Gaza News

(BeforeItsNews) – What Next If Israel Attacks the Iranian Flotilla?

After an extensive history of slaughtering American peace activists, a history that is hidden by the U.S. media, Israel now is playing poker, more specifically Blind-man’s Bluff, with a country that invented chess. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Lazy Reporters, Politicians and Comedians Bring Helen Thomas Down as an Unquestioning Public Cheers

The fact that writing about Helen Thomas just a few days after she resigned feels like old news, tells you something about what’s wrong with the media and our country today.

After a journalism career spanning almost seventy years, Thomas was taken down in less than two minutes. Which is the running time of the video where she made the remarks that forced her to resign her job, lose her book collaborator, her lecture agent and have a high school cancel a graduation speech she was scheduled to deliver. Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: It’s None Of Our Business What Israel Does! – Congressman Poe – Video Link Here

(Zaman) – Israel is not Above the Law: “Not as Untouchable as Before” – Read More Here

(AlJazeera) – Gaza Blockade Illegal: International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has described Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip as a violation of the Geneva Conventions and called on the Israeli government to lift it.

In a statement released on Monday, the organisation called the blockade “collective punishment”, a crime under international law. It described Gaza as a territory plagued by frequent power cuts, a ruined economy, and a collapsed health care system.

“The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development,” the ICRC said.

“Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.”

Crippling shortages – Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Gaza Aid Ship Departs Iranian Port

On Sunday an Iranian ship left the port of Khorramshahr and is currently headed for Gaza, according to Reuters. Another ship, loaded with food, construction material and toys, will depart Iran on Friday.

“Until the end of the Gaza blockade, Iran will continue to ship aid,” said an official at Iran’s Society for the Defense of the Palestinian Nation. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Israel video of soldiers attacked on Gaza flotilla an obvious forgery: see video proof for yourself

The Israeli government’s video showing their soldiers being attacked as they descended from helicopters is a forgery; proven irrefutably from the ship’s structural features in the video being visibly different from the actual vessel, the Mavi Marmara. The proof is explained in the below 3-minute video; with this story developing. Additional ship details that prove the Israeli government video forgery are in the second 6-minute video.
As I’ve written, this adds to Israel’s government lies in support of unlawful war; now by creating the world’s largest concentration camp in Gaza, and perhaps soon through war against Iran based all on “emperor has no clothes” obvious lies. Read More Here

(Aletho) – Wheat harvest met with live ammunition in Gaza “buffer zone” – Read More Here

(PressTV) – US emboldens Israel to kill Americans

A recent Israeli attack on a convoy of ships in the Mediterranean Sea is another indication that Israel kills Americans with a sense of immunity from prosecution.

Furkan Dogan, a US citizen who lived in Turkey, was killed on May 31 during an Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla that carried humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The attack on the six-ship convoy killed at least 20 peace activists, including nine Turkish citizens on board the M.V. Mavi Marmara, and injured over 40 others.

Ray McGovern, a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in an interview with Press TV, reviewed some other incidents in which Israel “deliberately” had killed Americans without being held accountable by Washington afterwards. Read More Here

(Gisha) – Partial List of Items Prohibited/Permitted into the Gaza Strip – Read More Here

(JPost) – ‘Gaza economy collapsing under siege’

B’tselem: 95% of factories are closed, 93% of water is polluted. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Israeli Deputy FM: 75 al-Qaeda Mercenaries on Aid Ship

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon appeared on CNN’s “GPS” show today, and once again changed the official story related to the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara aid ship two weeks ago.

Ayalon now claims that 75 al-Qaeda linked mercenaries were on board the ship, heavily armed, and that they ambushed the Israeli troops before their eventual capture. Read More Here

(AliAbunimah) – Video reveals European, American weapons used in Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla – Read More Here

(CNN) – Humanitarian group calls for lifting of Gaza blockade – Read More Here

(WRH) – Fake Al Qaeda

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .” — Former British Foreign Secretary Robin CookRead More Here

(NewStraitsTimes) – ‘It was a mission to kill’

SEPANG: “We saw a hit-list with pictures and names of our comrades and they ended up dead. It was a mission to kill.”

This startling revelation came from Noorazman Mohd Samsuddin, who was the chief of the Malaysian delegation on board the Turkish aid ship MV Mavi Marmara, which was attacked by Israeli commandos. Read More Here

(MyCatBirdSeat) – Is there no limit to international duplicity and hypocrisy?

Given the intensity of global outrage over the assault on the Gaza aid flotilla, some of us were beginning to hope that the world might finally confront Israel. We were obviously mistaken — once again. Read More Here

(MyCatBirdSeat) – Nader says reinstate Helen Thomas – Read More Here

(Redress) – Video: Israel’s medieval siege of Gaza

The three year old siege on the Gaza Strip and its 1.5 million inhabitants is a testament to the Israeli regime’s disregard of law, decency and morality. This siege amounts to collective punishment, an action outlawed by various conventions and humanitarian laws. This is not to mention the suffering and humanitarian crisis caused by this law. This siege has been disgracefully condoned by the “international community” and justified by the “free world” as a measure that safegurads the security of the Israeli regime.

The three year old siege on the Gaza Strip and its 1.5 million inhabitants is a testament to the Israeli regime’s disregard of law, decency and morality. This siege amounts to collective punishment, an action outlawed by various conventions and humanitarian laws. This is not to mention the suffering and humanitarian crisis caused by this law. This siege has been disgracefully condoned by the “international community” and justified by the “free world” as a measure that safegurads the security of the Israeli regime.

The same position was applied to the various humanitarian aid ships that were attacked and abducted in international waters, and the aid carried by those ships confiscated. The killing of nine Turkish activists on the the Freedom Flotilla on 31 May brought an abrupt end to international silence regarding the siege. It is unfortunate that the world needed to see the blood of those brave men to realize the brutality of the siege and of the besieger.

Nevertheless, it is our duty to finish what the brave men and women of the Freedom Flotilla and the campaigns that preceded it. It is time to brieak the siege.

Source: Redress

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