World War

(LewRockwellBlog) – Whom Will Obama Bomb?

According to the latest CNN opinion poll, only 19% of the booboisie like the idea of Obama’s Soviet-style nationalization of the health care industry. The Democrats spat on the Constitution, as they always do, and shoved the thing down our throats. A lot of people are mighty, mighty pi__ed off at this, and will undoubtedly vent by voting a lot of Democrats out of office in November.

So what can we expect the Marxist in the White House to do to prevent a GOP takeover of Congress? Don’t rule out the most tried and true tactic of all — war. The booboisie always rally around the prez when the bombs are dropping from the sky, even if they’re falling on innocent foreign civilians.

(CNN) – Video: Taliban fighters training in Iran, U.S. officials say

Iran is helping train Taliban fighters within its borders, according to U.S. military and intelligence officials. Video Link Here

(ForeignPolicy) – Get Yer Anti-Ballistic Missile Shield Here

Where do sheikhs go shopping? Facing the rising threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, they go to weapons shows like the International Defence Exhibition and Conference, where leaders from Cairo to Riyadh are stocking up. Read More Here

(AFP) – ‘Only rumours’ that Iran making nuclear weapons: Turkish PM

Turkey’s prime minister said Tuesday it was “only rumours” that Iran was making nuclear weapons, stressing the Islamic republic’s right to develop civilian atomic power. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel has nukes, but Iran is pressured: Erdogan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Iran’s nuclear rights should be respected and it is only a rumor that Iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons. Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejects new Obama offer of dialogue as a ‘plot’

Iran’s Supreme Leader yesterday rejected a renewed offer of dialogue with Washington from President Obama, and accused the US of continuing to plot against Tehran while offering peace. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Iran Unlikely to Develop a Nuclear Weapon This Year, Petraeus Says

Gen. David H. Petraeus said Tuesday that Iran would not develop a nuclear weapon this year, but that the country still remained the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East and Central Asia. Read More Here

(OpenDemocracy) – Venezuela obtains Chinese warplanes for ‘anti-drugs fight’

Chinese J-8 attack jets delivered in Venezuela. Sri Lankan general goes on military trial while supporters protest. Nigerian militants attack city with car bombs. South African youth leader found guilty of hate speech. All this and much more, in today’s security briefing. Read More Here

(PressTV) – US may try Sheehan for anti-war campaign

US authorities have arrested a number of anti-war protesters, including high-profile activist Cindy Sheehan, during a demonstration in Washington DC. Read More Here

Video: Hilary Clinton Threatens Iran With ‘Painful Consequences’

Stating that a nuclear-armed Iran would touch off an arms race in the Middle East and embolden Iran’s “terrorist clientele” to take new actions, Clinton said, “This … is unacceptable to the United States. It is unacceptable to Israel. It is unacceptable to the region and the international community.” Continue reading

Impeachment Time: Obama Grants Eminent Domain Rights to China to Secure Debt

FLASHBACK – (February 27, 2009) – UPDATED BELOW:

(Examiner) – The time for partisan bickering just ended.  This is as serious as a heart attack.  Obama is going to spend so much money, which he intends to get from China via the sale of government backed bonds, that the Chinese apparently don’t think he’ll be able to make good on them.

So President Obama gave the Chinese eminent domain rights to American land and businesses as collateral – i.e. we don’t pay, they now own America. Continue reading

Video: Alex Covers “Soft Kill” Chemical Poisoning of Water & Food Supply

The investigative team at WCVB TV in Boston ran a story yesterday about an unknown substance in fluoride imported from China. Team 5 Investigates found the Amesbury Water Department pulled fluoride from its system amid concerns about its supply from China, the news station reported. Department of Public Works Director Rob Desmarais said after he mixes the white powder with water, 40 percent of it will not dissolve. Desmarais said the residue clogs his machines and makes it difficult to get a consistent level of fluoride in the towns water. Continue reading

Video: Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer

(KurtNimmo) – The “investigative” team at WCVB TV in Boston ran a story yesterday about an unknown substance in fluoride imported from China. “Team 5 Investigates found the Amesbury Water Department pulled fluoride from its system amid concerns about its supply from China,” the news station reported. “Department of Public Works Director Rob Desmarais said after he mixes the white powder with water, 40 percent of it will not dissolve.” Desmarais said the residue clogs his machines and makes it difficult to get a consistent level of fluoride in the town’s water. Continue reading

