Ray McGovern: NYC 9/11 Trial Will Shine the Lights on the Roots of Terrorism

(AlterNet) – As Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other alleged 9/11 conspirators go to trial, the corporate media’s embargo on the truth about the Bush years will be under great strain. Continue reading

MSM: The Christmas credit crunch – Greedy finance firms push interest rate towards 40%

(DailyMail) – The move by Capital One means some customers will be paying almost 40 per cent interest on their Christmas gifts and January sale purchases unless they clear the balance on their cards. Continue reading

Questions Regarding The Fort Hood Massacre – Chuck Baldwin

(C4L) – By now, virtually everyone has read and reread the copious news accounts of the terrible shooting a few weeks ago at Fort Hood, Texas. This column will not attempt to add new details to what is already a highly scrutinized tragedy. However, I do want to pose three basic questions that, to me, are extremely glaring and, for the most part, absent from the discussion.

Question 1: Why were the soldiers not armed? Continue reading

Our Financial Dependence on China – The Truth Behind China’s Currency Peg

(PeterSchiff) – During President Obama’s high profile visit to China this week, the most frequently discussed, yet least understood, topic was how currency valuations are affecting the economic relationship between the United States and China. The focal problem is the Chinese government’s policy of fixing the value of the renminbi against the U.S. dollar. While many correctly perceive that this ‘peg’ has contributed greatly to the current global imbalances, few fully comprehend the ramifications should that peg be discarded. Continue reading

Middle East News

(NYTimes) – Obama Threatens Iran with New Sanctions

Senior officials from Western powers discussed the possibility of new sanctions on Iran on Friday for flouting the United Nations Security Council’s demands and expressed disappointment that Iran had not yet accepted a draft agreement to export most of its enriched uranium for nuclear fuel. Read More Here

Ahmadinejad: Iran to go its way despite Western warnings

Iran will go its way despite Western warnings, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday, brushing off international warnings after the Islamic state apparently rejected a compromise deal on its controversial nuclear programme. Read More Here

(IsraelNN) – Poll – 53% Of Israeli’s Favor Ethnic Cleansing

53.2% of surveyed Israelis say the “solution” to the conflict was the ethnic cleansing (”transfer”) of Palestinians out of occupied Palestine and into other neighboring Arab countries. This was the most popular option among all alternatives, including the two state solution, Jordanian citizenship in the West Bank, status quo, etc. For comparative purposes, only 30.8% of Israelis support the “two-states for two peoples” framework for peace. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran to launch largest aerial defense maneuver

Iran is scheduled to launch a large-scale joint aerial defense maneuver in an attempt to prepare itself for any potential attack against the country. Read More Here

Obama Aggresses – Media echoes lie Iran threatens to “wipe Israel off the map.”

“Crimes against Peace” is the planning of a War of Aggression. It is illegal under several areas of law wherein all nations bound themselves to prevent the carnage of war: the UN Charter (treaty status), Nuremberg Principles (or London Charter, treaty status), and US military law. US political and media leaders continue war rhetoric to attack Iran, in direct violation of the most important law a nation should uphold (here for encyclopedic background). Read More Here

The Pending Collapse Of The U.S.A. – Timothy V. Gatto

The truth that most people realize but can’t openly talk about is that America has seen better days and that the system of capitalism has long outlived its usefulness. The last part of that sentence, that capitalism has outlived its usefulness, is thoroughly the fault of the capitalists themselves. Continue reading

End the FED Houston to Protest for the Abolition of the Federal Reserve, Sunday Nov 22, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009 local activist group End the Fed Houston (www.endthefedhouston.com) will be joined by Congressman Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh and hundreds of protesters at Buffalo Bayou Park between 1:00pm and 4:00pm to peacefully protest America’s central bank as the source of 2008’s economic woes. The Rally is titled “Save the Dollar, End the FED!” According to the group, the central economic planning and controlled devaluation of the U.S. Dollar have perpetuated and exacerbated past and present economic conditions. Continue reading

By 2019, Taxpayers Will Pay $196 Billion A Year for Obamacare, But 24 Million People Will Remain Uninsured

(CNSNews) – Under the health care bill introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday, by 2019 taxpayers will be paying $196 billion per year to subsidize other people’s health insurance coverage, but there still will be 24 million uninsured people in America, according to the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation. Continue reading

Video:New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as “first year of global governance”

The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” During Rompuy’s intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,

“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”

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Beginning of the end for the Internet in the UK

Often lauded as the ‘CCTV state’ and ‘the most surveilled country in the world’, the UK may soon deliver a killing blow to the Internet as we know it. Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing is reporting some leaked legislation from the UK government that would remove any kind of freedom or privacy that the Internet grants its users. Continue reading

End the Fed Rallies Across America




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Gold Market Breakdown

The rise in gold pre-sages a currency collapse, led by the USDollar. Gold vaults at commodity exchanges in New York and especially London are being drained by delivery demands. Gold demand is skyrocketing, as distrust for the USDollar is broadening and revolt against the US$ is deepening. Continue reading

The Boiling Frogs Presents Joe Lauria: Podcast Show #12

Joe Lauria relates the latest developments in the United Nations, including the controversies involving the elections in Afghanistan, the removal of Peter Galbraith, and the liability of having an American as the second man in office. He discusses the recent UN report on the Taliban’s funding, including heroin related funds and associated outcomes, the chronic and widespread corruption within the Afghan government, and President Obama’s dilemma when it comes to Af-Pak. Continue reading

Obama Allies Want New Tax To Pay For Cost Of Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

(PaulWatson) – Not content with savaging American taxpayers with two huge new financial burdens during an economic recession, in the form of health care reform and cap and trade, close allies of Barack Obama have proposed a new war surtax that will force Americans to foot the bill for the cost of protecting opium fields in Afghanistan, paying off drug lords, and bribing the Taliban. Continue reading

NORAD may ground costly 9/11 air defense system

(RawStory) – The government is to review an air defense system established after the September 11, 2001 attacks to determine whether the costly program is still necessary, the New York Times reported Friday. Continue reading