Armed Revolution! Are you “in or out”?

Never in our country’s history have Americans witnessed the travesty of such an anti-constitutional administration and congress. And a great deal of the responsibility falls on both major political parties and the media. However, there are others, including American voters who refuse to intelligently discuss the issues and critically analyze what the administration is doing. As a result, the likelihood of another civil war or second revolution increases with each passing day and each new power-grab by the Obama administration.

The great danger in historical revisionism is the potential for future generations to make the same mistake. Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were no friends to the US Constitution, but few Americans know this fact. Even more egregious is the dearth of Constitutional knowledge in America. However, that is changing, which does not bode well for the Obama Administration.

This past week, while garnering the largest market share of any news media outlet, Glenn Beck painstakingly analyzed what the Obama administration is really all about and what it is actually doing. There hasn’t been one White House denial. At the end of the week, Beck presented five questions Americans should ask their politicians. Questions based in our Constitution. Glenn suggested in the strongest terms that Americans ask their political representatives each of the questions and then following-up with the question “Are you in or out?” And if the representative is not on board with the questions, then Americans need to vote them “out” in the 2010 elections.

Although I completely concur with Mr. Beck with respect to his analysis of this administration and the previous one (Beck is no fan of Bush spending, etc.), there are a plethora of reasons America will not make it to the mid-term elections in 2010. The analysis of this potential reality and a possible scenario follows.

The Coming Armed Revolution: Can it be avoided? If not, are you in or out?

Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Reid, Pelosi, Van Jones, and a host of others are making a mockery of our Constitution — and the American people know it.

People are not buying these concepts that are completely foreign to America. We’re almost reaching a revolution in this country. Senator Jim Inhofe

Currently, there are admitted radical Communists serving as Obama’s “czars,” a congressional bill to allow Obama seizure of the internet, and the administration is responsible for nationalization of industry and a blatant attempt to nationalize health care. The Obama administration is engaging in generational warfare and Obama-supporting union members have attacked US citizens participating in Town Hall meetings. There are provisions in Obama’s health care overhaul bill that contain loopholes that will result in health care benefits to illegal aliens, and ACORN registers illegal aliens to benefit the current administration. The government vilifies citizens, talks of mandatory H1N1 vaccination, and federal tax dollars pour into organizations to enable voter fraud. There is an immoral leftist boycott of one of the world’s most socially-conscious companies occurring, and the Democrats have been involved in silencing critics through physical intimidation, lawsuits, refusal to air commercials, and slander — and the list goes on.

To say the majority of Americans are upset about the country’s direction would be a gross understatement. They are pissed-off and willing to take up arms.

The thought of Americans engaging in armed revolt was unthinkable 12 months ago. After SEIU thugs beat-up a man attending a Town Hall meeting, other Americans showed-up at Town Hall meetings armed with semi-automatic weapons — including a meeting the president attended. There hasn’t been a union “beat down” of a Town Hall attendee since. The message is clear: Tyrants and bullies can be dealt with, even if it’s at the “business end” of a firearm.

Although the federal government is monitoring a number of known militia groups, these groups are not a threat to the government. The current threat to the federal government is the average American who realizes the federal threat to his personal freedoms and to his children’s freedoms and financial solvency. Americans are furious. They are not just angry. Moreover, many realize it may take the forceable removal of the Obama administration, as well as its direct and tacit supporters on both sides of the aisle, to restore our freedoms and sanity to Washington. Therefore, what follows is a “potential” scenario, which in no way should be construed as advocating an armed revolt against the federal government.

The Trigger

It’s difficult to pinpoint a particular spark that could or would ignite another civil war or revolution, but certainly mandatory H1N1 vaccination and presidential seizure of the internet are possibilities. It may even be a terrorist attack that many suspect the administration is setting-up the country for in its grand design to impose a dictatorship on the country. However, regardless of what touches-off the growing powder keg, we do know that (1) once angered, it takes a lot to calm Americans and (2) there would be a great deal of collateral damage.

The First Days

Conceivably, within the first days of an armed revolt, numerous politicians, Obama hacks, federal judges, and media members would be killed. Although the president may order active-duty military forces to supplement local law enforcement, it is doubtful that more than 40% of the military would obey his order to shoot American citizens and most of the military’s trained “gun fighters” are otherwise engaged in overseas combat zones. Additionally, many law enforcement personnel would opt to focus on humanitarian aid for those Americans caught in the crossfire versus taking on a well-armed and determined citizenry. Likewise, Obama could expect little to no support from the governors, as federalizing National Guard troops would not be in a state government’s interest when the focus of the revolt is the federal government. Additionally, it is conceivable that media outlets would be seized to enable communications for those Americans in revolt and voice their demands for a general and unconditional surrender of all politicians — including the president. Undoubtedly, Obama would exacerbate the problem by requesting UN assistance in the form of foreign Soldiers when his own Soldiers refused to shoot Americans.

The First Week

As the inevitable food and water shortages began within the large urban areas, the administration would be saddled with responding to this crisis. Additionally, with the seizures of transportation routes, medical supplies would quickly be problematic and the wounded would be dying for lack of medical treatment. Although the administration would likely attempt to harness this for political purposes, the non-existence of media in many areas, the lack of internet access, radio, digital television, and the destruction of key emergency networks would stifle the administration’s attempts to coalesce support from those Americans not involved in the armed revolt. In other words, the country’s communications infrastructure would have its weaknesses revealed and these weaknesses would benefit those in revolt. Meantime, from their areas of refuge, the administration would communicate via secure satellite systems in its attempts to re-establish authority.

The Second Week

After a brief lull in the killing, this period would be remembered as the time of purging. Obama supporters would be summarily executed in their homes and on the streets. Since the administration had gone so far as to seek UN assistance, the general American animosity toward the organization would come to the forefront and, again, this would only exacerbate the anger and trigger more bloodshed. By this point, gasoline is either unavailable or in the hands of those in revolt. The economy would have already ground to a halt, public transportation would be useless, and people would be dying from thirst.

The First Month

By this point, the military would be experiencing the highest desertion rate in its history, as active-duty members sought to ensure the safety of their own families or joined the revolt. Local law enforcement and the state’s National Guards would be providing humanitarian assistance only, and their orders would include not firing on armed Americans and using their own firearms only to defend women and children, having already experienced losses themselves for interfering with summary executions of male Obama supporters. Within the administration, the FBI would be vilified for its failure to understand the totality of American opposition to big government, as exemplified by the Obama administration. University professors would now be targeted for killing, economic collapse would be in full view of the world, the first foreign Soldiers would be on American soil and their dead would already be in the process of repatriation to their respective countries. At the local level, those bureaucrats who had exceeded their authority would also be targeted. Certain states would be sealed-off and its citizens refused access to another state. For example, fleeing Californians could expect to be shot at any eastern border, with their only egress point being Interstate 5 into the western half of Oregon. Since there is no gasoline at this point, the exodus would be on foot. Additionally, the country would be effectively split in half, as Americans from North and South consolidated their hold on the middle of the country in preparation for eastward and westward movement to support the warriors prosecuting the revolt in those areas. The urban areas would be in complete chaos as amoral thugs raped, looted, and burned large sections of the cities. Again, local law enforcement would be so busy with trying to protect people and property that they would not have the resources to put down the revolt. Obama could empty the prisons and attempt to arm any inmate who would support him. The upside to this move is that America would rid itself of a large portion of its prison population as these individuals were gunned-down mercilessly.