Video: Is Catastrophe Ahead for US-China Relations? – Michel Chossudovsky

(RussiaToday) – United States-China relations are on the rocks recently, China says that they have been seriously disrupted. Essentially, China feels that it is being threatened by the United States and this has been mounting since 1999. The threats are coming in the form of diplomacy, however Michel Chossudovsky says that the United States also has missiles pointed at Chinese cities. Continue reading

World War

(JPost) – Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran ‘US Determined to Prevent Nuclear Iran’

US Vice President Joe Biden expressed America’s “absolute, total, unvarnished commitment to Israel’ security” at a press conference in Jerusalem following a meeting with Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu Monday morning. Read More Here

(BBC) – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacks US for Afghan ‘double game’

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused the US of playing a “double game” in Afghanistan after the US used the same term to condemn Iran’s role. Read More Here

(AP) – China warns US against selling F-16s to Taiwan

China on Tuesday warned the United States against any future arms sales to Taiwan, including F-16 fighter jets the island has been pushing for in hopes of upgrading its air defense capabilities. Read More Here

(RiaNov) – Russia seeks to buy 1,000 Italian armored vehicles – report

Russia is in talks with Italy on the purchase of up to 1,000 armored vehicles, an Italian news agency reported on Tuesday. Read More Here

(AlalamNews) – Brazil warns against Iran sanctions

The Brazilian president has raised alarms over imposing further sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, warning any punitive measure could spark a conflict. Read More Here

Video: China is being threatened by the United States says Michel Chossudovsky

United States-China relations are on the rocks recently, China says that they have been seriously disrupted. Essentially, China feels that it is being threatened by the United States and this has been mounting since 1999. The threats are coming in the form of diplomacy, however Michel Chossudovsky says that the United States also has missiles pointed at Chinese cities. Video Link Here

(JTA) – AIPAC calls for swift action to block U.S. companies supporting Iran

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is calling on the U.S. Congress to take several immediate steps in response to a New York Times report revealing that the federal government has awarded more than $107 billion in grants, contracts and other benefits to foreign and multinational U.S. companies conducting business in Iran. Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Barak on Iran: We Must Keep Finger On Trigger,4-8 Weeks Left For Diplomacy

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed the Iranian nuclear threat and said, “The State of Israel is the strongest country in the region. However, we must recognize opportunities and not be confused by challenges.” Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Vladmir Putin forging ahead with vision of Eurasian empire

The Soviet Union is gradually being rebuilt as Vladimir Putin eyes a return to the Kremlin. The man who declared the collapse of the Communist state to be the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” appears determined to forge a new empire. Read More Here

USA lawmakers consider NAFTA and WTO repeal

(TheComingDepression) – A small group of U.S. lawmakers planned to offer legislation Thursday to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement in the latest sign of congressional disillusionment with free-trade deals. Continue reading


(Bloomberg) – House Approves $18 Billion Job Bill, Returns It to U.S. Senate

The U.S. House approved an $18 billion measure that aims to help create jobs by offering a temporary tax break to companies that hire people who have been out of work at least 60 days. Read More Here

(MaxWellLucas) – Greece – News Update

Clashes have broken out in front of the Greek parliament Friday, with one labour leader being injured, as demonstrators protested against cuts aimed at containing the country’s debt crisis. The president of the GSEE union, Giannis Panagopoulos was injured after demonstrators started attacking him with bottles and sticks, according to media reports. Riot police have used tear gas to disperse the protesters during the clashes. Read More Here

(DailyMail) – Gordon Brown ‘blunders cost every family £50,000’: PM to blame for ruining the economy, say Tories

The party says Mr Brown is personally responsible for a series of mistakes that have shattered the economy. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Senators to Obama: Stop Sending Clean Energy Jobs Abroad

Four Democratic Senators want to ensure that tax dollars are creating clean energy manufacturing jobs in America, not China. Now, they are under vigorous attack by the Obama Administration and multinational companies, many of whom have heavily subsidized operations in Europe and Asia. Read More Here

(LATimes) – Long lines at theme parks are for jobs

White-collar workers are among thousands flooding amusement parks with applications. Job fairs are superfluous. Read More Here

