BP Gulf catastrophe typifies corporate behavior in America – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe, now in its 35th day, has struck land, coating tourist beaches, marshes and shorelines with a greasy black filth that metaphorically represents the corporate greed that now dominates the U.S. economy. We are all awash in the dark slime of corporations gone bad, and now we’re paying the price for allowing these companies to dominate our media, our government and our entire economy.

You might think government regulators could have prevented all this, but that’s hardly the case. This disaster isn’t merely about a government regulation failure; it’s about what happens when you let corporations rule Washington. Continue reading

BP Oil Volcano

(DigitalJournal) – The Bush Adminstration’s Department of Justice Sheltered BP Executives From Criminal Probe

EPA criminal investigator Scott West spent thousands of hours investigating alleged crimes committed by BP — that would have resulted in felony charges — but President Bush’s DoJ abruptly shut his investigation down, sheltering BP executives from prison Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – The Big Picture: Why Was Deepwater Drilling Allowed in the Gulf, And Why Is It So Hard to Stop the Oil Gusher? – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Senator wants corporate welfare for BP

US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee member Lisa Murkowski has urged Congress not to overreact legislatively to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

On May 13, Murkowski and other Republicans blocked Senate Democratic attempts to pass the “Big Oil Bailout Prevention Liability Act” which would cap BP’s liability at $10 billion, even if damages from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill surpass that figure. The company already estimates that the spill will cost $450 million to clean up. Read More Here

(Heidilore) – We Are Witnessing A Marine Life Mass-Murder

80,000 barrels of oil a day?!?!
And every second this continues to go on, our President and our media are desperately scrambling to continue a full-fledged blackout on any shred of truly accurate information. Read More Here

(Discovery) – First Endangered Turtles Found Slathered In Oil

The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle has been on the the Louisiana endangered species list since 1989. “In recent years, the Kemp’s population has slowly started to recover, so we hope to mitigate any decline in this species due to the oil spill,” reported Secretary Robert Barham from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF). Read More Here

(CalgaryHerald) – British Petroleum Accused Of Lies Over Oil Geyser

Mounting frustration and accusations of lying are forcing BP to begin coming clean on what it knows about the severity of the oil geyser which it created. Yesterday the company claimed it was doing everything it could to contain the month-old well leak which is spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientists have claimed all along that BP is trying to hide what many believe is the worst oil spill in U.S. history. The disaster is becoming what some are saying as the most severe environmental and economic catastrophe for the Gulf Coast. Read More Here

(USAToday) – Hurricane season may make spill worse

As hurricane season looms, forecasters, scientists and residents along the Gulf Coast worry that a major storm could make the oil spill worse. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says a hurricane, or a succession of them, may bring oil… Read More Here

(ABCNews) – EPA May Not Force BP to Change Dispersants

A day after the Environmental Protection Agency gave BP 72 hours to start using a “less toxic” dispersant to help control the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the agency told ABC News today it may allow BP to keep using the same chemicals. Read More Here

Health News

(NaturalNews) – Do healing foods work better than Big Pharma’s drugs? The results speak for themselves – Mike Adams

The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of its way to censor the truth about the healing properties of natural foods like walnuts, cherries and berries. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Low vitamin D tied to depression in older people

Older men and women with lower levels of vitamin D in their blood are more prone to become depressed over time, new research shows. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Scientists call for GM review after surge in pests around cotton farms in China

Farmland struck by infestations of bugs following widespread adoption of Bt cotton made by biotech giant Monsanto Read More Here

(Reuters) – FDA: Glaxo, Merck vaccines OK despite pig virus

Rotavirus vaccines made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Merck & Co Inc are safe to use despite being contaminated with a pig virus, U.S. health regulators ruled on Friday. Read More Here

(DailyMail) – Long conversations on mobile phones can increase risk of cancer, suggests 10-year study

Prolonged use of mobile phones over many years could increase the risk of cancer, scientists have found. Read More Here

