World War

(KurtNimmo) – Def. Sec. Gates Exaggerates Iranian Missile Capacity as Attack Looms

Bush era Secretary of Defense retread Robert Gates said on Friday Iran has the capacity to “shower” Europe with nuclear missiles. “One of the elements of the intelligence that contributed to the decision on the phased adaptive array (approach) was the realization that if Iran were actually to launch a missile attack on Europe, it wouldn’t be just one or two missiles, or a handful,” Gates told a Senate committee hearing. “It would more likely be a salvo kind of attack, where you would be dealing potentially with scores or even hundreds of missiles.”

Gates said the supposed Iranian threat can be averted by “upgraded missile interceptors” that “would give us the ability to protect our troops, our bases, our facilities and our allies in Europe.” Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Sorry, Trillions in Unmined Mineral Wealth Is Not a Reason to Keep Occupying Afghanistan

Our leaders are now boldly selling wars as commendable instruments of such profit-focused imperialism. Read More Here

(WarIsACrime) – Unrest in Pakistan: Moving Beyond “the U.S. National Interest”

“The military is the muscle that protects the ruling elite from the wrath of the people,” says Pakistani political analyst Dr. Mubashir Hassan. “Right now, people are out on the street; blocking roads, attacking railway stations, etc. If you read the papers, it seems as though a general uprising has started all over Pakistan.” Read More Here

(VeteransToday) – GORDON DUFF: Israel Planned Iran Attack From Caucasus Base

A week ago, Israel leaked to the press that they had permission from Saudi Arabia to use their air space to attack Iran. The Saudi’s quickly denied this. The effort on Israel’s part was a ruse to cover their real plans, to attack from the Republic of Georgia, close to Iran’s northern border. However, the breakdown in relations with Turkey after miscalculating the response to their Flotilla raid on a Turkish ship in international waters may have ended this operation. Read More Here

(Salon) – The Strange and Consequential Case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks – Glenn Greenwald – Read More Here

(KabulPress) – American Military Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan Now Exceed 500,000 (Part 1 of 2) – Read More Here

(IsraelNationalNews) – US, Israel Warships in Suez May Be Prelude to Faceoff with Iran – Read More Here

(AlterNet) – The U.S. War Addiction: Funding Enemies to Maintain Trillion Dollar Racket

A few recent news items help expose the true drivers of current wars around the world.

#1) Wherever there is a war, look for CIA/IMF/private military war profiteers covertly funding and supporting BOTH sides in order to keep the wars raging and the profits rolling in. As former CIA Station Chief John Stockwell explained: “Enemies are necessary for the wheels of the US military machine to turn.” Read More Here

Gaza News

(IMEMC) – Israel Closes Gaza Trade Crossings

Despite Israel’s Thursday decision to “ease restrictions on Gaza”, the Israeli Authorities closed all trade crossings leading to the coastal region. The closure, unless extended, will last until Sunday. Read More Here

(DailyKos) – Three Gates Blocked to Israeli Ship NOW @ Oakland Docks; Live Webcam Updates

Just left the Oakland Docks where 300 people are blocking the entrances to two gates into the berth where the Israeli Zim cargo ship is to be unloaded. The action started this morning at 5:30am PST. The longshore workers are scheduled to start their shift at 7:00 and 8:00 am this morning. Read More Here


Israeli occupation forces today in Beit Jala engaged in beatings, burning of fields, and attacking peaceful demonstrators, bystanders, and reporters. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Stop the bullets! A call to end the use of live ammunition against unarmed civilians in the Gaza ‘buffer zone’

The catastrophic Israeli attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which left 9 dead, has rightly horrified the international community. However, lethal force by the Israeli military is nothing new to Palestinians. In the Gaza ‘buffer zone’, live ammunition is routinely used against unarmed demonstrators and farmers. Read More Here.

(Sabbah) – Flotilla Check: Facts and Israeli Lies – Read More Here

Video: Israeli occupation forces today in Beit Jala engaged in beatings, burning of fields, and attacking peaceful demonstrators, bystanders, and reporters – Video Link Here


An Israeli that goes abroad and stays there for a period of two to six years can return to Israel with the full ‘rights’ of a new immigrant. This includes the tax free purchases of home essentials, an automobile, and a good rate on a mortgage.

