Video: Baptist Pastor Beaten and Tazed by Border Patrol

Faithful Word Baptist Church
Pastor Steven L. Anderson
2707 W Southern Ave, Suite #105
Tempe, AZ 85282
Phone: (480) 248-4082


2 thoughts on “Video: Baptist Pastor Beaten and Tazed by Border Patrol

  1. I hope you don’t let this go brother. Hold them responsible. You have rights for now until Congress and Obama gets done with their agenda..

  2. I firsts aw this on last sunday and I was amazed and at the same time in admiration.

    I saw how indeed we need to endure for Christ’ sake and even amidst persecution keep our senses to reason and show up the contradictions, lies and plain evil of these persons..just the way you were able to show that they were lying about what they claimed the dog told them, then later they spoke about you not cooperating.

    I hope you get justice but even if you don’t here on this earth,God doth not sleep.

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