(LATimes) – America, the fragile empire

Here today, gone tomorrow — could the United States fall that fast? Read More Here

(Telegraph) – EU draws up plans for first direct tax with fuel levy

The European Union is drawing up plans for its first direct tax with a “green” levy on petrol, coal and natural gas that could cost British consumers up to £3 billion. Read More Here

(BusinessJournal) – Jobless rates rose in every state in ‘09

All 50 states were hit with increases of more than one percentage point in their unemployment rates last year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Read More Here

(SFExaminer) – Newsom asks dept. heads to take 10% pay cut

The City is sending out 15,000 layoff notices Friday under Mayor Gavin Newsom’s plan to rehire workers as part-timers for a savings of $50 million. He is also asking department heads to give up 10 percent of their pay and is in talks with Police and Fire employees to give up pay raises. Read More Here

(Tallahassee) – Florida’s budget gap could be as high as $3.2 billion

House Speaker Larry Cretul formally started the state budgeting process today by telling legislative money managers there will be no new taxes or fee hikes — and that they should use Florida’s shrinking revenue pot to fund education, health services and public safety above everything else. Read More Here

(TriangleBusinessJournal) – North Carolina tax collections down $35M as consumers cut spending

State revenue collections were off by $35 million through the first seven months of the government’s fiscal year as consumers continued to sit on the sidelines, a new General Assembly economic forecast says. Read More Here

(NashuaTelegraph) – Jan. foreclosures near record high

In terms of home foreclosures, Scrooge took a holiday in December, but in January, he came back strong. Read More Here

(KPVI) – Idaho tax revenue is $41M behind estimates

Idaho has missed its tax revenue forecasts by a combined $41 million since December. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Iceland’s Voters About to Tell Global Banksters to Shove It

A vote is set for Saturday in Iceland on a referendum that would require Iceland to pay funds to the U.K. and the Netherlands based on U.K. and Netherlands investors who lost money because of the collapse of an Icelandic bank. Read More Here

(Guardian) – HSBC chief gets £800,000 rise – Read More Here

(Money&Markets) – Brits Pounded As Debts, Deficits Hit Home. Next Up: Us! – Read More Here

(Truthdig) – Video: ‘Colbert Report’: Greece, Frightening – View Video Here

Video: Housing Is “In a Precarious State,” Yale’s Robert Shiller Says – View Video Here

(AlexJones) – Video: Bob Chapman’s Latest Greece Banking Meltdown News on The Alex Jones Show

Part 1 – Here – Part 2 – Here – Part 3 – Soon – Part 4 – Soon

Video: CNN tells masses that Communism is ‘good for women’ despite China’s nightmare legacy

(AaronDykes) – Despite Communist China’s nightmare one-child policy and record of repressing women, CNN joins in resounding Mao Zedong’s Women’s workers slogan, “Women Hold Up Half the Sky.” Continue reading


(Youtube) – SHOCKING NEWS!! Recovery in Jeopardy! Stimulus Change propaganda losing steam – View Video Here

(Redress) – America and world economic meltdown – The mystery of the Afghanistan war

Christopher King argues that “a situation exists in which it may be in the interests of the United States to seek a ‘cold war’ situation with Russia and China as a pretext for defaulting on its external debt, attacking Iran, taking direct control of all Middle Eastern oilfields and effective control of Europe”. Read More Here

(AP) – Kansas tax collections decline by 27 percent for February

The Department of Revenue reported Friday that Kansas collected $71 million less in tax revenues than expected this month, leading one lawmaker to call for additional cuts to the current state budget. Read More Here

(Tennessean) – Property loans poised to fail

Like other apartments that have fallen into foreclosure in the Nashville area, Gateway is a reminder of a troubling and still growing problem for bankers — commercial real estate loans that have turned sour and could weigh on the economy for years. Read More Here

(Boston) – Foreclosure crisis hits affluent towns

Number of petitions to seize homes spikes in Norfolk, Middlesex counties Read More Here

(Vindy) – Foreclosure crisis deepens, despite earlier optimism

Local, state and national foreclosure statistics back up what many of us could sense about the number of homes falling to foreclosure last year: The problem got worse. Read More Here

(Bradenton) – Abandoned foreclosures a mounting crisis in Manatee (with video)

