From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There

(Buzzflash) – If you were to draw an oily line from the first exploitation of oil in the Middle East by the British in 1901 (they were in the process of converting their then world dominating naval fleet from coal to oil and were in desperate need of it) to the overthrow of the secular democratic leader in Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq, in 1953, to the Iraq War, to the criminal environmental catastrophe in the Gulf, BP would have been there. Continue reading

World War

(Uruknet) – “Perfectly Safe: It Just Kills Plants … ” – Agent Orange and the Third Generation

It is not news that American troops fighting for the U.S. military in Vietnam were told by their commanders that the defoliants and herbicides sprayed by the U.S. Air Force were “perfectly safe…[they] just kill plants.” Read More Here

(AP) – NATO general in Afghanistan: Taliban train in Iran

The commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Sunday there is “clear evidence” that some Taliban fighters have trained in Iran. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Report: Gaza aid flotilla changes course to avoid confrontation with Israeli warships

Israel Navy ships reportedly made contact earlier with the six-ship flotilla, which is carrying 10,000 tons of supplies. Read More Here

(WPost) – Analysts question Korea torpedo incident

How is it that a submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to penetrate a U.S.-South Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was designed for anti-submarine warfare?

Such questions are being fueled by suggestions in the South Korean and Japanese media that the naval exercise was intended to provoke the North to attack. The resulting public outcry in the South, according to this analysis, would bolster support for a conservative government in Seoul that is opposed to reconciliation efforts. Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – Vietnam MIAs: Ghosts Return to Haunt McCain and the US Press

The ghosts that haunt Senator John McCain are about 600 in number and right now they are mustering for an onslaught. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

In my opinion and in a word: Yes!


* “READY FOR WAR,” “U.S. Military told to get ready in Korea Standoff, Obama orders commanders to prepare ‘to deter future aggression.’” By Drudge and MSNBC
* “U.S. Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region” by Tyler Durden
* “Clinton: Korea Must Face ‘Consequences’ For Sunken Warship”
* Homeland Security, Northeast Intelligence Network: “The Syrian Missile Crisis: Threat of War Very Real”
* “The Expanding U.S. War in Pakistan” by Jeremy Scahill
* “Yemen, Latest War Front?” by CBS News
Read More Here

(IrishTimes) – Predators, Warriors and Ravens: the CIA Drones Wage War

With 5,456 US servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Afghan war going badly, the US military celebrates what it can. Unmanned Aircraft Systems, also known as Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles but referred to as drones, are the military’s most important technological asset. Last year the CIA’s director, Leon Panetta, called the Predator drone programme “the only game in town”. Read More Here

(C4L) – Too Many Wars Waged

The “War on Drugs,” like the “War on Terror,” ends up being an undertaking with no definable victory in sight. No matter how vigorously the federal government prosecutes its “war” on drugs, people will still use drugs. No matter how vigorously the federal government pursues the “war” on terror there will still be those who want to commit terrorist acts to get their points across.

Thus, we have two “wars” with infinite reach that use the threats engendered by their very own existence to justify their actions. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: “Attack against South Korean ship looks like false flag operation” – Wayne Madsen

While international investigators have accused North Korea of sinking a South Korean patrol corvette in March, China has taken a more cautious position.

Investigative journalist and RT contributor Wayne Madsen says it is because Beijing suspects there was greater deception at work.

“The Cheonan [navy corvette] was sunk by this torpedo that was later to be discovered to have been of German manufacture. Germany said it sells no military weapons to North Korea. This thing is starting to look like a classic false flag operation,” Wayne Madsen says.

“Kim Jong-Il who very rarely travels – and when he does, he only travels by train – went to Beijing. My sources in Beijing say that he went to Beijing, that Chinese authorities said that North Korea did this, he denied it. They were satisfied with his response,” Madsen adds. “Now the Chinese are very suspicious of the US’ intentions in richening things up in the Korean peninsula.”

World War

(MINA) – Who is staging a War between North and South Korea?

Tensions between North and South Korea continue to escalate: On Friday, North Korea blamed its southern neighbor of staging the sinking of its own warship, which killed 46 soldiers, denying any responsibility for the tragedy Read More Here

(Mantiq) – Freedom Flotilla: “Israel is Threatening to Attack Us” – Read More Here

(Almanar) – Hamas: Flotilla Shows Whole World Opposes Gaza Siege – Read More Here

Petraeus Memo Widens scope of US Military Covert Operations in ME

Critics worry that the order blurs the line between combat soldiers and spies and weakens the claim of all soldiers to humane treatment under the Geneva Conventions. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – North Korea Warns UN to Be Wary of False Evidence of Sinking – Read More Here

(ABC) – US admits deadly attack on Afghan civilians

The United States military has acknowledged killing 23 civilians and wounding 12 others earlier this year after mistaking them for a convoy of Taliban insurgents. Read More Here

(RedactedNews) – The Coming Iran War

It’s happening again.

The same forces – with a few new additions and minus a few smart defectors – who pushed the United States into a needless and deadly war with Iraq are now organizing for the next war. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Letter shows Obama dishonest with Iran – Read More Here

BREAKING – (TimesOnline) – Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline. Read More Here

(ProLibertate) – “Civil Rights” and Total War – Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Free Gaza Flotilla Subject to Coordinated Israeli Government Media Campaign and Military Action

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post [1] on May 25, 2010, the Israeli “Navy is preparing an operational plan to stop the flotilla of nine ships–loaded with hundreds of international activists and thousands of tons of supplies–– which are scheduled to try and break the sea blockade on Gaza by anchoring in the newly-expanded port later this week.” The article describes a military campaign coordinated with a major media campaign. Read More Here

(NewAmericaMedia) – Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?

Editor’s note: The sinking of the Cheonan took place in South Korean waters dominated by a joint U.S.-Korean base for anti-submarine warfare operations, an area North Korea admits it does not have the technology to penetrate with its submarines. It is speculated the USNS Salvor was was laying bottom mines in the area and a rising mine was inadvertently released. “If indeed it was an American rising mine that sank the Cheonan, it would constitute a friendly-fire accident,” writes Yoichi Shimatsu. Or it was a Gulf of Tonkin incident intended to provide a pretext to blame North Korea. Either way, don’t expect the corporate media to report on this. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israeli jets attack Gaza

Israeli jets fired five missiles in the early hours of Saturday morning, and local sources say the missiles landed near the tunnel area along the Egyptian border, which is located near the Rafah airport, the Press TV correspondent in Gaza reported. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran: US hypocritical on Israel nukes

Iran’s ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaee said Friday that the US reaction to the final declaration of the NPT conference was a “clear manifestation” of its hypocrisy.
“The US [verbal] attack on Iran, as an NPT member, along with its opposition to the conference [declaration] which urges Israel to join the NPT, is a clear manifestation of Washington’s double standard nuclear policy,” Khazaee told IRNA on the sidelines of the NPT conference in New York. Read More Here

(PressTV) – End blockade of Gaza, EU tells Israel

The European Union has called on Israel to immediately end the three-year blockade of Gaza and to allow the Freedom Flotilla to enter the enclave. Read More Here

(WPost) – Options studied for a possible Pakistan strike

The U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country’s tribal areas, according to senior military officials. Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – With Sea Confrontation Looming, Protesters Take to the Streets in NYC

Days before a probable showdown at sea between Palestine solidarity activists traveling with a nine-ship fleet and the Israeli Navy, demonstrations took place across the United States and the world today to demand that Israel allow the activists safe passage to Gaza to deliver 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid. Read More Here


(YNetNews) – Lieberman: Gaza flotilla ‘violent’

Foreign minister says ‘there is no humanitarian crisis in Strip,’ calls fleet of aid ship en route to Gaza ‘an attempt at violent propaganda against Israel.’ We will not allow violation of our sovereignty, he adds Read More Here

(Yonhap) – S. Korea’s military reviewing further measures against North

South Korea is preparing to take additional measures against North Korea as it sees the possibility of limited violence by the North amid escalating tensions over Pyongyang’s sinking of a Seoul warship, a senior military official said Friday.
“Following the rhetoric of threats, we expect that North Korea could actually carry out a military, non-military provocation,” Major Gen. Ryu Je-seung, a senior official at the South Korean defense ministry’s policy and planning division, told retired generals and admirals. Read More Here

(Taragana) – We didn’t sink South Korean warship: North Korea

In the first press statement two months after the sinking of the South Korean warship “Cheonan” in March, North Korea Friday said it was not involved in the incident, and asked Seoul to conduct an “objective and fair” probe. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Senate Approves $60 Billion For War, While House Cuts $24 Billion For Unemployed Workers And State Aid

The Senate easily passed an almost $60 billion war funding bill Thursday, but anxiety over out-of-control budget deficits led House leaders to drop tens of billions of dollars in spending from a separate catchall bill anchored by an extension of jobless benefits. Read More Here

(AP) – Israeli commandos to block Gaza activists

Israel on Thursday unveiled a massive makeshift detention center in the country’s main southern port and announced the end of days of intense naval maneuvers, vowing to stop a flotilla of hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists trying to break a 3-year blockade of the Gaza Strip this weekend. Read More Here

Video: The US rather than North Korea is a Threat to Global Security – Michel Chossudovsky

North Korea lost thirty percent of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s. US military sources confirm that 20 percent of North Korea’s population was killed off over a three period of intensive bombings:
“After destroying North Korea’s 78 cities and thousands of her villages, and killing countless numbers of her civilians, [General] LeMay remarked, “Over a period of three years or so we killed off – what – twenty percent of the population.”1 It is now believed that the population north of the imposed 38th Parallel lost nearly a third its population of 8 – 9 million people during the 37-month long “hot” war, 1950 – 1953, perhaps an unprecedented percentage of mortality suffered by one nation due to the belligerance of another.”View Video Here

(Fox) – Video: Freedom Watch – Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides?

Contributing editor for Harper’s Magazine Scott Horton discusses his article Continue reading

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

(PaulWatson) – Now that the agenda for global government and a centralized world economic system is public and out in the open, the importance of the Bilderberg Group’s annual conference rests on grooming political candidates. The lion’s share of Bilderberg’s 2010 agenda has already been announced by its members weeks before – it will revolve around a potential military strike on Iran as well as the future collapse of the euro.

Trilateral Commission members, who routinely also attend Bilderberg’s annual confab, have let slip that a war on Iran is being seriously debated, while the elite continue to exploit the fallout from the economic crisis to push for centralized financial regulation. Continue reading

World War

(Aljazeera) – Video: Israel’s Gaza PR offensive

While boats battle to get through the siege of Gaza, Gazans can eat out in fancy restaurants and have no need of aid. That’s what Israel has been telling journalists, at least. Sherine Tadros picks apart the media campaign.

