World War

(WSWS) – Pentagon Paints Bleak Picture of Afghanistan War as More Civilians Die

A semi-annual report released by the Pentagon on the Afghanistan war recorded a sharp increase in attacks on occupation troops and scarce support for the corrupt US-backed puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai.

The progress report, mandated by the US Congress, presented a grim picture of the state of the nearly nine-year-old, US-led war, even as a series of incidents in which civilians were killed by US and NATO troops unleashed renewed popular anger against the foreign occupation. Read More Here

(JPost) – ‘Iran violating key nuclear treaty’

Iran is in clear violation of a treaty designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Unconditional support for Israel ‘is dangerous’, say leading European Jews

More than 3,000 European Jews, including prominent intellectuals, have signed a petition speaking out against Israeli settlement policies and warning that systematic support for the Israeli government is dangerous.

The petition’s signatories include French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Greens leader in the European Parliament. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder

Over 15 weeks post-quake, Haiti’s imperial takeover is proceeding. It began straightaway after the calamity, Haitians victimized by denied aid, appalling repression, and now dispossession of their land, homes, and communities. More on that below. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Biological Warfare: Priority to Bioweapons Research over Public Health – Sherwood Ross

The priorities of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the area of bacteriology have been “catastrophically re-ordered” by emphasizing bioweapons research over non-bioweapons research, a prominent authority states.

Giving priority to bioweapons research at NIH, started under the Bush Administration and continuing under President Obama, “diverts resources from critical public-health and scientific objectives,” says Richard Ebright, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Read More Here

(BRusselsTribunal) – Iraq: Bloody Policies and Criminal Authorities: Arrests, Assassinations, Deportation of Millions, Torture

For the BRussells Tribunal, its supporters and audience, secret prisons in Iraq are no surprise. We made repeated alerts during years that repression in the “New Iraq” is systematic. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – A Tradition of Dehumanizing: The CIA’s Psycho-War and Torture Schemes in The Philippines

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) occupies center-stage again in the Philippines, the laboratory in 1950-1960s for the Phoenix assassination program in Vietnam inspired by CIA agent Edward Lansdale who is credited for defeating the communist-led Huk uprising. Attention is being given to the CIA systematization of coercive techniques in handling prisoners, including diverse forms of torture, zealously implemented by the police/military officials of the corrupt, unpopular Gloria Arroyo regime. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Media Coverup on the Corporate Pillage and Destruction of sub-Saharan Africa – Dr. P. Wilkinson – Read More Here

(Gizmodo) – Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for “War Crimes,” Law Prof Says

It’s part of an ongoing legal debate about the CIA and U.S. military’s lethal drone operations, which have escalated in recent months – and which have received some technological upgrades. Critics of the program, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have argued that the campaign amounts to a program of targeted killing that may violate the laws of war. Read More Here

Video: Wikileaks Video Roundup – Continue reading

Video: Israel Black Ops Revealed – Treachery or Truth telling?

(RussiaToday )- An Israeli court has lifted a gagging order stopping the country’s media from reporting on the trial of a young journalist accused of leaking highly classified documents to the press. The chief of Israel’s security service called the former soldier’s actions ‘every enemy state’s dream’. Continue reading

The New ‘Forgotten’ War: Iraq Occupation Falls Into Media Shadows – Dahr Jamail

“The Western world that slaughtered Iraq and Iraqis, through 13 years of sanctions and seven years of occupation, is now turning its back on the victims. What has remained of Iraq is still being devastated by bombings, assassinations, corruption, millions of evictions and continued infrastructure destruction. Yet the world that caused all this is trying to draw a rosy picture of the situation in Iraq.”
-Maki Al-Nazzal, Iraqi political analyst
As Afghanistan has taken center stage in U.S. corporate media, with President Barack Obama announcing two major escalations of the war in recent months, the U.S. occupation of Iraq has fallen into the media shadows. Continue reading

Video: David Manning – Frustration Revolution

Hon. James David Manning, PhD says Joseph Andrew Stack started the Frustration Revolution because of the economy. For more information go to and Distributed by Tubemogul. Continue reading