The First Six Months

In a last desperate bid to maintain power, Obama would extend peace-feelers to the informal government taking shape across the country. However, with the anarchists dead, the cities burned, local, state, and federal human targets neutralized, and its own inner debate ongoing, the revolutionists would only repeat its demand that Obama surrender himself and any remaining members of his administration and congressional representatives in the House and Senate, in order to stand trial. One of the key focal points of the new government would be enacting laws pertaining to those who had prosecuted the administration’s war against the revolution and, unlike the Revolutionary War where Americans held to Christian principles, Obama and his cohorts would face the very real possibility of being tried under new laws resulting from an internal compromise within the revolutionaries to dispense with the very protections Obama and Congress attempted to strip from Americans. In essence, those who had engaged in Washington’s “status quo” could expect no quarter.

The First Year

By this point, the Americans who had participated in the war would be working alongside local law enforcement and National Guard troops to maintain order, repair infrastructure, ensure logistical hubs were operating unfettered, and prosecuting war criminals on both sides of the conflict — including Obama, his cronies, and the current crop of Congressman and Senators. A new government would be in place and the borders with Mexico and Canada would be sealed completely, with illegal entry met with deadly force. Ports along the Gulf Coast would be receiving oil and supplies, debt repayment to the Chinese and Japanese would be in the process of negotiation, the assets of those who opposed the revolution would have been seized and being used to pay survival wages to those engaged in reconstruction efforts, communication infrastructure would be restored, and special tribunals would be enacted to determine the mainstream media’s complicity in triggering the war.

The Next Five Years

In the aftermath of the war, there would be unprecedented change. Lobbying would be outlawed, free speech would be curtailed in the aspect that certain political entities would no longer enjoy a right to exist (Communist Party USA, Nazi Party, Socialists, etc.), and all Americans would be forced to live within their economic means. Although suspended for the first five years, mortgage payments would resume, but at the current market value of ones home. In other words, banks and large mortgage entities would suffer catastrophic losses on their initial loans. Second Amendment rights would be near sacrosanct and those who had aided and abetted the administration by manipulating media coverage of Obama and Washington would still be enduring trials — and the courts would have the ability to sentence guilty parties to death for the court’s finding the accused had hidden facts from the American people. Churches would also be released from their current constraint on addressing political issues, but radical America-haters like Jeremiah Wright would be tried for treason. Another change to the country’s laws would include executions being carried out by firing squads and a streamlining of the appellate process. Americans in general would return to a time when being a neighbor and helping one another was more important than receiving government largesse. America’s “elitists” would be marginalized or dead (Hollywood, professors, career politicians, etc.), and inner-city youth would be working on public projects for food and shelter, with misbehavior or criminal activity met with summary execution. All “guilty” findings for rape and looting would result in execution, and prisons would house only those currently serving sentences, awaiting trial, or sentenced under a new War Crimes Act. Death Row would be abolished and those that had been awaiting execution would be shot.

Six Years and Beyond

By this point, the dead are buried (approximately 50-70 million), full foreign trade is restored, and true “warriors” command the country’s Title 10 forces. Farms are in the hands of individuals, the free market is established with new regulations, and the people are represented by non-career Congressman and Senators who willingly answer to the people. Those who participated in the revolution have returned home to their families and are re-building their lives, while local law enforcement maintains order. Governors are the backbone of the country’s interstate agreements and the non-essential elements of federal bureaucracy are dismantled (e.g., Department of Education, etc.). The axiom “all politics is local” takes on a new meaning in the country, and Americans actually feel empowered to participate in collective decision making and working with their representatives in D.C. Although the nightmare is far from over (it will take at least another two generations), real hope is restored and people are once again proud of their country and being known as an “American.” Despite the unfortunate sub-war that broke out along racial lines during the revolution, racial tensions are at the lowest they have ever been, because the race-baiters and welfare-pimps are all dead or awaiting execution, and Americans have been universally forced to rebuild alongside their neighbor, regardless of race. Foreign governments that aided and abetted Obama during the war are slowly re-entering normalized relations with the US, and those countries that sent troops to support Obama under the UN mandate had their assets seized to pay for reconstruction, including merchant ships, aircraft, and weapons. Totalitarian regimes around the world are labeled as such by the new American government, and immigration laws are changed to prevent known enemies from attending American universities or entering the country. As a further amendment to Freedom of Religion, those religious entities that refuse to abide by the Constitution and foment sub-cultures and lobby for “religious law” are banned, their assets seized, and said assets distributed to Americans for the “general welfare” — regardless of the recipient’s religious beliefs or lack thereof.


Far fetched? It couldn’t happen here? Maybe and maybe not. However, it would behoove all of America’s “political class” to recognize that an armed citizenry is not to be trifled with or ignored. So, Washington, what is it? Are you in or out?

Armed Revolution Part II: Setting Brush Fires

Armed Revolution Part III: “Taking out the Comms”

Obama MUST fire Van Jones or Americans have the “right” to revolt!

Source: Mark Epstein Blog

25 thoughts on “Armed Revolution! Are you “in or out”?

  1. Your analysis of what could happen seems very plausible.

    I do think you give the worst case for casualties.

    If people allow tyranny to be securely established, and only then start resisting, your figures could indeed be the outcome.

    On the other hand, if resistance is intelligent and widespread at the outset, most of the military will desert or sit out the initial period (as will plenty of low-level freemasons, bureaucrats etc), and total casualties will be only 1% of what you suggest, even counting the Nuremberg style trials of traitors and racketeers afterwards.

    This is only a quibble, because obviously we all hope to minimize the loss of innocent life.

    I really want to ask you to examine your criticism of Jeremiah Wright, and other angry lefties. Lefties are a significant force, and we will win a lot easier if we stop taking the bait and arguing with them. They can damn well make their socialist paradise in Berkeley, Boston or right here in Los Angeles (ouch), after we win. Tenth Amendment, remember? Live and let live.

    And lefties by nature are so colossally self-righteous, that asking them to take the first step is hopeless. Let’s focus on common ground, and invite them to share the fight. They agree with us on 9/11, on Iraq, on martial law, internet regulation, Wall Street racketeering, etc.

    Moreover the lefties were actually ahead of us on some things. Look at the Black Panthers and gun rights, for example. Look at the way they denounce the depraved behavior of the government in the Tuskegee Experiment. The way that police have been treating black America as an occupied nation is almost a dress rehearsal for how the establishment would like to treat all of us.

    I am NOT trying to excuse gangs, thuggery, and crime. Those are problems that can be cleaned up quickly and without hesitation, once the people are in charge again. But let’s remember that the CIA DID invent LSD and DID import the cocaine for crack, that AIDS IS a synthetic virus, that various governments HAVE invented race-specific weapons. In other words, what people like Rev. Wright complain about is to a great extent true, and the criminal elements we oppose are responsible.

    And the enemy of enemy is my friend.

