Wall Street Oligarchy and American Empire

(Infowars) – Citibank’s recent announcement that it may require seven days notice prior to honoring withdrawals is just the latest small brushstroke on a much larger canvas being painted by the banking system and the US government.  The broader picture is shocking for those watching as it comes into view.  Americans must heed Martin Luther King’s warning, “today our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake.” Continue reading

Video: Retired U.S. General Promises An Airliner Will Be Downed Within 100 Days

(SteveWatson) – A retired U.S. General has called for strip searches of all muslim men at airports and “threat-based” profiling, declaring that “in the next 30-100 days,” there is “very high probability a US airliner will come down.” Continue reading

Video: Yet another Obama promise broken

7 Broken Promises:
1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public (republicans shut out)
4. No more secrecy
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
6. You’ll know what’s in it (Republican Senators didnt know)
7. We will put every pork barrel project online
Continue reading

Video: Honduras – 100 Days of Resistance

It has been more than 100 days since Honduras underwent only the second coup in Central America since the end of the Cold War. Continue reading

MSM: R.I. to shut down state government for 12 days

(USAToday) – Rhode Island will shut down its state government for 12 days and trim millions of dollars in funding for local governments under a plan Gov. Don Carcieri proposed Monday to balance a budget hammered by surging unemployment and plummeting tax revenue. Continue reading

Video: We Need Sunlight to Disinfect the Legislative Process! – Ron Paul

(C4L) – During August recess, many legislators have heard an unexpected amount of discontent from their constituents about what is happening on Capitol Hill, particularly regarding healthcare. Some people are justifiably terrified at what the government could do to healthcare, should it get its claws even further into it. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu vaccine to be given to entire population

(Telegraph) – The NHS is preparing to vaccinate the entire population against swine flu. Continue reading

California will run out of cash in 14 days

The state wallet is empty. The bank closed. Credit has dried up, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told lawmakers in a special Tuesday morning address at the Capitol. Continue reading

H1N1: Government May Soon Tell Australians to Stock 14 Days of Supplies

Australians could soon be asked to stock their pantries with food and water and prepare for an emergency, according to the Federal Government’s pandemic flu plan. Continue reading

Company warned officials of flu 18 days before alert was issued

A Washington state biosurveillance firm raised the first warning about a possible outbreak of swine flu in Mexico more than two weeks before the World Health Organization offered its initial alert about a public health emergency of international concern. Continue reading