A mounting crisis created by the record number of foreclosures in Manatee County has hit Jeannette Traylor right where she lives: An abandoned foreclosed home has brought blight, crime and fear into her neighborhood. Read More Here

(MercuryNews) – Biz Break: Foreclosure wave ahead? Plus: ‘Bloom Box’ arrives

Today: Freddie Mac’s CEO expects a “potential large wave of foreclosures.” Silicon Valley startup Bloom Energy promises a new day for cheaper, cleaner power. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – FDIC closes bank in Nevada for year’s 21st closure

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is seeking bids for $610.5 million of unpaid loans it’s holding from failed U.S. lenders including IndyMac Bank, Silverton Bank and New Frontier Bank. Read More Here

(Video) – AIG needs another bailout after Exec bonuses – Peter Schiff – View Video Here

(CounterPunch) – Profiting From the Hysteria They Stoked – Make War on Goldman Sachs – Read More Here

(Video) – Fractional Banking and How it Affects the Economy! Depression? Recession? – View Video Here

(Video) – The Collapse of Crony Socialism and the War of Information – View Video Here

MSM: I.M.F. Chief Suggests Look at New Reserve Currency

(NYTimes) – The chief of the International Monetary Fund said Friday that the organization should reorient itself to better detect systemic risks to the global economy and quickly step in with emergency loans when financial crises emerge. Continue reading

World War

(Reuters) – Medvedev objects to “endless” NATO expansion

Russia’s new military doctrine does not identify NATO as its major threat but Moscow is disturbed by the alliance’s “endless enlargement”, President Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview published on Thursday. Read More Here

(Xinhuanet) – Russia threatens to react to NATO expansion

Russia will have to respond as it is concerned by NATO’s active eastward expansion and the U.S. plans to deploy elements of a missile defense system in Europe, Russia’s top military officer said on Wednesday. Read More Here

(RiaNov) – China could build up nuclear capability to counter U.S. missile shield

China could strengthen its nuclear capability in response to U.S. global missile defense plans, a Russian military expert said on Wednesday.
“At present, China has a very limited nuclear potential, but my recent contacts with Chinese military representatives indicate that if the United States deploys a global missile defense system, in particular in the Far East, China will build up its offensive capability,” said Lt. Gen. Yevgeny Buzhinsky, former department deputy head in the Russian Defense Ministry. Read More Here

(Reuters) – North Korea, as usual, threatens South, U.S. over drill

North Korea threatened to attack South Korean and U.S. forces for scheduled joint military drills in March even as nuclear envoys picked up the pace of work to get stalled disarmament talks back on track. Read More Here

(Reuters) – China’s military warns Washington, denies hacking

China’s military warned the United States on Thursday to “speak and act cautiously” to avoid reigniting tensions between the two powers, denying the People’s Liberation Army played a part in Internet hacking. Read More Here

(Reuters) – U.S. raps Europe for underfunding defense

Europe has demilitarized too much since the end of the Cold War and its underfunded defense budgets are undermining shared security goals, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Tuesday. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran launches Saeqeh fighter-bomber squadron

The Iranian military has introduced a new squadron of domestically-manufactured Saeqeh fighter-bombers to the country’s Air Force to strengthen its deterrence power. Read More Here

(YNet) – IDF practices 2-front war

Senior officers complete drill involving war against Hezbollah in north, Hamas in south Read More Here

(PressTV) – US offered Rigi ‘extensive aid’ for Iran attacks

The captured ringleader of the Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmalek Rigi, has confessed that the US administration had assured him of unlimited military aid and funding for waging an insurgency against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Read More Here

The End of Obama’s Vision of a Nuke-Free World – Scott Ritter

(TruthDig) – As any student of foreign and national security policy well knows, the devil is in the details. Back in April 2009, in a speech delivered in Prague, the Czech Republic, President Barack Obama articulated his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons. Since that time, however, the Obama administration has offered very little of substance to push this vision forward. When one looks past the grand statements of the president for policy implementation that supports the rhetoric, one is left empty-handed. No movement on ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). No extension of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia (START). No freeze on the development of a new generation of American nuclear weapons. Without progress in these areas, any prospects of a new approach to global nuclear nonproliferation emerging from the May 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference are virtually zero. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv – Establishment Will Blackmail Obama Into Attacking Iran