    So let’s build bridges to those we differ with – so long as they’re not fighting on the wrong side. Radical blacks, Aryan Nations, Libertarians, Greens, even (God help us) Republicans and Democrats. A guy named Adomian and a guy named Epstein. Anyone who is sane and is not a CO-INTELPRO style provocateur.

    The left is traditionally smug, elitist and arrogant. But the right is traditionally angry. If we learn to listen to our better instincts, and move ahead in humility, we can win.

    Oh and one more thing, coming from a Pentecostal Catholic Christian. God bless you, Mr. Epstein. God bless you and your work. Angels guard you and go before you. Amen.

    I am proud to serve with you.

  2. A little something musical to drive home the point I was making above, about making common cause with freedom-minded nationalists who come from a leftist perspective. (I could have just as well posted a video by Eminem or Larry Flynt.)

  3. What an absolute pile of a stinking crock of shit. “Obama supporters” should be killed? You sir (or ma’am, as I cannot tell), are a flaming fascist yourself, existing in a delusional world of your own imagination.

    Who “decides” who is a “supporter”. What is the criteria?

    Where the fuck were you people when George Bush ripped the Constitution to shreds? Or invaded TWO sovereign countries, now killing over 1 MILLION CIVILIANS? Or passed the Patriot Acts I and II? Or renditioned innocent civilians to secret torture camps?

    Was it too damned inconvenient for you to argue for the lives of the brown skinned “ragheads”? You sick fuck.

    Obama is simply CONTINUING the policies of the former administrations (as they ALL do). How can you be so ignorant of this simple fact?

    Your article absolutely REEKS of bias, ignorance, violence and stupidity, oozing through your warped thinking into the pores of your pen, no doubt. “Hot Air” is right, and you are absolutely full of it and obviously know jack shit about politics and actual events that happened to this country ALREADY.

    If revolution comes to this country, it will NOT be because of the so-called “reasons” you allege (but totally failed to specify).

    This may be a free speech article, but it’s a crock of shit, through and through. You’re too stupid to realize that all that you’ve proposed and advocated is to turn out one tyrant in exchange for another.

    You may get your wish yet. But I’ll bet you it’s an absolute fantasy, a wet dream soaked in the blood of your imagination.

    This is not a battle between “left .vs. right”, this is a stupid straw man argument and a very pathetic one at that. Any beef that any American has with government does NOT legitimately come down to a “left .vs. right” issue.

    We are ALL AMERICANS and we are all after the same things in this life. Get that FACT through your thick head.

    You are a coward yourself, no doubt at all. America is NO closer to “revolution” then it was 12 months ago, or five years ago. How can you be so stupid to think otherwise?

    We may be angry, and justifiably so, but articles like this (using the term loosely, this is not an article, but a loosely hidden racist screed) doesn’t help anyone.

    Our anger is not sufficient yet to mobilize the people — don’t make the fatal mistake of thinking that it is. There are still millions and millions of people just like you who are morally confused and ignorant of what is really happening here.

    The divisions that you clearly advocate would absolutely ENSURE buckets of bloodshed against people who simply do not agree with you and your bias ideology.

    But I see that this fantasy is okay with you. Well, count me out. I will not “fight” for fools, tyrants or fascists.

  4. I’m a simple man. I’m a patriot, a Vietnam Era USAF veteran. I love my country. But my country, “IS NOT,” the government ! It is the “PEOPLE.” I served her once proudly in the past, if need be, I will do so again ! I am willing to surrender my life, if need be & it’s “FATE & GOD’S WILL.” What right do I have to live, while my brethren are enslaved & suffer the indignity of “torture, secret prisons, death & secret assassinations here & all over thr world.” We have been losing our “Constitutional Rights & Freedoms,” for many years now. I’m sickened by the “TREASON & TYRANNY,” being forced down our throats, all over America & to all humanity. We no longer have a “legal, elected, moral, ethical, government, and sadly to say, “MILITARY,” representing or serving, “WE THE PEOPLE.” Therefore I pledge my life, my honor, my heart & soul, once again to, “Defend The Constitution,” “My Fellow Americans,” “Oath Keepers,” & my, “BELOVED COUNTRY, AMERICA !” I am a man of peace. But “peace,” will not resolve this situation any longer. For there can be “NO PEACE,” until America, The Constitution, & rule of law are fully restored. I myself, & millions of others have tirelessly phoned, faxed, e-mailed, protested, cried out in vain, to “GOD,” to those “TRAITORS & TYRANTS,” in Washington, D.C. to no avail ! They do not care what we think or feel. They do not give a rat’s ass about “US.” They are all self serving corrupt scum. That must be replaced from the “top on down,” by any & all means necessary. They are giving “US,” all no choice now. I’m heartbroken at the prospect of having to even think about, let alone, “shoot, fire on, & kill,” other Americans who have chosen the side of “EVIL, CORRUPTION,TREASON & DARKNESS !” But make no mistake about it, “I WILL, SHOOT, WITHOUT HESITATION,” if I am forced to fight in “The Coming 2nd American Revolution.” They have left me no other choice now. Why did this happen ? There’s millions of reasons, & millions of people ( “SHEEPLE,” ) who were & are still asleep. Lulled into a dream like state that “it can never happen here,” & “America is the greatest nation on the earth.” We are all responsible. We all let it happen. We did not know or ever even think that those who we trusted, would indeed, “sell US all out.” That they would meet in secret, & plan the enslavement, death, & destruction for America & all it’s citizens. That they would destroy our economy. We had no idea they would purposely devalue the “dollar,” to wipe out all our wealth & life savings to make “US,” all poor & destitute. We had no clue they would print “fiat,” money not backed by gold or silver. We had no idea they would take away our access to actual “gold & silver,” We had no clue they would take away our guns & right to self defense. We had no clue, “they,” would take the, “US,” over from within. We had no idea, they would close all the factories & outsource all our jobs. We had no idea they would “rob & steal from “US,” all. We had no idea they would give away money to the thieves on, “Wall St. & THE BANKSTERS !” We had no idea they would give it away to foreigners, who would in turn send bribes, kickbacks, to the same, “SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN,” who passed the illegal laws, in the first place. We had no idea they would poison or air, our water, our food supply, in some twisted “EUGENICS,” program by the NWO & corporate elites. To sicken & kill “US,” all. After all, they state that they are planning to “KILL,” over 80 % of “US,” anyway, to save the planet & keep nature in balance. We had no idea they would secretly poison & kill our veterans with secret test, shots, & vaccines, that they refuse to tell “US,” what’s in them. We had no idea that some of our loving brothers & sisters in the military, police, fire departments, & government agencies, would “BETRAY THEIR OATH, THEIR COUNTRY, & THEIR HEART & SOUL,” & go along with this madness ! We had no idea they would purposely break up the family or take “GOD,” out of our schools & courtrooms. Who in their right mind could ever believe any of this ? It sounds like a horrible tragic movie. It sounds like the delusional talk of a madman. It sounds like in fact, just what it is, “INDEED THE BARE NAKED HORRIBLE TRUTH NOW !” Just like the tv show “JERICHO,” that’s where we are now headed. America is almost dead, fully conquered, & it’s carcass, being cut up, slaughtered, & sold off, to the highest foreign bidder. “WE HAVE ALL BEEN LIED TO, SOLD OUT, ALONG WITH OUR COUNTRY, & BETRAYED !” As for me, I’ve had enough. I’d like to march on DC right now, with a “patriot army of millions,” and take our beloved country back. But I won’t, because for what can one man do, I ask ? I would be branded “A TERRORIST, A WHACKO, A NUT JOB, IMBALANCED, INSANE.” The new white, “Al-CIA-DA.” A new false boogeyman to fear & blame. But it’s coming. And I’m getting ready to march, along with you all. Once the line is crossed, the first shot is fired, the first major “gun confiscations, martial law, mass arrests, or false flag attack,” it’s “ON FOR SURE !” So in closing I’ve included this poem. I wrote it, inspired by “GOD,” & the ghosts of our founding fathers. The time is short now, we must be willing to fight & die soon, once again, but this time we find ourselves, not fighting in any foreign land, not for any fake phony war, not for any people who do not look like we do, not for people who have different skin color, not for people of a different ideology or religion, not in secret, not without a, “CONGRESSIONAL DECLARATION OF WAR,” no, “WE FIND OURSELVES FIGHTING IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, AGAINST OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, TO DEFEND OUR HONOR, TO DEFEND OUR COUNTRY, TO SAVE & KEEP ALL OF OUR RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, FREEDOMS, & HAPPINESS FOR ALL ! WE FIGHT ONCE AGAIN TO SAVE OUR VERY LIVES & IMMORTAL SOULS !” That’s all I have to say for now. Who am I really ? “I am Patrick Henry !” “I am Thomas Paine !” Who are you all ? You should all be “Patrick Henry !” You should all be, “Thomas Paine !” What do we fight for ? “FREEDOM, JUSTICE, & LIBERTY FOR ALL !”


