ‘negligence or misconduct’, says drilling partner – Read More Here

(Examiner) – North America faces years of toxic oil rain from BP oil spill chemical dispersants – Read More Here

REPOST – (MSNBC) – Video: BP Tells Cleanup Workers They’ll Be Fired If They Wear Respirators – View Video Here

(GatewayPundit) – Britain Too?… Obama Administration Turned Down British Offer to Help Clean Up Oil Spill – Read More Here

(Makow) – The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda

“It’s clear where they’re heading: forced evacuation to FEMA camps of millions of Gulf residents. In this way the NWO will be grabbing an opportunity to unleash martial law on a grand scale in the Southeastern USA, so that we’ll all get used to it, like we got used to airport security and torture.” Read More Here

(GodLikeProd) – BREAKING – Deepwater Horizon is potentially spewing radioactive oil – Confirmed 0.05-0.1 mrad tarball – Unsure if GAMMA – Need LA Testers, PLEASE!!!!

This is going to blow the roof off of the scope of this disaster. This is why people are getting sick. This is why they are using Corexit in such quantities, this is why there aren’t many ships out there. The radioactivity is beyond safe levels. Read More Here

Video: New video shows evolution of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, April 20-June 13 – Video Link Here

(RawStory) – Disaster capitalists: Halliburton to make money off oil spill

Does a company that both builds oil rigs and cleans up oil spills have any motivation to prevent oil rig disasters? Read More Here

(GoogleDocs) – Bankrupt BP Sells Equipment to Israel, Israel Sideways Drilling Off Gaza

Israel sideways drilling of Gaza oil makes Israel a new major seller on the market — when suddenly BP spills in the Gulf, Obama shuts down all Gulf oil suppliers, and a soon bankrupt BP will sell its equipment to Israel for pennies on the dollar. But more than that, busted BP will also hand to Israel its oil and gas exploration rights for Gaza’s offshore oil and gas. Read More Here

(June 18) – Video: Review of Obama’s Oval Office Speech – Michael Rivero – Read More Here

Methane Explosion News

(AP) – Gulf oil full of methane, adding new concerns – Read More Here


Video: Jay Weidner on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster – Methane Explosion – View Part 1 Here

Video: Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Full Of Methane

Huge quanitities of methane have entered the Gulf of Mexico, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating “dead zones” where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives. “This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history,” said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer. Methane is at least 20 times more potent than CO2. Again, everything is connected and everything is numbered. Remember also, every picture tells a story. Video Link Here

Video: RED ALERT!! Methane Gas explosion with ensuing tsunami IMMINENT in GULF!!! – Video Link Here

(EPA) – Radioactive Wastes from Oil and Gas Drilling

This page describes the radioactive waste created during the oil and gas drilling process. – Read More Here

(RBN) – How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions

Disturbing evidence is mounting that something frightening is happening deep under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico—something far worse than the BP oil gusher.

Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

What makes the location that Transocean chose potentially far riskier than other potential oil deposits located at other regions of the Gulf? It can be summed up with two words: methane gas. Read More Here

Video: OIL SPILL – NEW INFO bulge on ocean floor, methane gas buildup will lead to explosion – View Video Here

(AP) – Video: Methane in Gulf Spill – ‘Dangerous, Deadly’ – Video Link Here

Video: Permian History Methane Gas Explosion From Ocean Wiped Out 95% Of Life

“Major theory is that oceans can and have produced methane gas, and was responsible for the Permian Mass Extinction. This explosion killed up to 95% of life on earth during that period. A seafloor basin of methane saturated water may have a breaking point. An earthquake, underwater landslide, or even an meteor impact could have triggered this, and suddenly, like shaking a giant soda bottle, the deepest part of the ocean would have exploded in a deadly storm of methane bubbles.”

Something similar happened in 1986 in Lake Nyos in the nation of Cameroon in Africa. This created a ground level carbon dioxide cloud that killed many nearby villagers. This is also mentioned in this video. Video Link Here

Deepwater Horizon and Global Financial Meltdown: Each Mirrors The Other

(OfTwoMinds) – The explosion of Deepwater Horizon and the collapse of Lehman Brothers share similar characteristics of risk, denial and coverup. My good friend G.F.B. recently observed that the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe uncannily mirrors the global financial meltdown that was triggered by the September, 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers.