(CNN) – ‘Shocking’ conditions at Tylenol plant

The quality and safety violations that led to the shutdown of a Tylenol plant were extremely serious, and could lead to tough action by regulators on drugmaker Johnson & Johnson.
“This inspection report is pretty close to being the worst I’ve seen. It suggests that basically the FDA found an issue with almost every system at the plant,” said Lebo, who had previously worked for Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceutical sourcing group in 2002. Lebo said he left that job after nine months because the work required too much travel. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – U.S. Clears a Test of Bioengineered Trees

Federal regulators gave clearance Wednesday for a large and controversial field test of genetically engineered trees planned for seven states stretching from Florida to Texas. Read More Here

(DailyMail) – Revealed: The very unappetising truth about McDonald’s chicken meals

One of tens of thousands, each bird is allowed the floor space equivalent to a sheet of A4 paper and will live for just 40 days before it hits its genetically-engineered slaughter weight. That’s if it doesn’t perish along the way. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Homeopathy is witchcraft, say doctors

Hundreds of members of the BMA have passed a motion denouncing the use of the alternative medicine, saying taxpayers should not foot the bill for remedies with no scientific basis to support them. Read More Here

Presidential cancer advisors find courage to warn about environmental risks of cancer chemicals – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – When a government panel of experts finds the courage to tell the truth about cancer, it’s an event so rare that it becomes newsworthy. Late last week, a report from the President’s Cancer Panel (PCP) broke ranks with the sick-care cancer establishment and dared to say something that natural health advocates have been warning about for decades: That Americans are “bombarded” with cancer-causing chemicals and radiation, and if we hope to reduce cancer rates, we must eliminate cancer-causing chemicals in foods, medicines, personal care products and our work and home environments. Continue reading

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes “defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods”, recently filed a lawsuit against the FDA for its ban on interstate sales of raw milk. The suit alleges that such a restriction is a direct violation of the United States Constitution. Nevertheless, the suit led to a surprisingly cold response from the FDA about its views on food freedom (and freedoms in general). Continue reading

Video: Rep. Carson – Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’

(BigGovernment) – Editor’s note: The video claims the biggest threat to the national security of the United States comes from Muslim terrorists. The Muslim terrorists mentioned include the Times Square and Christmas Day non-bombers who are obvious false flag patsies designed to scare little children, headline readers, and Fox News soundbite junkies. Continue reading

Video: Health Ranger interviews health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord

(NaturalNews) – Health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord talks about the global censorship of health information and “state-sponsored drug monopolies.” Find out why the FTC and FDA want to censor the health information you need to know. Continue reading

Video: Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation

(KurtNimmo) – In an amazing propaganda segment, Fox News’ Gerald Rivera talks with an occupation soldier about U.S. support of the opium trade in Afghanistan. The soldier tells Rivera he does not like supporting Afghan opium production. The U.S., he insists, has turned a blind eye to the cultivation because it is a cultural thing. He’d rather the Afghans grow watermelons. Continue reading

Freedom Watch

(Fox) – April 28 – Video: The Wisconsin Underdog

Terri McCormick plans to shake up Washington Video Link Here

(Fox) – April 28 – Video: End War On Drugs?

Why the war on drugs causes more harm than good Video Link Here

(Fox) – April 28 – Video: Missing Police Brutality Video

Suspicious circumstances surround missing surveillance video Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – (Fox) – April 14 – Video: Robert Higgs on Government Obstruction of Liberty – Continue reading

Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173) that would expand the powers of the FTC (not the FDA, but the FTC) to terrorize nutritional supplement companies by greatly expanding the power of the FTC to make its own laws that target dietary supplement companies. Continue reading

Want some cancer with that burger? Eating meat linked to bladder cancer

(NaturalNews) – No one wants cancer served up with their steak or hamburger. But that’s just what you may be getting. As NaturalNews has previously reported, numerous studies have linked meat consumption with cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/024966_i…). Now comes evidence from scientists at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center that eating meat frequently, especially meat that is well done or cooked at high temperatures, significantly raises the risk of developing bladder cancer. Continue reading

Video: The Real News – The Age Of Science And Discovery

“Some stories are more important than others.” (Kirk Citron)

How many of today’s headlines will matter in 100 years? 1000? Kirk Citron’s “Long News” project collects stories that not only matter today, but will resonate for decades — even centuries — to come. At TED2010, he highlights recent headlines with the potential to shape our future. Continue reading


