Public Enemy Number One, The American Press – Stealing America’s Freedoms Like A Thief In The Night… – Gordon Duff

(VeteransVoice) – It’s 2010 and a few members of congress have noted that we have a corruption problem in Afghanistan.  Over a period of 9 years. $2.4 trillion dollars has been stolen with a dozen enquiries, dozens of reports, audits, all saying the same thing.  The “war on terror” was more “pickpocketing” and not so much “Osama bin Waldo.”  It’s 2010 and reports are trickling in that, just maybe, terrorist mastermind Osama has been dead for years and years.  More reports tell us, finally, that he never ran a terror organization at all.   For years, all those threats from a dead man.  What a pack of fools we are.

Remember Pat Tillman, the brave soldier, great athlete and hero?  The press told us he was killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan.  Then the rumors came out that it was “friendly fire.”  Now we know the truth or do we?  There is a movie about Tillman coming out.  How much will it tell?  Tillman, not just an athlete but a very bright guy, had picked up on the fact that Afghanistan was a total scam and was talking about it.  The administration ordered Tillman’s murder.  Pat Tillman was executed.  Enough high ranking members of the Bush administration and the military were involved in the cover up that, in any real democracy, not only jails would be filling but the execution dock as well.  Murder is a capitol crime.  Those involved in Tillman’s murder should be executed, no matter who they are.  We are talking about every conspirator and members of the press who helped “spin” the tale. Continue reading

MSM: It was never suicide, says Dr Kelly’s cousin as family finally breaks silence

(DailyMail) – A close relative of Dr David Kelly broke the family’s silence yesterday to voice fears that he was murdered.  Wendy Wearmouth said she found it ‘incredibly unlikely’ that he committed suicide and suggested he was assassinated.  She said that committing suicide would have been ‘totally against his whole way of being’. Read More Here

MSM: US breast cancer drug decision ‘marks start of death panels’

(Telegraph) – A decision to rescind endorsement of the drug would reignite the highly charged debate over US health care reform and how much the state should spend on new and expensive treatments.

Avastin, the world’s best selling cancer drug, is primarily used to treat colon cancer and was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2008 for use on women with breast cancer that has spread.

It costs $8,000 (£5,000) a month and is given to about 17,500 women in the US a year. The drug was initially approved after a study found that, by preventing blood flow to tumours, it extended the amount of time until the disease worsened by more than five months. However, two new studies have shown that the drug may not even extend life by an extra month. Read entire article

BP Oil Gusher

(MSNBC) – Video: Feds getting “tremendous pushback from scientific community” over disappearing oil – View Video Here

(IntelHub) – Video: Fisherman and Families know Gulf Seafood is unsafe, DEMAND Dispersants stop being sprayed! – Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Relief Wells Delayed … New Tests Show “Gap” in Oil “Well Column” Causing Loss of Pressure … Does the Government Have ANY IDEA What It’s Doing?

An oil and gas industry veteran with 30 years experience who goes by the alias Fishgrease gave a pretty good recap of BP and the government’s record of failure in capping the oil well: Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment Says “Shut Up”. Sierra Club Alleges Areas Were Solely Reopened to Limit BP’s Liability – Read More Here

(Truthout) – Uncovering the Lies That Are Sinking the Oil

The rampant use of toxic dispersants, out-of-state private contractors being brought in to spray them and US Coast Guard complicity are common stories now in the four states most affected by BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.

Commercial and charter fishermen, residents and members of BP’s Vessels Of Opportunity (VOO) program in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana have spoken with Truthout about their witnessing all of these incidents. Read More Here

(CNN) – Gulf oil traces spread east on sea floor, researchers say – Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – Georgia scientists: Gulf oil not gone, 80 pct remains – Read More Here

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – “Purple looking jelly stuff, three feet thick, floating all over, as wide as a football field” says former BP cleanup worker – Read More Here

(Reuters) – Gulf fishermen: oil tainted our waters, our trust

Some U.S. Gulf Coast fishermen say they have caught crabs with black-stained gills and others report seeing fish and marine life gathering strangely on the sea surface following the massive BP Plc oil spill.

