Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents

(NaturalNews) – To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. “They’re good for you!” say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what’s in those vaccines. There’s a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves to be injected with them. Continue reading

Whistleblower Tells of America’s Hidden Health Nightmare for its Sick Poor

(Truthout) – When an insurance firm boss saw a field hospital for the poor in Virginia, he knew he had to speak out. Here, he tells Paul Harris of his fears for Obama’s bid to bring about radical change. Continue reading

Video: Special “Q Group” security wing inside US National Security Agency

(RussiaToday) – Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen claims the group has since grown into a disproportionate counter-intelligence force, mainly targeting journalists and prosecuting whistleblowing security officials. Continue reading

Did JAMA Editors Threaten a Big Pharma Whistleblower?

(NaturalNews) – The American Medical Association (AMA) has launched an investigation into allegations that the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) used threats in an attempt to silence a professor who drew attention to a journal author’s failure to disclose a conflict of interest. Continue reading

Video: Nutrimedical Report – Don’t Take Swine Flu Virus!

Thursday, June 11, 2009 – Hour One – Panel Discussion of Pandemic WHO Level 6 – The Chamber is Loaded for Bioweapon Flu Martial Law Under the U.N. and WHO Control – Guests: Dr. Gary Ridenour MD, Dr. Rebecca Carley MD, DR True Ott PhD ND, Alexander S Jones NIH Viral Scientist(Whistleblower), — Jane Burgermeister Journalist Vienna, Austria, Linda Health Worker Washington State Hospital Continue reading

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

Under the rubric of cybersecurity, the Obama administration is moving forward with a Bush regime program to screen state computer traffic on private-sector networks, including those connecting people to the Internet, The Washington Post revealed July 3. Continue reading

Video: Dr John Rengen Virapen, Whistleblower of the Psychopathic Pharmaceutical Industry, Speaks Out

Dr John Rengen Virapen is a former scientist who after 35 years of work in the pharmaceutical industry (Eli Lilly) has left it to warn the public of the nefarious dealings and motives of the pharmaceutical industry. Continue reading

Mossad-Taliban whistleblower killed in Pakistan

A tribal leader who earlier defected from Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud and revealed the militants group’s ties with the US and Israel has been shot dead. Continue reading

Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Pakistani Accounts Revealed

It can now be reported that the recent resignation of former New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York Chairman, Stephen Frieidman, signals an expanding investigation of New York Attorny General Andrew Cuomo, who is not only focused on the massive New York state financial derivative Ponzi Scheme, but is now centered on money laundry, and possible funding of alleged terrorists in Pakistan. Continue reading

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? – Adrian Salbuchi

A good doctor is one who will tell his patient what ails him, no matter how bad the news… A good doctor begins by making a correct diagnosis of his patient’s condition. A bad doctor, however, either cannot make a proper diagnosis (because he lacks expertise) or, worst still, he hides the truth from his patient… Continue reading

‘A Ton More People Were Wiretapped Than We’ve Been Led to Believe’: FBI Whistleblower Thomas Tamm

This week the New York Times revealed that the National Security Agency has continued spying on Americans well into the Obama era, with government officials listening in on phone conversations and monitoring e-mails on a massive scale. Continue reading

Obama Administration Endorses Continued Spying on Americans

Since fatuously declaring his to be a “change” administration, President Barack Obama has quickly donned the blood-spattered mantle of state secrecy and executive privilege worn by the Bush regime.

Continue reading

RawStory: Whistleblower – NSA spied on everyone, targeted journalists

“The National Security Agency had access to all Americans’ communications — faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications,” Tice claimed. “It didn’t matter whether you were in Kansas, in the middle of the country, and you never made foreign communications at all. They monitored all communications.” Continue reading