Obama’s Plan To “Geo-Engineer” The Planet Mirrors CFR Policy Documents

The Obama administration’s announcement that it is to consider radical planetary “geo-engineering”, such as “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays”, exactly mirrors recent publications penned by the elite Council On Foreign Relations. Continue reading

The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment

The Associated Press reports today that the Obama administration has held discussions regarding the possibility of “geo-engineering” the earth’s climate to counter global warming by “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays.” However, such programs are already being conducted by government-affiliated universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying. Continue reading

Obama administration considers climate engineering

The president’s new science adviser said today that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air. Continue reading

MSM: Pharmaceuticals found in fish across U.S.

Residue of allergy, cholesterol, other meds were in fish near 5 major cities Continue reading

Meat, Milk and Motors: The New China Syndrome – Robert Singer

China’s environmental degradation is so severe it has become the world’s problem. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed by China’s coal-fired power plants fall as acid rain on Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo and according to the Journal of Geophysical Research, much of the particulate pollution over Los Angeles originates in China. Continue reading

Development: Preparing for Water Quarrels, if not Wars

The Fifth World Water Forum begins in Istanbul Mar. 16 in the face of some stark facts: of the world’s water, 97.5 percent is the sea, and of the remaining, 70 percent is frozen in polar icecaps. That leaves precious little for 6.76 billion people around the world, expected to grow to 9 billion by 2050. Continue reading

Low-Level Ozone Exposure Found to Be Lethal Over Time

An 18-year study shows an increased annual risk of death from respiratory illnesses, depending on the pollution level. It goes beyond studies that linked brief ozone spikes to short-term effects. Continue reading

Why You Need Nutritional Supplements for the Rest of Your Life

If you think you may not need dietary supplements, read this. It could change your health for the rest of your life. Continue reading

How to Lighten the Income Tax Load on the American Worker – Tax the Speculators!

By Ralph Nader

Let’s start with a fairness point. Why should you pay a 5 to 6 percent sales tax for buying the necessities of life, when tomorrow, some speculator on Wall Street can buy $100 million worth of Exxon derivatives and not pay one penny in sales tax? Continue reading

Yes We Can!

Yes we can make you believe in anything we want

Yes we can lie incessantly through the unquestioning media

Yes we can brainwash your minds with propaganda

Yes we can make you unemployed Continue reading

Video: Dr. J. William Hirzy – Senate Committee Hearing on Water Fluoridation

The Subcommittee’s hearing today can only begin to get at the issues surrounding the policy of water fluoridation in the United States, a massive experiment that has been run on the American public, without informed consent, for over fifty years. Continue reading

Index Research: On The Road To Extinction

Mr. Bush’s (and ViPer Cheney’s) contempt for endangered species reflects a similar contempt for civilian lives in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Continue reading