Oklahoma Passes Bill Outlawing Militia Recruitment

(KurtNimmo) – Last week the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill that equates recruiting militia members to recruiting gang members.

“Recruiting membership in an unauthorized militia or the Ku Klux Klan would be a crime if legislation approved Thursday by the House of Representatives becomes law. ‘This is making unauthorized militias illegal,’ said Rep. Mike Shelton, the amendment’s author,” News OK reported on Thursday. Continue reading

Obama Youth: Homeland Security Wants To Recruit Girl Scouts

New program follows similar DHS initiative that trains Boy Scouts to kill disgruntled American citizens Continue reading

MSM: Humboldt County cities restrict military

This picturesque community among the redwoods, once dubbed “the Berkeley of the north” for its reputation for unabashed liberalism, has repeatedly thumbed its nose at the federal government. Continue reading

America’s Child Soldiers: US Military Recruiting Children to Serve in the Armed Forces

In violation of its pledge to the United Nations not to recruit children into the military, the Pentagon “regularly target(s) children under 17,” the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) says.

The Pentagon “heavily recruits on high school campuses, targeting students for recruitment as early as possible and generally without limits on the age of students they contact,” the ACLU states in a 46-page report titled “Soldiers of Misfortune.”

This is in violation of the U.S. Senate’s 2002 ratification of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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