G.F.B. suggested that the Deepwater Horizon fiasco mirrored the global financial meltdown, almost as if it were a physical manifestation of the same hubris, denial of risk, manipulation and misinformation which collapsed the global financial house of cards. Continue reading

BP Oil Volcanoes

(NYTimes) – Scientist Awed by Size, Density of Undersea Oil Plume in Gulf

Vast underwater concentrations of oil sprawling for miles in the Gulf of Mexico from the damaged, crude-belching BP PLC well are unprecedented in “human history” and threaten to wreak havoc on marine life, a team of scientists said today, a finding confirmed for the first time by federal officials. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Gulf Spill Continues: Is Obama Powerless Against BP? – Shamus Cooke – Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Has the Oil Spill Created a ‘Doomsday Effect’ for the Gulf? – Keith Olbermann

June 8: Oil and gas expert Robert Cavnar talks about the possibility of an “underground blowout” occurring beneath the ocean as a result of the oil spill. – Video Link Here

(OpenUrEyes) – Video: Massive Media Blackout in Gulf Oil Spill

openUReyes blog reports:

According to documentary film maker, James Fox, reporting from Louisiana, there is a massive media black out being perpetrated in the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil spill. While that much may have seemed obvious to many, James says that people with cameras are being threatened with arrest, and locals are seriously afraid to talk. The place is swarming with both government officials and corporate officials, and by the sounds of this interview it’s a pretty scary situation.

James Fox is a filmmaker that specializes in UFO documentaries. One of his films aired last fall on the History Channel. – Video Link Here

Video: Oil Spill Pictures – View Here

(ThomasPainesCorner) – Yes, Obama Is ‘Engaged’ – in a Colossal Crime

In a rational polity, the great abomination to Earth and Man in the Gulf would spell the end of the Obama presidency. We are witnessing cataclysm on a geological scale, an event with the potential to alter planetary destiny, precipitated not by the three hundred million year arc of wayward comets or the incremental slide of continent-molding tectonic plates, but by the routine exercise of corporate power in the United States. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – BP buys top Google search result for ‘oil spill’

The oil company, which is under fire over its role in one of the worst ecological disasters in US history, has purchased the news results in an attempt to stem the tide of criticism on internet sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

A search for the term “oil spill” on Tuesday night brought up a link to BP’s website with the tagline: “Learn more about how BP is helping.” Read More Here

(CNBC) – BP Not A Public Company By End Of Summer?

A widely regarded authority in the energy sector tells Fast Money, ““I don’t think BP [BP 30.89 -3.7875 (-10.92%) ] will last as a company for more than a matter of months.”

You read that right – not a a public company by end of summer. Read More Here

(Katu) – Photo gallery: Ripple effects of the BP oil spill – View Pics Here

(LondonTelegraph) – There’s nothing greens love more than a nice, juicy oil-spill disaster – James Delingpole

If anything is going to cause more long-term damage to the planet than the gallons of oil being spewed out by the Deepwater Horizon drilling disaster, it’s the toxic clouds of posturing cant and alarmist drivel billowing forth daily from environmentalists. Most especially from their cheerleader in the White House, Barack Obama. Read More Here

(Times) – BP accused of judge-shopping for seeking Republican judge to handle lawsuits

BP has been accused of “judge shopping” after pushing for a specific judge in Houston, Texas — the centre of America’s oil and gas industry — to handle the lawsuits against it. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Attorney – Deepwater Horizon Managers Knew About Oil Rig Problem Before Explosion

Top Houston attorney Tony Buzbee says he has new evidence which indicates that Deepwater Horizon’s managers knew that the BP oil rig had major problems before its explosion on April 20, citing the eyewitness account of a crew member who rescued burning workers on the rig of a conversation between Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell and someone in Houston. According to the witness, Harrell was screaming, “Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.” Continue reading

Deepwater Horizon – Hayward cashes out – nothing unusual – business as usual

See Also: (PaulWatson&AlexJones) – Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag – Read More Here

Also: (IntelHub) – Another 9/11? Strange Events In the Gulf – Read More Here

(AbelDanger) – The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse. Continue reading

10 Things You Need (But Don’t Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

See Also: (ATS) – *UPDATE* BP has NEVER shown us the main leak! Until now… View More Here

Also: (KurtNimmo) – Obama’s Fairy Tale: Feds in Charge of Oil Disaster Response Read More Here

(AlterNet) – It’s been 37 days since BP’s offshore oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then, crude oil has been hemorrhaging into ocean waters and wreaking unknown havoc on our ecosystem — unknown because there is no accurate estimate of how many barrels of oil are contaminating the Gulf.