    As always your brother in arms, against the armies of darkness of man & beyond,

    Brother Archangel *
    Pittsburgh, PA.
    USAF Veteran
    American Christian Patriot
    Unorganized Pennsylvania Citizens Militia Member
    Free Citizen of “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” a republic, not a democracy.
    Gun Owner, NRA Life Member & Legal Carry Permit Holder

    The Reluctant Patriot
    20 09 2008
    By Archangel

    So you say I’m Al-CIA-da, you gave me this name,
    But what are my crimes then ? And fortune to fame ?
    You say that I’m white now, hiding out in plain site,
    A new “Boogeyman,” you’ve created, for your never ending fight.
    You say I could strike now, anywhere on the planet,
    With either, nuclear, bio, or chemical, you save that, ” I have it ! ”
    But we’ve heard it before, with Saddam Hussein,
    We’re not stupid as we once were, we’re not playin’ that game.
    We’ve been lied to & misled, had all our rights taken,
    For your “False War on Terror,” if I’m not mistaken ?
    So I’ll tell you this one time, just leave me alone,
    Don’t bug me, or tap me, or enter my home.
    Don’t watch where I’m going, the things that I do,
    My bank balance, my credit cards, are not yours to view.
    Don’t read all my e-mails, don’t search in my car,
    Don’t go to my neighbors, my pastor, or bar.
    I’ve had it, quite simply, & now I am pissed,
    I have “God-Given,” rights, you’ve forgotten or missed.
    My thoughts, my opinions, and all of my rights,
    I didn’t give them up, & you’re now in my sights.
    I’m so sick & tired, of all that you’ve done,
    I’m fed up, I’m pissed off, now I’m gettin’ my guns !
    I’m growing much stronger, & bigger each day,
    The lies that you’ve told, are now slipping away.
    The movement you’re afraid of, now is at hand,
    So strike up the music ! And strike up the band !
    This movement you’re afraid of, just in case it gets hot ?
    It’s just like the first one, & you just might get shot.
    We tried to be peaceful, do everything right,
    But the case of “Impeachment,” was a horrible sight.
    The clowns & the circus, the fluff & the show,
    Said you have no intention of honor & so,……
    I’ve come now to tell you, your time is now up !
    You traitors, your tyrants, you sycophant scum.
    Soon we’ll be marching onto D.C.,
    With an army of millions, for the whole world to see.
    To take back our country ! To take back our name !
    To restore her to honor ! To undue her shame !
    Some will fall early, some will fall late,
    Others just vanish, we’ll not know their fates ?
    But believe me, we’re comin’ , to this I attest,
    We will never give up now, we will not ever rest !
    You will be brought to justice, you will hang for your crimes !
    We will give no mercy, no quarter, no time.
    For the unspeakable horrors, & things that you’ve done,
    Like “Murder, Torture, & Treason,” are some.
    The things that I’d do to you, some I can’t even mention,
    Do you get what I sayin’ now, do you hear my intention ?
    You made this my fight ! I didn’t even start it !
    I was just livin’ my life, blind & half hearted.
    You wanted this “War,” so I hope you are happy !
    I’m coming for you all now, so let’s make it snappy !
    And when we are done, our country now saved,
    We will bury our dead & honor their graves.
    But you, you will be nothing, not ever remembered,
    Cause like the cowards you are, you all ran & surrendered.

    Written by: Archangel Copyright 2008
    ( written on the 26th, of July 2008, at 7:00 pm EST )*
    Inspired by all those who came before us ! And the ghosts of Concorde 1775.
    Best read, if read like “Dr. Suess’s – Green Eggs & Ham. ”

    Please feel free to reprint, copy, fax, e-mail & share with all. I wrote it for everyone. I’d like it to become “THE BATTLE CRY of The 2nd American Revolution !” Across the US. The # 1 Patriot Poem to strengthen & guide “US,” all.

  5. I didn’t read the entire entry as I was in a hurry but the authur is absolutely bang out of order[english expression],it seems he or she knows nothing of the real situation and is really quite reactionary and dangerous in predicting and slyly encouraging an uprising which would give the worst people the excuse to clamp down in the name of national security,leading to a pure military dictatorship.I like this site but people like this are fucking stupid rabble rousing menace,keep your agitation to yourself.FOOL!

