Video: ABC interviews FBI 911 Whistleblower Coleen Rowley

Chris Bury of ABC News interviews Coleen Rowley at the Treason in America Conference in Valley Forge, PA., 03/06/10 Continue reading

Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds

The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states. Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water! Continue reading

Water Wars: Your Food Supply Is Threatened

Are you aware that your food supply is threatened? The Central Valley, a 500 mile stretch of land, dominating the central portion of California, providing over 50% of America’s vegetables, fruits and nuts, has had its water source cut back by up to 90% in farming areas. Continue reading

MSM: Rural Well Water Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

(ScientificAmerican) – Rural residents who drink water from private wells are much more likely to have Parkinson’s disease, a finding that bolsters theories that farm pesticides may be partially to blame, according to a new California study. Continue reading

British Empire’s Warfare Raging Though South and Central Asia

(LPAC) – The British Empire is waging hot warfare throughout South and Central Asia, from Xinjiang in western China, through Afghanistan-Pakistan, to the North Caucasus region of Russia, as the Obama Administration’s insane surge policy gets underway. Continue reading

From My Lai to Bala Baluk – Obama Takes Over Where Bush Left Off

Barack Obama is aggressively stepping up the war in Afghanistan. He’s intensified the cross-border bombing of Pakistan and he is doubling the number of U.S. troops to 68,000 by 2010. He’s also a strong proponent of pilotless drones even though hundreds of civilians have been killed in bombing raid blunders. Continue reading