Though BP officially admits to only a few thousand barrels spilled each day, expert estimates peg the damage at 60,000 barrels or over 2.5 million gallons daily. (Perhaps we’d know more if BP hadn’t barred independent engineers from inspecting the breach.) Measures to quell the gusher have proved lackluster at best, and unlike the country’s last big oil spill — Exxon-Valdez in 1989 — the oil is coming from the ground, not a tanker, so we have no idea how much more oil could continue to pollute the Gulf’s waters. Continue reading

MSM: Report: BP had 3 indications of trouble in hour before blast

(CNN) – BP had three indications of trouble aboard the doomed drill rig Deepwater Horizon in the hour before the April 20 explosion that sank the offshore platform, congressional investigators reported Tuesday.

Witnesses reported the well was spurting liquid and pressure tests indicated “a very large abnormality” was occurring aboard the rig, according to a memo released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday afternoon.

The memo summarizes preliminary findings of BP’s own investigation into the disaster, which left 11 workers dead and uncapped an undersea gusher that has spewed crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico for a month.

The well unexpectedly spouted fluid three times in the 51 minutes before the explosion and pressure on the drill pipe “unexpectedly increased” before the blast, the memo states. In addition, BP’s investigation “raised concerns about the maintenance history, modification, inspection, and testing” of blowout preventer, a critical piece of equipment that has failed to shut down the well. – Source: CNN

Justice Department and Congress should investigate whether BP committed perjury

(OpEdNews) – The Department of Justice and congressional committees should open a preliminary inquiry about whether BP committed perjury in testimony before Congress. All video of the spill should be released publicly. Subpoenas should be issued for any information from within BP about its private estimates of the size of the spill and the dangers of the dispersants. Key BP personnel should be formally interviewed by investigators.

Two specific issues should be investigated: Read More Here

See Also:

(ABC) – Video: Scuba Diver Describes Oil Spill From Underwater – Video Link Here

(RawStory) – US has approved 19 environmental drilling waivers since oil spill – Read More Here

(FDL) – Awful News From The Gulf: Explosions Collapse Seafloor At Deepwater Horizon Well Head

A series of explosions appears to have collapsed the seafloor and blown up the BOP at the well head. Oil and gas are billowing out of a depression in the seafloor where the BOP used to be at an exponentially greater rate than anything seen before. Read More Here

(ChannelNewsAsia) – BP launches PR fightback over oil spill

Under-fire oil giant BP launched a public relations fightback on Monday over the Gulf of Mexico rig spill, pledging up to 500 million dollars to study the impact and taking out major newspaper ads. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Oil Tax Increase By Congress Would Fund Federal Cleanup, Response To Oil Spills

Responding to the massive BP oil spill, Congress is getting ready to quadruple – to 32 cents a barrel – a tax on oil used to help finance cleanups. The increase would raise nearly $11 billion over the next decade. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Wetlands cleanup may be impossible

“Just the compaction of humanity bringing equipment in, walking on them, will kill them,” said David White, a wetlands ecologist from Loyola University in New Orleans. Read More Here

Deepwater Horizon – Situation Map – See Map Here

(FreakOutNation) – Video: 24 Miles Of Louisiana Is Destroyed: “Everything In It Is Dead”

After the BP oil spill last month, BP speculated that the damage was minimal, relatively speaking. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say: Continue reading

Air tests from the Louisiana coast reveal human health threats from the oil disaster

(SouthernStudies) – The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher.

Today the Louisiana Environmental Action Network released its analysis of air monitoring test results by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s air testing data comes from Venice, a coastal community 75 miles south of New Orleans in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.

The findings show that levels of airborne chemicals have far exceeded state standards and what’s considered safe for human exposure. Continue reading

MSM: When the Oil Hits Land – 3 Bad-to-Worse Scenarios

(AOLNews) – As you read this, the sweet crude from the gulf oil spill that is engulfing the Chandeleur Islands, the crescent chain of mangroves and sand providing the last flimsy barrier protecting southeast Louisiana from the sea, will be moving relentlessly beyond them toward the mainland.