  6. And as for Michael, if you are “ENGLISH or BRITISH,” (if you prefer,) & do not live here in America, please “SHUT UP & MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS !” MY ( OUR ) country & laws are none of your damn business at all. I don’t go to or tell “THE ENGLISH,” what the hell to do & how to live in their ( your ) country. Or anyone in any other country. So unless you were born here, “SHUT UP !” It’s none of your business. You are quite uninformed anyway, as one can plainly see “BRITAIN,” has turned very much into “NAZI GERMANY,” with all the stupid “SOCIALIST/NAZI/FASCIST,” laws, fines, & intrusions into peoples lives, where government has no right. Legally or morally. And if indeed you are “BRITISH,” and moved here, you still have no right to stand against “US.” You were adopted then, & in my eyes, no one who wasn’t born here, deserves to be treated the same as those of “US,” who were. You have different “UN-AMERICAN,” values. You sound like a globalist. And if you are “BRITISH,” you were raised differently. So don’t come into, stick your nose, into my country’s or America’s affairs, unless you were born here. You don’t have the right ! Stay in your own “ENGLISH HELL HOLE & PRISON !” Shut up, & leave “US,” alone. We are fighting to save our country & our values. I see you just like the original “REDCOATS,” of the revolution. An enemy. A sympathizer, and a target. I was born here, I have the right to say, think & feel whatever I choose. I didn’t ask for this. I’m a man of peace ! I have been all my life. I don’t want this to happen. I’ve done everything in my power to avoid it, change it, or stop it. But since it is & it’s going to anyway, I’m not going to run & hide, cower like a little girl in a dress, & let them hijack & destroy my country & nation without a fight. If you think you can peacefully change what’s coming you’re indeed a moron. Just look at history. “HITLER, STALIN, POL POT, MUSSOLINI, CAESER,”
    any of them, in any time. See what’ they did. The millions they slaughtered. And you expect me to let them do that shit here in my country in 2009, 2010, or whenever, without a fight.You are indeed mad ! If I were to come rob you, steal your home, take your job, beat & rape your wife & children, what would you do ?
    What if I came to steal your country ? Put millions illegally out of work ? Passed illegal laws ? Taxed you to death ? Took your children from you ? Threw you into jail illegally ? What would you do about it ? “THAT’S WHAT I’M FIGHTING FOR & AGAINST
    HERE IN MY OWN LAND, IN MY OWN TIME, RIGHT HERE & NOW ! So please, sit down, shut up,& worry about yourself, your own country, & laws. And if by chance you’re here in America, quit being so blind, deaf & dumb to the horrible truth of what’s happening to America. You have the right to think & say how you feel. But you don’t have the right to “TAKE MY COUNTRY AWAY FROM ME, TAKE ALL MY RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, & label me an anarchist, trouble-maker, & terrorist ! One man’s terrorist, is another man’s “FREEDOM FIGHTER !” If you like your way so much, you can always move to “CHINA !” You’d fit in well there.

    Archangel *

  7. As much as I hate to say it or see it happen, we may in fact be heading for another civil war of some scale and kind. Our president (for whom I unfortunately voted) has been revealed (via his appointed “czars” and associations) as a communist sympathizer and/or a communist himself. This is further evidenced by the Acorn Manifesto, which is essentially Obama’s agenda (read it and you will see). He formed his political career via Acorn and is now implementing it’s agenda via the nationalization of the American economy, shutting down communications/abridging the opposition’s free speech, and ending legal gun ownership.

    The real scary thing here (even more so than Bush’s Patriot Act, which is equally deplorable) is that it’s happening little by little under the radar (Obama appropriated over EIGHT BILLION dollars to Acorn in his stimulus package and is working to pass anti-gun legislation granting the Federal Government authority to enter your home and confiscate your firearms without cause or warrant), though a significant number of people (like myself) are beginning to catch on.

    Furthermore, the fundamental problem goes even deeper than the radical left, it is across the political spectrum. There is in fact NO PARTY in power which represents the American people. Our political system was long ago hijacked by private interests and their lobbyists. Republican, democrat, what’s the difference? Both parties have fallen to thievery at the people’s expense.

    Lastly, I have never owned a gun in my entire life/never wanted to, but I am now enrolled in a gun training class because I can see what’s coming. Maybe not for several more years, but soon enough. My hope is that somehow we’ll regain control of this country and keep it from a complete meltdown by less extreme measures, but my gut tells me otherwise.

    The best battle that can be waged at this point is one of information. I urge all people to be as informed as possible concerning the people in power throughout our government and with whom they associate themselves. Of the most dyer consequence is the current president and his shadow government “czars”. Google Van Jones, John Holdren, and the Acorn Manifesto and see for yourself what insanity these people and organizations are preaching, it is SCARY!

  8. Those who advocate violence are working for those who would goad us into committing a violent crime. This will give them the defensive pretext to do with, the initiators of the violence, anything they choose. This is the nature of real law. The knowledge of real law is so absent from our education that we ignorantly give our power away. One needs to ask themselves a few basic questions:

    When was the last time you could consider the government of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA your servant?

    What business do we have protesting or overthrowing a government that is not our government and therefore does not have the lawful authority to tell or force anyone to do anything against their will?

    If you could really end the misery and suffering in your life would you actually choose to do so?

    What if nothing in this Universe is due to luck chance, chaos or probability and we simply do not have sufficient knowledge to know what is going on and why?

    What are you?

    Where are you?

    What is the purpose of your life?

    What is the purpose of this place we call the Universe?

    If these questions confuse you or make you angry it is because a secret has been kept from you that will answer all these questions and many more.

    We have nothing to fear, not even fear itself.

    The idea that we must fight and die for freedom is a lie that those who would keep you in fear propagate to render you ignorant and powerless.

    “Fear is the mind killer”

    This can all change if you simply choose to change it.

    Your answers can be found here. They will not be comfortable at first and you have been programmed to resist it. You must understand that this is the result of years of programming that started the second your eyes opened for the first time.

    It is time for a real change and it is coming if you want it or not. You do not run things here and you have no power or control. Not you or anyone else has the power to stop this change. It is only a matter of time so you better get ready for what is coming.

    Join with me:

    The True Grail of Grace and Protection

    I would wish you “good luck” if I did not know with absolute certainty that “luck” is a stupid idea.


  9. I did read all the above. Roage, you are right to say ,we cannot fight against ‘it’. Archangel, you are also right to the sensibility of the absolute seriousness of the problem. Michael, you are wrong to go out and start taking shooting lessons. As if you could ever win. The bible say ‘If you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword.’ Today the gun is the modern day sword. If you live by the word of God you will live for ever and that is the only reason why I have no fear. Archangel, you may not like to read what I say but I tell you to go by your ‘gut feeling’ will lead you to hell and damnation. When you cry out to God, do so as one who, by the word of God, has found himself worthy of death (Romans 6:23.the wages of sin is death). Payday for all these perverts that have taken over our world for themslves is coming soon. But, Archangel, unless you are born again you have not got any hope at all no matter ewhat you do. Mr.Roage, there is no holy grail.. that is also garbage from hell. True hope is ONLY IN JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS. We who are true declare His Name Before ALL MEN. Repent all of yoy, and pray that God will help you to escape all these things that are coming upon the whole world (Luke21:34-36). In Jesus’ name, amen.

