Video: House Passes the 1,200-page Climate Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read

Despite heated objections by some Republicans, the unread 1,200-page Waxman-Markey climate bill was passed 219-212 in the House on Friday. Continue reading

MSM: Obama says climate bill just the beginning

(WTimes) – President Obama on Friday said the global warming bill the House is debating today is only a start, not the end of efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions. Continue reading

MSM: Emissions trading blow – Fielding rejects climate change

(NewsAU) – Family First senator Steve Fielding has made up his mind on global warming – there’s not enough evidence that it’s real. Continue reading

MSM: New York ‘carbon counter’ sign shows greenhouse gases in real time

(Guardian) – New Yorkers leaving Penn station and the tenor Andrea Bocelli’s concert at Madison Square Garden stadium were confronted with an unusual advert yesterday – a huge sign showing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Continue reading

Obama’s Plan To Destroy America’s Farms Moving Full Steam Ahead

The bill is House Resolution 2454, imposing a domestic carbon emissions cap-and-trade program on the American economy. The goal seems to be nothing short of eradicating American farms and self-sustainability. Continue reading

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Global business leaders added momentum to prospects for a new U.N. climate treaty by agreeing Tuesday that the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by mid-century by setting specific limits on carbon. Continue reading

MSM: Carbon emissions threaten ‘underwater catastrophe’, scientists warn

Royal Society calls for CO2’s effect on seas to be included in climate change talks in Copenhagen Continue reading

MSM: Obama Announces First Nationwide Regulation of Greenhouse Gases

(W-Post) – President Obama today proposed tough standards for tailpipe emissions from new automobiles, establishing the first nationwide regulation for greenhouse gases. Continue reading

Climate Chaos Predicted by CO2 Study

World will have exceeded 2050 safe carbon emissions limit by 2020, scientists say. Continue reading

MSM: Gore pushes for U.S. climate law this year

(Reuters) – Global warming activist Al Gore on Friday urged passage this year of a U.S. law to slash greenhouse emissions, saying failure to pass legislation could cause the collapse of world climate negotiations. Continue reading

Video: Top House Republican – Idea that CO2 is harmful is ‘comical’

In a boisterous exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, the top House Republican said that declaring carbon dioxide a pollutant was “almost comical” and repeated denials that humans are responsible for global warming. Continue reading

MSM: Obama to regulate ‘pollutant’ CO2

The US government is to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, having decided that it and five other greenhouse gases may endanger human health and well-being. Continue reading

MSM: UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt

Jonathon Porritt, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society. Continue reading

MSM: China tells rich polluting nations to change lifestyle

BEIJING, Nov 7 (Reuters) – Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said rich nations must abandon their “unsustainable lifestyle” to fight climate change and expand help to poor nations bearing the brunt of worsening droughts and rising sea levels.
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