Doctors Confirm Flu Shot Disabled Woman As Carrey & McCarthy Lend Support

Doctors have confirmed that a seasonal flu vaccine led to a Virginia woman becoming severely disabled as actors Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy offered their support through their Generation Rescue charity, an organization attempting to raise awareness about the link between vaccines and autism. Continue reading

The Free Gaza Movement – Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

We all remember the brutal Israeli attacks against Gaza last year. Many of us were outraged by the killings of some 1,300 Gazan Palestinian, men, women, the disabled, the children, the sick and the maimed.Hospitals and schools were destroyed. Continue reading

Video: Congresswoman Bachmann – No Health care for the disabled

(C-SPAN) – July 27, 2009 Continue reading

California budget deal punishes the poor

“PEOPLE ARE going to die.” Those were the words of Michelle Rousey, chair of the Public Authority Advisory Board for In-Home Support Services (IHSS) in California–as the cruel details of a budget deal worked out between Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic-dominated State Assembly emerged. Continue reading

Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead

Following Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented the toll on Gaza’s children and published it in May. It did so “in response to the unprecedented number of children who were killed (and injured) by (the Israeli Defense Forces) during the offensive on Gaza.” Continue reading

California Economy Near Collapse

MSNBC: California ‘s fiscal future lurched yet another step toward oblivion on Friday as state Controller John Chiang announced he could no longer make payments for services to disabled and blind people who need the money to pay for rent and food .Chiang said payments would most likely have to be stopped by Feb. 1. Continue reading