Chomsky: No change coming with Obama

The following is a Press TV interview with respected American author, political analyst and world-renowned linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky.

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New Research Confirms Vitamin D Blocks Formation of Breast Cancer

Women with a higher vitamin D intake may be a quarter less likely to die from breast cancer than women with lower levels, scientists have found.

In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto analyzed the vitamin D intake of 759 breast cancer patients and 1,135 women without breast cancer, accounting for both dietary intake and vitamin D production from exposure to sunlight. They found that women with a higher vitamin D intake had a 24 percent lower risk of acquiring hormone receptor-positive breast cancer than women with a lower vitamin intake. Continue reading

Study Shows Acai Berries May Kill Cancer Cells

Acai has only recently become an internationally popular super food. Yet it has been cherished by the native people of the Amazon for hundreds of years as a healing fruit. Modern Brazilians eat the acai berry because it tastes nice and is highly nutritious. The famous Gracie Jiu-Jitsu family recommended eating acai before workouts, and soccer players have been using the fruit as a natural energy booster. With its popularity skyrocketing, acai’s anti cancer potential is being researched. Continue reading

Israel switches to Iran after Gaza

Tel Aviv has reintroduced the idea of attacking Iran in the wake of a deadly military offensive in Gaza, which claimed over 1300 lives.

In a Saturday night meeting with Quartet envoy Tony Blair, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak claimed that Iran’s nuclear program threaten the stability of the region. Continue reading

Dangerous Executive Orders

The Center for Constitutional Rights has expressed concern that President Obama’s executive order banning torture may contain a loophole. But no president has any right to declare torture legal or illegal, with or without loopholes. And if we accept that presidents have such powers, even if our new president does good with them, then loopholes will be the least of our worries.

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Video: KRS-ONE on The Alex Jones Show”Stop The Hate!”

Alex welcomes to the show noted rapper KRS-One, who engendered a controversy with his September 11 comments. Continue reading

Hyperinflation Will begin In China And It Will Destroy The Dollar

The conventional wisdom on China is dead wrong. Specifically, there is a widespread belief, as expressed by Goldman Sachs, that “China will keep the yuan trading within a narrow range in 2009 due concerns about exporters.” Worse still, others are even predicting that China will devalue its currency! The sheer wishful thinking is astounding! The idea that “China will keep the dollar peg to help its exporters” ranks all the way up there with “Housing prices always go up” and “You can spend your way to prosperity”. Continue reading

Starve Them; Shoot Them; then Give Them Cancer

An Inquiry into Israel’s use of DIME weaponry in of the Gaza Strip

At the end of 2006, James Brooks from Vermonters for a Just Peace published a three part expose into Israel’s suspected use of a previously unseen weapon, DIME Bombs, on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. Suspicions have arisen once more as Doctors continue to report the ‘strange and incurable wounds’ they are encountering following the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip.

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How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor’s bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile’s trajectory back to an “enormous, stupid mistake” made 30 years ago.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel’s destruction. Continue reading

MSM: Possible Toyota job cuts as auto crisis rolls

(Reuters) – A warning of unprecedented staff cuts at Toyota, the world’s biggest auto maker, and word of a possible first quarter loss by Volkswagen piled fresh pressure on struggling car manufacturers on Friday. Continue reading