(LewRockwell) – Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

In my opinion and in a word: Yes! Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Paul Craig Roberts: Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Paul Craig Roberts talked about the shameful abandonment of POWs by the U.S. government. Roberts mentioned an article by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney Schanberg posted on the American Conservative website entitled McCain and the POW Cover-Up. Read More Here

(AFP) – Russia wants ‘100% proof’ N.Korea sunk ship

Russia will not support efforts to punish North Korea for sinking a South Korean warship until it is fully convinced Pyongyang was behind the incident, a foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday. Read More Here

(AmericanConservative) – Hundreds Of POW’s Left To Die In Vietnam, Abandoned By Their Government – Read More Here

(Gowans) – The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident

While the South Korean government announced on May 20 that it has overwhelming evidence that one of its warships was sunk by a torpedo fired by a North Korean submarine, there is, in fact, no direct link between North Korea and the sunken ship. And it seems very unlikely that North Korea had anything to do with it. Read More Here

Video: Ron Paul – Video Update – Military Spending

Congressman Paul discusses upcoming military expenditures, foreign policy and our economy. Recorded Tuesday May 25, 2010 – View Video Here

(Redress) – Framing Pakistan: how the pro-Israel media enables India’s surrogate warfare – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Proximity Talks Hide a Reality of Failure and Land Theft

Headlines last week that the Palestinian Authority (PA) was offering bigger than expected concessions on land to Israel might give the uninformed reader the impression that Palestinians are the ones occupying Israeli territory from which they are being asked to withdraw. Read More Here

(LockheedMartin) – DARPA Awards Lockheed Martin $3.9M Contract to Develop Advanced Rifle Scope for Soldiers

The Dynamic Image Gunsight Optic or DInGO system will enable soldiers to accurately view targets at varying distances without changing scopes or suffering a decrease in optical resolution. The system will enhance soldiers’ ability to accurately hit targets at a range of between three and 600 meters. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – End the Blockade in Gaza

Normally, such a goodwill mission would seem entirely innocuous. But in this case the crisis afflicting Palestinian civilians has been created by foreign policy: It is a product of Israel’s decision to besiege Gaza in defiance of international law and of United States support for this blockade. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Dangerous Emulations

Perhaps, the worst punishment besides death meted out against the Palestinian population by Israel is the demolition of their homes. It is cruel, inhumane and humiliating. We have seen far too many pictures of wailing women and distraught men standing beside a heap of rubble and mangled steel, a book caught between two bricks or a dolly’s arm stretching out grotesquely from between iron bars. Read More Here

(Ning) – Israel: Aiding Gaza provocative act

A top Israeli official has described launching an international convoy to carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as an act of provocation.
“The sail is a provocative act that is unnecessary in light of the figures, which indicate that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is good and stable,” AFP quoted Colonel Moshe Levy, who heads the Gaza coordination and liaison office, as saying on Wednesday.
This is while a survey conducted by the United Nations Development Program showed that the continued Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip has been the main cause of the slow pace of reconstruction and aid relief. Read More Here

(RiaNov) – UPDATE: Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East

Flagships of three Russian fleets have united in Russia’s Far East for the large-scale naval exercises in the Sea of Japan in June, a Pacific Fleet spokesman said on Wednesday. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Israeli Warplanes Strike Gaza – Read More Here

(Independent) – US to launch covert strikes on terror targets

The US has authorised a sweeping expansion of covert military operations in the Middle East and Africa, aimed at destroying terrorist networks in the region, and preparing the ground ahead of any presidential decision to attack Iran. Read More Here

(Kuna) – Israeli troops demolish biggest UNRWA summer camp in Gaza

Israeli armed troops Sunday attacked one of the largest camps set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on the shores of Gaza Strip.
An agency spokesman, Adnan Abu Hasna, told KUNA that the attack on the camp took place in Sheikh Al-Ajlan area in eastern Gaza.
“The destroyed camp was among camps that organize ‘summer games’ for Palestinian school children,” he added. The UNRWA camps also offer educational programs, music, art, and physical education activities, he noted.
The UNRWA organizes coastal summer camps to help alleviate some of the tension Palestinian children have to suffer due to their living conditions. – Source; Kuna

(AlManar) – Gaza Mission Activist: It’s Just Like Facing Nazis

Eight ships are already making their way through the Mediterranean towards the Gaza Strip in the framework of a European aid mission – with activists aboard the vessels likening their work to the anti-Nazi effort during World War II. Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – An American Jew In Israel Who Refuses To Keep Quiet

Attorney Emily Schaeffer immigrated to Israel to defend the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank. ‘I guess most Israelis would view me as a traitor,’ she says, ‘but I don’t intend to keep quiet just because I came from afar’ Continue reading

World War

(May 26) – Video: Alex Covers The Latest News About N. Korea & Iran – Video Link Here

(LibertyPundits) – US aircraft carrier build-up set for eyes on Iran

DEBKAfile’s military sources report a decision by the Obama administration to boost US military strength in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf regions in the short term with an extra air and naval strike forces and 6,000 Marine and sea combatants. Carrier Strike Group 10, headed by the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier, sails out of the US Navy base at Norfolk, Virginia Friday, May 21. Read More Here


What can I say; here we go again!

I hardly need to go down the list of lies used to start US wars. We have been though that over and over again. Read More Here

(GermanForeignPolicy) – A New Era of Imperialism

BERLIN The leading German foreign policy magazine is predicting “a new era of imperialism”. The “struggle for energy, raw materials and water” is going to dominate global policy in the 21 century, declared a former prominent foreign policy maker of the ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) in the magazine “Internationale Politik”. “19th Century nationalism, colonialism and imperialism are returning”, he writes in his article. Twenty years after the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe, the author is proclaiming the end of a “transition period” in world history and the beginning of a new epoch that will not exclude future “energy wars”. Read More Here

(TheAtlantic) – Obama Gives Commanders Wide Berth for Secret Warfare

Last summer, the White House authorized a massive expansion of clandestine military and intelligence operations worldwide, sanctioning activities in more than a dozen countries and giving the military’s combatant commanders significant new authority to conduct unconventional warfare. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Stalin blocked attempts to kill Hitler

Soviet dictator Josef Stalin blocked two attempts to kill Adolf Hitler during World War Two, fearing that his replacement as Nazi leader would make peace with the Western Allies, a top Russian general said Tuesday. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Iran and Russia clash in worst row for years

Iran and Russia clashed on Wednesday over Kremlin support for draft U.N. sanctions against the Islamic Republic, in one of the worst rows between the two powers since the Cold War.

The public clash indicates growing concern in Tehran after the United States said Russia and China, the closest thing Iran has to big-power allies, had agreed to a draft sanctions resolution to punish Iran over its nuclear programme. Read More Here

(OilPrice) – Is North Korea on the Verge of Collapse?

Despite the posturing of his regime, there are signs that Kim Jong-Il’s hold on North Korea may be slipping and international community must be ready. Read More Here

(DissidentVoice) – Obama Continues to Bully Iran

No policy of the Obama administration better illustrates its fundamental mendacity than its policy of bullying Iran. In this the administration is Bush/Cheney Regime, Part II. The Post-9/11 Geopolitical Power Grab, Continued. The March of Folly: the sequel. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Afghans – U.S. Created and Funds Taliban

“It’s near-impossible to find anyone in Afghanistan who doesn’t believe the US are funding the Taliban: and it’s the highly educated Afghan professionals, those employed by ISAF, USAID, international media organizations – and even advising US diplomats – who seem the most convinced,” reports the Guardian today. “The US has an interest in prolonging the conflict so as to stay in Afghanistan for the long term,” said one Afghan.

It does not take a lot of research to prove the Taliban — and al-Qaeda — were fabricated by the CIA in league with Pakistani and Saudi Arabian intelligence. Continue reading

World War

(Uruknet) – Genetic Mutations, Peculiar Injuries: More Evidence Emerges that Israel Used Gaza as Testing Ground for Experimental Weapons

Pages upon pages have been written about the 2008-2009 Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip by human rights groups and fact-finding missions. The scale of the destruction is well-known: some 1,400 Palestinians were killed by Israel, the vast majority of them civilians; over 15,000 homes were destroyed or so severely damaged that 100,000 Palestinians were rendered homeless; nearly half of health facilities in Gaza were destroyed or damaged.

But allegations that Israel used new, experimental weapons in Gaza have not been adequately investigated. Read More Here

(AFP) – US plans naval exercises with South Korea:Pentagon – Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

Two former CIA officials have admitted to creating a fake video in which intelligence officers dressed up as Osama Bin Laden and his cronies in an effort to defame the terrorist leader throughout the middle east. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Nuclear War Between Koreas: Brought To You By The U.S. Government

Kim Jong-Il has put North Korean troops on combat alert and threatened military action if the South trespasses in its waters as global stock markets freak out at the prospect of a war which, if it occurs, can be blamed on the U.S. government’s history of arming the Stalinist dictator with nuclear weapons. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Stock Futures Drop as North Korea Orders Military to Prepare for Combat

U.S. stock futures fell, indicating the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may slip to 2010’s lowest level, as bank borrowing costs rose and a report said North Korean leader Kim Jong Il ordered his military to prepare for combat. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – U.S. Expands Covert Military Disruption of Iran

A not so secret directive penned by Gen. David H. Petraeus authorizes sending American Special Operations troops into Iran. The directive mentions a wide swath of countries in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Horn of Africa, but is obviously tailored for Iran, the number one target on the Pentagon’s radar. Read More Here

(BBC) – North Korea “severs all ties” with Seoul

KCNA said the North was also expelling all South Korean workers from a jointly-run factory north of the border. Read More Here

(WorldThreats) – PsyOps Against North Korea

Joongang Ilbo English language edition is reporting that South Korea will resume loudspeaker broadcasts across the Demilitarized Zone to the people of North Korea. Read More Here

(BBC) – US troops in Afghanistan outnumber those in Iraq

There are more US troops in Afghanistan than Iraq for the first time since Saddam Hussein was toppled in 2003, officials say. Read More Here

(Komo4News) – Video: 10 Stryker Brigade Soldiers Accused Of “Deliberately” Killing 3 Afghan Civilians

(May 24) – Video: Alex Breaks Down Why The Globalist Want Iran and WW3

Alex breaks down in detail why the globalist want iran and world war 3 with other countries that are not under their control. Continue reading

World War

(RussiaToday) – Video: Battlefields contaminated with depleted uranium bred cancer plague

Depleted uranium has been used for nearly 20 years as sub-ammunition of artillery shells in international conflicts like the two Iraq Wars and the NATO conflict with Serbia, but the long-term effects of it are unknown. Video Link Here

(Guardian) – Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons

Exclusive: Secret apartheid-era papers give first official evidence of Israeli nuclear weapons Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Iran, Sun Tzu and the Dominatrix – Read More Here

(ChannelNewsAsia) – British defence minister on Afghan visit calls for troop withdrawal

Senior British officials, including new Foreign Secretary William Hague arrived in Afghanistan Saturday with a warning that Britain wants to withdraw its troops as soon as possible. Read More Here

(MyCatBirdSeat) – Members of Swedish Parliament demand security for Ship to Gaza – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Chossudovsky – Obama Doesn’t Want a Nuclear Free World – Video Link Here

(PressTV) – UK forces accused of helping Taliban

According to some reports, the changes are made as the British have reportedly cooperated with the Taliban in recent years and allowed Afghan farmers to cultivate opium freely. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘Secret Ops’ cause of US deaths in Iraq – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Saudi King slams intelligence leak

The King of Saudi Arabia has strongly criticized the country’s intelligence officials for disclosing a secret document, which shows Riyadh has links with terrorist activities carried out by al-Qaeda in Iraq. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Ritter: US to blame for Iraq calamity

Former chief United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter says the US policy of “regime change” in pre-war Iraq hampered efforts by the UN to find a diplomatic solution to the case. Read More Here

(AmericaHijacked) – Shaping the Story on Iran

There have been recent reports that Iran has enabled the travel of al-Qaeda leaders to Afghanistan and Pakistan where they will be able to confront and kill American soldiers. If you think you have heard the story before, you have, in another context. Read More Here

(FreeGaza) – Second Ship Joins the Freedom Flotilla on Way to Gaza

Amid cheers and waving of Turkish and Palestinian flags, the second ship to join the Freedom Flotilla left Istanbul this afternoon. Sponsored by the Turkish humanitarian organization, Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), the ship will carry 600 passengers to Gaza as part of the ‘blockade busting’ flotilla. It joins eight other boats coming from three other countries carrying 10,000 tons of supplies to the Palestinian people, supplies that have been denied to them by Israel. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Video: Oh, and by the way…we’re still at war

With all of the time and effort spent on covering the Gulf oil disaster, let’s not forget there are two ongoing wars.