Video: Floor Statement on Assasinations – Ron Paul

(February 24, 2010) – Congressman Paul speaks on the floor about assassinations of Americans by their own government Continue reading

Presidential Assassinations of US Citizens – Glenn Greenwald

The Washington Post‘s Dana Priest today reports that “U.S. military teams and intelligence agencies are deeply involved in secret joint operations with Yemeni troops who in the past six weeks have killed scores of people.”  That’s no surprise, of course, as Yemen is now another predominantly Muslim country (along with Somalia and Pakistan) in which our military is secretly involved to some unknown degree in combat operations without any declaration of war, without any public debate, and arguably (though not clearly) without any Congressional authorization.  The exact role played by the U.S. in the late-December missile attacks in Yemen, which killed numerous civilians, is still unknown.
But buried in Priest’s article is her revelation that American citizens are now being placed on a secret “hit list” of people whom the President has personally authorized to be killed: Continue reading

Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings, Assassinations in Pakistan

(KurtNimmo) – Newspapers in Pakistan have accused the United States of using Blackwater and other agencies to conduct bombings and targeted assassinations in the country, according to MEMRI translations. MEMRI is a neocon propaganda outfit with connections to Israeli intelligence. Continue reading

Blackwater involved in Bhutto and Hariri hits: former Pakistani army chief

(TehranTimes) – Pakistan’s former chief of army staff, General Mirza Aslam Beg (ret.), has said the U.S. private security company Blackwater was directly involved in the assassinations of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto and former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. Continue reading

US Hypocrisy Astonishes the World

(PaulCraigRoberts) – Americans have lost their ability for introspection, thereby revealing their astounding hypocrisy to the world. Continue reading

Video: Madsen – CIA Blackwater Op Infiltrated Ron Paul Campaign

Russia Today – August 31, 2009 Continue reading

Video: Napolitano Reports to CFR on Stasi Snoop Network

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to New York to deliver a speech to the boss today. She told the Council on Foreign Relations there will be no departure from the Bush administration in regard to homeland security. It will be the same agenda with a few minor changes — for instance, the color-coded threat advisory will be chucked. Continue reading

IMF & World Bank Destroying Countries

The World Bank – IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. For over 150 years they have planned to take the world over through money. Continue reading

New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins

Confirmed Wednesday as President Barack Obama’s new commander for the widening war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, General Stanley McChrystal has been given extraordinary powers to assemble his own staff. Continue reading

Obama’s Great Illusion

I wonder how many of you have woken up to the fact that America’s latest leader is really a political Houdini … an illusionist on a presidential scale. Continue reading

Obama: From Anti-war Law Professor to Warmonger in 100 Days

How long does it take a mild-mannered, anti-war, black professor of constitutional law, trained as a community organiser on the South Side of Chicago, to become an enthusiastic sponsor of targeted assassinations, ‘decapitation’ strategies and remote-control bombing of mud houses at the far end of the globe? Continue reading

Obama’s Animal Farm: Bigger, Bloodier Wars Equal Peace and Justice

It is just as George Orwell described in Animal Farm: The Democratic Pigs are now pursuing the same brutal, military policies of their predecessors, the Republican Porkers, only now it is in the name of the people and peace. Orwell might paraphrase the policy of President Barack Obama, as ‘Bigger and bloodier wars equal peace and justice’. Continue reading

Physicians offer chilling account of Gaza atrocities

Renowned Chinese-English physician Dr. Swee Ang gave a moving testimony on Saturday of Israel’s destruction in the Gaza Strip as witnessed in her recent trip to the tiny Palestinian enclave. “Cluster bombs, deliberate assassinations of whole families that they would line up and shoot,” Ang said as she listed a number of acts committed by Israel during its 22-day assault on Gaza in December and January that left over 1,400 Palestinians dead. Continue reading

Video: “We Are The Authors Of This Tragedy” – George Galloway

George Galloway’s powerful speech in the House of Commons debate on Gaza, Thu 15 Jan 2009 (5.30pm), highlighting the hypocrisy and brazen double-standards of Western foreign policy towards Israel policies, including assassinations and other war crimes. Continue reading