Video: The Dying Corporate Media Vilifies Alex Jones, Rand Paul, & The Rising Rage Against The Empire

(TheExcavator) – A new MSNBC documentary called ‘Rise of The New Right’ that is set to air next Wednesday falsely paints the Tea Party’s growing influence in electoral politics as a precursor to a new age of racist rage. The documentary, hosted by Chris screwball Matthews, also targets popular radio show host, documentarian, and one of the internet’s rising stars, Alex Jones. received a copy of the script for the piece from an MSNBC insider, which reveals the program’s soft propaganda, and deliberate lies about the nature of the citizen backlash against the corrupt government in D.C, and the banks and corporations who rule it. View Video Here

One thought on “Video: The Dying Corporate Media Vilifies Alex Jones, Rand Paul, & The Rising Rage Against The Empire

  1. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” — Mahatma Gandhi

    We have now moved into the second phase. This is good news. They can no longer ignore us and their own propaganda is now spreading the message to millions that are ready to wake up.

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