The Return Of Civil Disobedience

(PersonalLibertyDigest) – It’s good to see civil disobedience making a comeback.

As NBC’s Washington, D.C., affiliate reported recently, a group of students who were members of the conservative Young America’s Foundation High School Conference were touring the Capitol in June. While visiting the Lincoln Memorial, the group spontaneously began singing the National Anthem when a U.S. Park Police officer tried to shut them down.

Rather than be intimidated by the fascist brown shirt on duty, a girl in the group is heard to say on the video, “This is America, we sing the national anthem. Who says on the Lincoln Memorial we can’t sing the national anthem, that’s what I want to know?” Continue reading

Memorial Day Alternative

(LewRockwell) – I have grown weary of the war-lovers taking over every holiday and exploiting them for their own deadly ambitions. Turning July 4th into a celebration of militaristic statism (see the old Bing Crosby musical Holiday Inn) was bad enough. But then seeing a Santa Claus in a flag-draped Uncle Sam suit on a Christmas card a couple years ago was simply too much.

Memorial Day is one holiday on which I often hold an “Anti-War Film Festival,” inviting a few friends – who, being friends of mine, have no need to be reminded of the evils of warfare – to watch what I consider the best of the films that bring war into disrepute. Instead of going out to a cemetery to join an “honor guard” gang to play taps and fire their rifles to celebrate the deaths of victims of warfare, I suggest such an anti-war film festival for your own consideration. Continue reading

Video: New Footage of the 9/11 WTC Attack

New Footage above of the moment the second plane crashed into the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001,has been released. These new images are just a few minutes among hundreds of hours of amateur video and images being collected by the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center which has launched a website containing examples of citizen journalism of the tragedy. Continue reading

The Nightmare At Pfizer – Injured Biotech Worker Becky McClain

The “Nightmare at Pfizer “- Injured Bio-Tech Worker Becky McClain Speaks at 2009 April 28, 2009 SF Workers Memorial Day Pfizer Biotech Stem Cell Researcher Becky McClain Reports On Health And Safety Dangers In The Biotech Industry Continue reading

The Threat of Totalitarianism

(Editor’s note:  Hilmar von Campe, who grew up under the Nazis and wrote the book, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, offers comparisons between Nazi Germany and America today. “Our nation has elected an anti-American left-wing radical if not Communist to be president of the United States,” he warns. “We better begin to plan now for the reality and not for a democratic daydream. The ideological war has reached us at the top of our power structure threatening our very existence from inside.”) Continue reading

Holder Tells Congress New Hate Crime Law Needed

Washington – Attorney General Eric Holder urged Congress Thursday to pass a new hate crimes law which would allow the federal government to prosecute cases of violence based on sexual orientation, gender or disability. Continue reading

The Daily Kos Does it Again

Now that a majority-support for Ron Paul’s bill HR 1207 is just a couple of co-sponsors away, it seems that an attempt has been made to undermine the credibility of the congressman by equating criticism of the Federal Reserve with neo-Nazis. Continue reading

Colin Powell: No Good Samaritan – Ray McGovern

Watching retired Gen. Colin Powell cite Jesus’s parable of the Good Samaritan during Sunday’s Memorial Day ceremonies on the Mall in Washington, it struck me that Powell was giving hypocrisy a bad name. Continue reading

Memorial Day 2009 – War Is A Waste, Not a Celebration

War is a waste so why do we celebrate it with parades, flags and glorious war stories when, in reality, they are fought by our youth who are but pawns in the hands of old men ~ seduced by power and greed ~ who are more than willing to waste our most precious resource: Continue reading

Video: Warning – Food Freedom Under Attack! HR 759 is in Committee & worse than HR 875

HR 759 has eclipsed HR 875 as a danger to America’s small farmers. Currently in committee, and more likely to pass, NOW is the time to act to stop this threat to our freedom to buy, grow and eat real foods. A vote is expected by Memorial day.

Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people, – Henry Kissinger Continue reading

Video: Footage of Phoenix Mass Grave Site

Video footage of a suspected mass grave site at the National Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona, has surfaced on YouTube. Continue reading