Real Unemployment at 15.8%: Highest Level Since ADA Began Tracking

The real unemployment rate released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is 15.8%, nearly 7 points higher than the rate officially reported. Continue reading

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? – Adrian Salbuchi

A good doctor is one who will tell his patient what ails him, no matter how bad the news… A good doctor begins by making a correct diagnosis of his patient’s condition. A bad doctor, however, either cannot make a proper diagnosis (because he lacks expertise) or, worst still, he hides the truth from his patient… Continue reading

MSM: GM to cut 21,000 US factory jobs, shed Pontiac

General Motors Corp. could be majority owned by the federal government under a massive restructuring plan laid out Monday that will cut 21,000 U.S. factory jobs by next year and phase out the storied Pontiac brand. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rose to 640,000 Last Week

(Bloomberg) – The number of Americans filing first-time applications for unemployment insurance rose last week to 640,000 as forecast, while total benefit rolls reached a record, indicating the labor market continues to deteriorate. Continue reading

Video: Top House Republican – Idea that CO2 is harmful is ‘comical’

In a boisterous exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, the top House Republican said that declaring carbon dioxide a pollutant was “almost comical” and repeated denials that humans are responsible for global warming. Continue reading

Video: Peter Schiff vs. Keynesian Economist

Peter Schiff talks about the markets and takes on the Keynesian Harvard professor and “economist” Greg Mankiw, who wrote a crazy op-ed for the New York Times. This is the April 20, 2009 edition of The Schiff Report. Continue reading

Obama’s Cockeyed Optimism: “We are starting to see glimmers of hope across the economy.”

Bernanke’s financial rescue plan is a disaster. He should have spent a little less time with Milton Friedman and a little more with Karl Marx. It was Marx who uncovered the root of all financial crises. He summed it up like this:

“The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and restricted consumption of the masses as opposed to the drive of capitalist production to develop the productive forces as though only the absolute consuming power of society constituted their limit.” Continue reading

MSM: Stiglitz Says White House Ties to Wall Street Doom Bank Rescue

(Bloomberg) – The Obama administration’s bank- rescue efforts will probably fail because the programs have been designed to help Wall Street rather than create a viable financial system, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said. Continue reading

America’s Unemployment Rate

Measuring unemployment is an art that can result in widely varied rates. Not surprisingly, the U.S. Government uses a method that excludes millions of Americans seeking employment. This lower rate is used to prove that America’s economic system is superior to those in Europe. Their higher unemployment rates are blamed on unions and socialism, which guarantee workers health care and paid vacations. The implication is that while many American workers lack such benefits, at least they have jobs. This argument is faulty since unemployment is measured differently. Continue reading

Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions

In the wake of the MIAC report and the Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, another document issued by the Department of Homeland Security “for official use only” covering so-called “rightwing extremism” has surfaced. The document warns federal and local officials to expect “terrorism” in response to planned firearm restrictions and other points covered below. Continue reading

MSM: North Carolina, Colorado Banks Shut as 2009 Failures Reach 23

(Bloomberg) – Banks in Colorado and North Carolina were shut as rising unemployment and a loss of jobs shrinks household wealth in the deepest recession in a quarter century, pushing the toll of U.S. bank failures to 23 this year. Continue reading

The Economic Crisis: No, this will not be a Normal Cyclical Recovery

The Congress, at the behest of corporate lobbyists, wrote into legislation the rules that permitted companies to offshore jobs, reduce real wages, and permit risky financial practices. Therein lies the root cause of this crisis. Continue reading

Sacramento Tent-City an Alternative to the Control Grid

As our government wages economic warfare against its own people, the existence of a middle class dwindles and disappears. Regardless of your political outlook, the situation has become obvious and the gap between rich and poor widens everyday. In this shifting socio-economic landscape, where will the middle class find themselves? Continue reading

MSM: Toxic debts could reach $4 trillion, IMF to warn

Toxic debts racked up by banks and insurers could spiral to $4 trillion (£2.7 trillion), new forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are set to suggest. Continue reading

MSM: Americans Feel 15.6% Unemployment as Underemployment Surges

A measure of underemployment that counts those people has almost doubled over the past two years, to 15.6 percent, providing a more complete gauge of the labor market’s deterioration. Continue reading

It was Never about Democracy

After 12 years of merciless US-backed sanctions, all Iraq needed was one small push to descend into total chaos. Yet many Iraqis still waited to see what the US would offer. What they got was complete absence of security, hundreds of thousands of jobs losses, and death and torture at the hands of US forces with the help of some ‘favoured’ Iraqis. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. private sector axes 742,000 jobs in March

(Reuters) – Job losses in the U.S. private sector accelerated in March, more than economists’ expectations, according to a report by ADP Employer Services on Wednesday. Continue reading

The Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble

This text by Catherine Austin Fitts is a response to an article entitled “The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble” by Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, published in the Wall Street Journal Continue reading

Destruction of Nature Dwarfs Economic Losses of World’s Financial Institutions

The economic cost of global deforestation far outstrips the money being lost from the current financial crisis, according to the findings of a study commissioned by the European Union. Continue reading

MSM: Global Financial Assets Lost $50 Trillion Last Year

The value of global financial assets including stocks, bonds and currencies probably fell by more than $50 trillion in 2008, equivalent to a year of world gross domestic product, according to an Asian Development Bank report. Continue reading

MSM: GM says it will go bust in days without new US bail-out

General Motors today warned it would go bust within 30 days unless the US treasury gives it a further multi-billion dollar loan. Continue reading

MSM: Worst job losses in 60 years expected

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The recession tightened its grip on U.S. businesses and consumers in February, according to economists, who are predicting the largest one-month job loss in almost 60 years.
“Pink slips continue to fly,” said Meny Grauman, an economist for CIBC World Markets. Continue reading

The Quadrillion Dollar Powder Keg Waiting To Blow

Derivatives at the heart of the crisis, catastrophic losses are inevitable, financial system headed for oblivion, the new world disorder, EU doomed, Credit Default Swaps at the heart of the problem, Plunge Protection Team history, coverups for globalization failures, Bloodbath for the Yen, Continue reading

MSM: Russian stocks plunge by nearly 20 percent

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s leading stock markets suffered their biggest-ever one-day losses as shares went into free fall on the back of falling oil prices and deepening fears about the global economy despite the passage of a $700 billion U.S. bank bailout.

Trading on MICEX — the country’s largest index– was shut down three times, closing down 18.6 percent to 752 points. The benchmark RTS — where trading was halted twice — crashed to its lowest point since August 2005, falling by 19.1 percent to 866.4 points.
Continue reading

Wag the Dog: How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse

Last week, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had just announced record losses, and so had most reporting corporations. Unemployment was mounting, the foreclosure crisis was deepening, state budgets were in shambles, and massive bailouts were everywhere. Continue reading

Hundreds of banks will fail, Roubini tells Barron’s

(Reuters) – The United States is in the second inning of a recession that will last for at least 18 months and help kill off hundreds of banks, influential economist and New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini told Barron’s in Sunday’s edition. Continue reading