Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

(Rense) – A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed ‘healthcare bill.’ Read his staggering conclusions. The Truth About The Health Care Bills Continue reading


(EarthLink) – Companies say health care costs hard to swallow

The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees because of a change in how the government subsidizes those benefits. Read More Here

(DenverPost) – FLASHBACK: Obama Operative Responsible For Breaking Window To Frame Anti-Obamacare Activists

One of two people suspected of shattering 11 windows Tuesday morning at the state Democratic Party headquarters has an arrest record and a history of helping a Democratic political candidate, public records show. Read More Here

(SouthBendTribune) – Senate Republicans target Pell grants in health care law

After nine straight hours of beating back Republican amendments, Senate Democrats hit a temporary snag Thursday in their drive to rush through a package of fixes to the big health care law signed by President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Conyers Cites Imaginary Constitutional Clause in Defense of Obamacare

It is a sad and frightening commentary on the state of the nation. As the video below demonstrates, our elected representatives are clueless about the Constitution, which they are sworn to uphold. Video Link Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

President Obama’s promise that Americans would still be able to keep the same doctor and the same plan they were on before the health care bill was passed is already collapsing, with businesses, insurance companies and medical device manufacturers jacking up prices in response to Obamacare, and making it clear that the burden of the raft of new taxes imposed by the legislation will fall on Americans across the income spectrum. Continue reading

Video: Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against ‘Obamacare’ Law – Alex Jones Show

(March 25, 2010) – Alex welcomes back to the show former New Jersey Superior Court Judge, political and legal analyst for Fox News, and the host of Freedom Watch and a talk radio show, Andrew Napolitano. Judge Napolitano is the author of several books, including Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks its Own Laws, A Nation of Sheep, and Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History. Continue reading


(TrueSlant) – Don’t believe the numbers, Obamacare is a financial disaster

Let me see if I got this right. The Obama administration and its congressional allies would like us to believe that the biggest piece of legislation in 45 years, one that will expand medical coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans, that will set up two new huge entitlement programs – health insurance subsidies and long-term health care benefits – is going to cost just $940 billion while reducing the U.S. government’s fiscal deficit by $138 billion?
Sorry, I don’t buy it. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Healthy and Uninsured in America – View Video Here

(SteveWatson) – Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

Knock on effect will mean more costs for the American people Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Cantor Accuses Democrats of Exploiting Threats

The Congressional clash over threats and vandalism against lawmakers in the aftermath of the health care vote took a new turn Thursday as the No. 2 House Republican accused Democrats of recklessly exploiting the incidents for political gain. Read More Here

(WSJ) – ObamaCare Day One

Companies are already warning about higher health-care costs. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – 12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

As many as a dozen taxes in the new health care law violate President Barack Obama’s campaign pledge not to raise taxes on families earning less than $250,000 and on individuals earning less than $200,000. Read More Here

(Fox) Video: Judge Napolitano – Health Care and the Constitution with Ron Paul

Can government legally force you to buy insurance? Video Link Here

(JTCoyote’) – The States, and 10th Amendment, will Thwart Obamacare

As I pointed out in an article here a few months ago, there is a specific “lawful” procedure, a specific set of steps that must be followed in order to satisfy lawful service, and peacefully stop unlawful federal mandates including this Obama-care travesty. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Clyburn: Obamacare Opponents “Aiding And Abetting Terrorism”

Congressman Clyburn accuses opponents of Obamacare of “aiding and abetting terrorism”. – Video Link Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Michele Bachmann – Congratulation Mr President You’re Half Way There! – View Video Here

Video: Ron Paul- Texas Straight Talk- Unconstitutional Healthcare

Ron Paul talks about the newly past Obama care bill. Continue reading

Video: Pro-Obamacare Thugs, Not Tea Party Activists, Are The Real Violent Extremists

(PaulWatson) – Corporate media characterizes broken windows as deadly assault by bloodthirsty mob while ignoring physical attacks on Tea Party members by pro-Obama leftist goons Continue reading

The Pelosi Sanction

“Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough” –Noah Cross from “Chinatown”

What has become of our beloved America?  Since Christmas Eve, 1913 our standard of living and quality of life has made a death spiral towards complete and utter despotism. Continue reading

Returning the Beast to its Cage

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – The pen that the President used has already been tucked away for it’s ‘historic value’. The bill has been printed with congressional approval and now that Barack Obama’s signature appears on it we have officially entered an age of unprecedented Federal control over the most tangible aspect of our human experience- our bodies. Continue reading


(Bloomberg) – Obamacare Taxes Begin Immediately

Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning today in just one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(WJR) – Video: Rep. Dingell Admits Obamacare Will Eventually “Control the People”

“It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps… to control the people.” – Video Link Here

(CNBC) – Health Care Law Signals US Empire Decline?