They fear these abnormalities could point to a lasting and potentially devastating impact on their fishing grounds and livelihoods from the world’s worst offshore oil accident, and they say BP and the government may be downplaying the issue. Read More Here

Video: dead fish all over the east coast, lack of oxygen from gulf disaster – Continue reading

World War

(GlobalResearch) – The UN Security Council Regime of Tribunals and Sanctions: A Smokescreen for Military Seizure of Regions and Resources – Read More Here

(StopNATO) – U.S.-China Crisis: From “Gunboat Diplomacy” to Confrontation – Rick Rozoff – Read More Here

(DefenseTech) – Israel Places Order For 20 F-35s; U.S. Picks Up The Tab – Read More Here

(TheUglyTruth) – The Man With The Israeli Accent–USS LIBERTY Survivor’s Life Threatened by Mossad on American Soil While Uncle Sam Yawns

One would think that in this–the post 9/11 age–that a direct, face-to-face threat against the life of a decorated American war hero by someone claiming to be an agent working for a Middle Eastern country tied to previous acts of terrorism against the US would rouse some concern.

That is of course, unless the country from which this foreign agent hails is Israel and the war hero being threatened is a survivor of the USS LIBERTY, attacked by the Jewish state in 1967, leading to the deaths of 34 American servicemen. Read More Here

(AlJazeera) – Nuclear inspection of Israel sought

Arab nations have urged Washington and several other nuclear powers to push for inspections of Israel’s nuclear programme, diplomats have told the Associated Press news agency.

In a letter sent ahead of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting scheduled for September, the Arab League also sought support for a resolution that calls on Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Read More Here


(BBC) – Video: Afghan Pres Gives ‘Contractors’ 4 Months To Get Out of Afghanistan! – Video Link Here

(NewsCore) – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange describes possibility of casualties as ‘acceptable risk’

Any US and allied casualties that result from the publication of classified Afghan war documents would be an acceptable risk, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said today,, saying “such information is also likely to save a great many lives.” Read More Here

(CNN) – Poll: Opposition to Iraq, Afghanistan wars reach all time high

Two-thirds of Americans favor President Obama’s plan to remove combat troops from Iraq by the end of the month as opposition to the war in that country, as well as the one in Afghanistan, has climbed to new highs. Read More Here


(RawStory) – Soldiers with PTSD dismissed, told they have ‘personality disorder’

At the height of the Iraq war, the Army routinely dismissed hundreds of soldiers for having a personality disorder when they were more likely suffering from the traumatic stresses of war, discharge data suggests.

Under pressure from Congress and the public, the Army later acknowledged the problem and drastically cut the number of soldiers given the designation. But advocates for veterans say an unknown number of troops still unfairly bear the stigma of a personality disorder, making them ineligible for military health care and other benefits. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – Will the US Really Pull Out of Iraq? – Eric Margolis – Read More Here


(Guardian) – Iran details plans for new mountain nuke sites – Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Video: Former Pakistani Intel Chief Fears World War Three Is Imminent – View More Here

(AFP) – Iran says to unveil array of weapons next week

Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Tuesday that Iran will unveil next week an array of weapons, including missiles, speedboats and a long range drone, the ISNA news agency reported. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Neocon Bolton Renews Call for Israel to Bomb Iran

Last Friday the former interim UN ambassador during the Bush administration went on Fox News and warned that if Israel did not conduct a bombing raid against Iran’s nuclear energy program within a few days, the window of opportunity would be lost. Bolton made his comment following a report last week that Russia will begin loading nuclear fuel at Iran’s Bushehr reactor on July 21. Read More Here

(SodaHead) – Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton Says Russia Helping Iran Ready for 8/21/10 Deadline for Israeli Attack!

Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran’s Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively “immune” to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton. Read More Here

REPOST(InfoClearingHouse) – How Would Iran Respond to US Attack?