  10. To All,

    Let me begin, now that I’m not so angry & have re-centered myself & my spirit. I am a man of “GOD.” I am a patriot. I am a USAF Viet Nam Era Veteran. And so much more. I’ve served my country proudly. I am & always struggle to be a man of peace. I’ve studied history & religion from all over the world, going far back into the early days of history, governments, religions, etc. I know what is “TRUE,” & “HOLY,” at least for me. I know what is right. And although I speak only for myself, I can respect every other persons right to exhist peacefully & have their own thoughts, ideas, wants, needs, wishes & dreams. The problem is that “a majority of very evil, bad intentioned individuals, in governments, religions, corporations, banking, & other structured identities, not just in America, but around the globe, are now making the move to “TAKE OVER THE PLANET !” One World Government,One World Religion, One World Banking, “THE ANTI-CHRIST’S RULE,” as foretold in the bible & many other places. They have & are actively “KILLING,MURDERING, ENSLAVING, ROBBING,& MORE,” tens of millions around the globe right now as I type this. I cannot & will not stand still for it & do nothing to change or stop it. Who do you think inspired my letter & poem anyway ? Who do you think guides my every thought & action besides myself ? Well I’m here to tell you it’s indeed “GOD,” the powers that be, all the angels, universal consciousness, thoughts, & spirits of all those who came before us. And a force & power that I could never do justice in explaining to you. You’d have to see & experience it for yourslef as I have. I am a “CHILD OF LIGHT !” I follow only “TRUTH, LOVE & LIGHT !” And it is this power that instructs me to write & speak what I do. You may not believe me, you may call it blasphemy, you may call me nuts, call me insane or delusional, but I don’t care. I’m not here to follow or answer to you. “GOD,” & “JESUS,” never said: “GO OUT AND BE SLAUGHTERED IN MY NAME !” In fact he also said, “IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SWORD, GO OUT & SELL YOUR CLOAK TO BUY ONE !” You are all wrong about “Romans Chapter 13.” You are also all wrong about giving into this & expecting anyone to come save you. It’s not going to happen, at least not the way you think. I have been shown these things, I have been shown the future. Dreams, visions, & even remote viewing ( which scares me a little because I do not understand it fully ). But I’m well aware of the science behind it. There have been many seers, prophets, & others throughout history & recorded time. I have become well aware my being here in this space & time is no accident. It was all planned long ago. And no matter what you believe in, I’m here trying my best to “SERVE ALL,” in warning them to prepare for all the horrible things about to happen globally. It was my human vanity & pride that acted out & responded poorly above. I am truly sorry for being less of who & what I really am. It is one of my human flaws. I never claimed to be perfect. But there is so much you do not & will never know about me. And I will not share it here. All that I ask you all to do is open your eyes, your hearts & minds, to see the truth, & prepare for what’s happening right now. You can all be a great force of either, “GOOD OR EVIL !” The choice is yours ! For myself, “I SERVE THE LIGHT,” & the powers & force you could never even imagine. Some will call that ungodly & evil in itself. If so, so be it to you then. I know who & what I really am, & why I’m here. I’m part of a “VANGUARD,” force sent to help in these times. Humankind was supposed to be so much more “ADVANCED & ENLIGHTENED,” by now. You were taken over & corrupted by forces you cannot even now even imagine. The truth about your history, where you came from, & where you are heading is far beyond your present comprehension. I’m here in this body only, to try to help expand your vision & conscienceness, just as it was shared with me. But you don’t listen, you don’t learn, you never have, I don’t expect you will now. Just remember that I tried. In the future I will be seen as a man of truth, a visionary, like many others who are trying to do the same right now. I have found that speaking to most of you is like talking to a rock. And others who are so locked into their beliefs & dogmas, no matter what I say it doesn’t matter. If “GOD / JESUS,” was coming to your rescue, don’t you think he’d have come by now ? Your minds are so closed. You cannot think dimensionally. We can stop this ! If you all were “ADVANCED & ENLIGHTENED,” enough right now at this moment in time, the mere “THOUGHT,” would make it so. And we would be in a different reality. But for so many reasons I won’t go into here, you are sadly not ready to open your minds &
    accept the truth. I am here now ! “I FIGHT FOR YOU ALL !” Someone has to, because most of you are still too blind to do it yourselves. Only when the sword is above your head will you think to act, then it will be too late. I’ve seen the future as I said, it’s pretty grim. Horrors you cannot imagine. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s up to you ! But I will do my best to “CHANGE, FIGHT & STOP THE EVIL,” that’s here. Even if you refuse to. It’s my mission. It’s my reason to live. It’s why I’m here. It’s why I was sent here ! It’s the reason I chose to come back. Believe what you will. Free will is your right & choice. Just don’t belittle, disrespect, or vilify me, because you don’t know who or what I am, why I’m here, or what I’m saying. The truth will be made known soon enough for all of you to see it. Just never say I didn’t warn you. I wish you all the best. No matter what. I really do. That’s all for now.

    I am Archangel. And I approve this message.

  11. TO archangel,my comment above may have been too harsh so I apolagise for criticising you.I am actually quite well read on subjects like your corrupt fed,bought and paid for politicians,AIPAC,false flags like 911,uss liberty,uneccesary wars of agression,etc.You are indeed losing your freedoms based on lies as the US slides towards corprativist fascism,Britain(England)also.My point was if you take the example of the fall of the soviet union,this was brought about by a mass awakening and protest by the people,sick of the corruption and tyranny,it was like a dam bursting.But for the most part was peaceful.Its pretty obvious a large part of Americas political class is looking for an excuse to declare martial law,whether using a financial panic,the swine flu panic or maybe even a new false flag or war.I think using talk of violent uprising may play into their hands as an emergancy would surely be declared which would damage your cause and help protect them.I believe your people are awakening and the dam may soon burst,however I may be wrong and your outlook may eventually be nessecary.I dont think America is there yet and mass opinion may cause the changes you desire before a mass assault on Washington and New york is the only choice remaining! Michael

  12. Dear Michael,

    Thank You. Please excuse anything I said that might have been offensive also. It’s not my intention to be mean or rude. But you must realize, the truth is they already have & are actively murdering, killing, raping, stealing, & doing horrible things to people not only in America & Britain, but all over the world.
    The secret wars of aggression in themselves are blatently illegal & are really mass genocide on a massive scale. We all must do something to stand up for ourselves now to stop it. Also they are planning once again massive 9/11 styled attacks soon in America to bring in The NWO, Patriot Act III, & “MARTIAL LAW !” Once they do this, we will have no other choice but to be fight, or to be taken off to the new “AMERIKAN DEATH CAMPS / FEMA CAMPS,” they have built. This is no joke. So when I say, “WHAT WILL YOU DO, WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, & FRIENDS,” I really mean it ! Over 90 % of The American People told the “SENATE / CONGRESS,” NO, to the bailouts of “THE BANKSTERS & WALL ST,” they told “US,” all “PISS OFF,” & did what they wanted anyway. When government, any government, no longer acts in the best interests of the people & no longer represents them at least in my country, it is the duty of every American to “ABOLISH, DEFEAT, OVERTHROW, ( By any means possible peaceful or not ! ) THAT ILLEGAL & IMMORAL & CORRUPT GOVERNMENT !” It says it in our beloved “CONSTITUTION.” As much as I would love to see this ended peacefully, those insane madmen & madwomen in power will never go quietly into the night. They will never give up or resign, they’re all too drunk with power & corruption. They think they are above the law. And “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !” Not the president ! not The Senate ! Not the Congress ! Not the Supreme Court ! “NO ONE !” And that is why I see this coming to actual “CIVIL WAR & REVOLUTION !” Sadly to say. Once again we are being given no choice in the matter. If I came to harm you, to hurt you, to steal your money, your life savings, to rape your girlfriend or wife, to steal your children, to burn your house to the ground, to force you to go to “A DEATH CAMP,” indeed, what would you do ? REALLY ? Well that is what we face here ! And what the people of England face also. Although I’m not aware of any “DEATH CAMPS,” yet in Britain, although I could be wrong. I think they’re just an “AMERIKAN,” thing for now. If all the people rose up, peacefully, this could be stopped. I even have a plan for it:

    My fellow Americans, Patriots, Veterans, Free People of America & the world. I’m taking the time to speak to you now & I’m asking you to help me start these two campaigns.