Here is the latest video circulating on the internet from the other two disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Video Links Here

(DailyMail) – MoD blew up 119 live pigs in explosive tests

Animal rights campaigners expressed outrage last night after the Ministry of Defence admitted blowing up 119 live pigs in explosives tests. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Nuclear Fuel Swap Deal: US Sabotages ‘Unique Opportunity’ for Peaceful Resolution with Iran

This week, Obama’s fine words were put to the test when, on 17 May, Iran announced a joint declaration with Turkey and Brazil on a nuclear fuel swap deal that, in the words of Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdorgan, provides a unique opportunity to resolve the long-running dispute between the US and its western allies and Iran over the latter’s nuclear programme. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Hezbollah reportedly mobilizing in Lebanon ahead of large IDF drill

Hezbollah official warns the organization will be prepared to attack if Israel launches offensive on Lebanon, AFP reports. Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: War Is Making You Poor Act

Rep. Grayson introduces a bill to cut separate funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and uses the money to eliminate federal income taxes on every American’s first $35,000 of income. Cosponsors of this bill include Ron Paul, Walter Jones, John Conyers, Lynn Woolsey, and Dennis Kucinich. Continue reading

Supplanting the United States Constitution: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government” – Peter Dale Scott

(GlobalResearch) – In July 1987, during the Iran-Contra Hearings grilling of Oliver North, the American public got a glimpse of “highly sensitive” emergency planning North had been involved in. Ostensibly these were emergency plans to suspend the American constitution in the event of a nuclear attack (a legitimate concern). But press accounts alleged that the planning was for a more generalized suspension of the constitution.

As part of its routine Iran-contra coverage, the following exchange was printed in the New York Times, but without journalistic comment or follow-up: Continue reading

World War

FLASHBACK – (Haaretz) – Report: U.S. positioning ‘bunker-busters’ for possible Iran strike

Sunday Herald: 387 ‘Blu’ bombs are being shipped to U.S. military base on Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean. Read More Here

(YNet) – Russia: We’ll sell advanced missile system to Iran

Harsher sanctions on Iran will not prevent Russia from fulfilling its obligation and selling the S-300 missile system to Tehran, a senior Russian parliamentarian said Friday Read More Here

Video: Iraq – US Troops Slaughter Defiant Elderly Man – Video Link Here

(KabulPress) – U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Drinking Unsafe Water

Every year there are new reports of abuses being heaped on American troops in the field. They were provided with cheap and unnecessarily heavy body armor instead of lightweight titanium layered Kevlar. They were issued canvas-covered Humvees. There were unconscionable delays in deploying armored Humvees and in ordering 1970’s vintage MRAPs. They have to fight with jam-prone M-4s and live on bases blanketed by toxic burn pit smoke.

Now the method used to “purify” our troops’ drinking water is being severely criticized by organizations no less than the World Health Organization and the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Read More Here

FLASHBACK – (HuffingtonPost) – Israel Minister: Iran, Syria, And North Korea Are New ‘Axis Of Evil’

Israel’s foreign minister on Wednesday declared North Korea, Syria and Iran the new “axis of evil,” claiming that North Korean weapons seized in Bangkok in December were bound for Middle Eastern militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Read More Here

FLASHBACK – (Haaretz) – Israel: North Korea supplying weapons to six Mideast states

Israel’s IAEA envoy: North Korea has become source of proliferation of dangerous weapons of mass destruction. Read More Here

(MyFoxBoston) – Official Says Pakistani Taliban Plotting to Strike US

A U.S. intelligence official said Thursday new information gathered this week indicates the Pakistani Taliban is actively planning to strike the United States, CNN reported. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Truth, Non-Violence and the Palestinian Hills

Palestinian Gandhi? I get this question at the end of almost every presentation I’ve given on Palestine. This fascination with finding a Palestinian Gandhi has been reflected time and again in newspapers commentary, and political discourse. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – US/Israel Challenged on Iran – Ray McGovern

The times may be a-changin’ – at least a bit – with the United States and Israel no longer able to dictate to the rest of the world how crises in the Middle East must be handled, though the new reality has been slow to dawn on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her neocon friends in Congress and the U.S. media.

They may think they are still in control, still the smart ones looking down at upstarts like the leaders of Turkey and Brazil who had the audacity to ignore U.S. warnings and press ahead with diplomacy to head off a possible new war, this one over Iran. Read More Here

(StopNATO) – U.S. And NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up In Black Sea Region – Rick Rozoff – Read More Here

(FutureFastForward) – Justice for the People of Gaza: Gaza Fever

We’ve all caught the fever, every one of us who works to send boats to Gaza. From August 2006, when a handful of us started the Free Gaza Movement, every one who has joined us has been stricken with a bad case of the disease. It is chronic. It sometimes causes afflicted patients to insist that if just one more voyage can be planned to this small slice of the Mediterranean, we’ll all be in remission. There is no real cure in sight… yet.

Gaza Fever has now attacked thousands of us who have a passionate sense of justice. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – US Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region

As if uncontrollable economic contagion was not enough for the administration, Obama is now willing to add geopolitical risk to the current extremely precarious economic and financial situation. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Video: Israeli Terrorism Exposed by USS Liberty Survivors – View Video Here

(AsiaTimes) – Washington burns its bridges with Iran

The agreement on draft United Nations Security Council resolution sanctions against Iran has grabbed the headlines on the Barack Obama administration’s response to Iran’s nuclear swap proposal brokered by Turkey
and Brazil. But the more consequential response is the acknowledgement by the US State Department on Monday that the administration is not willing to hold talks with Iran unless it agrees to a complete halt in uranium enrichment. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – The Injustice in Palestine

This week, Palestinians marked the 62nd anniversary of the Nakba – their expulsion from their homeland by the Zionist movement in order to create Israel. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Israel Obstructs Entry Of Medicine, Medical Equipment To Gaza

Despite Israeli guarantees to the International Community, the Israeli Authorities are still obstructing the entry of medicine and medical equipment to the besieged Gaza Strip. The last time medicine was allowed into Gaza was mid October 2009. Read More Here

BREAKING NEWS: Former US Army Colonel and US Diplomat Joins Gaza Flotilla to Break the Israeli Siege/Blockade of Gaza

Colonel Wright said “the Israeli siege of Gaza is illegal and a violation of international law. We demand that the Israeli, Egyptian, United States and European governments end this siege. If the governments will not stop the siege, it is up to the citizens of the world to break it—and that is what we will do!” Read More Here

Video: US Soldiers Speaks The Truth – War Crimes Exposed!

Revised version of “WAR MADE EASY – THE SHOCKING TRUTH”. Had to make some changes. Continue reading

World War

(TheIndependent) – US persuades Security Council to impose new Iran sanctions

Washington claimed it has reached an agreement with its allies, including China and Russia, for tough new sanctions against Tehran. Sweeping aside a putative deal announced by Brazil and Turkey on Monday, which was meant to assuage Western concerns about Iran’s nuclear activities, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, claimed that a draft sanctions package tabled to the full UN Security Council last night had the endorsement of all five of the permanent members – France, Britain, Russia, China and the US – as well as Germany. Read More Here

(Breitbart) – Video: Bangkok Burning – Thai Protesters Set Fire to Landmark Buildings During Deadly Gunbattles

The New York Times: As they retreated, protesters set fire to the country’s stock exchange and a number of buildings including a major shopping mall, two banks, a movie theater and a television station.

But the crackdown did not appear to have become the large-scale bloodbath that many had feared. By dusk the government said five people — including an Italian news photographer — had been killed and 52 injured, some critically. Video Link Here

(Fox) – Iran Nuke Agreement Not Enough for Hoyer

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., pushed hard for the passage of the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Tuesday, despite a pledge from the Islamic republic to send most of its nuclear material outside the country. Read More Here

(AFP) – Study: US missile defense plans based on ‘technical myths’

US missile defense plans are based on “technical myths” and interceptors have mostly failed to knock out incoming warheads in military tests, a new study argues.

Two American scientists reviewed 10 tests of the SM-3 “kill vehicle,” designed to take out ballistic missiles, and concluded that the interceptor succeeded in directly hitting mock warheads in only one or two cases. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Tarpley – Iran nuclear swap deal a defeat for US policy of isolation

Iran’s deal to ship its’ uranium to Turkey, while insisting on continuing to enrich nuclear fuel, is getting a mixed response globally. Russia’s giving it a guarded welcome, but the U.S. and Britain are far from convinced. They’re continuing to push the UN into more sanctions against Tehran. The sticking point for the United States is Iran’s insistance to carry on enriching its own uranium. But U.S. investigative journalist Webster Tarpley says the deal means his country’s strategy to isolate Tehran has failed. Continue reading

Video: Arizona Getting A Bad Rap…If this video does not connect the dots on illegal immigration and terrorism, nothing will

(ActionNews2) – “We found illegals from Afghanistan, Egypt, iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen in custody.” Continue reading

World War

(DesertPeace) – Eye on Palestine – Video’s of Resistance – Video Link Here

(RawStory) – Oops! MSNBC graphic suggests Taliban set fire to Bangkok

People watching MSNBC Wednesday morning could be forgiven for believing that the Taliban had invaded Bangkok. As NBC’s Ian Williams reported on violent protests in the capital city of Thailand, a graphic on the lower third of MSNBC’s screen read: “NEW TALIBAN ATTACKS, BANGKOK BURNS.” View Picture Here

(SouthLebanon) – Israel’s Exclusion and Restriction of Goods to Gaza – Stephen Lendman

After Hamas was overwhelmingly elected in January 2006, Israel, Washington and the West ended all outside aid, imposed an economic embargo and sanctions, and politically isolated the new government. Read More Here

(AlethoNews) – Official: Israeli forces destroy pipelines in Hebron village

Israeli army bulldozers reportedly destroyed several water pipes as they attempted to block the main road from the Adh-Dhahiriya village to Hebron on Wednesday, effectively cutting off the village’s water supply, an official said. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Baghdad to enclose city with 15ft wall

Baghdad is to resort to one of the oldest forms of defence by building a massive wall around the capital to keep out insurgents, The Times has learnt. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel ‘mulling reoccupation of Gaza’ – Read More Here

(WPost) – NATO says night raid killed Afghan insurgents; residents say it killed civilians

District police chief Abdul Ghafour woke to a cellphone call after 1 a.m. Friday: There was gunfire at Rafiuddin Kushkaki’s home. Ghafour put on his uniform, sent two police trucks ahead and followed in a third. Read More Here

(AP) – Video: Raw Video – Thai Troops Open Fire at Encampment

Thai troops opened fire at a fortified encampment of anti-government protesters in central Bangkok Wednesday. It came amid reports of a final assault on the area the protesters have occupied for weeks. – Video Link Here

(TheGlobalReport) – Video: Afghanistan Runs On Drugs, Corruption & Aid – U.N. – View Video Here

(AlethoNews) – Remarkable Urgency

“It’s quite remarkable,” says Adie, one of us accompanying the farmers. “It’s unbelievable that the Israeli army would fire on a scene like this. It’s one of the most tranquil things you could be doing, this hand-harvesting.” Read More Here

(MorningStarr) – ‘Gorilla Baby’ Born In Gaza

The births of deformed babies in Gaza has increased since the Israeli offensive which took place last year, Palestinian doctors claim.