This is the first time that a high-ranking U.S. official has spoken about the existence of military plans to prevent the Islamic Republic from crossing the nuclear threshold. There is considerable evidence that Mullen’s frank statement, coupled with the Obama Administration’s increasingly hostile and dismissive attitude towards Iran, and reinforced by the fourth round of United Nations sanctions imposed in June (followed by even harsher unilateral sanctions imposed by both the European Union and the United States), has radically altered the Tehran regime’s strategic calculations on the possibility of a military confrontation with the United States. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: War With Iran – Scott Ritter – View Video Here


(GritTV) – Video: USA criminalises giving humanitarian aid to Gaza – View Video Here

(PressTV) – Video: Israel threatens to kill Lebanese Women on Gaza aid ship – View Video Here

(ABCKITV) – Flotilla Survivor Criticizes Israelis

Retired U.S. Army colonel turned peace activist Ann Wright is back home in Hawaii. On May 31, she took part in a flotilla attempting to run an Israeli blockade to take humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
“I went on the flotilla because I had been to Gaza three times in 2009 after the Israeli attack and had seen the conditions there. To go on the flotilla was another way to bring attention to the international community about the plight of Palestinians. It’s immoral and illegal to have blockades like this as collective punishment on people,” Wright said. Read More Here

(TruthDig) – Formalizing Israel’s Land Grab

Time is running out for Israel. And the Israeli government knows it. The Jewish Diaspora, especially the young, has a waning emotional and ideological investment in Israel. The demographic boom means that Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories will soon outnumber Jews. And Israel’s increasing status as a pariah nation means that informal and eventually formal state sanctions against the country are probably inevitable. Read More Here

(IsraelNationalNews) – New Flotilla to Challenge IDF Off Gaza Coast

Former British MP and longtime anti-Israel activist George Galloway has announced that a new international flotilla from Britain, Morocco and Qatar will set sail for Gaza on September 18 with the aim of breaking Israel’s naval blockade on Hamas. Read More Here

Video: The Alex Jones Show – The Drumbeats of War!

Former interim U.N. ambassador and leading neocon John Bolton went on Fox News on Friday and sounded the alarm bells over Russia’s pending delivery of nuclear fuel to Iran’s Bushehr reactor. If Israel plans to attack Bushehr, Bolton said, it must act now because allowing the Russians to load nuclear fuel rods at the site will make Iran “essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf.”

“The fuel will be loaded on Aug 21. This is the start of the physical launch” of the reactor, said Sergei Novikov, a spokesman for Rosatom, the Russian Energy State Nuclear Corp. “From that moment the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear-energy installation.” Russia is currently operating under a $1 billion contract with Iran and has worked for over a decade on the reactor. Continue reading

MSM: Ray Bradbury hates big government: ‘Our country is in need of a revolution’

(LATimes) – Ray Bradbury is mad at President Obama, but it’s not about the economy, the war or the plan to a construct a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.

“He should be announcing that we should go back to the moon,” says the iconic author, whose 90th birthday on Aug. 22 will be marked in Los Angeles with more than week’s worth of Bradbury film and TV screenings, tributes and other events. “We should never have left there. We should go to the moon and prepare a base to fire a rocket off to Mars and then go to Mars and colonize Mars. Then when we do that, we will live forever.”

The man who wrote “Farenheit 451,” “Something Wicked This Way Comes,” “The Martian Chronicles,” “Dandelion Wine”and “The Illustrated Man” has been called one of America’s great dreamers, but his imagination takes him to some dark places when it comes to contemporary politics.

“I think our country is in need of a revolution,” Bradbury said. “There is too much government today. We’ve got to remember the government should be by the people, of the people and for the people.” Read entire article

Media Defends Clinton, Gore Over Rape Allegations, But Crucifies Rand Paul For a Harmless College Prank

(PaulWatson&AlexJones) – While serious Clinton and Gore sex scandals are belittled, sidelined, and ignored, Rand Paul is crucified for jokingly suggesting his college friend worship the Aqua Buddha

Even after the anonymous woman whose words the corporate media twisted to slanderously claim Rand Paul kidnapped and forced drugged her recanted and admitted that she was not kidnapped, she was not force drugged, and that “the whole thing has been blown out of proportion” and was actually a harmless college prank, the establishment is still using the manufactured hoax in an effort to discredit Paul, a display of enthusiasm that was noticeably lacking when the far more serious rape scandals surrounding President Bill Clinton and more recently Al Gore came to light. Continue reading

MSM: Genetically engineered salmon under FDA consideration

(LATimes) – AquaBounty is seeking FDA approval for a genetically engineered fish that reaches market weight in half the usual time. Some in the industry are leery.