The passage of the health care law shows that the US empire is declining because it illustrates the fact that people expect the state to take care of them, David Murrin, the co-founder of Emergent Asset Management hedge fund manager, told CNBC. Read More Here

(NewsWithViews) – It Has Nothing to Do With Healthcare

We know the Obama healthcare overhaul has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s all about control, and specifically population control. In 1973, the supreme court found for Roe in an unbelievable 7 to 2 decision that abortion was legal. Since then 50 million babies have been murdered in their mother’s wombs in the United States of America, where LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is promised in the Declaration of Independence. Read More Here

(FascistSoup) – Healthcare Bill Exempts Congress And Staff

This is so outrageous I’m fairly speechless. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – Obamacare a Boon For Pharmaceutical Crooks

Obama gives sugar plums to the special interests – Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year

Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning today in just one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(C4L) – Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

Owing entirely to the visionary compassion of the Dear Leader and his party, the same regime that has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, that poured trillions of dollars into the coffers of Wall Street kleptocrats, that brought its unique healing touch to victims of the post-Katrina disaster in New Orleans, and that routinely commits similar acts of divine charity, will now relieve you of the burden of making your own health care decisions. Read More Here

(AP) – Health care timeline – Read More Here

(RevolutionaryPolitics) – Backroom Deals In the Democrats Health Care Takeover – Read More Here

Video: Journalist James Delingpole Foresees State Rationed Healthcare

Alex welcomes back to the show English journalist and novelist, James Delingpole. He has published several novels and two political books, How to be Right: The Essential Guide to Making Lefty Liberals History, and Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn’t Work. He writes for The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and as a television critic for The Spectator. Continue reading

Video: SouthernAvenger – Shame on Everyone for Obamacare

The Democrats ushered in Obamacare but Republicans laid the groundwork in 2003, and were certainly no heroes in the lead up to this latest big government scheme. Continue reading

Video: Federal Reserve Power Grab Bill Moves to Senate

(KurtNimmo) – As Democrats went all soft and squishy over the prospect of a leviathan and authoritarian government grabbing more power under Obamacare, the Senate Banking Committee under the direction of Democrat Christopher Dodd put finishing touches on a “financial regulatory reform bill.” Dodd’s committee passed a 1,300-page bill in a 21-minute “partisan” markup, according to WebCPA. Continue reading


Video: Michael Savage Reacts to ObamaCare Passing – Discusses Flaws in Bill – Video Link Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Defeat In Victory: The Democrat’s Health Care Bill

What looks like a big victory for Obama and the Democrats may be their greatest undoing. It’s true that the passage of Obama’s health care bill represents a significant political victory for the Democrats. But sometimes a battle won could equal a lost war. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Closing Time: An Historic Confirmation of Corporate Power – Read More Here

It looks like heaven but it feels like death;
It’s something in between, I guess:
It’s closing time.
— Leonard Cohen

(CNSNews) – Video: House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution’s Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) said the “good and welfare clause” gives Congress the authority to require individuals to buy health insurance as mandated in the health care bill. However, there is no “good and welfare clause” in the U.S. Constitution. View Video Here

(CNSNews) – Obama Plans Propaganda Blitz to Boost Acceptance of Health Care Bill

It’s not enough for Democrats to have passed their health care “reform” bill. Now they want everyone to like the bill that was rammed through Congress without a single Republican vote. Read More Here

Flashback – Video: Obama Promises Public 5 Days To View Bills Before He Signs Them

On the campaign trail President Obama said the “public will have five days to look at every bill that lands on my desk” before he signs it into law. Video Link Here

(PaulWatson) – The Cost Of Defying Obamacare: $2,250 a Month And IRS Goons Pointing Guns At Your Family