Alex welcomes back to the show author, historian, and journalist Webster Tarpley. Webster is the author of Obama – The Postmodern Coup and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, both available at the Infowars store. Continue reading


(WSJ) – German Economic Expectations Deteriorate

German economic expectations deteriorated in February, indicating the economic recovery isn’t gaining any significant momentum. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – China cuts holdings in U.S. treasuries

The government said Tuesday that foreign demand for U.S. Treasury securities fell by the largest amount on record in December with China reducing its holdings by $34.2 billion. Read More Here

(NewsWithViews) – Congress Refuses to Bring Home Millions of Jobs

I was in Denver recently. As I refuse to fly commercial, I drive. From Big Spring, Texas, where I live, to Denver and back, the number one subject of discussion is jobs. People are very afraid; you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice as they say, “I thought we were in a recovery.” Read More Here

(ABC) – Food Stamps Create Jobs… in India

Several States With High Unemployment Are Outsourcing Food Stamp Services Read More Here

(FinancialTimes) – Lone voice warns of debt threat to Fed

The US must fix its growing debt problems or risk a new financial crisis, Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, warned on Tuesday, adding a mounting deficit could spur inflation. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Rising tide of suburban homeless across U.S.

Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits — a “perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing,” in one official’s eyes. Read More Here

(MailOnline) – One in ten ‘underemployed’ as record 2.8m workers are trapped in part-time jobs

A record 2.8million workers are trapped in unsatisfying or lowly paid part-time jobs. Read More Here

(GoldSeek) – All Roads Lead to Goldman Sachs – Read More Here

Crash Babies

Wow, I think I woke up on a different planet this morning. There has been economic crashes, rumors of crashes, but damn man some huge players are saying “IT IS GOING TO CRASH.” One heavy weight to check in is Barton Biggs, former head of Morgan Stanley who says here and I quote “Insure yourself against war and disaster by buying a remote farm or ranch and stocking it with “seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. because tshtf is coming.” Read More Here

(AP) – Report: Hawaii hotels lost $741M last year

A new report says hotels in Hawaii lost $741 million last year, $1.1 billion since the tourism slump began in 2008 Read More Here

(RawStory) – China’s holding of US Treasuries tumbles

China’s holding of US Treasury bonds has tumbled, according to US Treasury data released Tuesday, after Beijing expressed concern over the swelling US deficit and amid new US-China tensions. Read More Here

(AP) – Foreigners cut Treasury stakes; rates could rise

A record drop in foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bills in December sent a reminder that the government might have to pay higher interest rates on its debt to continue to attract investors. Read More Here

Video: Marc Faber – “Total Collapse Will Come” – Economic Armageddon – Dollar Crash

Marc Faber predicts with certainty that the United States will go through high inflation and a lower standard of living. Expect wars and currency re-evaluation. Continue reading

Thirty-six predictions for the world: 2010 – 2012 – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Ask around and you’ll hear this over and over again: People are concerned about what might be coming. They’re concerned about a global financial collapse, an ecological crisis and potential disruptions in the food supply. The radical weather patterns now being witnessed across the world are further indication that something’s wrong with the world we thought we knew. Continue reading

Video: Gerald Celente on ‘Grim’ Economic Report

“This is the beginning of a financial war” – Celente
(RussiaToday) – The annual Economic Report of the President was released yesterday and it’s pretty gloomy – predicting slow employment growth this year and next. It basically says that the US economy will add an average of 95,000 jobs a month this year, but that’s not enough to make much of a dent in unemployment. The unemployment rate is projected to come down quite slowly after that, averaging 8.2 percent in 2012, when Obama will be up for reelection. Continue reading


(CNBC) – Congressional Panel “Deeply Concerned” over Commercial Real Estate

I guess I didn’t need the Congressional Oversight Panel for the TARP to tell me that commercial real estate was in trouble, but somehow it’s a bit more poignant when they do. Read More Here

Video: How the Federal Reserve Created the US Recession

Learn how the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States that is responsible for regulating the supply of money in the US economy, has created the recession the US economy is currently facing. Video Link Here

(ZeroHedge) – The Great Highway Robbery Continues: How The FDIC Is Legally Transferring Billions In Taxpayer Money To Hedge Funds