With a global population pressing against food supplies and vast areas of the ocean swept clean of fish, tiny AquaBounty Technologies Inc. of Waltham, Mass., says it can help feed the world.

The firm has developed genetically engineered salmon that reach market weight in half the usual time. What’s more, it hopes to avoid the pollution, disease and other problems associated with saltwater fish farms by having its salmon raised in inland facilities.

The Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve what would be the nation’s first commercial genetically modified food animal. Full article here

MSM: FBI’s racist shock jock Hal Turner convicted of threatening judges

(AFP) – A US Internet radio host was convicted Friday of threatening to assault and kill three judges who upheld a ban on handguns in Chicago, the US Justice Department said.

Hal Turner, 47, was arrested in June 2009 for an Internet posting that said of the three federal judges who had upheld Chicago’s handgun ban, “Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed.” Continue reading

MSM: Dr David Kelly was on a hitlist, says UN weapons expert as calls grow for full inquest

(UKDailyMail) – A leading UN weapons inspector last night added his voice to the growing clamour for a full inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly.

Dr Richard Spertzel claimed Dr Kelly was on a ‘hitlist’ in the final years of his life.

The former head of the UN Biological Section, who worked closely with Dr Kelly in Iraq in the 1990s, has written to Attorney General Dominic Grieve about the ‘mysterious circumstances’ surrounding the death.

The weapons inspector’s body was found after he was unmasked as the source of a damaging BBC news report questioning the grounds for the Iraq war.

Officially, he took his own life.

Yesterday Dr Spertzel told the Mail that the British authorities were ‘intentionally ignoring’ the issue. Full article here

Video: Michael Moore Defends the “Professional Left” Against Obama and the Banksters

(KurtNimmo) – Following Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs’ ungracious comments about the “professional left,” the usual suspects mounted the corporate media and began venting about the Obama administration.

One such luminary was filmmaker Michael Moore. Mike told Keith Olbermann at MSNBC that the so-called left wants to seize the banks and throw out the bums but the Obama administration simply will not listen. Mike’s naiveté — more likely his mendacity, since he did not roll off the turnip truck last week — will undoubtedly stir the righteous indignation of so-called progressives. In fact, it is designed to do so. Continue reading

Video: Desperate Establishment’s Latest Rand Paul Hoax Backfires – Alex Jones Tv

The latest media hoax targeting Kentucky primary winner Rand Paul has exploded in the establishment’s face after a claim that Paul “kidnapped” a woman during a college prank was revealed to be completely mischaracterized, showing once again how desperate the system is to discredit Paul and prevent him from leading a populist revolt against the status quo.

The corporate media has now launched no less than three hyped or outright manufactured “controversies” in an effort to tear down Paul’s popularity in the less than three months since he won the Kentucky primary. The system is scared stiff of what Paul represents because he is a true constitutionalist with a real chance of winning in October after having brushed aside establishment Republican candidate Trey Grayson back in May. Continue reading

Desperate Establishment’s Latest Rand Paul Hoax Backfires

(PaulWatson&AlexJones) – The latest media hoax targeting Kentucky primary winner Rand Paul has exploded in the establishment’s face after a claim that Paul “kidnapped” a woman during a college prank was revealed to be completely mischaracterized, showing once again how desperate the system is to discredit Paul and prevent him from leading a populist revolt against the status quo.

The corporate media has now launched no less than three hyped or outright manufactured “controversies” in an effort to tear down Paul’s popularity in the less than three months since he won the Kentucky primary. The system is scared stiff of what Paul represents because he is a true constitutionalist with a real chance of winning in October after having brushed aside establishment Republican candidate Trey Grayson back in May.