The cost of defying Obamacare by withholding compliance on your income tax return will not be for the faint hearted – families will be forced to cough up $2,250 a month while being closely scrutinized by an army of new IRS agents with fresh “combat training,” armed to the teeth with 12 gauge pump action shotguns. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Obamacare: Taxing The American People Into Oblivion

H.R. 3590, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to give it its full title, is rammed full of tax increases which will further economically cripple Americans already laboring under the worst financial crisis since the great depression. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Kerry Exploits Obamacare Passage to Propose Carbon Tax

Following their successful effort to force totalitarian health control legislation down the throats of the American people, Obama’s allies are now pushing for climate change legislation. Read More Here

(WRal) – Reality Check: Having Obamacare ‘going to be like Christmas’

Uninsured Triangle residents said Monday that they eagerly await the overhaul of the nation’s health care system. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Video: Health Measure’s Opponents Plan Legal Challenges

Officials in a dozen states who oppose the health care bill say they hope to block it in court by arguing that requiring people to buy health insurance is an unprecedented intrusion by the federal government into people’s lives — the equivalent of going a step beyond simply regulating automobiles to requiring people to buy a car. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – Video: Obama to Sign Health Care Bill Today as GOP Challenges Constitutionality

President Obama will sign the historic health care bill into law this morning, but Republicans are still fighting back with promises of lawsuits and heated rhetoric, including a shot from one GOP governor who blasted what he called Obama’s “nanny nation approach” to government. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – IRS Needs $10 Billion to Act as Obamacare Enforcer

The Internal Revenue Service will function as the government’s chief enforcer for health care reform, should President Obama sign the bill into law as expected, monitoring both businesses and individuals to certify whether they have the insurance coverage the government requires. Read More Here

(Infowars) – Video: Shame on Republicans and Democrats for Obamacare

The Democrats ushered in Obamacare but Republicans laid the groundwork in 2003, and were certainly no heroes in the lead up to this latest big government scheme. Read More Here

(Infowars) – Idahoans Blazing a Trail Against Federal Government Takeover

Ernest Hemingway, one of Idaho’s most famous residents, once said that “Courage is grace under pressure.” In an America being incrementally taken over by the federal government, the state where Hemingway spent much of his time is showing that courage and fighting back in a big way. Recently, the Idaho legislature and many of its citizens decided to supplement talk with action. Read More Here

(RulersofUsAll) – Declaration of Dependence: The Founding Fathers Roll in their Graves

The United States government has officially announced its decree of dependence through bailouts and the outright robbery known as “Health-care Reform.” Our present-day government has become an abomination against the Founding Fathers and the documents they created for the protection of all free men and their descendants. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

If the health care bill was such a positive act of reform, as establishment Democrats and the corporate media are pitching it, then how come it needs to be enforced by means of coercion at the hands of thousands of armed IRS thugs? Read More Here

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

With ObamaCARE now passed, containing the Cornhusker Kickback, Gator-Aid, the Lousiana Purchase, and other shady deals, Investors Business Daily gives up 20 ways that ObamaCARE will take away our freedoms. IBD’s sections described below are taken from HR 3590 as agreed to by the Senate and from the reconciliation bill which takes out the Cornhusker Kickback and Gator-Aid as displayed by the Rules Committee. Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Judge Napolitano – Why State Efforts Against Obamacare Are Doomed

FOX Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano weighs in on the legality of the health-care legislation. Continue reading

Video: Alex Breaks Down What’s Really in Stalinist-like “Obamacare”

Alex breaks down the latest on “Obamacare” and what affects it will have on americans if this bill is signed into law. Mainstream media keeps spinning the health-Care bill to death, but alex will tell you what’s really in the bill, and you won’t like what you hear today on another important sunday broadcast
of the alex jones show. Continue reading

Noam Chomsky: Health bill sustains the system’s core ills

(RawStory) – “The United States’ health care system is so dysfunctional it has about twice the health care costs of comparable countries and some of the worst outcomes,” Chomsky told Raw Story. “This bill continues with that.” Continue reading


