Audio: NATO And The US: Protectors of Global Corporate Capitalism

(GunsNButter) – The American Media Empire of Managed News” with Dr. Peter Phillips.

NATO and the US with all these bases are the protectors of global corporate capitalism, they are the protectors of the world bank, that’s the agenda. Those are the oppressors.

Propaganda model post 9/11 becomes deliberate disinformation; consolidation of media and public relations groups; prison torture across the US; domestic secret detention centers; Operation FALCON mass arrests; suspension of habeas corpus by the Chief Executive; US and NATO as protectors of global capital; structure of inequality maintained by global capital and military empire worldwide; repression that addresses us all; the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. Audio Link Here

Audio: The Invasion of Gaza – Interview with Michel Chossudovsky

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Guns and Butter – The Invasion of Gaza

“The Invasion of Gaza” with Michel Chossudovsky discussing Israel’s broader military-intelligence plan, “Operation Justified Vengeance” (Ariel Sharon 2001) of which “Operation Cast Lead” is part; the assassination of Yaser Arafat; the humanitarian crisis; strategic gas reserves offshore from Gaza; and Israel’s energy transport corridor along the coast of the eastern Mediterranean.  Encore broadcast to mark the one-year anniversary of the attack on the Gaza strip.
This program was originally broadcast on Jan 14, 2009.

Drones, Cowboys and the Right to Surrender

(InfoWars) – Sci Fi warfare isn’t coming to our future, it is here. And there will be consequences for every human on the planet. A new battlefield has been created, one in which the odds are tipped decidedly in favor of technological prowess over and above humanity. Continue reading

Blackwater, ‘CIA’s Partner in Secret Operations’

(PressTV) – The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has recruited private security guards from Blackwater for clandestine operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, a report says. Continue reading

U.S. Wars and the Opium Trade

When Turkey in the late 1940s became a site of NATO and US forces its rank became cemented as the number one supplier of opium to the heroin markets of the US and Europe. This illegal opium market was primarily centered in Europe, where the final processing into heroin was done before going on to the market for the rest of the world. Its profits were therefore also made largely by Europeans. In 1968 research ordered by the Nixon Administration revealed that this Turkish opium crop supplied 80% of the opium destined to become heroin for the illegal markets of Europe and the US .(1) Continue reading

Colombia and America’s War on Drugs

(GlobalResearch) – Since their systemic targeting of producer nations through militarized methods of eradication, state officials in Washington have regularly shown consistent inaccuracies when concerning the effectiveness and validity of its so-called ‘war on drugs’. Continue reading

We Are CHANGE – 200 Chapters Strong and Growing

In October of 2006 a small group of us got together because we wanted to make a difference. Living in NYC or the surrounding area, each of us had been greatly affected by the events on 9-11 and we wanted answers to the questions that the powers-at-be refused to answer. Continue reading

Your support is needed to bring Bill HR 847 ‘the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act’ to the floor of Congress for a Vote

Having lost over eight hundred September 11th first responders since that horrific day, we must act now as many, many more of our Nation’s Heroes are sick and dying due to the time they spent at the World Trade Center site. Continue reading

Video: Podesta Suggests Legalizing Pot and Taxing It

(ABC) – Not there yet, but the roundtable seemed to think that the legalization of marijuana is coming. John Podesta even suggested (in jest?) taxing marijuana could be a way to pay for health care. The times they are a-changin’ Continue reading

Distrusting Climate Change Globalism – Campaign for Liberty

This December, leaders of the industrialized world will gather in Copenhagen to frame an international strategy against “climate change” to take the place of Kyoto. Continue reading

Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nanothermite

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has had considerable difficulty determining a politically correct sequence of events for the unprecedented destruction of three World Trade Center (WTC) buildings on 9/11. But despite a number of variations in NIST’s story, it never considered explosives or pyrotechnic materials in any of its hypotheses. Continue reading

Dwain Deets speaking at University of San Diego

Former NASA engineering executive Dwain Deets, will speak on behalf of more than 900 architects and engineers who cite evidence of explosive demolition at all three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11 and are calling for a new, independent investigation into their destruction. Continue reading

Call for Support from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

New, Easy Entry Level, with a Powerful Thank-You Gift Continue reading

Video: Russia Today – Daniel Sunjata Wants a New 9/11 Investigation

In an exclusive interview with RT, “Rescue Me” Actor Daniel Sunjata explains his demand for a new 9/11 independent investigation. He says truth will reveal September 11th was an inside job. Continue reading

Video: Richard Gage AE911 Interview Loose Change An American Coup Extra

Richard Gage – Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth – Continue reading

Audio: Guns And Butter – Dress Rehearsal For Debt Peonage

“Dress Rehearsal For Debt Peonage” with economist Dr. Michael Hudson on why the banks are returning the bailout money; bank fees and penalties; banks prefer default to foreclosure; debt as wealth; Obama’s Financial Regulatory Reform Proposal and its six major flaws; the deregulation-by centralization ploy; failure to reform the economy will lead to debt peonage. Continue reading

Where Is The Revolution?

I no longer subscribe to either of the following perceptions of our government:
1. The popular impression that we are a democracy where the will of the majority determines public policy.
2. The originally intended conception of American government as a constitutional republic consisting of representatives of the people whose votes reflect the will of their constituents, balanced with an intelligent, complete, and benevolent pursuit of the general welfare. Continue reading