On the very night of his primary success, the media kicked into high gear and instantly tried to characterize Paul as a hypocrite and a racist elitist simply because he held his victory celebration at a country club. Continue reading

Texbook Doublethink: SPLC’s Latest Effort Attacks Constitutionalists

(21stCenturyWire) – The Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest Associated Press release entitled, Baffling beliefs mark Sovereign Citizen theories, is the organization’s most recent effort to marginalize large blocks of the population it deems to be a domestic threat. Examination of this, as well as other documents, reveals a systematic pattern of media manipulation and disinformation aimed squarely at the American people.

In the latest release the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identifies,  “the number of people who now consider themselves sovereign citizens, Americans above the law who adhere only to the Constitution and follow a revised history of the United States”.

For any students of critical thinking, the SPLC is employing a 20th century propaganda technique know as doublespeak. Here the SPLC attempts to construct the doublethink idea that such Americans who adhere only to the Constitution are “above the law”. Continue reading

MSM: Your mobile phone may be bugging you, hackers warn

(IND) – A British internet security company has demonstrated how to turn the Palm Pre into a secret bugging device, ideal for corporate espionage, and issued a warning that many other popular smartphones are also vulnerable to hackers.

In-house hackers at Basingstoke-based MWR InfoSecurity have created a bug hidden in an electronic business card, or vcard, which enabled them to use the Pre to record conversations and send the audio file back to them, whenever it is connected to a WiFi or 3G network – all without the user being aware anything at all is happening. Read More Here

Video: Change That’s Not – ‘Obama On Bush Route’ – John Pilger

(RussiaToday) – John Pilger: Wikileaks Should Teach Journalists to Question ‘Official Statements’, US Foreign Policy

Recent sanctions against Iran are an attempt by the US to return the country to its sphere of influence, claims veteran journalist John Pilger. “Iran was a pillar of the American empire in the Middle East. That was swept away in 1979 by the Islamic revolution, and it has been American foreign policy to get that back,” he said. “It has absolutely nothing to do with so-called nuclear weapons.

The nuclear power in the Middle East is the fourth biggest military power in the world and that is Israel. It has something like 500 or more nuclear warheads. It is never discussed.” Pilger added that Barack Obama has failed to change the trajectory of US foreign policy and following George W. Bush’s line. “For the first time in US presidential history — it has not happened before — a president has taken the entire defense department bureaucracy, and the Secretary of State for Defense, from a previous discredited administration. We have basically Robert Gates and the same generals running American foreign policy with a lot of help from people of like mind.” Continue reading

Hopium and Hypocritium – Cindy Sheehan

The arrogance of the Bush administration could never be surpassed, right? Wrong!

Today, Whore House (again, with my apologies to my sex-worker friends) spokeswhore, Robert Gibbs, was quoted as saying this of the “professional left” who liken Obama to his predecessor:

“(They) need to be drug tested,” and that these principled critics of the Empire are “crazy.” This kind of hearkens back to earlier in the Changery when Rahm Emmanuel, Obama Chief of Staff and committed Zionist, called us: “F@#king Retards.” Nice, huh?

Rahm Emmanuel is almost as sensitive as Dick Cheney and Robert Gibbs is almost as smart as Ari Fleischer—George’s first Press Secretary. Continue reading

Video: Obama’s Dangerously and Rapidly Expanding Government

(Fox) – Glenn Beck reviews FDR’s agencies created under the New Deal and then lists the agencies created under Obama. He preludes this by referring to how FDR and Obama both talked about how they were for the small business owner, when in fact, they actually only cared/care about big business and big government.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their substance.” – Declaration of Independence, 1776 Continue reading

World War

(Truthout) -The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA’s Experiments on Children – Read More Here

(Novosti) – US Ensures Military Presence on Russia’s “Belly” in Central Asia. Confronts China and Iran – Read More Here

(GlobalRearch) – Central Asia: U.S. Military Buildup On Chinese, Iranian And Russian Borders – Rick Rozoff – Read More Here

(PeoplesDailyOnline) – Insidious, Risky Strategy: U.S. Builds Asian NATO Against China – Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – US — Venezuela: The Empire Strikes Back (and Loses)

US policy toward Venezuela has taken many tactical turns, but the objective has been the same: to oust President Chavez, reverse the nationalization of big businesses, abolish the mass community and worker based councils and revert the country into a client-state. Read More Here

(FFF) – What They Do in Our Name

Thanks to Wikileaks and heroic leakers inside the military, we now know the U.S. government has killed many more innocent Afghan civilians than we were aware of heretofore. We also know that American military and intelligence personnel roam Afghanistan assassinating suspected bad guys. Sometimes they kill people they later acknowledge weren’t bad guys at all. “Bad guys,” like “Taliban,” is implicitly defined as anyone who resists the U.S. occupation force and the corrupt puppet government it keeps in power.

