Video: Alex Jones – Bilderberg Is Running Scared

(Infowars) – Alex Jones breaks down the significant developments that have emerged from sources inside the 2010 Bilderberg meeting in Spain. There is a contentious and urgent atmosphere behind the scenes of the secret meeting. Attendees are reportedly concerned about the potential collapse of the Euro, war with Iran and the rise of political dissent against world government. Continue reading

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

(PaulWatson) – Now that the agenda for global government and a centralized world economic system is public and out in the open, the importance of the Bilderberg Group’s annual conference rests on grooming political candidates. The lion’s share of Bilderberg’s 2010 agenda has already been announced by its members weeks before – it will revolve around a potential military strike on Iran as well as the future collapse of the euro.

Trilateral Commission members, who routinely also attend Bilderberg’s annual confab, have let slip that a war on Iran is being seriously debated, while the elite continue to exploit the fallout from the economic crisis to push for centralized financial regulation. Continue reading

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: Case Study April 4, 2010

by Robert Singer

Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill? by David Michael Green, a professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York. [1]

Mr. Green, how is your latest rant at OpedNews, “Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill?” different than all of the other rants at OpedNews?

“So Barack Obama got his change. Other people can even believe in it if they want. I regret to say I remain unimpressed” A mobilization of the huge mob of motivated and excited citizens who put Obama in the White House last year in the name of genuine change never occurred.”  David Michael Green

Continue reading

Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

As previously noted in Pawns of the Global Elite, Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, who was Obama’s principal foreign policy advisor. Continue reading

Video: Obama Pushes Banker Takeover Plan at Federal Hall

Obama delivered one of his famous teleprompter speeches today at Federal Hall in New York on the one-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers scam. It was a cynical move, considering Obama spoke from the building where the country’s founders once argued over how much the government should control the national economy. Continue reading

Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites

This article is the 5th and final part in the series, “Global Power and Global Government,” published by Global Research. Continue reading

Trilateral Member Hormats nominated to State Department

On July 18, 2009, another Trilateral Commission member has been nominated to a strategic post in the Obama administration, bringing the total number of Obama’s Trilateral appointees to twelve. Continue reading

The Global Warming Hoax

Isn’t it interesting how all our problems seem to be global these days. A global war on terrorism, a global economic crisis, the need for a global currency, global trade, global health concerns, global warming, etc. Continue reading

“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now

A Review of Daniel Estulin’s book

For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bilderberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money. Continue reading

Video: Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama Dictatorial Power Over Internet

As we reported on March 22 when Jay Rockefeller was peddling nonsense about a pimple-faced kid in Latvia taking down the power grid in America with a laptop computer, the current wave of fear-mongering about cyber terrorism is just that — unsubstantiated fear-mongering. Critical networks are largely protected and “nightmarish tales of their vulnerability tend to be largely apocryphal,” according to Gabriel Weimann, author of Terror on the Internet. “Psychological, political, and economic forces have combined to promote the fear of cyberterrorism.” Continue reading

The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama

Corrupt new administration deepens and expands systemic criminalization and war agenda Continue reading

State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era

In the age of globalization, states should give up some sovereignty to world bodies in order to protect their own interests

For 350 years, sovereignty — the notion that states are the central actors on the world stage and that governments are essentially free to do what they want within their own territory but not within the territory of other states — has provided the organizing principle of international relations. The time has come to rethink this notion. Continue reading

World Dictatorship! WAKE UP!

There is just too much to cover to give my 2 cents because I have 2 tons of gold to give.

We’ve lived for several years in a delusion of democracy, freedom, and prosperity. Now, they’re taking it all away. 9/11 was just the groundwork to take away your rights. Runaway government spending, credit bubble, mortage bubble, oil price bubble, etc., all engineered to bust the economy and to bring in the solution of world dictatorship. Continue reading