Video: Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite. Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today. This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are. Continue reading

The United States’ slide to corporatocracy

Following the US Supreme Court that removed restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns, Daniel Patrick Welch looks forward to a day in the not-too-distant future where there will be congressmen representing corporations and where homelessness and disease will vanish because no one will count or diagnose the sick. Continue reading

MSM: The Real Reason Americans Are Angry – It’s The Big Government, Stupid

(NYPost) – It’s been a hilarious August, watching media supporters of President Obama’s health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it. Continue reading

Potential Food Shortages… in America?

Holly Note: In recent days, numerous stories detail crop and livestock damage. Drought, floods, hail and freezes have bitten our foods, but whatever the cause, the result is the same — destroyed or damaged food supplies. These ultimately lead to higher store prices, shortages and in more extreme circumstances, rationing. Continue reading