(Telegraph) – Greece is just the “tip of the iceberg” of a sovereign debt crisis that has the potential to derail a global recovery, Nouriel Roubini has warned – Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Goldman Exec – It’s Unfortunate To Have Shitty Deal “On E-Mail”

Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) and Goldman Sachs Executive Vice President and CFO David Viniar, Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Investigations hearing, April 27, 2010 – View Video Here

(TaxProfBlog) – WSJ: Dividend Tax to Increase From 15% to 43.4%

Last week the Senate Budget Committee passed a fiscal 2011 budget resolution that includes an increase in the top tax rate on dividends to 39.6% from the current 15%—a 164% increase. This blows past the 20% rate that President Obama proposed in his 2011 budget and which his economic advisers promised on these pages in 2008. Read More Here

(ThePeoplesVoice) – “Criminal and Civil Charges” possible for NY Fed

Prosecuting those who caused the financial crisis would lead to the next logical step: confiscating all the ill gotten gains and returning them to the people. The market went down and the people lost a bundle. The market is now back up and those losses are still in place. But guess who made a bundle on the fluctuation? This must be corrected. Read More Here

(WSWS) – Sunday Times Rich List shows fortunes of British super-rich soar by a third – Read More Here

(Aljazeera) – Video: IMF fears debt crisis ‘contagion’

The head of the International Monetary Fund has warned that Greece’s debt crisis could spread and threaten the economies of other countries. View Video Here

(AVA) – Update on America’s Second Great Depression (Part 1)

Washington, Wall Street and their partners in crime, the media, have continued to spread the myths of an economic recovery since late summer 2009.

In response to the propaganda, the stock market has continued to rally. But most individual investors have been left out of this tremendous rally. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Debt Crisis in Greece – It Could Happen in America – View Video Here

(IinstituteForJustice) – “Policing for Profit” Report Documents the Nationwide Abuse of Civil Forfeiture

Police and prosecutors’ offices seize private property—often without ever charging the owners with a crime, much less convicting them of one—then keep or sell what they’ve taken and use the profits to fund their budgets. And considering law enforcement officials in most states don’t report the value of what they collect or how that bounty is spent, the issue raises serious questions about both government transparency and accountability. Read More Here

(MotherJones) – Did Goldman’s Ex-Mortgage Guru Lie Under Oath?

Daniel Sparks told Congress he didn’t expect a group of financial products to fail. Internal documents suggest he knew otherwise. Read More Here

(InternationalForecaster) – Frauds And Scandals Follow The Collapse Of The Financial System

As the world faces an ongoing sovereign debt debacle we see an attempt to defuse an oncoming scandal involving Goldman Sachs, Paulson and perhaps others. Read More Here

(Solari) – Goldman Whac-A-Mole – Catherine Austin Fitts

It makes sense to pause in the outpouring of news about Goldman Sachs to ponder what has happened and the nature of the game that is afoot. Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Glenn Beck on Goldman Sachs – Continue reading

MSM: Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9%

(NYTimes) – The reality facing many American newspaper publishers continues to look stark, as figures released Monday show deep circulation declines, with average weekday sales down almost 9 percent since the same time last year. Read More Here

Health News

(HeraldScotland) – Scientists make cancer cells vanish

Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells. Read More Here

(DailyCaller) – Raw Milk Crackdown – Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Doctors sterilise Uzbek women by stealth

WHEN her baby died soon after delivery, Gulbahor Zavidova, 28, a poor farmer’s wife, longed to be pregnant again. After months of trying she and her husband visited a doctor who told her she could never have another child because she had been sterilised. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month

A new national poll shows support for repealing President Obama’s health care reform law has not abated in the month since its passage, and actually ticked up.
“Support for repeal of the recently-passed national health care plan remains strong as most voters believe the law will increase the cost of care, hurt quality and push the federal budget deficit even higher,” said the new release from the polling firm Rasmussen Reports. Read More Here