(Reuters) – Florida says several states to file healthcare lawsuit

Florida’s attorney general will file a lawsuit with nine other state attorneys general opposing the healthcare legislation passed by Congress, a spokeswoman said on Monday. Read More Here

(DowJones) – Health-Care Stocks Up After House OK’s Obamacare

Health-care stocks led the stock market higher Monday after the U.S. House Sunday approved a historic health-care overhaul designed to bring health insurance to 32 million more Americas while subjecting U.S. industries to a dramatically redrawn and newly regulated marketplace. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – The Politics of Obammunism

The Obammunist’s socialized health care legislation promises to cut Medicare spending by hundreds of billions of dollars while increasing Medicare spending by hundreds of billions. At least half of all Medicare enrollees vote Republican; almost all Medicaid enrollees vote Democrat. This is why the Obammunists are so euphoric today. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Income Redistribution: New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’

President Barack Obama said on the campaign trail in October 2008 that he wanted to “spread the wealth around.” With Obama on the verge of signing sweeping health-care overhaul legislation, he’s about to do just that. Read More Here

(WakeUp1776) – Stopping Obamacare Rests With the States

Title says it all. And it doesn’t stop with Obamacare. We need to use the states to take back state sovereignty overall. We need to revive how our nation was shortly after the first revolution – a strong union of thirteen separate and individual states. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Obamacare: Names to Remember Come November

Below is a list of votes cast last night in the House on Obamacare at gunpoint and a takeover of one fifth of the economy by the federal government. Remember the names come the November mid-term elections. Vote them out of Congress. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – 15 New Taxes The Democrats Just Foisted On The American People – Read More Here

(MakeItEightEh) – Why does the U.S. Healthcare Bill remind me of Logan’s Run?

Don’t be fooled…the U.S. healthcare bill, if made law will end up killing more people than it will save. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Virginia Calls Health Bill Unconstitutional, Files Suit

Attorney General: “At no time in our history has the government mandated its citizens buy a good or service” Read More Here

(CNSNews) – Obamacare To Cost American Families $15,200 A Year

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 219-212 on Sunday night to socialize health care in the United States, making the government the paymaster of, and giving it sweeping regulatory authority over, the U.S. health care industry which represents one-sixth of the U.S. economy. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – Health Care Legislation: Here Come the Lawsuits

The American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative civil liberties group, says it is preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the “flawed” health care package that passed the House 219-212 on Sunday night. Read More Here

(CanadaFreePress) – Health Care Mandate to Be Enforced by IRS ‘Bounty Hunters’

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will see its largest expansion since withholding taxes were first enacted during WWII to enforce the glut of new tax mandates and penalties included in the Democrats’ latest health care plan, according to Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) Read More Here

Our Illegitimate, Fascist Socialist Federal Government

The House of Representatives has signed the Senate health insurance takeover bill and Obama will now sign it. There is an intention to make some amendments to this bill, but in essence it will remain the same. Read More Here

(InvestmentWatch) – Obamacare is the democrats synonym for “new taxes”

It is part of Obama’s plan to have his hands on our money in my opinion .Because the IRS is now in charge of punishing those who think they can opt out, the IRS also ordered a record number of assault weapons for their employees, any correlation? Read More Here

(SelfOwnership) – Health Care Bill Worse than 911

“The 911 tragedy will pale in comparison to the damages that our country will experience as a result of the passage of this government take over of our health care industry,” I said. “Way more people will die as a result of this bill than died in 911 and the wars that followed it.” Read More Here

Video: ‘Hell No!’ – Boehner Makes Impassioned Statement on House Floor

“Have you read the bill? Have you read the reconciliation bill? Have you read the manager’s amendment? Hell no you haven’t!” Continue reading


(Infowars) – Corporate Media Calls Obamacare Opponents Racist, Homophobic

Thousands of people gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday to voice their opposition to Obamacare, but instead of covering their principled opposition the corporate media concentrated on racial slurs made by a few protestors. Read More Here

(CTV) – Dems Strong-arm Holdouts, Ready Passage of Obamacare

As the United States House of Representatives prepares to use a rare Sunday session to vote on President Barack Obama’s health care reform bill, the chairman of the Democratic caucus says his party is poised to win the historic vote. Read More Here