It is not a secret to anyone who has been closely following the FDIC’s quasi criminal bank takeover practices over the past year, that acquirors of failed banks end up receiving a massive and risk-free gift in the form of taxpayer benefits via the FDIC when it comes to funding losses on a given bank acquisition. Should there be a short sale resulting in a loss to the full principal (not the cost basis mind you)? Not to worry, Sheila Bair is there to hand out taxpayer money to the hedge funds/banks owning the newly transferred assets. Read More Here

(Ohio) – Jobless rate unchanged by billions in stimulus spending

Money for roads, bridges doesn’t ease unemployment on local level, analysis finds Read More Here

(Telegraph) – China orders retreat from risky assets

China has ordered managers of its vast currency reserves to withdraw from risky dollar assets and retreat to core debt guaranteed by the US government, a clear sign that Beijing is battening down the hatches for fresh trouble on global markets. Read More Here

(Kitco) – Davos: The Bomb Shelter

Predators and parasites recently gathered in Davos to discuss the mounting problems of their prey. All present agreed the problem needed urgent attention. Read More Here

(NewJersey) – Chris Christie declares fiscal ‘state of emergency,’ paving way for N.J. spending cuts

Calling New Jersey on “the edge of bankruptcy,” Gov. Chris Christie today declared a fiscal emergency, seizing broad powers to freeze aid to more than 500 school districts and cut from higher education, hospitals and the Public Advocate. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Report: 1 in 5 U.S. homeowners underwater

Foreclosures across the country rose to a new high in December Read More Here

(AugustaChronicle) – Higher interest rates ahead, Bernanke says

Prepare for the end of record-low interest rates, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says. Just not yet. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Franco-German bailout of Athens expected to avert euro collapse

Summit may see moves to guarantee Greek solvency, as prospect of action by Paris and Berlin buoys markets Read More Here

Video: President Obama’s Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $250,000 a Year

This footage was taken during than presidential candidate Obama’s speech in Dover, NH. President Obama pledges not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. Video Link Here

Global Economic Crisis: Look To Asia for The Financial Tsunami Wave, Not Europe

(FutureFastForward) – This will be one of my shortest articles as it is written as a RED ALERT.

When I send out Red Alerts, it is a dire warning and a call for immediate action to protect your wealth (if there is any remaining). Continue reading

Video: Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack

(KurtNimmo) – The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) plans to simulate a cyber attack on America’s infrastructure on February 16, 2010. Dubbed Cyber ShockWave, the simulation “will provide an unprecedented look at how the government would develop a real-time response to a large-scale cyber crisis affecting much of the nation,” according to a BPC press release issued today. Continue reading

China to Sell U.S. Assets

(WashingtonsBlog) – Something big is happening in China which could have a huge effect on the American economy.
On Tuesday, Reuters reported:

Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country … possibly sell some U.S. bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan.

Continue reading

The Dumping Begins: Chinese Reserve Managers Notified That Any Non-USG Guaranteed Securities Must Be Divested

(ZeroHedge) – It appears that this time China’s posturing is for real. Following up on our earlier post that Chinese military officials want to “punish” America by selling Treasuries, Asia Times Online is reporting that an explicit directive by the Chinese government has notified reserve managers to sell all risky US assets, including asset backed and corporates, and just hold on to explicitly guaranteed Treasuries and Agency debt. And from following TIC data we know that China’s enthusiasm for MBS/Agencies over the past year has been matched solely by that of one Bill Gross. Continue reading

MSM: Barack Obama flags ’significant’ sanctions against Iran

(LondonTel) – US President Barack Obama has pushed for a “significant regime of sanctions” against Iran unless it accepts international proposals aimed at curbing its nuclear ambitions. Continue reading

World War

(Reuters) – China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S.

Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country boost defense spending, adjust PLA deployments, and possibly sell some U.S. bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – AP Pulls Iran Nukes Story After Exposé

Associated Press issued a story yesterday (Monday) entitled “Iran moves closer to nuke warhead capacity.” It was full of inaccurate and misleading information implying that Iran had admitted trying to enrich weapons-grade nuclear material. The story appeared on a wide variety of media. Read More Here

(TheStar) – U.S. missile defence plans aimed at Russia, top military official says

U.S. missile defence plans are a threat to Russian national security and have slowed down progress on a new arms control treaty with Washington, Russia’s top military officer said Tuesday. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Italy says Iranian militia attacked its embassy

Italy said dozens of members of Iran’s hardline religious Basij militia had tried to attack its embassy in Tehran on Tuesday, but Iranian media described the incident as a student protest and did not mention any violence. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Four things Netanyahu needs for an Israeli strike on Iran

To give the green light for a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requires evidence of a clear and present danger; the assurance of the Israel Defense Forces that it can do the job; domestic support; and also the consent of President Obama, who learned from his predecessors in the Bush family that you should only go to war in the Persian Gulf three years into your presidential term, after congressional elections. Tehran is in the crosshairs, but not before 2011. Read More Here

(Video) – Iran’s Nuclear Facilities: The Facts – Video Link Here

(IslamTimes) – ‘Iranian weapon ends Apache copters’ air supremacy’

A senior Iranian military official says Iran has developed a special weapon that can bring down Apache helicopters. Read More Here

(Film) – Iran is not the Problem

IRAN (is not the problem) is a feature length film responding to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. View Film Here

(ChristianScienceMonitor) – Most Iranians support Ahmadinejad and nuclear power, poll finds

Most Iranians support Ahmadinejad and the country’s nuclear program, even as they favor restoring diplomatic relations with the US. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – ‘Stop Sending Your Spies Here,’ Judge Tells China

With a message to Beijing to “stop sending your spies here,” a U.S. judge on Monday sentenced a Chinese-born former Boeing engineer to more than 15 years in prison for economic espionage and acting as an agent for China. Read More Here

(AsiaTimes) – Beijing beefs up cyber-warfare capacity

While the furor over cyber-attacks against Google has lapsed somewhat, the Sino-American confrontation over the larger issue of Internet security and global digital warfare is expected to intensify in the near future Read More Here

(Reuters) – US wants UN sanctions resolution on Iran within weeks

The United States wants the U.N. Security Council to approve a resolution within weeks, not months, laying the ground for new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, the Pentagon said on Tuesday. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Leader says Iran stands tall in face of threats

Ahead of the anniversary ceremonies of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, its Leader said Monday threats against Iran emanate from the enemy’s inability to comprehend the divine roots of the Islamic Republic. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘Middle East will determine fate of the world’

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Middle East is the region that “will determine the fate of the world.”
“The Zionist regime and its allies are on the losing side, and the free nations’ resistance is empowered,” Ahmadinejad said in Tehran on Monday during a meeting with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Secretary General Ramadan Abdullah Shallah. Read More Here

(LATimes) – U.S., EU castigate Iran for human rights abuses

The United States and the European Union on Monday condemned human rights abuses in Iran in the wake of the Islamic Republic’s announcement that it would expand its nuclear materials enrichment effort. Read More Here

MSM: China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

(TimesOnline) – MORE than half of Chinese people questioned in a poll believe China and America are heading for a new “cold war”. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley On The Draconian Internet Takeover

(RussiaToday) – Webster Tarpley on Google’s announcement that it will tighten its relationship with the NSA and how this is another leap forward in the agenda to take over and regulate the free Internet under the cover of fighting foreign cyber spies in China and Russia. Continue reading

The Great Global Arms Bazaar – “The military industrial complex” is thriving

We all would do well to read or re-read perhaps, Anthony Sampson’s outstanding anatomical study or investigation into the international arms trade: “The Arms Bazaar”. As it gives us some perspective on how the “defence industry” has grown to become what it is now; an unwieldy Golem, that’s out of control. Continue reading


Looking through my window I realize how much we have been through.  My father came to this country fleeing a failed state at war. When I was young we grew up with a simple mantra, tell the truth, be honest, work hard and good things will come. I remember walking down the street near my house, holding my moms hand as the police officer stopped his patrol car and waved us by. Continue reading

Global Insolvency: How will the US Service its Debt? – Bob Chapman

The recent election in Massachusetts of Republican Scott Brown to the Senate was a seminal event. It ended the Democratic administration’s ability to ram through legislation. It changed the game. The locomotive hit the bunter. Continue reading

“We Should Not Give Up the Game Before All the Cards Have Been Played” – Howard Zinn

