MSM: Military asserts right to return cyber attacks

(AP) – The U.S. should counter computer-based attacks swiftly and strongly and act to thwart or disable a threat even when the attacker’s identity is unknown, the director of the National Security Agency told Congress.

Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, who is the Obama administration’s nominee to take on additional duties as head of the new Cyber Command, also said the U.S. should not be deterred from taking action against countries such as Iran and North Korea just because they might launch cyber attacks. Continue reading

Video: Obama Calls on Americans to Help With Cybersecurity

U.S. President Barack Obama has urged Americans to help guard against cyberattacks in a first-of-its-kind video published on the White House Web site. Continue reading

MSM: Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace – UN

(Breitbart) – The next world war could take place in cyberspace, the UN telecommunications agency chief warned Tuesday as experts called for action to stamp out cyber attacks. Continue reading

MSM: Cyber attacks enter new phase

(Telegraph) – Cyber attacks will enter a new phase and targeting personal computers and wiping out hard drives in the coming days, a South Korean government agency has warned. Continue reading

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

Under the rubric of cybersecurity, the Obama administration is moving forward with a Bush regime program to screen state computer traffic on private-sector networks, including those connecting people to the Internet, The Washington Post revealed July 3. Continue reading

Obama’s Cybersecurity Plan – Bring in the Contractors!

With billions of dollars in federal funds hanging in the balance, President Barack Obama unveiled the Cyberspace Policy Review May 29 at the White House. Continue reading