Most recently a woman gave birth to a child at the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip which was severely deformed, the baby boy’s face was malformed, his nose is flattened, there is reddish-brownish skin discoloration and the limbs are short with the feet curling in, a similar shape to a gorilla’s. Read More Here

(WRH) – The Maps Tell The True Story

The truth is that far from being the poor victim it likes to portray itself as, Israel is in fact the most aggressive and belligerent nation in the region, having invaded pretty much everyone it shares a border with.

The following maps show what Israel has actually done. View Maps Here

(WashPost) – South Korea: North responsible for torpedo attack on warship

South Korea will formally blame North Korea on Thursday for launching a torpedo at one of its warships in March, causing an explosion that killed 46 sailors and heightened tensions in one of the world’s most perilous regions, U.S. and East Asian officials said. Read More Here

(CNN) – Reluctant Russia, China have agreed on Iran sanctions, Clinton says

She said they forged “a strong draft with the cooperation of Russia and China,” the two countries that have been reluctant to impose strong sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program. Read More Here

(BBC) – North Korea calls rare second parliamentary session

The North’s official news agency said the Supreme People’s Assembly would meet on 7 June but did not say why.

The assembly usually meets just once a year to approve proposals from the governing party. It has not held a second annual session since 2003. Read More Here

(WPost) – CIA director, national security adviser to meet with officials in Pakistan

President Obama’s national security adviser, James L. Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta were set to travel to Pakistan on Monday night for meetings with top government, military and intelligence officials on progress in the Times Square car bomb investigation and concerns about future terrorist attacks. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Chossudovsky – Obama, not Osama, is threat No.1 to global security

Barack Obama is masking the real issues over nuclear weapons by presenting the idea that nuclear terrorism is a major threat, says Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Canadian Centre for Research on Globalization. Continue reading

World War

(HuffingtonPost) – Caught On Video: Moments Before Afghan Massacre, A Family Celebrates

The video is haunting: Three Afghan men are dancing in joy, whirling, clapping, throwing their arms in the air. One has just had a baby boy. There is music in the air. The whole extended family has gathered to celebrate.

Hours later, two of the men lie dead, shot and killed by U.S. troops, the victims of a deeply disturbing massacre and cover-up that the White House, Congress and the United Nations continue to ignore. Video Link Here

BREAKING NEWS: (PJTV) – Video: Former US General Warns of Chemical Attacks Against Israel

Potential Hezbollah offensive includes chemically armed SCUD missiles with a 450 km range, preemptive strikes on air fields, and a wave of tunnel attacks that cross from Lebanon into Israel. Full Video Here(extra 2+ minutes)

(WSWS) – Afghans protest over US massacre of civilians

At least two people were killed Friday when several hundred Afghan villagers clashed with security forces while attempting to march to the eastern city of Jalalabad to protest the latest massacre of civilians by US military forces. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – AP Bombshell: “US Drug War Has Met None of Its Goals”

Using Freedom of Information Act requests, archival records, federal budgets, and interviews with leaders and analysts, the AP tracked where that money went — and found that the U.S. repeatedly increased budgets for programs that did nothing to stop the flow of drugs. The AP article states that in 40 years taxpayers spent more than: Read More Here

(AntiWar) – How US Weapons Grade Uranium was Diverted to Israel

Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations Read More Here

(TheNews) – ‘Mini-3rd world war’ being fought on Pakhtun soil

PESHAWAR: Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti said that an undeclared mini-Third World War was being fought on the soil of Pakhtuns for the last many years.

“The US, China, Russia, Iran, India and other big powers are involved in this war being fought in the Pakhtun belt of Pakistan and Afghanistan,” he told The News in an interview. He said the world powers needed to sit together to find a negotiated political solution to the conflict in this region. He said these countries had chosen to fight each other on Pakhtun soil. Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – US funds ‘apartheid’ road network in Israel

The construction of sections of a controversial segregated road network in the West Bank planned by Israel for Palestinians – leaving the main roads for exclusive use by settlers – is being financed by a US government aid agency, a map prepared by Palestinian researchers has revealed. Read More Here

(PressTV) – S Korea fires shots at North’s ships

South Korea says its navy has fired warning shots to drive away North Korean patrol ships that had crossed the western maritime border between the two countries.

The two North Korean vessels violated a disputed inter-Korean border in the Yellow Sea, known as the ‘Northern Limit Line’, on Saturday night, South Korea’s military said. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘US attack on Iran highly unlikely’

In an exclusive interview conducted by the Al Jazeera network on Friday, Ahmadinejad stated that no country has the power to confront Iran, and added that Tehran advocates diplomacy as the ideal way to deal with international issues, the Fars news agency reported. Read More Here

(IsraelNationalNews) – IDF Prepares Public for Nationwide Home Front Exercise

The IDF Home Front Command has launched a media campaign in preparation for the national Home Front exercise known in Hebrew as Nekudat Mifneh 4 Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Essex home raided over Iran dirty bomb threat

A BRITISH chemicals firm is involved in a secret MI5 inquiry into the illegal export to Iran of material that could make a radioactive “dirty bomb”. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Redshirts warn of civil war as Thai troops told to shoot on sight

International leaders appeal for calm amid escalating violence on streets of Bangkok Read More Here

World War

(VeteransVoice) – Gordon Duff: Times Square Bombing Part of CIA False Flag Against Pakistan

This looks like a tale of fiction and movies. But this is a real life drama unfolding in Pakistan around us.

The secret web of betrayal and treachery – The untold story of Khalid Khawaja, Hamid Mir, Mullah Barader and Faisal Shehzad

Any links between the three?? Seems impossible! But not in this high stakes State-sponsored dirty, sinister world of covert ops, double agents, sting operations and assassinations.

Lets start the story: Read More Here

(BeforeItsNews) – Another War in the Falklands? British Fleet on Standby, New Maps Highlight Disputed Territory With Oil and Gas Reserves

Researchers at Durham University have drawn up new maps to show the competing claims of Argentina and the UK for resources in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans. At stake are a potential 60 billion barrels of oil and nine trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Fighting For Our Freedom?

Of course, this argument rests upon an assumption. The assumption is that if the U.S. had not fought any of its past or current wars or had not maintained its military presence around the world, that we would have lost some or all of our freedom. This fundamental assumption is never questioned (or I suspect even considered) by supporters of U.S. foreign policy, despite the fact that it completely disintegrates under even superficial examination. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Report Emphasizes Dubious Iran-al-Qaeda Ties

The claims are centered around a murky, and supposedly canceled CIA program known as RIGOR, which officially aims to track al-Qaeda members who fled into Iran but which officials are saying is more of a “feasibility study” into the possibility to infiltrating Iran to assassinate them. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Senate panel approves money for Afghan, Iraq wars – Read More Here

(PressTV) – UN group to probe Israeli crimes

A UN panel is to investigate the ongoing unlawful actions taken by Israel against Palestinians, despite the resumption of so called “proximity” talks. Read More Here

(StopNATO) – NATO In Afghanistan: World War In One Country

There are currently 134,000 foreign troops in the nation counting U.S. soldiers serving separately with Operation Enduring Freedom, although the aggregate number is to reach 150,000 by the summer and most American troops not now under NATO command will soon be. There are 47,000 troops from NATO member and partner countries in the nation. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Turkey positions missiles to repulse Israeli aerial incursions

According to a leading Turkish newspaper, Turkey has set up anti-aircraft batteries against Hawk planes in a village near the Turkey-Syria border. The news item was reproduced by the Israeli daily ‘Maariv’ which refrained from mentioning its Turkish source. Read More Here

(YNet) – Russia to sell Syria warplanes, air defense systems

Head of Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation says Moscow to supply Damascus with MiG-29 fighters, truck-mounted Pantsir short-range surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artillery systems Read More Here

(GlobalSecurityNewsWire) – Video: U.S. Intelligence Claims Iran Unleashing al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda members long held within Iran began crossing the country’s borders in late 2008, prompting fears among current and former U.S. intelligence insiders that Tehran might be allowing the terrorist network to regain its strength, the Associated Press reported yesterday (see GSN, March 18). View Video Here

(Telegraph) – Medical journal warns of ‘tidal wave’ of mental trauma among servicemen

Medical services face a tidal wave of servicemen suffering from mental trauma as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a leading medical journal has warned. Read More Here

(RawStory) – US warns of ‘last chance’ on sanctions as Iran hosts summit – Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

Trilateral Commission member Mikhail Slobodovsici, a chief adviser to the Russian leadership, unwittingly provided a revealing insight into the plans of the global elite during the group’s recent meeting in Dublin Ireland, when he mistakenly told a We Are Change Ireland activist he thought was a fellow TC member that the globalists are planning a war with Iran. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Award For Soldiers Who DON’T Kill Civilians! – Video Link Here

(BBC) – Video: WH Asks Congress To Fund Israeli Rocket Defense System! – Continue reading

World War

(ABC) – Israel FM: Iran, Syria, NKorea New ‘Axis of Evil’

Israel’s foreign minister on Wednesday declared North Korea, Syria and Iran the new “axis of evil,” claiming that North Korean weapons seized in Bangkok in December were bound for Middle Eastern militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel must sign NPT, IAEA chief says

The head of the UN nuclear watchdog has called for international input to pressure Israel into joining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Read More Here

Video: Seymour Hersh – U.S. troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan – View Video Here

(ThePeoplesVoice) – No Influential Voice in U.S. Supporting War on Iran: Peter Feaver

A Harvard University graduate, a current Alexander F. Hehmeyer Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Duke University, and the director of Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS), Peter D. Feaver is perhaps best known for his mission under President Bush as the special advisor for strategic planning and institutional reform on the National Security Council from 2005 to 2007. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – 6,500 disabled children in Gaza after war

Recent statistics shows an increment in the number of children who have lost at least one or more of their limbs during the war in Gaza. The number is an estimated 6,500. Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – The Tragedy That is Gaza Today And The Role Of The EU

In mid January 2010, the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG) organized a 50-person delegation of MPs, politicians and former ministers into Gaza to witness firsthand the conditions on the ground one year after the 22-day Israeli invasion that laid waste to the Gaza Strip. Here is the report the delegation prepared (PDF) Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: 50 Killed by Drone Attack in Pakistan – Drone Attack – Video Link Here

(LATimes) – Digging up chemical weapons in D.C.