(TasmanTimes) – Australian problems with government healthcare

Recently it has been announced that the Australian federal government would like to use 30% of the states GST to finance healthcare. Of what we see in the media, the whole process looks a bit dictatorial. There has been a lot of talk between Chairman Rudd and the Premiers, but not much consideration for other federal and state MP’s and the Australian people. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Big Brother to track your medication compliance with electronic transmitters in pills – Mike Adams

Now that the U.S. government has achieved its monopoly over health care, new technologies are in the works that will allow the government to remotely monitor and track whether ordinary citizens are complying with taking medications prescribed by conventional doctors. One new technology described at the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging allows “pills to be electronically outfitted with transmitters” which would track the patient’s compliance with medications and broadcast that information back to government health care enforcers who check for “compliance and efficacy.” Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Vitamin D reduces diabetes risk by 43 percent – is there anything this vitamin can’t do?

A team from Warwick Medical School in the U.K. has found that people who maintain healthy vitamin D levels are 43 percent less likely to get heart disease or diabetes. After evaluating 28 different studies conducted on nearly 100,000 people, researchers concluded that people who eat oily fish two or three times a week and five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are able to achieve healthy levels of vitamin D. Read More Here

(TopNews) – Despite Detrimental Side Effects of Adderall, FDA Advises Not to Stop Giving the Drug to Patients

According to the medication guide for Adderall XR, the medicine has detrimental side effects. These include heart related troubles such as sudden death in patients, who have heart problems or heart defects. It can also result in heart attacks and strokes in adults, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Read More Here

(CNN) – Killer fungus seen in Pacific Northwest

A rare but life-threatening tropical fungus that causes lung infections in both people and animals has been seen in the Pacific Northwest and could spread, researchers are reporting. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Omega 3s may help cut colon cancer risk

People who eat plenty of fish oil and other omega-3 fatty acids could cut their risk of colon cancer, new research hints. Read More Here

Video: Judge Napolitano – Immigration law will ‘bankrupt the Republican Party’

(RawStory) – After Fox News analysts spent most of Friday defending Arizona’s bill to target illegal immigrants, Judge Andrew Napolitano offered a different take on the controversial measure. Continue reading

Video: The Establishment’s Nervous Mutterings on Ron Paul

One obvious sign that the establishment’s sweat is starting to break is arch-warmonger Karl Rove’s recent mentioning of Ron Paul in connection to the Tea Party. Where in the past neocons and establishment liberals alike arrogantly dismissed Paul, now they seem nervous in the face of liberty rising.

Rove appeared yesterday on Fox News attempting to describe the Tea Party. In answer to the question, of what people the Tea Party consists, Rove stated:

“I’ll tell you who they are: you got a group of libertarians, who sort of, campaign for liberty, Ron Paulites, who say: let’s take over this movement.” Continue reading

The 10 biggest health care lies in America

(NaturalNews) – Mainstream health care isn’t based on “health” or “caring.” It’s actually based on an engrained system of medical mythology that’s practiced — and defended — by those who profit from the continuation of sickness and disease. This system of medical mythology might also simply be called “lies”, and today I’m sharing with NaturalNews readers the top ten lies that are still followed and promoted under mainstream health care in America today. Continue reading

Health insurance companies invest billions in fast food chains – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Did you ever wonder how health insurance companies drum up future business? It’s easy: Just invest in companies whose products cause chronic degenerative disease, driving people towards more health care needs and therefore more health insurance. Continue reading

NaturalNews.com Headlines

Artificial sweeteners alter how body handles real sugar

Artificial sweeteners may cause metabolic changes in how the body reacts to real sugar, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Read More Here

Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control

Drug and chemical giant Bayer AG has admitted that there is no way to stop the uncontrolled spread of its genetically modified crops. Read More Here

Poor children more likely to be put on antipsychotic drugs

Poor children are vastly more likely to be given antipsychotic drugs than middle class children, and often for less serious conditions, according to a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers and Columbia Universities and released ahead of publication. Read More Here

America does not have a shortage of doctors, it has an excess of disease

Now that health reform relying on monopolized pharmaceutical medicine has become the law of the land across America, the mainstream media is reporting on a sudden shortage of doctors. The nearly one million doctors who already treat a sick, diseased population is no longer enough, it seems, and medical schools are ramping up to churn out more doctors to treat yet more disease. There are never enough doctors to go around when everybody’s sick, it seems… Read More Here

