Washington to use Armenian territory to attack Iran says Azerbaijani MP

(1newsAZ) – According to MP Eldar Ibrahimov, the United States is planning to use Armenia for offensive against Iran.

“The United States intends to dislocate its military bases in Armenia”, Public TV channel reports that the due statement was made by chairman of the committee on agrarian policy of Milli Medjlis Eldar Ibrahimov at a meeting with representatives of the Iranian parliament on April 27.

“Iran is actively cooperating with Armenia that occupied the fifth part of the Azerbaijani territory. If not for the comprehensive support of Tehran, Armenia would have withdrawn from the Azerbaijani lands long before”, he said. Read entire article

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide

(ThePeoplesVoice) – Most reporters and other journalists in the mass media failed to do due diligence and misled their audiences regarding last month’s US House Foreign Affairs Committee vote in favor of Resolution 252, which would reaffirm the Armenian genocide of 1915 – 1923.

Nearly all media, prior to and after the vote, falsely said or implied that the House and the Federal government had never before recognized the Armenian genocide. Continue reading

Obama Moves to Undermine Iran with CIA Linked USAID “Democracy”

Ignore the neocons who whine that Obama and the Democrats are not doing enough to support the protesters arrayed in opposition to recently re-elected Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mullahs in Iran. Continue reading

MSM: Russia creates its own version of NATO in Central Asia to be prepared for big war

(Pravda) – The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) follows the instructions from President Dmitry Medvedev, who ordered to increase the military constituent and develop the coalition force development. A strong military group, which may appear in Central Asia in the nearest future, will make the CSTO become an analogue of NATO. Continue reading

US-Russia tensions escalate over closure of Afghan supply base

The threatened closure of a key Pentagon supply base in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, with serious implications for the Obama administration’s planned escalation of the US-led war in Afghanistan, has deepened tensions between Washington and Moscow. Continue reading