After World War I, munitions including shells of poisonous liquid mustard were buried in a then-rural area. The cleanup has forced evacuations at American University and prompted concerns about illness. Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – Iraq Genocide and More… – Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

In this digest: Resumption of indirect negotiations a waste of time, video of protest in Nabi Saleh, John Greyson calls on Elton John to cancel appearance in Tel Aviv, Obama’s wrong appointment to the Supreme Court, proposal for an commemoration of Iraq Genocide, how an Israeli general tried to cover-up the murder of Rachel Corrie, and two Nakba articles. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Obama adviser warns Russia against arms sale to Iran

The United States has made it clear to Russia that delivering an anti-aircraft system to Iran would have severe consequences for U.S. ties with Moscow, a senior advisor to President Obama said Tuesday. Read More Here

(Almanar) – Barak: Israel to Keep Nuclear ‘Ambiguity’ with US Backing

Media reports have said the United States agreed in 1969 that as long as Israel did not test a nuclear weapon or publicly confirm that it had one, Washington would not press it on the issue. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – MESS Report / Nobody wants war, but Israel-Lebanon border is heating up

As Hezbollah grows in strength, concern over a possible confrontation in the north is becoming an international issue. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Netanyahu on northern border: Iran is trying to drag Israel, Syria into war

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday blamed Iran for trying to drag Israel and Syria into a military confrontation. During a meeting with reservist officers at a Northern Command training base, Netanyahu said that “Iran is trying to stir up war between Israel and Syria in order to cause tension in the region.” Read More Here

(AsiaTimes) – Helmand’s poppy growth surges – Read More Here

(Rense) – Top Prof Fired For Opposing Israeli Gaza Slaughter

Denis Rancourt is a distinguished, tenured Professor of Physics, a recognized expert in his field, and an Environmental Science Researcher at the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Yet because of his activist position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he was unfairly fired and barred from campus on threat of arrest – a violation of his tenure, academic freedom, and beliefs about human rights and equal justice. Read More Here

(Newswise) – Multi-Symptom Pain Disorders Plague Returning Service Men and Women

Nine in 10 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans return with some form of pain and about 60 percent have significant pain, mainly from the cumulative effect of exposure to recurring blasts which cause unimaginable injuries, according to prominent VA pain clinicians speaking at the American Pain Society’s annual scientific meeting. Read More Here

(C-Span) – Video: We Must Give Israel Intelligence Logistic & Political Support So They Can Successfully Attack Iran!

(CNN) – Video: No Reason To Be In Afghanistan! – Continue reading

MSM: Israel primed for war on Iran: Netanyahu deputy

(Reuters) – Israel is primed for a war on Iran, a deputy to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, in a rare break with his government’s reticence as world powers try to talk Tehran into curbing its nuclear plans.

By spearheading assaults on guerrillas in neighboring Lebanon and Palestinian territories, the Israeli air force had gained the techniques necessary for any future strikes on Iranian sites, Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said.

“There is no doubt that the technological capabilities, which improved in recent years, have improved range and aerial refueling capabilities, and have brought about a massive improvement in the accuracy of ordnance and intelligence,” he told a conference of military officers and experts. Read entire article

World War

(AlterNet) – How the Pentagon Is Cheating Wounded Vets — Soldiers Aren’t Disposable

The military’s sad legacy of denying the care troops need after combat. Read More Here

(WSWS) – Iran, the US and the UN Nuclear Conference

The Obama administration and the US media have exploited the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York to again threaten Iran with further UN sanctions and military action over its nuclear programs and demonise the Iranian president. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Probe concludes torpedo sank South Korea ship: report

Investigators probing the deadly sinking of a South Korean navy ship in March near the North have concluded that a torpedo was the source of an explosion that destroyed the vessel, a news report said on Friday. Read More Here

(RawStory) – Media promotes far-fetched ‘bin Laden in Iran’ report

According to a new documentary, Osama bin Laden has been living in Iran’s capital of Tehran with his family since 2003, enjoying the protection of the Revolutionary Guard and regularly taking part in the elite sport of falcon hunting. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – The pretext of “security” along Gaza’s buffer zone

Unemployment soars at 60 percent as a result of the closed borders under the Israeli-led and internationally-complicit siege of Gaza and the destruction of 95 percent of industry and factories in the tiny coastal strip. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – General ‘tried to cover up truth about death of Rachel Corrie’

Israeli war hero accused of suppressing testimony that could reveal what really happened to Gaza activist Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink America – Ray McGovern

The omnipresent World War II-era poster with the words “Loose Lips Sink Ships” served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – A Timetable For War – Philip Giraldi

Readers of my articles will know that I am extremely pessimistic about the prospects for peace in the Middle East. I do not believe for a second that the leaders of Israel actually consider Iran to be an “existential” threat but the fact that they have cried wolf so often has convinced the Israeli public that it is so. Worse still, Israel’s friends in the US have convinced the American public of the same thing even though Iran does not threaten the United States at all. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Russia says Iran attack ‘disastrous’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has highlighted the “necessity” of political discourse with Iran in ending an impasse over its civilian nuclear program Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – How to Stumble Into a War: Loose Lips on Iran – Ray McGovern

The omnipresent World War II-era posters with the words “Loose Lips Sink Ships” served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. Read More Here

(ChristianScienceMonitor) – Uncle Sam wants Micronesians for US military

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia – The portraits of stern-faced young men on armed forces recruiting posters, hanging from cafeteria walls, seem to gaze down at the mingling teenagers. Below, about 130 high school seniors have gathered to sit for a US military aptitude test required by the school’s administration. Several dozen plan to enlist; many more are still on the fence. Read More Here

World War

(Reuters) – Iran: Punish U.S. for “shameful” nuclear threats

Calling nuclear weapons “disgusting and shameful,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged the United Nations on Monday to punish countries like the United States that threaten to use them. Read More Here

(TruthDig) – No One Cares – Chris Hedges

We are approaching a decade of war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq is in its eighth year. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands more Afghans and Pakistani civilians have been killed. Millions have been driven into squalid displacement and refugee camps. Thousands of our own soldiers and Marines have died or been crippled physically and psychologically. Read More Here

(ConspiringTimes) – Taliban Claim Unverified Responsibility: Times Square Car Bomb, Prelude To Nuclear Attack? – Read More Here

(GordonDuff) – Israeli Intel Group Shows Its Hand in Times Square Bomb Hoax

Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli “false flag” bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world could discover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the “voice of the Mossad” has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.

This is the same group that has come up with numerous bin Laden “audio” tapes, seemingly, though tiny and nearly totally unstaffed, whenever it is convenient for Israel to point a finger at someone, magically Site Intelligence, run by former IDF soldier Rita Katz, whose father was executed as a spy by Saddam Hussein, makes another “unbelievable” intelligence find. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Al-Qaeda Terror Tape Proven Fraudulent Once Again

Investigators say no evidence of foreign involvement in Times Square car bombing, contradicting alleged Taliban tape released by dubious Pentagon front group Read More Here

(AFP) – Al-Qaeda not behind NY car bomb: mayor

Authorities in New York said Sunday that Al-Qaeda was not behind an attempted car bombing of Times Square and that police had several strong leads, including camera footage of a suspicious man leaving the scene. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – High-Tech Death from Above: U.S. Drone Wars Fuel War Crimes – Tom Burghardt

As America continues its uncontrolled flight towards disaster, Israeli-style “targeted killings” (assassinations) of alleged militants and unarmed civilians in the “Afpak theatre” are on the rise. Read More Here

(TheHindu) – Military Dominance: Obama’s Fake Nuclear Disarmament Initiative allows the U.S. to Assert its Global Military Hegemony

Experts say that U.S. missile defences and Prompt Global Strike weapons, far from promoting nuclear disarmament, may trigger a new arms race.

Hardly had Russia and the United States signed a nuclear arms reduction treaty, New START, the U.S. pushed ahead with the development of new conventional weapon systems that threaten to stall nuclear disarmament and discredit U.S. non-proliferation efforts at the NPT Review Conference opening in New York on Monday. Read More Here

(NewAmericanEmpire) – Obama’s Threat to Launch a Nuclear Attack on Iran

By now, most everybody knows that the (2003-) Bush-Cheney Iraq War was based on fiction [] and on deception []. There was no such thing as “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, the rationale for an illegal attack against that country. And Bush II and his accomplices knew that. Read More Here

(IranAffairs) – US Threatens to Nuke Iran and Anyone Else it Feels like Nuking – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: US walkout on speech by Ahmadinejad ‘shows West biased against Iran’

The Iranian president has told the UN there’s not a shred of credible evidence his country’s developing nuclear weapons. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also attacked the US accusing it of double standards. He was speaking at the start of a conference reviewing the non-proliferation treaty. Continue reading

US root of global terror: Ahmadinejad

(PressTV) – Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he has ‘documented evidence’ that Washington and Israel are linked to leading terrorist organizations in the world.
“We have documents that prove [Washington] is the root of world terrorism. It has been aiding and abetting extremist groups over the past years,” said President Ahmadinejad in a Saturday ceremony marking World Labor Day. Continue reading

World War

(InGaza) – Loaded opposition

One can imagine that were US soldiers to open fire with live ammunition on American protesters, this would not be acceptable. Likewise for Canada and most democratic nations.

Yet somehow there is a void, a gaping hole in the media into which fall most potential reports on Israeli soldiers shooting with live ammunition on visibly unarmed demonstraters. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Pentagon Report: Still Not Enough Troops in Afghanistan

After 15 months in office President Obama has increased the number of troops in Afghanistan by an almost impossible amount, going from 30,000 (itself the product of an end-of-term escalation by President Bush) to 86,000… with the troop level pushing 100,000 by the end of the summer. Read More Here

(BBC) – US youngsters are too fat to fight, warn generals

Rising rates of obesity among young Americans could undermine the future of the US military, two retired generals have warned. Read More Here

(TheStatesman) – Demonizing Ahmadinejad – Hillary Clinton Calls Ahmadinejad Anti-semitic President

“Iran, with its anti-Semitic president and hostile nuclear ambitions, continues to threaten Israel, but it also threatens the region and it sponsors terrorism,” Mrs Clinton said at the American Jewish Committee Annual Gala Dinner here. Read More Here

(CounterCurrents) – Can You Pass The Iran Quiz

What can possibly justify the relentless U.S. diplomatic (and mainstream media) assault on Iran ? Read More Here

(Pravda) – What’s At Stake in the Issue of Iran – Noam Chomsky

In an interview with the German publication, Freitag, Noam Chomsky talks about U.S. pressure on Israel and Iran and its geopolitical significance. “Iran is perceived as a threat because they did not obey the orders of the United States. Militarily this threat is irrelevant. This country has not behaved aggressively beyond its borders for centuries. Israel invaded Lebanon with the blessing and help of the U.S. five times in thirty years. Iran has not done anything like this,” he says.´ Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – How Wars Are Born: China versus the U.S. – Shamus Cooke

The corporate controlled New York Times published a revealing article about how U.S. foreign policy really works, and why. The motive behind the sincerity is that China’s foreign policy was being attacked. However, the article soon made it clear that China’s policy is the same as the U.S.’s : dominating regions that are of “economic (corporate) interest” — raw materials, cheap labor, shipping lanes, markets, etc. — through military buildup. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – The CIA Coup That Kept America on the Road of Militarism – Read More Here

USS LIBERTY: The Fifth Fleet Sacrifice – Why did it happen?

