Florida Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments

(Truthout) – Unknown to most Americans is that dengue fever has been the intense focus of US Army and CIA biological warfare researchers for over 50 years. Ed Regis notes in his excellent history of Fort Detrick, “The Biology of Doom,” that as early as 1942 leading biochemists at the installation placed dengue fever on a long list for serious consideration as a possible weapon. Read More Here

Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist

(Truthout) – Media outlets across the Northwest United States began reporting on April 24 that a strange, previously unknown strain of virulent airborne fungi that has already killed at least six people in Oregon, Washington and Idaho is spreading throughout the region. The fungus, according to expert microbiologists, who have expressed alarm about the emergence of the strain, is a new genotype of Cryptococcus gatti fungi. Cryptococcus gatti is normally found in tropical and subtropical locations in India, South America, Africa and Australia. Microbiologists in the United States are reporting that the strain found here, for reasons not yet fully understood, is far deadlier than any found overseas. Continue reading

Colleague Says Anthrax Numbers Add Up to Unsolved Case

(RawStory) – A microbiologist who supervised the work of accused anthrax killer Bruce E. Ivins explained to a National Academy of Sciences panel Thursday why the arithmetic of growing anthrax didn’t add up to Ivins’ mailing deadly spores in fall 2001.

“Impossible,” said Dr. Henry S. Heine of a scenario in which Ivins, another civilian microbiologist working for the Army, allegedly prepared the anthrax spores at an Army lab at Fort Detrick. Heine told the 16-member panel that Ivins would have had to grow as many as 10 trillion spores, an astronomical amount that couldn’t have gone unnoticed by his colleagues. Continue reading

MSM: Biolabs Multiplying Like Rabbits: A Clear and Present Danger

(HuffPost) – Earlier this year, during an audit of the nation’s largest Level-4 BioSafety Lab (BSL-4) at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, 9,220 vials of ebola, anthrax, botulinum, equine encephalitis virus, and other deadly germs were discovered in the proverbial dusty old storage area. No one even knew the vials existed and thus no one knows for sure whether any are missing. Continue reading

Video: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones Tv – Swine Flu Conference in D.C. Update

Alex talks about the coming hyped-up flu pandemic and the possibility of forced vaccinations at roadblocks and the prospect of those who refuse to be vaccinated being sent to concentration camps at gunpoint. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

(A. True Ott, PhD, ND) – Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder Charged Continue reading

America’s Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Biological Warfare

The 2001 anthrax attacks underscore the dangers posed to our health and safety by the Bioweapons-Industrial Complex. Continue reading

New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

MSM: Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens

(WPost) – An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick’s infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said yesterday, raising concerns that officials wouldn’t know whether dangerous toxins were missing. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

Weaponizing Deadly Viruses: Historical Precedents

Many people react with incredulity when the assertion is made that the so-called swine flu outbreak in Mexico may be manufactured crisis. And yet history is replete with examples of government using biological and chemical agents for political purpose. Continue reading

Is Swine Flu A Biological Weapon?

There are some factors that suggest the swine flu killing people in Mexico may be a biological weapon, but obviously no such conclusion can be drawn at this time. The World Health Organization and the U.S. government have been quick to deny such claims.

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Army – 3 vials of virus samples missing from Maryland facility

(CNN) – Missing vials of a potentially dangerous virus have prompted an Army investigation into the disappearance from a lab in Maryland. Continue reading