What other atrocities are our misleaders and misrepresentatives committing in our name? Read More Here

(DailyBeast) – U.S. Urges Allies to Crack Down on WikiLeaks

The Obama administration is pressing Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allied Western governments to consider opening criminal investigations of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and to severely limit his nomadic travels across international borders, American officials say. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Anderson Cooper Apologizes For Media Complicity In Tillman Cover-Up

Interview with Pat Tillman’s father about new documentary exposing how the government with help from the media used Pat Tillman’s death to promote the war. Video Link Here


(KurtNimmo) – Poll: Attack On Iran Imminent – View Poll Here

(Haaretz) – Will Israel Really Attack Iran Within a Year?

After interviewing dozens of Israeli, American and Arab officials, Atlantic Magazine correspondent concludes Israel may not even ask for American ‘green light’ to attack Iran nuclear sites. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – US Outraged as Iran Offers to Replace Military Aid to Lebanon

Incredibly enough, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley suggested that Iran’s military aid would “compromise Lebanon’s sovereignty,” yet no similar concerns were voiced when the US was providing much larger amounts of aid to the exact same country. Read More Here

Video: Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation – Continue reading

MSM: Vending Machines Of The Future

(MyFoxNY) – Your thumbprint might soon be the key to an afternoon candy bar. A Massachusetts based vending machine company is joinng the growing ranks of companies that are field-testing new technologies.

Next Generation Vending and Food Service is experimenting with biometric vending machines that would allow a user to tie a credit card to their thumbprint.

“For a certain demographic that is pretty cool,” says company president John S. Ioannou.

Next Generation is currently testing about 60 of the biometric machines in various locations in the northeast. Read More Here

Health News

(NaturalNews) – WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers – Mike Adams

After months of stalling, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six pandemic last year — a decision that resulted in a financial windfall for vaccine manufacturers. As you’ll see here, that list includes at least five expert advisors received money from vaccine companies.

Here’s who received money from Big Pharma and then influenced the WHO decision to declare a pandemic: Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Drowning in soda: America’s health problems made far worse by massive soda consumption

The booming popularity of sugary soft drinks has led to 6,000 more deaths, 14,000 more cases of heart disease and 130,000 new cases of diabetes in the past 10 years, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-San Francisco and presented at the annual Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention conference of the American Heart Association. Read More Here

(StarTribune) – Determining dangers of DEET

It’s widely used in insect repellents, and has been detected in the state’s rivers and lakes. Read More Here

(Chron) – State sues BP over refinery

BP, already reeling from legal and financial fallout over its Gulf oil spill, now faces a lawsuit by the state attorney general alleging continued pollution at the Texas City refinery where an explosion killed 15 workers in 2005. Read More Here

(WSJournal) – Medicago Gets $21M US Government Grant For Vaccine Facility

Quebec-based Medicago Inc. (MDG.T) has received a multi-million-dollar grant from the U.S. government to develop a vaccine-production facility, a major endorsement of the company’s technology that uses plants to bring vaccines to market more quickly and cheaply. Read More Here

(Nutra) – Scientists call for global policy change on vitamin D

International experts have again called out for an increase in daily recommendations for Vitamin D, which they say is crucial to reduce the risk of a host a diseases.

The latest call comes from scientists in Europe and the US, who say that higher intake levels of the vitamin could help protect against conditions such as childhood rickets, adult osteomalacia, cancer, autoimmune type-1 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity and muscle weakness. Read More Here

Stephen Hawking urges humans to leave Earth to avoid disaster

(CanadianPress) – Stephen Hawking is suggesting the survival of the human race will likely depend on changing neighbourhoods and moving to another planet.