A review of the USS Liberty story explains a lot of how and why we have arrived at the state and conditions in which we currently find America and its governance! Vis: Read More Here

(DesertPeace) – Playing Peace to Target Iran

Obama needs Palestine merely to pursue his scheme to isolate Iran, says Khalid Amayreh cynically in occupied Jerusalem Read More Here

(Guardian) – Afghanistan forces face four more years of combat, warns Nato official

Nato’s top civilian official in Afghanistan warns of further deaths in ‘very tough year’ for British and other foreign troops Read More Here

(AFP) – Iran warns Israel against attacking Syria

Iran will “cut off Israel’s feet” if the Jewish state attacks Damascus, Iranian Vice President Mohammad Rida Rahimi vowed on Friday at the end of a two-day visit to key regional ally Syria. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Turmoil in Iraq threatens US withdrawal plans

Iraq continues to be embroiled in its messy post-election coalition-building process. It has become so messy that the US may well be rethinking its withdrawal plans, and particularly its withdrawal of all combat troops at the end of August. Read More Here

(Aletho) – US: We stand by Israel at UN

Washington has invariably invoked the veto power to block the UN resolutions against the Israeli aggression on the Palestinians and the regime’s building up the occupied lands. Read More Here

See Also:

April 30th’s ‘World War’ News – Click Here

World War

(JoongAngDaily) – North Korea Makes Major Troop Shift, Postures For Direct Attack

The North Korean military has recently altered its wartime contingency plans against South Korea to concentrate on attacking the Seoul metropolitan region, a military source said yesterday. South Korean commanders will meet next month to discuss the change and their response to it. Read More Here

(JTA) – Abrams: U.S. must address Iran’s threat to Israel

A former Bush administration official said he hopes the United States will address the Iranian president’s threat to “wipe Israel off the map.”
“Israelis are living under the threat of annihilation every day,” Elliot Abrams, the Bush administration’s National Security Council senior director for Near East and North African Affairs, said April 25 at the Baltimore Zionist District’s “U.S.-Israel Relations In A New Era” symposium, the Baltimore Jewish Times reported. “If the world does not act, I believe Israel will act, and I hope the U.S. will.”
“We keep saying it’s unacceptable for Iran to have a bomb, but we don’t mean it. We mean it’s terrible, we don’t want it. But when Israel says it’s unacceptable, they mean it.”
Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – Ahmadinejad calls UN veto power ‘satanic tool’ – Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – Chavez accuses US plane of `electronic warfare’

Without giving details, he said Venezuela’s military intelligence intercepted a conversation between the pilot and air traffic controllers in the northern Colombian city of Barranquilla. The aircraft conducted espionage operations, he said. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Iran a Threat? I Mean, Really? – Ray McGovern

With all the current hype about the “threat” from Iran, it is time to review the record – and especially the significant bits and pieces that find neither ink nor air in our Israel-friendly Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). Read More Here

(WSWS) – US military escalates its dirty war in Afghanistan

The New York Times reported Sunday that American special forces units are operating in and around the Afghan city of Kandahar, assassinating or capturing alleged leaders and militants of the Taliban resistance ahead of the major US-NATO offensive scheduled for June. Read More Here

(HumanRightsWatch) – Iraq: Detainees Describe Torture in Secret Jail

Detainees in a secret Baghdad detention facility were hung upside-down, deprived of air, kicked, whipped, beaten, given electric shocks, and sodomized, Human Rights Watch said today. Iraq should thoroughly investigate and prosecute all government and security officials responsible, Human Rights Watch said. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Iraq Today: Afflicted by Violence, Devastation, Corruption, and Devastation – Stephen Lendman

Seven years under occupation, Iraqis still cope with what Refugees International calls “a dire humanitarian crisis that sees huge numbers of displaced (and other Iraqis) struggl(ing) to survive,” a situation “for which the US bears special responsibility” but does nothing to correct. Read More Here

(RawStory) – Syria,Iran arm Hezbollah with improved missiles: US

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Tuesday accused Iran and Syria of arming Hezbollah with increasingly sophisticated rockets and missiles, saying the militia’s arsenal undermined stability in the region. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Iranian Jet Follows U.S. Aircraft Carrier – Continue reading

World War

(KabulPress) – American military creating an environmental disaster in Afghan countryside (Part 1 of 3)

The American military presence in Afghanistan consists of fleets of aircraft, helicopters, armored vehicles, weapons, equipment, troops and facilities. Since 2001, they have generated millions of kilograms of hazardous, toxic and radioactive wastes. The Kabul Press asks the simple question:
“What have the Americans done with all that waste?” Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – If Abdulmutallab Trained With Al-Qaeda, Why Did The U.S. Government Let Him On A Plane?

Fuming with the evisceration of the ludicrous official story behind the Detroit plane bomber incident, the dubious Pentagon front IntelCenter has released a video tape which allegedly shows Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab training with “Al-Qaeda” in Yemen. Unfortunately, the tape still fails to explain why the U.S. government intentionally let a known terror suspect board a commercial airliner. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran slams silence on US nuke threat

Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani has condemned international human rights groups for remaining tight-lipped on the recent nuclear threat made by the US against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – A US-Sponsored Terror Network: Death Squads in Afghanistan

It should no longer be a matter of dispute that US Special Forces in Afghanistan are responsible for an increasing number of murders, whether part of targeted extra-judicial killings or the result of bad intelligence. From the attack on a bridal shower in Gardez on February 12, 2010 that killed numerous civilians, including two pregnant women, to the growing list of executions of insurgents in the Kandahar area, Special Forces have become the US military version of death squads. Read More Here

(Dawn) – Over 700 killed in 44 drone strikes in 2009

PESHAWAR: Of the 44 predator strikes carried out by US drones in the tribal areas of Pakistan over the past 12 months, only five were able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but at the cost of over 700 innocent civilians. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Underwear Patsy Appears in al-Qaeda Video

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the bedazzled underwear non-bomber, has debuted in an al-Qaeda video. The cartoonish video of black-clad Muslims running around in the desert firing Kalashnikovs is intended to underscore Abdulmutallab’s assertion — according to the FBI — that “others like me” are ready to wage holy war against the United States. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Iran’s elite force expanding influence in Venezuela, claims Pentagon

Hugo Chávez dismisses as a ‘disgrace’ the US report claiming Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is making inroads into Latin America Read More Here

(C-Span) – Video: Robert Gates & Ehud Barak Press Conference – Continue reading

US threatens Iran with all options

(PressTV) – Washington says “all options are on the table” in dealing with Tehran, in a veiled threat, which refers to a new US nuclear policy.

During a Sunday address to attendees of a Pentagon briefing, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates touched on the newly-crafted Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), under which the Obama administration promises not to use nuclear weapons against states that do not possess nuclear warheads, with the exception of Iran. Continue reading

World War

(Xinhua) – Iran plans to produce missile systems similar to Russia S-300: official – Read More Here

(ArabTimes) – Israel releases Hamas minister; 7,500 Palestinians remain under detention

Israel on Wednesday released a Hamas minister after three years of imprisonment. Hamas said in a press statement that that Wasfi Kabaha, minister of state for separation wall and settlements affairs, was released from the southern Israeli prison of Negev and returned to his home in the West Bank village of Barta’a near Jenin. Read More Here

(IrishTimes) – Sarkozy orders Bill banning full Islamic veils – Read More Here

(Dawn) – Early Afghan pullout would be worse than 9/11: Merkel

Leaving Afghanistan too soon would be “far more disastrous” than 9/11 due to the risk of extremists acquiring nuclear materials, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday, defending an unpopular mission. Read More Here

(RiaNov) – Drills in Far East to involve warships of three Russian fleets

Warships of three Russian fleets will meet in the Sea of Japan during large-scale military exercises in the Far East, a Pacific Fleet source told RIA Novosti on Friday. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – The Korean Maritime Crisis Goes Suicidal: Damn the Torpedos? Read More Here

(Yonhap) – N. Korea to carry out freezing of S. Korean assets over four days next week Read More Here

(IPS) – U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat

The Barack Obama administration’s declaration in its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) that it is reserving the right to use nuclear weapons against Iran represents a new element in a strategy of persuading Tehran that an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites is a serious possibility if Iran does not bow to the demand that it cease uranium enrichment. Read More Here

(RawStory) – Syria providing ‘wider array’ of missiles to Hezbollah: US – Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Afghan ‘Exit Strategy’ Won’t Involve Removing Any Troops – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Iraq, Afghan wars drop bombs on US image abroad as Obama’s fame fades – Video Link Here

(FarsNews) – Iran Stresses Preparedness to Repel Enemy Attacks

The massive wargames conducted by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Persian Gulf showed that any enemy threats against the country will be reciprocated by Iran’s powerful response, a senior Iranian official said on Saturday. Read More Here

(OGJ) – Saboteurs hit Iraq’s northern oil pipeline, halting exports

Iraqi oil exports have been cut due to sabotage along the northern pipeline system, according to officials who say repairs could take up to a week. The 970-km line transports crude oil from the country’s Kirkuk fields to Turkey’s Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. Read More Here

(TrubuneMedia) – Lies and Wars – William Pfaff

It is a dismaying reflection that the facilitator of major violence thus far in the twenty-first century have been lies told by democratic governments. The lies are continuing to be told, about the supposed “existential” menace posed by Iran to Israel, America and (if you believe some European leaders) to Western Europe. Read More Here

(Reuters) – No Sign Scuds Moved to Lebanon – U.S. Officials

Doubts are growing within the U.S. defence and intelligence community about allegations that long-range Scud missiles from Syria have been shipped to the Hezbollah guerrilla group in neighbouring Lebanon, U.S. officials said on Thursday. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Bulldozers return to destroy children’s playground in Beit Jala. Six activists arrested

Israeli bulldozers today destroyed a garden and children’s playground in Beit Jala, and 100 fruit and olive trees in Al Walaja, both in the Bethlehem district, to make way for the continued construction of their illegal apartheid wall. Read More Here

(PopularMechanics) – Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America’s New Global Strike Weapon

The mission: Attack anywhere in the world in less than an hour. But is the Pentagon’s bold program a critical new weapon for hitting elusive targets, or a good way to set off a nuclear war? Read More Here

(AntiWar) – US Rules Out Removing Its Nukes From Europe

Despite increased calls from European officials to remove them, the United States today ruled out moving its hundreds of “battlefield nukes” from Europe, insisting that they must remain to ensure that Europe shares the “nuclear risks and responsibilities.” Read More Here

(TheStar) – Tony Blair Stands Accused – Malaysia must not allow this mass murderer to be immune from justice

It is distressing to note that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been invited to Malaysia as an honoured guest of an NGO when he stands accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity by many learned and independent scholars of international law. Read More Here

World War

(C-Span) – Ron Paul: Today’s Conversation Was Nothing But War Propaganda!