(FDL) – Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill – Read More Here

(RepublicanSenate) – Breaking: “Fix” Bill May Not Advance In Senate

Senate Democrats have balked at a bi-partisan meeting with the Senate Parliamentarian to discuss a rule violation that could doom the entire House reconciliation proposal. Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – Out: Deem and Pass; In: Executive Order on abortion

Health care reform is like a bad Norse Saga – excruciatingly endless, filled with the names of people we’re not familiar with, and ultimately doomed to tragedy. Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – House health-care vote Sunday may hinge on abortion issues

House leaders decided Saturday to stage a vote on the Senate’s health-care bill, dropping a much-criticized strategy of allowing lawmakers to “deem” the landmark legislation into law. But the outcome of that vote remained in doubt as a pivotal bloc of Democrats continued to withhold its support over fears that the bill would open the door to the federal funding of abortion. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – 16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare

New tax mandates and penalties included in Obamacare will cause the greatest expansion of the Internal Revenue Service since World War II, according to a release from Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas. Read More Here

(EmptyWheel) – Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism

I believe that if the Senate health care bill passes as Joe Lieberman has demanded it–with no Medicare buy-in or public option–it will be a significant step further on our road to neo-feudalism. As such, I find it far too dangerous to our democracy to pass–even if it gives millions (perhaps unaffordable) subsidies for health care. Read More Here

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – Kill the Bill, Invoke the 10th

The federal government takeover of the health care industry and your loss of medical freedom only lacks a Presidential signature to become a federal law. We the people know that this cannot stand if America is to remain a free country. Keep your head up, it is time to invoke the 10th and kill this bill and the others soon to follow once and for all. Read More Here

Video: Peter Schiff – Health Care Reform & Socialized Medicine – View Video Here

(TheConservativePost) – Socialized Medicine Horror Stories: Ripped from Britian and Canadian Papers

The Statists are really getting nervous. They went home over the 4th of July, and got an earful from their constituents. Let’s make sure we keep up the pressure, and kill this massive government take over of your health. Read More Here


(SteveWatson) – Dem Congressman On Health Bill: Insurance Companies Are “Holding Hostages”

A Democratic Congressman has stated that he will refuse to vote yes on the pending health care reform bill, declaring that the legislation represents a vastly bloated giveaway to insurance companies and big pharma. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Health Care: Obama Approves Sabotaging The Constitution

On Thursday, Robert Gibbs, Obama’s press secretary, responded to a question about the so-called “Slaughter Rule” (named after Rep. Slaughter, who sits on the rules committee) that will be used by Democrats to force through Obama’s totalitarian care bill, probably over the weekend. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Showdown Health Care Vote Likely This Weekend

U.S. House Democrats, who cleared a big hurdle in their effort to overhaul the health-care system by producing compromise legislation, picked up fresh support for a likely showdown vote this weekend. Read More Here

(ABC) – Video: Biden – “We’re Going To Control The Insurance Companies”

When you talked to these members of Congress, you told me what you tell them. What do you hear back from them? Do you hear back from venerable members who are worried this bill will cost them their jobs? Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: 9 major changes in new health care bill

In their attempt to pass a sweeping health care overhaul this weekend, House Democrats are pushing a package of legislative fixes to lure undecided or opposed members of their party to the “yes” category. Read More Here

Kucinich Kisses the Ring as Obama Deceptively Sells Totalitarian Care in Ohio

(KurtNimmo) – In Obama’s bizarro world, health care at gunpoint will reduce premiums. Obama went to Cleveland recently and peddled his fantasy world. “You’ll be able to buy in, or a small business will be able to buy into this pool,” Obama said. “And that will lower rates, it’s estimated, by up to 14 to 20 percent over what you’re currently getting. That’s money out of pocket,” reports the Associated Press. “Your employer, it’s estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent, which means they could give you a raise.” Continue reading

Kucinich Sells Out On Health Care After Ride In Air Force One

(SteveWatson) – Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich has bowed to intense pressure, culminating in a jaunt onboard Air Force One with president Obama, and decided to to flip his vote on the pending health care bill to help ensure its passage. Continue reading


(CNSNews) – GOP Rules Chief Wimps Out, Resigned to Letting Congress Pass Obamacare Without a Vote

Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee, indicated yesterday that he was resigned to letting congressional Democrats make the Senate health-care bill the law of the land without ever holding a vote on it in the House of Representatives by passing a rule governing debate on another bill, the budget reconciliation, that “deems” the health care bill as passed. Read More Here

(Fox) – Republicans Battle Pelosi Over Plan to Pass Health Bill Without Traditional Vote

Republicans and Democrats are locked in an unusual battle over how to vote on the health care reform package as House Republicans try to block Speaker Nancy Pelosi from using a legislative trick that would allow rank-and-file Democrats to vote for the health care bill without really voting for the health care bill. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – Pelosi: ‘Once we kick through this door,’ more reform will follow

If you have any doubt that the Democratic leadership of the House views passing the current health care reform bill as the beginning, not the end, of the process of creating a national government health care system, just note what Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a group of bloggers on Monday. “My biggest fight has been between those who wanted to do something incremental and those who wanted to do something comprehensive,” Pelosi said, according to an account by Washington Post reform advocate Ezra Klein. “We won that fight, and once we kick through this door, there’ll be more legislation to follow.” ReadMoreHere

(CampaignforLiberty) – Do the Healthcaremongers Hold Us in Contempt?

President Obama and Congress appear to be holding the American people in contempt. The Dictionary defines contempt as “Lack of respect or reverence for something; disdain; The state of mind of one who despises, the act of despising something.” That seems to be the state of mind of a majority in Congress and Obama: lack of respect, reverence and actually despising the American people. It is this contempt that should propel Americans to a second — but peaceful — American Revolution to replace elected officials at all levels with those who believe in limited government and individual liberty by January 2013.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the vast majority of Americans are rejecting the proposed government and corporate take over of health care, Congress and the President are demonstrating their abject contempt for the American people in their determination to ram this bill through Congress and have the President sign it into law.

They fail to respect several key demonstrated proofs of America’s disapproval. Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts — taking a seat held by liberal lion Kennedy in large part due to rejection of the health care agenda. They ignore consistent polls showing growing rejection of Congressional plans. Bills passed only by narrow, dark of night votes in Congress requiring back room deals, political threats, and shedding of key policies favored by liberals while completely ignoring reasonable compromises offered by Republicans. The only Republican component included is one that punishes doctors for spending “too much” on their patients — a hold over from the Bush years: Pay for Performance. Read More Here

Was He Threatened?

(Cleveland) – Rep. Dennis Kucinich to vote “yes” on health care

This time around — pressured by everyone from President Obama to — the Cleveland Democrat had no luxury to dawdle before taking a stance. He announced at a Capitol news conference this morning that he’ll vote “yes” on the bill’s latest draft. Read More Here

(Geott) – Breaking News: Kucinich says “YEA” to Health Care Reform

One of the most liberal members of Congress, Democrat Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, just dropped his opposition to the health care overhaul legislation being championed by his party and President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(HotAir) – Exclusive: Study shows ObamaCare will destroy as many as 700,000 jobs by 2019

During the ObamaCare summit three weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi declared that the bill would create four million jobs over the next ten years, with 400,000 new jobs created almost immediately. Pelosi relied on a study written by the left-wing advocacy group Center for American Progress for those figures, although the Bureau of Labor Statistics already predicts growth in the health-care industry of 3.2 million jobs without ObamaCare. Now, Americans for Tax Reform and the Beacon Hill Institute have conducted their own study using CAP’s methodology and determined that ObamaCare will destroy jobs, not create them. Hot Air has an exclusive first look at the BHI executive summary: Read More Here

(WashPost) – Obama’s illusions of cost-control

One job of presidents is to educate Americans about crucial national problems. On health care, Barack Obama has failed. Almost everything you think you know about health care is probably wrong or, at least, half wrong. Great simplicities and distortions have been peddled in the name of achieving “universal health coverage.” The miseducation has worsened as the debate approaches its climax. Read More Here

(AP) – FACT CHECK: Premiums would rise under Obama plan

Buyers, beware: President Barack Obama says his health care overhaul will lower premiums by double digits, but check the fine print. Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Kucinich explains his vote for health reform – Video Link Here