The famed physicist says in the centuries ahead, it will be hard for Earthlings to avoid a disaster of biblical proportion on their home turf, and he recommends they avoid putting all their eggs in one basket – or planet.

Hawking writes on the website that he sees great dangers ahead for the human race, noting such close calls as the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

He warns about a ballooning population using up the Earth’s finite resources and the growing ability of humans to alter their environment for good, or ill. Read entire article

MSM: Google and Verizon DID do a deal for new internet ‘first class’ superhighway

(UKDailyMail) – Technology giants Google and Verizon have today paved the way for a future ‘two-tier’ internet in which companies can pay extra to make sure their services get through.

In a joint statement the two firms called for a new, premium connection which would let internet service providers, such as Virgin, charge more for certain services over faster, higher-quality lines.

But critics have accused Google and Verizon of plotting to carve up the internet to suit big, established firms like themselves. Continue reading

Did Google Block “Barry Soetoro” Search Term?

(PaulWatson) – Screenshots obtained by a Prison Planet reader suggest that Google may have moved to de-list “Barry Soetoro” as a popular search term shortly after it rose to the top of the Google Trends charts after yesterday’s effort by radio talk show host Alex Jones to focus attention on Barack Obama’s real name.

The search term reached number one on Google Trends soon after Alex Jones began discussing the issue on his show yesterday and Prison released an article on the same topic. However, within the space of about an hour, the term quickly slipped down the list of hot search terms and by the end of the day was gone completely. Continue reading

TV Is A Psycho-Social Weapon

(OneWorldScam) – I think most right thinking people are agreed that physical effects aside, the content of the majority of TV programming today (I emphasise the word programming, a process that involves a passive receptor of information) is designed to instil a social worldview and value system that is self-centric and is in fact the opposite of what a healthy and enduring society requires.  Individualism at any cost rules the day and it is more and more evident that empathy for one’s fellow citizen and a sense of personal responsibility are rapidly vanishing along with the morality that all healthy civilisations have known to be necessary for survival. Continue reading

Matt Simmons “Apparently” Drowned At His Home Sunday Night – Katherine Smith

Headline today (August 8, 2010) [Notice the word “apparently” in the title]

Matt Simmons “apparently” drowned at his home Sunday night

NORTH HAVEN, Maine (NEWS CENTER) – The Knox County Sheriff’s Department says Matthew Simmons, the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his house on North Haven late Sunday night.

Simmons was a leading investment banker for the energy industry and had recently retired to work full time on the new Ocean Energy Institute.

He was a leading proponent of offshore wind power and had started raising money to develop and build offshore turbines.

The news release fails to mention Simmons was the leading proponent of sending a small nuclear bomb down the BP leaking well:

May 29 – Simmons, a “prominent energy expert” and investment banker known for predicting the oil price spike of 2008, tells Bloomberg News on Friday, sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking well is “probably the only thing we can do” to stop the leak.

I have been working with Dr. Tom Termotto, the National Coordinator of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference to ensure that the BP oil spill didn’t become “A radioactive oil spill.”

Below is an expose on Matt Simmons, which was ready for publication when the BP well was finally capped without resorting to a nuclear device.

The material was useful to Dr. Tom Termotto when he was interviewed on Rense Radio July 19 just four days before the BP well was finally capped.

Jeff Rense’ first question was, if Dr. Termotto would consider Matt Simmon’s nuclear option to cap the well? Tom immediately interjected and made it clear that we should never, never ever consider a nuclear option to cap the well, and went on to relentlessly discredit Matt Simmons throughout the interview.

Here is the expose provided to Dr. Termotto:
Continue reading

Narsha and SHINee: Illuminati Infiltration of K-Pop

(VigilantCitizen) – Illuminati symbolism is not only present in American pop culture, it is also heavily referenced in Korean pop (K-Pop), a multi-billion industry that reaches millions of young fans. We’ll look at the occult symbolism found in Narsha’s “Bbi-Ri-Bop-A” and SHINee’s “Lucifer” to see how the same hidden force that rules the American music industry also rules K-Pop. Read More Here