    “SHUT DOWN AMERICA CAMPAIGN !” And the “SHUT DOWN THE WORLD CAMPAIGN !” We’ve all read recently the article that’s floating all around the net, about doing just that, penned by Mr. Larry Flynt. I’d like to say for the record while I commend him on his article, he’s not the inventor of the idea. I’m not sure who is or if one is even necessary at this point. I’ve called for it for many years now, as have many others. But now we find ourselves not just just in America, but globally about to be taken over, enslaved & even killed by our respective governments, military industrial complexes, corporate elites, & banking oligarchies. It is time we all wake up & make a stand. So I’m openly calling for & asking everyone in America & on the planet, in every town, city, state, & country on the face of the globe, to take an active part in not only planning this, but carrying it out. This will not be easy. It will take massive amounts of co-ordination & planning to pull it off. But I’m here to tell you, “THAT IT CAN & MUST BE DONE !” We the people, of all our respective countries & lands, have the legal & moral authority & right to demand from our leaders & governments “FREEDOM & LIBERTY FOR ALL !” I had originally thought to keep this to just an “AMERICAN PROCESS,” but I see now that they are making the move globally. So we must all respond in kind. I know it will be tough on some of you, & others relatively easy. To start, just one day ! What’s one day I ask you ? The evils that we all face now are too horrible to imagine. But you can see it happening, no matter what walk of life, class, race, creed, or country, you belong to. Yes ! Some of us are suffering far worse than others. Many for many years now have had little food, medicine, health care, or homes. But with the recent events we are all becoming nations of poor beggars, homeless, hungry, without hope or even humanity. I’ve had enough ! So therefore I’m announcing that if need be, I will lead & start this campaign myself, call for, adverstise, & put out a you tube video with these very words, if no one else will heed or answer the call. I also authorize any of you who read or see this to use my words yourself, in your own you-tube videos if you’d like ? I know there many out there, who share my feelings & beliefs. But you’re just not sure what you can do about it. Well now “WE CAN ALL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !” My named campaign’s “THE SHUT DOWN AMERICA CAMPAIGN & THE SHUT DOWN THE WORLD CAMPAIGN,” globally can & will make a difference. So I ask you ? Can you take off work for a day ? Can you buy & sell nothing for a day ? Can you go just one lousy day without buying something ? Anything ? Can you just stay home & silently protest ? Can you take to the streets in protest ? Can you just for one lousy day, let your voice ,will, & wallet be heard ? Can you march in your city, town & state ? Can you march to DC & your respective capitols all over the globe & just say “NO ! WE’VE HAD ENOUGH ! YOU CANNOT MAKE US ! WE WILL NOT LET YOU !” Can you reclaim your power & dignity ? Can you make a stand, for just one day for “LIBERTY & FREEDOM,” for “US,” all ? If so join me !

    And let’s get this party started. Thank you. God Bless you all. Everyone ! Please feel free to do this on your own, to pick up the ball & run with it. “IDEAS ARE BULLETPROOF !” They can never be locked up or killed. Never !

    I am Archangel , & I whole heartedly support & approve this message !

  13. So you are a Vietnam “era” vet? Congratulations! Ive actually served in combat. You sir are a disgrace. Im sure you are a big fan of Glenn Beck.

  14. Thankyou also,Archangel.I admire your dedication and this thing is definately going to require as many commited people as possible to wake up and lead the rest of our people out of their psychosis,who knows the effect people like yourself can have on the mass of people that generally just follow and require others to lead the way.Like you say not everyone has been effected the same way by the events that have been happening but I believe we are approaching a point where enough people have either lost loved ones or their jobs or their patience.The consequences of the illegal bank bailouts will soon be felt with huge spending cuts and tax rises ,while millionaire banksters continue to award themselves millions more in bonuses paid by the mug taxpayer.I dont think america will accept a situation where people in tent cities starve as unemployment benefits run out while at the same time hundreds of billions are wasted on bombs and bullets to wage war in Af/Pak(an unjust war based on the false flag events of 911).I suppose one thing we can be thankful for is the extent the US constitution, your right to bear arms and your sense of freedom is ingrained into the american psyche,despite the dumbed down schools and brainwashing mainstream media,although it is incredibly frustrating when you discuss certain liberty issus or conspiritorial views and people just will not accept the facts infront of their faces,at least the truth is becoming undeniable.Thank god for the internet because without it we’d be finished.however the mainsteam media is discredited more and more everyday and its about time they were exposed as the lying shills they are. It is essential the American and European people [under the EU] wake up as the last time this fascist/marxist cabal of zionist banksters and murdurers gained such total control under emergancy conditions the killed millions.Stalin killed millions by seizing grain in the Ukraine for state ends and starving his people,and through brutal purges,then we had the slaughter of the second world war,where nearly every major leader was placed there by the zionist banking cabals money manipulation.The same people who have placed this shill Obama in power.As their system of control collapses we must not allow them to do the same again.Central banks must be ended and the creation of money/credit must be returned to the people as its through this racket that they fund war and hold our governments by the balls.Yor constitution is key as it allows for the removal of these crooks if they violate the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or the congress responsibility/duty to coin money and regulate its value.If everyone is waiting for someone else to take the lead,nothing will happen.If people care about their asses and freedom then we all have to play our part ,no matter how small or large,and then maybe,just maybe we can turn this situation around and avoid the coming disaster,(I just had to get that off my chest).Good luck everybody and remember we have truth and right on our side. yours (a pissed off patriot)michael

  15. Iraq Vet,

    I was not going to dignify you with a response. But I decided to anyway. I was flying in C-130 gun ships when you were probably not even born yet, unless you are my age or close to it. I served honorably & proudly. You sir, have no right to say anything negative, insulting, or detrimental to me. Veterans have respect for one another no matter how, when or where they served, it has been that way since the beginning of this once great country. And no I dislike Mr. Beck & find him to be a shill for the NWO & globalists. I get my news from this site & about 50 others. I have been on “Alex Jones,” a few times & also listen to “Jeff Rense.” In the past was on “Lee Rogers & Mike The Midsnight Rider Show many times.” On what is now “The Oracle Network.” I get my news from all over the globe & spend most days 15 hours a day doing it since I’m also disabled. So good for you for attacking a disabled vet. Doesn’t it do you proud ? You’re such a real man right ? Since you really must know ! I also was a crew member of many flights in C-130’s, C-141’s, & C-5-A Galaxies, watching brave Army & Marines go out the back door & ramps. You are not the boss of me ! You are not the judge of me ! Go take you disrespect & hatred elsewhere. You dishonor yourself, by your actions & words. I’m not sure of your rank & class, but I’d bet you’re not “officer grade or material ?” You haven’t learn to be humble yet, or what respect is. I feel sorry for you. There are many ways to serve & time to serve. I was not drafted, I did not run to Canada like so many others, I was proud to enlist early & sign up to go the day I was old enough to go. I went everywhere I was ordered to & served to the best of my ability.

