De-classified Vietnam-era Transcripts Show Senators Knew Gulf Of Tonkin Was A Staged False Flag Event

(SteveWatson) – Elected Reps. chose to hide details from American public for fear of reprisals from “the big forces” that run the media and the presidency Continue reading

Senate Votes 96-0 For One Time Audit Of Federal Reserve

(C4L) – The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein (who has not come out either for, or against, an audit of the Fed) raises the same question many of us at Campaign for Liberty had when looking at the Sanders amendment…

The amended version of Audit the Fed passed the Senate 96 to 0 today. A version that was closer to the original — that is to say, it would’ve created a regular audit rather than a one-time audit — lost, 37 to 62. I’m a bit confused by a world in which 96 senators think we need to know what the Fed did in 2008 and 2009 but only 37 think we’ll need to know what the Fed did in 2012 and 2013.

What the Sanders amendment really called for was a mere one-time disclosure of some emergency lending powers used by the Federal Reserve during the most recent fiscal crisis, not an audit. Continue reading

MSM: Senators will unveil climate bill April 26

(WashingtonPost) – Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) will roll out their compromise climate proposal April 26, according to several sources. Continue reading

MSM: Big payoffs to senators on health bill stoke public anger

(SFExaminer) – With the approval rating of Congress sinking in the polls and public opinion of their health care plan going down along with it, Democrats may have done themselves one favor too many this week when they riddled the bill with special deals for individual lawmakers. Continue reading

Obama 2011 Coup Game Lists Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh as Patriots

“A new online computer game attempts to capitalize on the current strain of right-wing paranoia and activism, embodied by Glenn Beck’s televised blustering and the Tea Party protests, by allowing players to inhabit a world of the near-future that represents a conservative nightmare,” writes Eric Sorensen for The Huffington Post. Continue reading

Oligarchic Senate Still ‘Treasonous’ After All These Years

October 16, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — -Where are gutsy muckrakers of yesteryear?  In a stunning 1906 Cosmopolitan expose, journalist David Graham Phillips made history with his headline, “The Treason of the Senate.”  He then justified his condemnation of mercenary senators, then cherrypicked by states and owned by nefarious Trusts: Continue reading

Will America Shrug? – Campaign for Liberty

Since the time The United States of America was established its independence almost 235 years ago, the way that citizens view their government has changed significantly. Initially the government was intended to serve the people; whereas, in modern times, a large majority of Americans accept the role of government as a force that we have no control over accept once every 4 years when we elect a president. Otherwise, most Americans pass through their everyday lives watching the news and the decisions of their elected officials without making any sort of attempt to influence the actions of their elected officials — who were put in place in order to serve us, the people. Continue reading

What the Fed is REALLY Trying to Hide In Fighting an Audit

75% of Americans and at least 276 Congress members and 19 Senators want to audit the Fed, but the Fed is fighting tooth and nail to keep everything hidden. Continue reading

Senate Passes National Service Bill

Editor’s note: In a statement after passage in the Senate, Obama said “our work is not finished when I sign this bill into law — it has just begun.” It will now only be a matter of time before Obama’s “civilian national security force” powerful as the U.S. military takes to the streets.

See Obama Calls For National Civilian Stasi and Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force.” Continue reading

Tough times: Congress Grew 13 Percent Richer In 2007

October 27, 2008 – WASHINGTON — Times are tough, but don’t worry about most members of Congress making ends meet.

Their collective wealth grew by 13 percent last year, leaving them in better shape than most Americans to make it through an economic downturn, according to a new analysis of personal financial reports. Continue reading

MSM: Bailout Passes U.S. Senate, House Foes Soften

After one spectacular failure, the $700 billion financial industry bailout found a second life Wednesday, winning lopsided passage in the U.S. Senate and gaining ground in the House, where Republicans opposition softened.

Senators loaded the economic rescue bill with tax breaks and other sweeteners before passing it by a wide margin, 74-25, a month before the presidential and congressional elections. Continue reading

A Bill that is Not Passed Cannot be Amended

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I propose to demonstrate that in accordance with Constitutional Law the Senate of the United States of America did tonight perpetrate an unlawful and illegal act to abrogate the right of citizens of the United States to vote as guaranteed in Article 15 Clause I of the Constitution. The Congress has revealed itself, our Constitution cannot be interpreted, as it took over ten years to pass and is written in the plain language which can be amended but not abridged. Currently, the United States Senators who voted yes to an amendment of House Resolution 1424 defeated in the house, never sent to the Senate, and overwhelmingly not approved by the constituency is an act of authority made “Under Color of Law”, a crime against the country Under Color of Representative Authority not condoned in title 42 and publishable as a treasonous offense and any such law is null and of no effect. Continue reading

U.S. Senate ‘disregards’ procedural rule to FORCE $700 billion provision on bill to vote tonight. CALL, FAX, EMAIL ‘SPAM’ THEM!

UPDATE: Senator Federal Intervention Plan debate ongoing now! There will be a vote tonight at 9:00 or 9:30 PM EST. Continue reading