MSM: Eco warrior’s Pacific journey shows how ‘dumb plastic’ is killing our seas

See Also: (Guardian) – Leading doctors call for urgent crackdown on junk foodRead More Here

Also: (Guardian) – A truly toxic issue – Modern life is saturated with carcinogenic chemicals. But without regulation, just how are we supposed to avoid them?Read More Here

(Guardian) – David de Rothschild set out on a mammoth ocean crossing aboard his recycled yacht to highlight pollution of Earth’s waters – but even he was shocked by what he found Continue reading

MSM: Oops – Chief Climategate investigator failed to declare eco directorship

(TheRegister) – The peer leading the second Climategate enquiry at the University of East Anglia serves as a director of one of the most powerful environmental networks in the world, according to Companies House documents – and has failed to declare it. Continue reading

Video: The Alex Jones Show – The Empire Strikes Back!!

Alex opens the show with startling news of and being blocked in 5 different countries around the world. Alex also talks about the new audi ‘Eco police’ Fascism Ads that came out on Super Bowl Sunday, and how Sarah Palin has now officially Hijacked The Tea Party Movement.Alex covers this and more today in the first hour of this very important broadcast today. Continue reading

Climate Change, Socialized Medicine and Population Control

“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.” (1)
The quote above is from the book Ecoscience published in 1977. In this book is detailed a plan for a “planetary regime” that would regulate the global population. According to the authors, this regime would be empowered to create specific “compulsory population-control laws” in order to accomplish this aim. Continue reading

Iran urges ECO to drop dollar

The Iranian president calls on a regional economic body to abandon the US dollar in order to reduce the effects of the financial crisis.

In a Tuesday speech to a meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the 10-member group of Asian nations could adopt a single currency instead of the US dollar to shield their financial systems from the negative impacts of the global economic crisis. Continue reading