American historian, playwright and social activist Howard Zinn died January 27, 2010, aged 87. His light will shine bright into the far off future. A new socially just world will owe a great debt to Howard and others like him who gave so much of themselves for us. — ZNet Staff
Below is an excerpt from his recent book A Power Governments Cannot Suppress published by City Lights Books, At the bottom of this commentary are links to various ZNet obituaries remembering Howard. Continue reading

MSM: Russia Denies Paulson Claim Of Plan To Sell Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

(DowJones) – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s office Monday denied Russia approached China in 2008 to sell off U.S. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds, as detailed in former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s memoirs. Continue reading

Obama Administration Vision: War Without End

(PoliticsDaily) – Suicide bombers inside the United States. Nuclear-armed nations collapsing and losing control of nuclear weapons. Bloody new conflicts like Iraq and Afghanistan. American troops under attack at bases around the world. Terrorist attacks using unknown new diseases. Chinese missile attacks on Taiwan. Continue reading

MSM: Tibet sovereignty is off table, China tells Dalai Lama envoys

(Guardian) – As exiled spiritual leader’s negotiators return to India, Beijing says there is ‘no room for compromise’ on independence Continue reading

MSM: Chinese media accuses US of ‘cold war thinking’ over Taiwan arms deal

(Guardian) – State press lambasts £4bn deal when bilateral relationship faces strains over climate change, Tibet, censorship and trade Continue reading

Another U.S. War? Obama Threatens China and Iran – Shamus Cooke

The possibility of yet another U.S. war became more real last week, when the Obama administration sharply confronted both China and Iran. The first aggressive act was performed by Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who “warned” China that it must support serious economic sanctions against Iran (an act of war). Continue reading

Video: China mulls setting up military base in Pakistan

(TimesofIndia) – China has signaled it wants to go the US way and set up military bases in overseas locations that would possibly include Pakistan. The obvious purpose would be to exert pressure on India as well as counter US influence in Pakistan and Afghanistan. ( Watch Video ) – Read More Here

World War

(TimesOnline) – Blair warns that world faces decision to halt Iran’s nuclear programme

World leaders might have to go to war to stop Iran developing its weapons programme, Tony Blair suggested yesterday.Read More Here

(YNet) – EU’s Ashton says Iran ‘worrying’, UN next route

“We are worried about what’s happening in Iran. I’m disappointed at the failure of Iran to accept the dialogue and we now need to look again at what needs to happen there,” Catherine Ashton told Sky News in an interview. Read More Here

(LATimes) – China threatens sanctions over arms sale to Taiwan

Angered by a $6 billion U.S. arms sale to Taiwan, Beijing puts security exchanges with U.S. on hold and threatens sanctions against U.S. firms selling to Taipei. Read More Here

(AFP) – Libya strikes billion-dollar Russian arms deal

Libya has struck a deal to buy Russian arms worth almost two billion dollars, Russian news agencies quoted Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as saying Saturday. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Russia’s First Stealth Jet Takes Off

Russia test launched its first and very own prototype stealth jet Sukhoi T-50 Friday, in an attempt to outlast the modern U.S. F-22 Raptors. However, with its viability as a start to the world’s fifth generation of aerial arms questioned, the Sukhoi T-50 faces maiden political, and practicality issues. Read More Here

(PressTV) – US beefs up military presence off Iranian shores

In addition to imposing new sanctions on the Tehran government, the US has reportedly begun beefing up its military presence and war paraphernalia off the Iranian coast. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – U.S. speeds up arms buildup with Gulf allies

The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future military attacks by Iran, according to former and current U.S. and Middle Eastern government officials. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – U.S. official: Hezbollah arms flow may signal plans for war with Israel

The U.S. is concerned that the continued flow of arms to the Hezbollah militant organization could prompt a war between Israel and Lebanon, State Department official Jeff Feltman said in remarks published Sunday by the London-based Al-Hayat daily. Read More Here

(Yahoo) – UN chief calls for treaty to prevent cyber war

The world needs a treaty to prevent cyber attacks becoming an all-out war, the head of the main UN communications and technology agency warned Saturday. Read More Here

(RawStory) – Paulson: Russia tried to exacerbate US financial crisis

Russian interests attempted to force the U.S. government bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by selling off its holdings in the two entities in 2008, then urging China to do the same, according to former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Read More Here