(AsiaTimes) – US warms to strike on Iran

“With sufficient foreign assistance, Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile [ICBM] capable of reaching the United States by 2015,” claimed a Pentagon report that was declassified on Monday. The almost simultaneous timing of two key recent revelations – this and Israeli accusations that Syria had transferred Scud missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon – has contributed to a fresh escalation of tensions in the Middle East and to speculation that the stage is being set for a military show-down. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Iran shows off ‘high destruction’ speed boats in war games

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards launched a new “ultra-fast” boat capable of causing severe destruction after testing it during a three-day military drill. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Wave of Bombings Kills Dozens in Iraq

A series of bombings on Friday struck mosques, a market and a shop in Baghdad, as well as the homes of a prosecutor and police officers in western Iraq on Friday, killing dozens, only five days after a joint Iraqi-American raid killed the country’s top two Al Qaeda leaders. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – NKorea says it will seize 5 SKorean assets

North Korea said Friday it will confiscate five South Korean-owned properties at a jointly-operated mountain resort in the isolated communist country, a development likely to worsen already-soured relations. Read More Here

(Aletho) – US: All Options on the Table Against Syria

Though they have admitted once again that they still haven’t actually got any proof that any such thing happened, the US State Department insisted today that “all options are on the table” with respect to retaliating against Syria over its alleged delivery of Scud missiles to Hezbollah. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Iran’s military begins large-scale war games

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard has begun three days of major military manoeuvres in the Gulf and Strait of Hormuz Read More Here

(Reuters) – North Korea torpedoed South’s navy ship: report

South Korea’s military believes a torpedo fired from a North Korean submarine sank its navy ship last month, based on intelligence gathered jointly with the United States, a news report said on Thursday. Read More Here

(GaryNullShow) – Video: Gerald Celente : They are taking us to the Great War Continue reading

World War

(GlobalResearch) – Uprisings against the New World Order: Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, and Revolution – Shamus Cooke

Are revolutions happening in Thailand and Kyrgyzstan? Are they instead “uprisings”? Does it matter? The distinction is important insofar as it helps to educate others inspired by these recent events, with hopes to radically change their own political and economic systems. Read More Here

(NewsHoggers) – Chasing News That Isn’t News – The Latest Scare Story About Iran: Missiles Targeting US by 2015

Today, the papers are full of a claim that the new Ballistic Missile Defense Review Report (PDF) from the US Dept. of Defense says Iran could have the missile capability to reach the U.S. by 2015. You’ll find the claim being repeated by the UK’s rightwing Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph, by NewsMax, Israel’s press, Pakistan’s “Dawn”, ABC News, Reuters and more. Read More Here

(ForeignPolicy) – More Hype About Iran? – Read More Here

(AFP) – US military option against Iran still on table: Pentagon

US military action against Iran has not been ruled out, a Pentagon spokesman said Wednesday, after a top official said such an option was off the table in the “near term.” Read More Here

(DangerRoom) – U.S. Soldier on 2007 Apache Attack: What I Saw

Ethan McCord had just returned from dropping his children at school earlier this month, when he turned on the TV news to see grainy black-and-white video footage of a soldier running from a bombed-out van with a child in his arms. It was a scene that had played repeatedly in his mind the last three years, and he knew exactly who the soldier was. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Afghan War: “No Blood for Opium”

The Hidden Military Agenda is to Protect the Drug Trade – Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Democracy and depleted uranium

When my sister, 101st Airborne Army Capt. Chaplain Fran E. Stuart, returned from Iraq, she was forever changed.

Not only had the desert sand, gun blasts and heat penetrated her psyche during her one-year deployment, but a carcinogen had made its way into her body as well. Unbeknown to her, the carcinogen was making a home in my sister’s body, along with the Anthrax vaccine, depleted uranium, burn pit smoke and contaminated water dished up at every meal. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Their homes reduced to rubble

ISRAELI FORCES carried out several major home demolition operations on Wednesday, April 14, within three separate areas in the occupied West Bank. The demolitions left dozens of people homeless in Hares (near the northern town of Tulkarem); and the towns of Beit Sahour and al-Khader near Bethlehem. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – US Vows New Sanctions Against Iran in ‘Weeks’

Much as they did several times last week, and several times the week before that, and indeed innumerable times this year, last year, and the year before that, the US today vowed that there would be new sanctions against Iran in a matter of weeks. Read More Here

Video: The Road to Total War

From Napoleon to Nagasaki, The Road to Total War charts how the social, economic and technological developments of the last two hundred years have made warfare so efficient that it can now destroy us all.

Part one of the six-part series War, hosted by Gwynne Dyer, examining the nature, evolution and consequences of modern warfare. Continue reading

World War

(Wired) – Joint Chiefs Chair: No, No, No. Don’t Attack Iran

We are all screwed if Iran gets a nuke. And we may be just as screwed if the United States attacks Iran to keep Tehran from getting that nuke.

Okay, I’m paraphrasing a bit. But that’s the core of the message from America’s top military officer, who reiterated today his canyon-deep reservations about any military solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis. Sure, U.S. strikes might set back Tehran’s atomic weapons program — for a while. But the “unintended consequences” of a hit on Iran’s nuclear facilities could easily outweigh the benefits of that delay, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen told a forum at Columbia University. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Benjamin Netanyahu Urges ‘Crippling Sanctions’ Against Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (neh-ten-YAH’-hoo) is calling for “crippling sanctions” against Iran to prevent it from developing a nuclear weapons capability. Read More Here

(Aletho) – Barak: “The Only Way out of Iran Crises is a Bold Israeli Move”

Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio on Monday that the only way out of the current “stalemate” with Iran is a bold Israeli move, adding that he felt that Iran did not pose an “immediate existential threat” to Israel. Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Video: Pentagon chief raises threat of attack as Iran taunts US with missile display

The Pentagon was ratcheting up pressure for military action against Iran last night as America’s top uniformed official said for the first time that a strike on nuclear targets would “go a long way” towards delaying Tehran’s uranium enrichment programme. View Video Here

(LATimes) – Secret Prison Revealed in Baghdad

Hundreds of Sunni men disappeared for months into a secret Baghdad prison under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki’s military office, where many were routinely tortured until the country’s Human Rights Ministry gained access to the facility, Iraqi officials say.Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Pentagon’s Fantasy Numbers on Afghan Civilian Deaths

“The American public is conditionally tolerant of [military] casualties and consistently indifferent to collateral damage” Dr. Karl P. Mueller, School of Advanced Airpower Studies, Maxwell Air Force Base
The Politics of Counting Dead Afghan Civilians: Responses by the Libertarian Right and Obama Liberals to McChrystal’s Numbers Read More Here

(Reuters) – Mullen: Military “Options” Exist for Dealing with Iran

The nation’s top military officer said Sunday that military options existed to try to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon but that diplomatic efforts were the best way forward now. Read More Here

(AFP) – Afghanistan: More than 100 dead in bloody week

More than 100 people including dozens of civilians were killed in violence related to Afghanistan’s ongoing war against the Taliban in the past week, authorities said Sunday. Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Israel warns Syria over Hezbollah attacks “We’ll return Syria to the Stone Age”

Israel has delivered a secret warning to Syrian President Bashar Assad that it will respond to missile attacks from Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese-based Islamist group, by launching immediate retaliation against Syria itself. Read More Here

(ConsortiumNews) – Lie to Congress; Get Fourth Star – Cyber-Warfare Chief’s Deception – Ray McGovern

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander may well be harboring the proverbial thought attributed to prevaricator Oliver North upon being spared punishment — and instead getting rewarded handsomely — for lying about the Iran-Contra Affair: “Is this a great country or what!” Read More Here

(AntiFascistCalling) – The Pentagon’s Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a “Legitimate” Target – Tom Burghardt

When U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates launched Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) last June, the memorandum authorizing its stand-up specified it as a new “subordinate unified command” under U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), one that “must be capable of synchronizing warfighting effects across the global security environment as well as providing support to civil authorities and international partners.” Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Why “Blackwater” is behind suicide bombings in Pakistan – Webster Tarpley – Continue reading

World War

(CampaignIran) – Full text of Iran’s letter of complaint to the UN over US threats of nuclear attack – Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – Ahmadinejad calls for U.S. to destroy its nuclear arsenal first

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad drew applause at a nuclear disarmament conference in Tehran attended by representatives of 60 countries when he called for the destruction of all atomic weapons, starting with those in the U.S. arsenal. Read More Here

(YNet) – Report: Israel threatens to send Syria back to Stone Age

According to report in Sunday Times, Israeli minister said if Hezbollah dares to attack with ballistic missiles, responsibility will fall on Syria’s shoulders, Israel will mercilessly attack strategic targets. ‘Assad playing with fire,’ says minister, according to British paper Read More Here

(DailyTelegraph) – Iran calls US ‘the world’s only atomic criminal’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used an international conference in Tehran to condemn the US as the “world’s only atomic criminal”. Read More Here

(AFP) – Scud allegations may prompt Israeli raid: Hezbollah

US concern over allegations that Syria has been supplying Scud missiles to Hezbollah serves to encourage Israel to attack Lebanon, the Lebanese Shiite militant group said on Saturday.

(RawStory) – US Afghan commander: ‘We have too many contractors’

The US commander in Afghanistan said Friday that the military is wasting money by employing too many private contractors to do jobs better done by soldiers or local Afghans. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Gen McChrystal: No Proof Iran Sending Fighters or Weapons to Afghanistan

Says Some Taliban May Have Trained Inside Iran Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Mezan Center: “Israel Deliberately Killed Reuters Cameraman”

On the third anniversary of his death, the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reported that the Israeli army deliberately shot and killed Palestinian cameraman, working for Reuters, Fadel Shana’a, 23, in the Gaza Strip. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – America and the Dictators From Ngo Dinh Diem to Hamid Karzai

The crisis has come suddenly, almost without warning. At the far edge of American power in Asia, things are going from bad to much worse than anyone could have imagined. The insurgents are spreading fast across the countryside. Corruption is rampant. Local military forces, recipients of countless millions of dollars in U.S. aid, shirk combat and are despised by local villagers. American casualties are rising. Our soldiers seem to move in a fog through a hostile, unfamiliar terrain, with no idea of who is friend and who is foe. Read More Here

(BBC) – Video: Evidence Israel’s nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

(NHTruth) – Veterans of “Wikileaks” Incident Announce “Letter of Reconciliation” To Iraqis Injured In Attack

Two former soldiers from the Army unit responsible for the Wikileaks “Collateral Murder” incident have written an open-letter of “Reconciliation and Responsibility” to those injured in the July 2007 attack, in which U.S. forces wounded two children and killed over a dozen people, including the father of those children and two Reuters employees.

Ethan Mccord and Josh Stieber deployed to Baghdad with Bravo Company 2-16 in 2007. Ethan was on the ground at the scene of the shooting, and is seen on the video rushing one of the injured children to a U.S. Vehicle; “When I saw those kids, all I could picture was my kids back home”. Ethan applied for mental health support following this incident and was denied by his commanding officer. Read More Here

(StopNato) – NATO: Pentagon’s Gateway Into Former Warsaw Pact, Soviet Nations – Rick Rozoff

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in April of 1949 by a country not on the European continent, the United States, and eleven subordinates which had fought on both sides of the World War that had ended four years earlier: Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. Greece and Turkey were added in 1952 after their service in the Korean War and West Germany joined in 1955. Read More Here

(TheIndependent) – Afghanistan: A conspiracy of silence

An IoS poll shows 77 per cent of Britons want our forces to come home and a majority believe our presence makes UK streets less safe from terrorist attack. Yet all three parties are ducking this most critical issue Read More Here

(MinorityPerspective) – Iran rightfully calls for America to be suspended from IAEA

The leader of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rightfully called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to suspend America for constantly threatening to use nuclear weapons against his country and other states; and his bold stance could be a significant opportunity for the non-European world to stand up to western terrorism. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Chossudovsky: Obama, Not Osama, is Threat Number One to Global Security – Continue reading

Video: America Can Exist Just Fine Without Israel! But Israel CANNOT Exist Without America! – Jack Cafferty

(CNN) – April 16, 2010 Continue reading

World War

(WashingtonPost) – Iraq’s Ayad Allawi warns of sectarian war, says U.S. must aid reconciliation

Former prime minister Ayad Allawi, whose bloc won the largest number of seats in Iraq’s March 7 parliamentary elections, warned Wednesday that the country could slide into a sectarian war if his group is shut out of the next government and said the United States should work more aggressively to prevent that from happening. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Syria: Israel’s Scud accusation may be pretense for attack

Israel might be preparing a military strike against Syria by accusing Damascus of supplying Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon with long-range Scud missiles, the Syrian government said on Thursday. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran: Thank West for Israeli crimes

Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations has lashed out at the Western countries for their “full-fledged support” of Israel. Read More Here

(ThePeoplesVoice) – WikiLeaks Video – The Greater Horror

There they are, the people who brought you every bit of the action in the WikiLeaks video and all of the other horrors flowing from invasion of Iraq. Madeleine Albright (far right, above), former Clinton Secretary of State, is a good place to start. From 60 Minutes:

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it. —60 Minutes (5/12/96)