(WPost) – House Democrats’ tactic for health-care bill is debated

An obscure parliamentary maneuver favored by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suddenly ignited Tuesday as the latest tinder in the year-long partisan strife over reshaping the nation’s health-care system, triggering debate over the strategy’s legitimacy and political wisdom. Read More Here

(WashPost) – Kucinich Buckles, Will Support Obamacare

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), often a proponent of very liberal, unlikely ideas such as the creation of a “Department of Peace” and the impeachment of then-Vice President Cheney, has found his pragmatic streak. Read More Here

Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans

(KurtNimmo) – In January, a measley 36 percent of Americans approved of Obama’s health care “reforms” while fifty-four percent disapproved. “Many see the health care legislation as an inappropriate federal power grab,” writes Carrie Lukas for The Daily Caller this morning. 76 percent of respondents to a recent poll believe the government has no right to force you to buy health care. If Congress passes the bill, they will punish them at the polls.

Maybe. It depends on how well they are fooled this time around. Continue reading

Video: Southern Avenger – Lindsey Graham’s Crappy Republican Party

“Romneycare” and “Obamacare” are Republican and Democratic versions of the same, big government healthcare scheme–whether Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to admit it or not. Continue reading


(Reuters) – House panel to consider healthcare bill Monday

The House of Representatives Budget Committee on Monday will consider a reconciliation bill that Democrats hope clears the way for final congressional approval of an overhaul of U.S. healthcare, House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer said on Friday. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – House Democrats looking at ‘Slaughter Solution’ to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill UPDATED!

Would House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow House Democratic leaders try to cram the Senate version of Obamacare through the House without actually having a recorded vote on the bill?
Not only is the answer yes, they would, they have figured out a way to do it, according to National Journal’s Congress Daily: Read More Here

(NationalReview) – Full Court Press on the Slaughter Rule

Rep. David Dreier (R., Calif.), ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee, said the Slaughter Rule is evidence that Democrats cannot pass their bill “while playing by the rules.” Read More Here

(ModernHealthCare) – Va. moves to block Obama’s insurance mandate

Virginia lawmakers have passed legislation that aims to thwart any federal requirement that individuals buy health insurance. Read More Here

(DailyCaller) – House Democrats appear set to pass Senate bill without voting on it

Republicans now expect Democrats to pass health care through the House with a trick only Capitol Hill could dream up: approving the Senate bill without voting on it. Read More Here

(Wired) – Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

Josh Gerstein over at Politico sent Threat Level his piece underscoring once again President Barack Obama is not the civil-liberties knight in shining armor many were expecting. Read More Here

(Mises) – Why Not Universal Car Insurance?

I was recently involved in a car accident in which I managed to smash the front end of my Chrysler — one consolation is the fact that it was a Chrysler and so was not much of a loss. I sat around for a minute or two, trying to figure out what had just happened. Finally, I got out of my car to talk to the driver of the truck I had hit. While filling out the claims report and talking to my insurance company, I could not help but examine my experience through the lens of Austrian economics and the free market. Read More Here

Look what Harry Reid Hid deep in the Health Care Bill – Read More Here

(LATimes) – Obama delays Asia trip to push healthcare overhaul

Stakes also grow for the president as Democrats plan to expand the bill to include a student loan revamp. Read More Here

Kill Bill: Death to Obamacare!

(ThisCantBeHappening) – When Obama came to my neighborhood yesterday to press for public support for his health “reform” bill, he wasn’t just greeted by teaparty hecklers. Speaking to a large group of mostly supportive students and local residents at Arcadia University in Glenside, the president at one point went into his stock mode of knocking critics on both left and right, mentioning that “people on the left” want “single-payer.” But before he could add that that approach wasn’t workable, he found himself drowned out by cheers calling for Medicare for all and single-payer.

That kind of says it all.

I’m with Marcia Angell, editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. The Obama plan for health care “reform”, as well as the two versions passed by the House and the Senate, are all devious disasters that do nothing to solve the nation’s burgeoning health care crisis, and in fact, will make it worse.

