You Get What you Vote For!

(CindySheehan) – The so-called anti-war movement currently finds itself in somewhat of a quagmire: What to do when the man you raised money for, volunteered for, and yes, even voted for, actually fulfills one of his most repulsive campaign promises? Continue reading

The Concentration Camp That Is Gaza

An internment camp is a confined establishment meant on housing individuals for punishment, and as made clear in the above definition the centre is typically crowded, exploited and the civilians are under complete restraint. Continue reading

Video: The Collapse of America by excessive debt and hyperinflation

Our National debt is a ticking time bomb and as we continue to borrow at record amounts and entitlement programs fail to pay for themselves, interest rates – once they begin to rise will eat more and more of tax receipts until we can no longer provide promised services and benifits. Our Economy will crash as the government defaults on its debt payments and social order will collapse. Continue reading


(Telegraph) – Who’s to blame for Climategate?

The publication of damning emails about climate change could literally change the world. Gordon Rayner reports. Read More Here

Google Censors Climategate SearchRead More Here

“Climategate” surpasses “Global Warming” on Google – autosuggest still blocked

We’ve had the term “global warming” in the lexicon since well before the Internet became a household tool, certainly well before Google itself. Read More Here

(Times) – The great climate change science scandal

Leaked emails have revealed the unwillingness of climate change scientists to engage in a proper debate with the sceptics who doubt global warming Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, says Christopher Booker Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Climategate: University of East Anglia U-turn in climate change row

Leading British scientists at the University of East Anglia, who were accused of manipulating climate change data – dubbed Climategate – have agreed to publish their figures in full. Read More Here

(Blog) – Hudson Hushed

Paul Hudson, the BBC weatherman who in October was forwarded some of the Climategate emails (those relating to his article “What happened to global warming?”) has been gagged by the BBC. From the Hull Daily Mail: Read More Here

Audit the Fed: Bernanke and the Bankers Are Running Scared

Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve mob boss, is running scared. He is deathly afraid an audit of his criminal organization.
“These measures are very much out of step with the global consensus on the appropriate role of central banks, and they would seriously impair the prospects for economic and financial stability in the United States,” Bernanke wrote in the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post. Continue reading

What festive cheer will the West bring to the Holy Land this Christmas?

Stuart Littlewood views the weasel words of Britain’s politicians who pretend to care for the Gaza Strip’s civilian population while supporting Israel’s criminal, genocidal policies, and the rank hypocrisy of its churchmen whose silence over the plight of the Strip’s Christian and Muslim communities speaks volumes about their lack of principles. Continue reading

MSM: A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour

(Independent) – Dubai is finally financially bankrupt – but it has been morally bankrupt all along. The idea that Dubai is an oasis of freedom on the Arabian peninsular is one of the great lies of our time. Continue reading

MSM: Denmark approves new police powers ahead of Copenhagen

(Guardian) – Controversial legislation gives police sweeping powers of ‘pre-emptive’ arrest and extends custodial sentences for acts of civil disobedience Continue reading

UEA Climate Scientist: “possible that…I.P.C.C. has run its course”

This is a surprise. Professor Mike Hulme of the University of East Anglia suggests that the “I.P.C.C. has run its course”. I agree with him. We really need to remove a wholly political organization, the United Nations, from science. Continue reading

MSM: Dubai Crisis May End in ‘Major’ Default, BofA Says

(Bloomberg) – Dubai’s debt woes may worsen to become a “major sovereign default” that roils developing nations and cuts off capital flows to emerging markets, Bank of America Corp. said. Continue reading

The Great Marginalization: Planning for Poverty in America?

The word from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at last week’s community meeting in the Bronx was disappointing, to say the least. After promising “good jobs” during a recent campaign, how could a man with so many billions, and now fresh from a re-election victory, oppose a $10-an-hour wage? Did Hizzonor spend $200 per vote – in the neighborhood of $100 million all tolled – to win re-election, only to put forward a plan for poverty for his constituents? Continue reading

Climategate: The Silence is Deafening from the Corporate Media

By now most of us in the alternative media are aware of the some 61 megabytes of global warming research data of emails, documents, and computer code released by whistleblowers (or hackers), that have exposed climate scientists, at the University of East Anglia in Great Britain, as the frauds they’ve proven themselves to be. Continue reading

Video: Lord Monckton – Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

(PaulWatson) – Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Christopher Monckton went further than ever before in his vehement opposition to the elitists running the climate change scam, calling for the UN to be shut down and for fraudulent peddlers of global warming propaganda like Al Gore to be arrested and criminally prosecuted. Continue reading

Judge Orders Release of Algerian from Guantanamo

(CampaignForLiberty) – On Friday, District Court Judge Gladys Kessler ordered the release from Guantánamo of Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, a 48-year-old Algerian, after granting his habeas corpus petition. Her ruling has not yet been declassified, so the reasons for her decision are not yet clear, but it is significant that the ruling now brings to 31 the number of prisoners who have successfully challenged the basis of their detention in U.S. courts. In contrast, just eight prisoners have lost their habeas petitions, meaning that the success rate in the prisoners’ legal challenges now stands at 80 percent. Continue reading

Medicare in Crisis: The Devastating Impacts of a Corporate Health Care Bill

(GlobalResearch) – Wading through the endless debate over health care has exhausted the patience of most Americans — the zigzags, obscure language, and long-winded discussion is inherently repulsive. Continue reading

Israel Denies Using Weapons Containing Uranium Components on Gaza

(PalTel) – I knew it would only be a matter of time before data started coming out of Gaza to prove that the Palestinians had now fallen victim to weapons containing uranium. We have seen the evidence in the Iraq, Afghanistan and now Gaza. Continue reading

Video: Madsen On RT – Israel likely to attack Iran?

(RussiaToday) – Recent Israeli military training exercises have raised fears that Israel could initiate an attack on Iran – potentially even a nuclear attack. Israel may be motivated by fears that Iran’s nuclear capabilities could soon surpass Israel’s. Can the U.S. use its influence to persuade Israel to avoid such a course of action? Priya Sridhar talks to investigative reporter Wayne Madsen. Continue reading

Video: Climategate spells end to the false science of climate change

With the release of over 60 megabytes worth of incriminating emails, and the world getting a glimpse into the world of fanatical pseudo-science, there is little that can be done by the professors who are now on intellectual trial. Whether the emails were leaked or hacked, the people responsible for getting the information out have helped uncover the truth about “climate change” like no news story before it. While there have been piles of evidence to expose the global warming fraud in the past, a written exchange in their very own words is the ultimate proof. Continue reading

Jim Rogers: Gold Price to Double in Coming Months

The rally in gold prices has driven several bullion analysts to frenzied forecasts. Some say gold prices will reach $2,000 per ounce soon. Others are predicting big boom for the yellow metal, saying gold prices will zoom to $5,000 and eventually to even $15,000 per ounce in the years to come. Continue reading