Film: Making A Killing – The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Documentary rips the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched money-making machine. Continue reading

The Corporate Lobbyists Behind the Tea Parties

(NWOTruth) – Anyone who has watched Fox News of late has seen them talking about the April 15 “tea party” demonstrations, which they take pains to characterize as a spontaneous grassroots uprising against government spending that they are simply “covering.” Continue reading

Video: Yahoo News Rewrites History of Tea Party

(KurtNimmo) – The establishment is petrified by the Tea Party movement and its pro-Constitution philosophy. In order to shut it down and render it into another harmless false right-left paradigm circus sideshow distraction, they mischievously launched a concerted effort to turn it into a milquetoast wing of the Republican party and appoint media diva Sarah Palin and disinfo operative Glenn Beck as its leaders and founders. Video Link Here

Video: Alex Covers Police State Takeover of Internet, News Media & Your Mind

(April 13, 2010) – Alex breaks down how “Big Brother” is controling every aspect of free speech left in american, and how they manipulate and control how you think. Continue reading

Google CEO and Obama Activist Wants Machines to Pick News

(KurtNimmo) – Drudge reports this morning that Google CEO Eric Schmidt wants Google’s machines to select what news you read on its website. Continue reading

Video: Fox “news” continues CBS, ABC, CNN propaganda to attack Iran – today’s CIA Operation Mockingbird

(Examiner) – In the video clip from Fox below, Bill Kristol advocates US military attack on Iran because he predicts that Israel will attack Iran. This is propaganda for an unlawful war for the following “emperor has no clothes” obvious reasons. Fox “reporting” is also a manipulative variation of the same war drone I’ve documented from CBS, ABC, and CNN. – Read More Here

Neocon Kristol Says ‘Better’ for US to Attack Iran than if Israel Did

(RawStory) – The Obama administration should be seriously considering a strike on Iran, according to neoconservative Fox News contributor Bill Kristol.

An Israeli Deputy Defense Minister said last week that he expected Israel would have to attack Iran within a year. Kristol believes it would be better for the US to attack first. Continue reading

The Manufactured Menace From Michigan, Take Two

(LewRockwell) – When the stranger materialized a few years ago, nobody really knew much about him. He seemed like a suitably sympathetic figure and quickly ingratiated himself by offering whatever help he could. No task was too menial for him, and he had a way of finding just what the group needed right when it was required. Continue reading

Washington Post: Government May Have to Waste Millions of H1N1 Vaccines

(Business&MediaInstitute) – Last year many Americans were convinced the H1N1 virus, commonly called the swine flu, would turn into a pandemic. That’s no surprise given the fear mongering media.

News media helped make the case for the government to rush a vaccine and the government spent over a billion dollars producing those vaccinations. But now, according to the April 1, 2010 Washington Post millions of vaccines are still unused – 71.5 million vaccinations will soon expire and may even have to be thrown away. Continue reading

Video: FOX frames Alex Jones as instigator of ‘violent’ web comments

Alex Jones decries the on-going attempts by major media outlets, including FOX News, to frame him for “violent” comments posted by a very small minority of visitors. It is part of a larger attempt to discredit the rise of patriot groups, tea parties, citizen journalists and others by painting them as a threat to the tyranny that has taken root. Continue reading

Video: Freedom Watch – Constitutional Awakening in America

(Fox) – Freedom Watch – Judge Napolitano speaks on Fox News’s Freedom Watch about the Federal Government violating it’s constitutional rights Continue reading

Video: Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

(PaulWatson) – Fox News contributors call for Obama to be killed and authors to be shot while Fox points the finger at Alex Jones for instigating violence Continue reading

Fox News Reports On Alleged Threatening Comment Posted on “Radical” Infowars.com

(Infowars) – Fox News is reporting this afternoon that the husband of a military servicewoman living on a Tennessee Naval base is under investigation for posting threatening comments on Infowars.com, described by Fox News as a “radical right-wing Web site.” Continue reading