Rand Paul, Civil Rights, and More Liberal Hypocrisy on Race

(CampaignForLiberty) – I recently wrote two articles in which I criticized liberals for being two-faced and hypocritical when it comes to racial issues. The articles, which concerned the minimum wage, a longtime favorite government program among liberals whose negative effects fall disproportionately on blacks, were entitled “Why Do Daily Kos and Alternet Favor a Racist Government Program?” and “Free Teenagers: Repeal the Minimum Wage.”

Of course, I could also have written an article pointing out the decades-long liberal support of the drug war, another vicious government program whose adverse consequences have long fallen disproportionately on blacks and Hispanics. See, for example, this list of articles.

Thus, it’s not a coincidence that liberal icon Barack Obama, a drug user himself (he smoked dope and snorted cocaine when he was young and smokes tobacco today) and his Democratically controlled Congress are not only not ending the drug war but instead are ramping it up, even encouraging the Mexican government’s use of the military to wage the drug war in Mexico. Continue reading

Immigration News

(HuffingtonPost) – Video: Bill Clinton Sees ‘More Immigrants’ As A Way To Reduce Deficit

Former President Bill Clinton enthusiastically weighed into the blistering national debate on immigration today with a resounding assertion that America needs more immigrants — not fewer — to ensure its long-term fiscal future. Video Link Here

FLASHBACK (ABC) – Video: Ron Paul on Illegal Immigration – View Video Here

(Fox) – Video: Immigration reform legislation may make national ID cards a reality – Judge Napolitano – Video Link Here

(Truthout) – Behind The Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election

Phoenix – Don’t be fooled. The way the media plays the story, it was a wave of racist, anti-immigrant hysteria that moved Arizona Republicans to pass a sick little law, signed last week, requiring every person in the state to carry papers proving they are US citizens. Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – Justice Department considers suing Arizona to block immigration law

Officials in the Obama administration are urging the extraordinary step of suing Arizona over its new immigration law, and the Justice Department is considering such an action to block the legislation from taking effect, government officials said Wednesday. Read More Here

(NBC) – Texas Rep Wants to Import AZ Immigration Law

A Republican Texas lawmaker plans to introduce a tough immigration measure similar to the new law in Arizona, a move state Democrats say would be a mistake. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Hispanics, Democrats Plan Demos Against Arizona Law in 70 Cities

U.S. Hispanics and Democratic lawmakers furious over Arizona’s harsh crackdown on illegal immigrants expect huge weekend rallies across the United States, piling pressure on President Barack Obama to overhaul immigration laws in this election year. Read More Here

Video: Savage – Is Obama Trying to Spark a Race War?

Obama urges political action on the part of blacks, Latinos, young people and women while leaving out white males. Video Link Here

(NYDaily) – Mayor Bloomberg Says America is “Committing National Suicide” Over Immigration

A fired-up Mayor Bloomberg warned the U.S. “is committing national suicide” by passing the buck on implementing comprehensive immigration reform. Read More Here

Video: Cal. Rep. Hunter – Deport Children of Illegals

Representative Duncan Hunter wants to deport the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants but he isn’t the only one who wants to change the U.S. Constitution. Continue reading

Holder Tells Congress New Hate Crime Law Needed

Washington – Attorney General Eric Holder urged Congress Thursday to pass a new hate crimes law which would allow the federal government to prosecute cases of violence based on sexual orientation, gender or disability. Continue reading

Is Swine Flu A Race-Specific Virus?

First death in U.S. is Mexican toddler, prompting questions about why only hispanics have died despite outbreak spreading to at least ten countries Continue reading

Latin America uniting against neocons of Washington

Antipathy and disgust for the Bush administration and its neocon ideological ilk, including the key players and advisers in the John McCain campaign, have long taken root in the Middle East and South Asia. Names like Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, and Ledeen are held in utmost contempt throughout the Middle East and Muslim worlds.

The same kind of hatred for the United States and its neocon Latin American policy is now sweeping through South and Central America. In Latin America, it is individuals with names like Goldberg, Levey, Shapiro, Mukasey, Berman, Brownfield, and Shannon who have rankled Latin American nerves by their meddlesome actions in not only grossly interfering in the domestic affairs of Latin American nations, including fomenting insurrection and acts of terrorism, but designating certain Latin American leaders and officials as aiding in drug trafficking and terrorism.
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