Will Thousands Of Police Layoffs Unleash Chaos And Anarchy Across America?

(EconomicCollapse) – Thousands of police officers have been laid off all across America since the current economic crisis began.  Thousands more are getting ready to be laid off.  So could we be on the verge of a new era of chaos and anarchy in America as crime runs wild and there are just far too few police to respond to it all?  That is the message that one blood-smeared billboard in Stockton, California is trying to get across.  Paid for by the Stockton, California police union, the message of the billboard is chillingly clear: “Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops.”  As state, city and local governments across the United States continue to be devastated by the ongoing economic crisis, budget cuts are becoming much deeper and police forces have suddenly become a very popular target. Continue reading

Nine meals from anarchy: What the coming food collapse means for civilization

(NaturalNews) – A growing reliance on imported food and other necessities is making First World nations such as the United Kingdom increasingly vulnerable to social collapse, warns Andrew Simms, policy director of the “think-and-do tank” of the New Economic Foundation, writing in The Guardian.

“Events are revealing that many of the things we take for granted, like bank accounts, fuel and food, are vulnerable,” he writes. “If we value civilization, the litmus test for economic success should not be short-term profitability, but resilience in the face of climatic extremes and resource shortages.” Read More Here

See Also:

(NaturalNews) – California county sues Glaxo for false advertising of Avandia drug

Recent reports revealing the dangers of GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) diabetes drug, Avandia, have not gone unnoticed. Santa Clara County in Northern California recently filed a lawsuit against the drug giant for suppressing evidence that the drug increases heart attack risk. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus join NaturalNews Talk Hour to reveal ways to defeat cancer – Mike Adams – Read More Here

Haiti earthquake: UN says worst disaster ever dealt with

Predictions of the death toll from the Haitian earthquake have risen to 200,000 as mounting desperation at lack of aid threatens to tilt the country into anarchy. Continue reading

UN Shock Report: Swine flu ‘could kill millions; Pandemic may result in anarchy

The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchy in the world’s poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report leaked to the Observer. Continue reading

“I had a dream” Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States – Robert Singer

As a president elected in a landslide by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Obama will lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression. There will be chaos, perhaps, but not anarchy. Continue reading

Why Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States

The de facto unemployment rate in the United States is 19%. Thus, there are 29 million, not 11.6 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work. Since there is not enough police, National Guard or military to keep order when 29 million people panic, Barack Obama will restore and lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression. Continue reading

Video: Violence is not the solution, A statist intervention

Hear more from Stefan Molyneux at FreedomainRadio.com. Continue reading

Five Reasons Why Americans Won’t Resist

Protest (American, definitely not a verb): Wait for UFPJ or ANSWER to stage a parade (I mean, demonstration) on a weekend afternoon so no one misses work or school or in any way disrupts the flow of commerce. Don’t make a sign; the organizers will make one for you. March in an orderly fashion, be polite to the occupying army (I mean, cops), Continue reading

Liberation by Internet

In The Constitution of Liberty, Friedrich Hayek gave a dire prognosis for the future of technology: “[W]e are probably only at the threshold of an age in which the technological possibilities of mind control are likely to grow rapidly and what may appear at first as innocuous or beneficial powers over the personality of the individual will be at the disposal of government. The greatest threats to human freedom probably still lie in the future.”[1]

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2009 Heralds “A New Age Of Rebellion”

2009 heralds the start of a “new age of rebellion” according to an editorial in the highly influential London Times newspaper, and the year in which masses of people will take to the streets to riot in response to drastically falling standards of living.

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Anarchy Or Tyranny: The Most Pertinent Question Of Our Age

“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom” –John F. Kennedy
Revelations and Awakenings.
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