The only thing to do at this point is to take the whole stinking pile of paper and put it in the compost heap. Kill it. Continue reading

Obamacare: A Runaway Train

Obama’s healthcare legislation is not more socialism, it’s fascism, pure and simple, with “our” government fronting for the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel’s insurance corporations, at great expense to all taxpaying Americans, who will be receiving far less health care than ever before. Continue reading

Obamacare – A Runaway Fascistic Train – Terror Moles Escape Purge

Obama’s healthcare legislation is not more socialism, it’s fascism, pure and simple, with “our” government fronting for the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel’s insurance corporations, at great expense to all taxpaying Americans, who will be receiving far less health care than ever before. Continue reading

Video: MSNBC’s Matthews Cites Communist Alinsky in Obamacare Fight

(KurtNimmo) – In the lead-up to the Senate vote on December 23 to ram Obamacare through Congress, Democrat operative and MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews cited Saul Alinsky, Obama’s communist mentor (Alinsky wrote Obama a letter of recommendation for Harvard). Alinsky’s “liberation theology” teachings influenced Barack Obama in his early career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago. Continue reading

Video: We Can Still Stop Government Takeover Of Health Care

(KurtNimmo) – Democrats in the Senate have rammed through their totalitarian Obamacare at gunpoint bill. But there is much work to be done before they can foist this monster on the American people. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid need to reconcile the different House and Senate versions. This is usually done through conference committees, but the process will be modified for the precious Obamacare legislation. Continue reading

Our Soft Totalitarianism

Michael Auslin
The American
December 24, 2009

Until I read Scott Gottlieb’s New York Post editorial on the iron trap that is ObamaPelosiReid Care, I didn’t fully understand how it does truly and insidiously destroy private health insurance as we know it. If, like me, you’re relatively young and not on Medicaid, then you have little idea how restrictive the system is and is designed to be. That’s what we’re heading for—all Americans. No longer will we have the freedom to purchase healthcare directly from an insurance company that designs its own products; that role will fall to the bureaucrats crafting the acceptable plans to be offered in the healthcare “exchanges” in all 50 states. Nor can anyone escape to Montana, Utah, or other supposedly more independent, individual-oriented states, since the whole country is locked into an effectively single-payer system that will increasingly impose restrictions on the care we receive.

There is little description for this but “soft totalitarianism.” America is heading pell-mell, thanks to the people who supposedly work for us, into the maelstrom of social engineering that so horrifically destroyed the 20th century, as Robert Conquest poignantly described in  Reflections on a Ravaged Century. It won’t seem so at first, it will be slow and piecemeal, but history irrefutably proves over and over that the totalitarian engineers never stop, until they are stopped by others. Sen. Tom Harkin’s triumphant statement is proof of that. At 8 a.m. on Thursday, December 24, Americans will start to taste a new reality that most of us cannot fully imagine.

Obamacare sparking 10th Amendment rebellion, action in seven states

Looks like the steadily growing list of constitutional, ethical and political outrages that constitute the Harry Reid version of Obamacare is sparking a rebellion in the states, as AP reports South Carolina’s attorney general plans to investigate the vote-buying that surrounded the proposal in the Senate majority leader’s office. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones – Big Government Forces Health Care Bill Despite Bi-partisan Opposition

IN A SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN, Alex Jones warns against the Big Government, Big Insurance Health Care Bill being forced down in the Senate despite opposition by members in both parties and an overwhelming majority of Americans. Continue reading

CSPAN – Health Care Bill *LIVE* & News

C-SPAN2 offers gavel to gavel coverage of the U.S. Senate.

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(JimDemint) – Ensign, DeMint to Force Vote on Health Care Bill Unconstitutionality

Today, U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) and John Ensign (R-Nevada), raised a Constitutional Point of Order on the Senate floor against the Democrat health care takeover bill on behalf of the Steering Committee, a caucus of conservative senators. The Senate will vote tomorrow on the bill’s constitutionality. Read More Here

(Heritage) – Obamacare’s Constitutional Problems Proliferating

After the Democrats cleared the second of three 60 vote hurdles last night, Republicans ceded enough debate time back to the majority so that passage of Obamacare through the Senate will take place n Christmas Eve at 8 AM. Conservatives have every right to be disappointed that Senate Republicans did not force the maximum amount of debate possible. But they can take heart in a key point of order that will be voted on later today. Sponsored by Sens. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and John Ensign (R-NV), that vote will lay the groundwork for the possible legal dismantling of Obama’s health program. Read More Here