An exhaustive study found that 227,000 children under five (table 13) died during the George H.W. Bush – Bill Clinton regime of total sanctions against Iraq from 1990 through 2000. Read More Here

(AsiaTimes) – Israel Evades ‘Ambush’ at Nuclear Summit

PM Benjamin Netanyahu decided at the last moment to cancel his attendance Read More Here

(RawStory) – WikiLeaks Plans to Post Video Showing US Massacre of Afghani Civilians

The whisteblower website WikiLeaks — which exploded onto the national stage earlier this month after it released avideo recording showing US servicemembers shooting two reporters and six others to death — says they plan to release another, even more harrowing clip. Collateral Murder was the title give to the project which released the video earlier this month and can be viewed by going to the following link: Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Obama Threatens Iran with Nuclear War

In his latest statements, President Obama has expressively warned Iran against an imminent nuclear strike. The surprising remarks by the politician who snatched the Nobel Peace Prize for his conciliatory stance in recent years, violated the UN Charter and astounded public opinion. Read More Here

(ZimbabweHerald) – AFRICOM and the Recolonization of Africa

The hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that today divide Africa into 50 plus irregular nations under Eurocentric subjugation all started in Berlin, Germany on November 15, 1884. Read More Here

Video: DC nuclear summit was “a smokescreen”

(RussiaToday) – Obama is masking the real issues over nuclear weapons by presenting the idea that nuclear terrorism is a major threat, shared Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Canadian Centre for Research on Globalization.
“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is not able to constitute intelligence as set by the CIA,” Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”
Video Link Here

‘Iran to go nuclear within month’

(JerusalemPost) – Iran will join the global nuclear club within one month, according to the deputy research chief of the Islamic Republic’s Atomic Energy of Iran (AEOI). Continue reading

MSM: Equating Iran nukes with Holocaust highlights Israel’s isolation

(Haaretz) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the official ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday to warn about the Iranian threat. “The world gradually accepts Iran’s statements of destruction against Israel and we still do not see the necessary international determination to stop Iran from arming,” Netanyahu said, calling on “all enlightened countries” to strongly condemn Iran and act with “genuine determination” to prevent it from building nuclear weapons. Continue reading

MSM: Ahmadinejad urges U.N. to probe 9/11 attacks

“The minimum expectation from your excellency is to set up an independent and trusted fact-finding group to comprehensively investigate the real factors behind September 11,”
(AFP) – Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, asking him to launch an investigation into the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, news reports said on Monday. Continue reading

World War

(Haaretz) – Medvedev: Israeli strike on Iran could cause a global catastrophe

An Israeli strike of Iran’s nuclear facilities could spark a nuclear conflict, which could spiral into a global catastrophe, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told ABC on Monday, adding that he supported what he called “smart” sanctions on Tehran as part of attempt to make it abandon its nuclear program. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Netanyahu: Iran wants to destroy Israel and the world remains silent

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres used the platform at yesterday’s Holocaust Remembrance Day memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem to urge countries around the world to work unwaveringly to stop Iran’s nuclear program. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – 1974 CIA Estimate Declared, “We Believe That Israel Already Has Produced Nuclear Weapons.”

Yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu abruptly announced that he has decided not attend President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, sending Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor in his place.  The Washington Post reported this was due to concern over “Arab criticism of Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal.”  Attempting to be topical, I’m reposting this 1974 CIA document in which the Agency declared, “We believe that Israel already has produced nuclear weapons.” Read More Here

(AFP) – US slaps import duties on Chinese steel pipe

The United States has slapped trade sanctions on a billion dollars worth of Chinese pipes, the Commerce Department said Friday just days before Chinese President Hu Jintao visits Washington. Read More Here

(VOANews) – US Says Iranian Nuclear Announcement Shows Nefarious Intentions

The Iranian move came a day after world powers began negotiations on a new U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Tehran. Read More Here

(IsraelNationalNews) – Iranian Spy for CIA: ‘Weak West’ Will Cause War with Iran

The American-led “engagement” policies towards Iran is going to result in the very war it wants to prevent, according to an Iranian CIA spy. He says the only way to prevent a possible nuclear war with Iran is to attack the country now. Read More Here

(IsraelNationalNews) – Think Tank Speculates War Could Break Out with Syria

The increasingly open threats made by Syrian leaders and members of the Hizbullah terrorist group in Lebanon have led analyst David Schenker of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) think tank to warn that war may be on the horizon. In addition, he noted, a future war could include Syria and not only its proxy Hizbullah: in February, Syrian leaders said Syria would not “sit idly by” in case of another war with Israel. Read More Here

(AP) – Iran says new US policy a nuclear threat

Iran’s supreme leader said Sunday that President Barack Obama has “implicitly threatened” his country with nuclear weapons in a newly outlined U.S. policy and Tehran said it intends to file a formal complaint with the U.N. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?

The language of violence always presages violence. I watched it in war after war from Latin America to the Balkans. The impoverishment of a working class and the snuffing out of hope and opportunity always produce angry mobs ready to kill and be killed. Read More Here

(RawStory) – ‘All bets are off’ if US under WMD attack: Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday the United States could not rule out using nuclear weapons if it came under biological attack, saying in that case “all bets are off.” Read More Here

(DavidRothscum) – Evidence that Depleted Uranium is intended as a weapon of genocide

Now that the horrors of Depleted Uranium are being revealed to the world, we can expect for apologists to begin moving into the next phase of damage control within the coming months. It will likely be claimed that the depopulation of much of the Middle East was an unfortunate result of the DU that the Pentagon used because it was not aware of the health effects it would have. Read More Here

Video: Gordon Brown paid for Depleted Uranium Weapons – Video Link Here

World War

(Reuters) – Iraq anti-US cleric Sadr urges unity vs Americans

Anti-U.S. cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, likely to be a key player in forming a new Iraqi government following elections last month, urged Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims on Friday to unite to oust American troops. Read More Here

(PressTV) – US may retain 90 nukes on Iran border

As Washington and Moscow sign a new arms reduction treaty, skepticism arises in Turkey as to whether those cuts will include US atomic warheads stored in the country. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – U.S. Pushes for Somalia Offensive, But Settles for Starving Somali Civilians

The American-backed offensive in Somalia was supposed to be underway by now, based on months of Pentagon-planted stories in the corporate press. But there is, as yet, no offensive, because the puppet regime doesn’t even have enough soldiers to hang on to its little corner of Somalia’s capital city, Mogadishu. This is a big problem for the Obama administration, which is anxious to expand its imperial offensive from Yemen across the Red Sea to the Horn of Africa. Unfortunately for Washington, its Somali puppets have far too few troops to launch an offensive against anyone. Read More Here

(Independent) – US Moves From Nuclear Arms to Conventional Missiles With Global Reach

While President Barack Obama speaks overseas of his vision of a world without nuclear weapons, his military commanders at home are quietly accelerating a programme to develop and deploy a new class of conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles which will have the capacity to strike targets anywhere in the world within an hour. Read More Here

(Audio) – Obama is the Closest Thing to a Dictator We’ve Ever Had – Mark Levin – Audio Link Here

(TheTimes) – George W. Bush ‘Knew Guantánamo Prisoners Were Innocent’

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of innocent men were sent to the Guantánamo Bay prison camp because they feared that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War on Terror, according to a new document obtained by The Times. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – PTSD, Infertility and other Consequences of War

PTSD and its effects on U.S. soldiers and their families is a ghastly story with no end. PTSD is, in large part, though, an entirely Pentagon, or American war machine, inflicted wound. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Kyrgyzstan: The not so great game

America’s collusion with corruption and Russia’s cheerleading have played out in the unravelling chaos of Kyrgyzstan Read More Here

(SantiagoTimes) – Bolivia’s Morales Invites Greater Russian Presence In Latin America

Bolivian President Evo Morales on Sunday confirmed that during a recent meeting with Russian Prime Minister Putin in Venezuela he asked for a “greater Russian presence in Latin America” and especially in Bolivia. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Ahmadinejad: Iran world’s most powerful country – Read More Here

World War

(CounterPunch) – The Cover-Ups That Exploded

The Pentagon is reeling after two lethal episodes uncovered by diligent journalism show trigger-happy U.S. Army helicopter pilots and U.S. Special Forces slaughtering civilians, then seeking to cover up their crimes. Read More Here

(IND) – US moves from nuclear arms to conventional missiles with global reach

While President Barack Obama speaks overseas of his vision of a world without nuclear weapons, his military commanders at home are quietly accelerating a programme to develop and deploy a new class of conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles which will have the capacity to strike targets anywhere in the world within an hour. Read More Here

( April 8 ) – Video: Alex Takes Calls About Military Abuse in Iraq – Part 1 Here, Part 2, Part 3

(AlJazeera) – Video: Iraq Outrage Over US Killing Video – Video Link Here

(PressTV) – Turkey move deters Netanyahou from nuclear meet

The Israeli Prime Minister has decided not to partake in the forthcoming Nuclear Security Summit in Washington over Egypt and Turkey’s plan to file a motion demanding that Tel Aviv open its nuclear facilities for international inspection. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Kyrgyzstan moves to shut US-run Menas air base

Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders have said they intend to remove a US military base, which currently serves as the premier air mobility hub for the US-led forces in Afghanistan, from their soil. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Cancer patients on the rise in Gaza

Dr. Yousef Ibrahim, the head of the environment quality authority, said on Tuesday that the number of cancer and kidney failure patients in the Gaza Strip is on the rise as a result of the Israeli use of depleted uranium and phosphorus bombs in the war on Gaza last year. Read More Here

Video: BlackWater mercenaries slaughtering unarmed civilians… Video Link Here

(Uruknet) – Israeli Tanks Invade Northern Areas Of The Gaza Strip And Destroy Farm Lands

A number of Israeli tanks and bulldozers invaded on Wednesday midday farm lands close to the northern Gaza Strip boarders with Israeli and destroyed farm lands.

The lands are privately owned by Palestinian farmers from the nearby town of Jabalya, local sources reported.

Witnesses said that tanks advanced 500 meters inside the border area and opened fire at residents’ homes while bulldozers destroyed crops and trees. No injuries were reported. – Source: Uruknet

(LewRockwell) – Evidence That Iran Is Developing Nukes? Don’t Expect Any This Time Around

Scarcely a day goes by anymore without some cocksure Israeli cabinet member or loudmouthed American “diplomat” sounding the alarm that Iran is covertly trying to develop nuclear weapons. We hear ominous warnings that the Western world will suddenly be at risk of complete annihilation by those crazy Ayatollahs, should they succeed in their quest to develop the bomb. “No one will be safe!” they cry, “Because, in addition to being hell-bent on incinerating Israel in a nuclear holocaust, those lunatic Iranians might even launch nuclear strikes against other Western countries! We have to crush and kill the Iranians right now, before they finish building their bombs – even if that means making the United States the single most despised country in the world.” – Read More Here

(AllGov) – NATO Admits U.S. Forces Killed Innocent Pregnant Women in Afghanistan

U.S. Special Operations commandoes in February mistakenly killed five Afghans, including two pregnant women, and then tried to cover up their mistake. An investigation by NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) determined that American and Afghan special forces arrived at the village of Khataba in Paktia province on February 12, entered a residential compound, and opened fire on two men—a police officer and a local prosecutor—because “they showed what appeared to be hostile intent by being armed,” according to the investigation. The two pregnant women, along with an 18-year-old girl, were also killed by the gunfire. Read More Here

(Aljazeera) – Video: Opposition usurps power in Kyrgyzstan Continue reading