The slick is expected to get there later this week, according to federal forecasters. Should those projections hold, the world will then get an answer to a grim question: Just how severe will the damage be? Continue reading

Oil Spill

(OilPrice) – The Cover-up: BP’s Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster – Wayne Madsen

WMR has been informed by sources in the US Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and Florida Department of Environmental Protection that the Obama White House and British Petroleum (BP), which pumped $71,000 into Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign — more than John McCain or Hillary Clinton–, are covering up the magnitude of the volcanic-level oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and working together to limit BP’s liability for damage caused by what can be called a “mega-disaster.” Read More Here

(Independent) – Million gallons of oil a day gush into Gulf of Mexico

Interviews with surviving Deepwater Horizon rig workers show how explosions led to what may be the world’s worst oil spill Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – Officials prepare for oil spill reaching Florida’s west coast – Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – As oil wells went deeper, safety measures didn’t get tougher

As companies ventured into deeper and deeper water to drill for crude, they employed the same safeguards that had failed under far less stressful conditions at lesser depths. Read More Here

(BrassCheckTV) – Video: Oil company business as usual: Shell Oil – corporate criminals – Video Link Here

(Uruknet) – British Petroleum’s oil spill is latest crime in a criminal history

BP reaps huge profits from its global plunder Read More Here

(RevPolitics) – Video: Big oil controlling Obama

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is uncovering some dirty details, plans are underway to try and cap the spill. There are new allegations surfacing that say President Barack Obama and oil company British Petroleum are masking the severity of the oil spill. Wayne Madsen says that President Barack Obama is just helping out the same people that contributed to his campaign in 2008. View Video Here

(EarthObservatory) – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Observed From the International Space Station – View Pic Here

(Inquirer) – New scale of disaster looms in Gulf of Mexico

Concern grew Sunday that the US Gulf coast is facing a whole new level of environmental disaster after the best short-term fix for a massive oil spill ran into serious trouble. Read More Here

Oil Slickonomics

(Cumber) – “At its current leak rate of 5,000 barrels of oil per day, the spill could surpass the size of the 1969 Santa Barbara spill by next week. If the leak cannot be contained, it could exceed the size of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill off Alaska by mid June.” Paul Harrison, Environmental Defense Fund

Three scenarios lie ahead. They rank as bad, worse, and ugliest (the latter being catastrophic and unprecedented). There is no “good” here. Continue reading

Gulf of Mexico worst Case Scenarios– Listing the Players and Possible Terrorist or Nuke Tie-in

(OpEdNews) – This is a horror story which will become so much worse, it will become the dominant news story for the forseeable future. It includes Haliburton, the release of unprecedented geologic forces and a potential world wide catastrophe, not only ecologically, but much more, especially if the river of oil spewing from the deepwater, hyperpressurized sea-floor opening reaches the gulf stream, which will quickly spread it all the way up the
east coast and beyond, possibly even to Europe. Read More Here

Mother of all gushers could kill Earth’s oceans

(PESN) – Imagine a pipe 5 feet wide spewing crude oil like a fire hose from what could be the planets’ largest, high-pressure oil and gas reserve.  With the best technology available to man, the Deepwater Horizon rig popped a hole into that reserve and was overwhelmed.  If this isn’t contained, it could poison all the oceans of the world.

“Well if you say the fire hose has a 70,000 psi pump on the other end yes!  No comparison here.   The volume out rises geometrically with pressure.  Its a squares function. Two times the pressure is 4 times the push.   The Alaska pipeline is 4 feet in diameter and pushes with a lot less pressure.  This situation in the Gulf of Mexico is stunning dangerous.” — Paul Noel (May 2, 2010)

Continue reading

Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows disastrous legacy of Halliburton and the real cost of the oil era – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Oil is a dirty business. It’s not just the politics of oil, which are dirty enough by themselves — it’s also the environmental toll of the substance. Even when used correctly, its chemical byproducts cause air pollution and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But the real mess comes when things go terribly wrong — much like what happened recently when the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon exploded and sank to the ocean floor off the coast of Louisiana. This set in motion a chain of disastrous events that are only now beginning to unfold. Continue reading

MSM: Louisiana rig explosion – millions of gallons of oil spill into Gulf of Mexico

(Telegraph) – A blazing oil rig has collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico, sparking fears of an environmental disaster two days after a massive blast that left 11 workers missing. Continue reading