    I was even asked by “Army Airborne Rangers,” to leave the USAF, & join them when I went to “RIGGER SCHOOL,” in Ft. Lee, Virginia. They said I was the best airman, with true heart & soul they had even seen. ( So much for your bullshit theory ! ) And they’d be honored for me to join them instead. My squadron commander could have arranged the transfer. I declined, but was honored & humbled. Maybe that’s something you should learn. I will not attack, degrade, dignify or dishonor you, because the service taught me “TRUE RESPECT& HONOR & DUTY !” Maybe you should try to do the same ?


    Archangel *

  16. Iraq Vet,

    You have the right to your opinion, that’s what’s so great about “AMERICA,” & why “WE,” both served. No matter how or when. I’m sorry to hear you were injured & are disabled, it sucks. And I’ve found the VA Health System to be less than caring or adequate at times. Vet’s always get the shitty end of the stick. At least most of the time in the VA healthcare system. It’s not for lack of great doctors though, most of them have real heart & soul. It’s just the money & funding aren’t there. I’m sure we can at least agree on that fact. I’m truly sorry we find ourselves at odds over this. You still want to “pick a fight,” & feel somehow greater or better than me, because of how, when & where you served. It’s true that special honors & respect & kudos always go to our honored “in country,” combat veterans. I would not dispute that with you. But to say I am less & that my service or “love of my country,” means less, is a bald faced lie ! My older brother has 2 broze stars, 4 purple hearts,& many other ribbons with multiple clusters on them & over 8 years in the same era as me,in the USMC, so what, do you wish to also disrespect him & my famalies long standing line of service also ? My father served in the “AAC,” Army Air Corps, before it was even called the Air Force, he was an officer & flew many missions, what, do you wish to disrespect him & dishonor him also ? You sir for whatever reason are a BITTER, ANGRY, DISRESPECTFUL,,” veteran. I don’t know why. But I will not do the same to you. I will pray for you & I pity you. For all you served & sacrificed, you learned little about “TRUTH, DUTY, HONOR, & RESPECT,” for anyone at all, especially your fellow veterans.

    Archangel *
    what it truly means to serve. I hope you

  17. Iraq Vet,

    P.S. I also forgot. If you look & read closely, you will see I am not calling for “REVOLUTION,” at all. I’m merely saying it is here, & no matter what we do, it’s coming whether we want it, like it, or not. Peaceful demonstrations have failed. There will not ever be a peaceful end or means to stop this. If there were I’m all for it. Read about my idea “SHUT DOWN AMERICA CAMPAIGN,” above too. And therefore we will have no other choice but to fight. Just like 1773, 1774, 1775, & 1776. Wea re being given no other choice, no matter how hard we try to do this another way. ( History repeats itself ! ) Surely even you have in your own mind “THE LINE IN THE SAND,” that if they cross it, you’ll fight openly yourself ? Well don’t you ? Also I’ve tried to say they’ve crossed the line long ago. I guess you don’t remember then, “RANDY WAEVER & HIS FAMILY,” brutally murdered at “RUBY RIDGE ?” “WACO,” innocents burned alive ? 9/11 an inside job ( Thousands murdered ! ) And what about “THE GULF OF TONKIN ?” Do you want me to go on ? Do you want me to list all the lines in the sand they’ve already crossed ? We’d be here for yaers. What about the “USS LIBERTY,” great men murdered & shot to hell, for what ? “THE LINE WAS CROSSED LONG AGO !” And globally, millions have died in illegal wars of genocide & aggression. So I won’t waste anymore of my valued time with you. It’s just not worth it. There are some out there who cannot be reached, who cannot see the truth, who wish not to. I cannot & will not waste time on them. At least I’ve tried.
    But know this, if this comes to a fight & it is & will, I hope to see you on the front lines. I’ll be proud to serve once again. As no matter what, I respect you & your service. Because I’m a proud honorable veteran. And even you can’t take that away from me, no matter how hard you try to.

    And remember this:

    “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” – John F. Kennedy

    Archangel *
    Pittsburgh,PA. / USA

  18. You’re funny. ‘valuable time’? I thought you said you spend 15 hours a day looking at conspiracy websites. So you just happened to wait until a black man was the president before you decided to act on issues that were presented while a white president was in office? You’re pathetic. This bull shit about wastefull spending is a joke. I dont remember hearing this many fiscal conservatives when bush failed to fund the prescription drug bill or borrowed from China.

  19. So now the truth comes out of you ? You must be black then ? So you’re a black, disabled, hate the world & everyone, “DISRESCTFUL VETERAN !” And you wish to bring race into this too ! I’m done with you ! Take your race baiting & your anger somewhere else ! You have no respect or honor at all,
    so I won’t spend anymore time with your stupid dumb ass. Since all you know how to do is spew hatred & vicious attacks on people & their famalies you’ve never met. Sorry to say “YOU SIR ARE AN ASSHOLE !” You’re a sorry excuse for a veteran & a human being. You are filled with such vile hatred & disrespect you are totally worthless, & not worth any more of my time. Why don’t you go join “ACORN,” they are lloking for a few more crazied commies like you ! Go kiss “U’BUMMAS,” ass too while you’re at it. You’re a crazed freak show !

    You should be ashamed as a veteran & human being. The way you act is both unprofessional & unnecessary. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. I don’t even feel sorry for you or pity you now. To me you don’t even exhist. You are nothing. You will never be anything. You’re not even a man, you’re a rabid dog, an animal, for that’s the way you act. And it will be your fate to pay the price for it one day. You’re a waste of humanity. How one person can be so filled with hated, & be so vile, not only are you angry, but you are completely disgusting ! This is my last response to you. I’ve tried to be civil & respectful, but you don’t deserve it. However you do deserve the fate that many “a mad dog,” has gotten. And the sooner the better. The world would be a nicer place without “animals,” like you ! “BLAH ! BLAH ! BLAH ! I’m sure you’ll respond with more vile anger & hatred, like the scumbucket you are. So be it. Why don’t you join “U’BUMMA’s commie brigades, I hear they’re looking for psycho scum like you to lead the srmies of darkness & evil. You’d fit in well there. I’m sure you’d be proud to serve “THE BLACK ANTI-CHRIST,” too ! Go for it ! And don’t think you can bring up poppa white cracker Bush either, he’s also & scum sucking NWO pig & traitor ! They all are, no matter the color, no matter the side ! The only good “BLACK MAN,” who should have been president was “ALAN KEYES !” ( So you can’t use the usual come back & call me racist ! If you’re black ? ) I hate to say it, but you’ve eraned it, “JUST FUCK OFF A DIE !” Do me & the world a favor ! You are so vile & evil, there’s just no trying to be nice anymore !

    Archangel *
    Pittsburgh,Pa/ USA

  20. LOL!!! Man you are too fucking funny. Just for the record I am not a black man. I have been a white man since my birth. But it seems that your true colors have really shown through. Its clear that you are a racist. (fulfilled your prophecy)I had suspicions that it was mentalities like yours that was behind the attacks, and you just confirmed it. It doesn’t take a black man to see what the underlying issue is with people like you. You are a sad pathetic old man. I would venture to say that you are a overweight white man who claims his obesity as his disability. Sad. The whole idea that this fat disabled Vietnam ‘era’ veteran is capable of fighting in a ‘revolution’ is almost laughable anyways. Give me your personal email address and ill send you photos of me in Iraq being white.

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