A Palestinian from Jerusalem that goes abroad for purposes of education or work CANNOT RETURN TO HIS HOME… Read More Here

Video: Corporate Media Plays Down Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs Who Terrorized Santa Cruz

(PaulWatson) – Imagine the uproar if 200 Tea Party members had gone on a rampage through a downtown city, smashing windows, starting fires, and spraying graffiti everywhere, the corporate media would be all over it, and yet gangs of pro-illegal immigration demonstrators do this and much worse on a regular basis, with no national news coverage whatsoever.
“A large group of protesters demonstrating at a May Day rally for worker’s and immigrant rights downtown broke off into a riot vandalizing about a dozen businesses around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police said,” reports The Santa Cruz Sentinel. Read More Here

Pentagon’s Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes

In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen — with more than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads of state, as well as 100,000 demonstrators in the streets — it is important to ask: How is it possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions? Continue reading

Dangers, Failures, Diversions and Shortfalls

(BobChapman) – The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading. Continue reading

Video: DHS Doles Out Fed Cash to Deploy Military LRADs in U.S. Cities

The LRAD devices used against protesters and the residents of Pittsburgh last month were a beta test for things to come. As reported by the Washington Times on October 1, the Department of Homeland Security is doling out federal money to get police departments around the country stocked up on the LRAD weapons. Continue reading

See amazing collection of homemade signs, images from 9/12 protest

As taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C., Saturday, they carried a host of creative handmade signs condemning government spending, soaring deficits, increased taxes, a high unemployment rate, Congress, czars, President Obama’s health-care plan and his eligibility status.

The following are just a few memorable photos and signs from the event: Continue reading

Video: Massive Corporate Media Coverup of Real Numbers at D.C. Rally

The Gray Lady of Operation Mockingbird, the New York Times, reports today that “thousands” of patriots protested against Obamacare, cap and trade, the bankster bailout, and unchecked federal government power in the District of Criminals yesterday. Continue reading

Fort Lee training exercise deals with mock protesters

(RichmondTimes) – Motorists along state Route 36 just outside Fort Lee slowed down yesterday morning to take a peek at the soldiers in full gear guarding the main gate. Continue reading

Honduran troops kill anti-coup demonstrators at Tegucigalpa airport

Honduran troops on Sunday fired on anti-coup demonstrators outside the airport in the capital, Tegucigalpa, killing at least two and wounding many more. Continue reading

US Vice President Backs Israel’s Right to Preemptive Military Action

(VOA) – U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says Israel is entitled to decide for itself how best to respond to Iran’s growing nuclear capabilities. Mr. Biden also says America’s willingness to engage in dialogue with Iran is unchanged, despite Tehran’s violent crackdown on demonstrators following last month’s disputed presidential vote. Continue reading

DoD Training Manual Describes Protest As “Low-Level Terrorism”

Pentagon training course says engaging in First Amendment is terrorist activity Continue reading

MSM: Police battle rioters in Berlin

(Reuters) – Riot police battled 700 stone-throwing left-wing militants in Berlin for more than five hours in May Day clashes that stretched into the early pre-dawn hours on Saturday. Continue reading

Video: Unseen Footage – Riot police attack peaceful protesters at G20

While the police stood off the hardcore anarchists smashing up the windows of the Royal Bank of Scotland, riot squads were ordered to wade into the “climate camp” protesters, a few streets away, and “kettle” them into a very confined space.

The police use this tactic to effectively wear down peaceful demonstrators, thus significantly halting the protest. These scenes were not shown on the major news networks. Continue reading

MSM: Police store photos of peaceful protesters on criminal database

The ­Metropolitan Police last night confirmed it uses a criminal database to hold private information about protesters, including those who have not been convicted or accused of any crime. Continue reading

Protesters’ accounts show Israel ‘breaking the bones’ of peaceful demonstrators

Salfit – Ma’an – Israeli forces are carrying out a policy of shooting at the legs of peaceful demonstrators who protest the Israeli separation wall each Friday in towns across the West Bank, demonstrators are reporting. Continue reading