Video: Clinton Advisor – Reno Threatened To “Tell The Truth About Waco” If Not Reappointed To Office

(SteveWatson) – President’s powerful right hand man drops bombshell on 17th anniversary of Siege Continue reading

Video: Olbermann Spins Viper Militia Story to Demonize Patriots and Open Carry

On August 19, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann took the airwaves warning us of the danger posed to the nation by the Arizona man who brought an AR-15 to an Obamacare event. Olbermann attempted to link the man to the so-called militia movement by way of Ernest Hancock, the editor of the Freedom’s Phoenix website, a constitutional news portal established to provide information as an alternative “to the filters of a slavering collective mainstream media awaiting the approval of their government masters.” Continue reading

Holder Living Up To Reputation As Gun Grabber

The choice of Eric Holder for attorney general sends an alarming signal to gun owners about how the Obama administration will view individual gun rights, as affirmed this year by the Supreme Court. Continue reading