Climate Realism: Not to Be Denied Any Longer

(TheAmericanCulture) – Last week’s meeting of 700+ scientists, policymakers, and concerned citizens in Chicago to discuss the science and economics of global warming at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change was a huge success as measured by the intent of its sponsors: to establish once and for all that the climate realist position is increasingly the accepted conclusion among thinking people in the three categories noted above. That position is this: manmade global warming is not a crisis.

Yes, all parties at the conference pretty much agreed that there was a good deal of warming in the 1980s and 1990s, and that the trend stopped and reversed in the current decade. Global temperatures have been falling in recent years, even though the weather stations and other data chosen to represent the official temperature records are in fact skewed to show higher and more-rising temperatures than are actually occurring. Read entire article

See Also:

(NotEvilJustWrong) – UCLA fires professors for reporting real scientific data

James Enstrom, an epidemiologist at the UCLA School of Public Health, was recently fired, because his research “is not aligned with the academic mission of the Department [of Environmental Health Sciences].” Read More Here

(Co2Insanity) – Leading US Physicist Labels Satellitegate Scandal a ‘Catastrophe’

Respected American physicist, Dr Charles R. Anderson has waded into the escalating Satellitegate controversy publishing a damning analysis on his blog. Read More Here

Big Brother: Obama Demands Access to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review – Tom Burghardt

(AntifascistCalling) – The Obama administration is seeking authority from Congress that would compel internet service providers (ISPs) to turn over records of an individual’s internet activity for use in secretive FBI probes.

In another instance where Americans are urged to trust their political minders, The Washington Post reported last month that “the administration wants to add just four words–‘electronic communication transactional records’–to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval.”

Under cover of coughing-up information deemed relevant to espionage or terrorism investigations, proposed changes to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) would greatly expand the volume of private records that can be seized through National Security Letters (NSLs). Continue reading

MSM: ‘Minority Report’ technology used by police to predict crimes

(Telegraph) – Two police forces have begun trialling the sophisticated programme, which has echoes of the Tom Cruise film Minority Report, where psychics are used to stop criminals before they commit a crime.

The system, known as Crush (Criminal Reduction Utilising Statistical History) evaluates crime records, intelligence briefings, offender profiles and even weather reports, to identify potential flashpoints where a crime is most likely to occur. Continue reading

New Footage from Ground Zero Obtained by FOIA

(NorCalTruth) – Earlier this year 9/11 blogger, along with other websites, ran the story of a Freedom of Information Act request that ended up releasing 3,160 electronic records relating to the World Trade Center collapse investigation. It was a small story as there seemed to be very little information on who requested the FOIA, nor had people sifted through the entire release yet. Continue reading

Pentagon revives Rumsfeld-era domestic spying unit

(RawStory) – The Pentagon’s spy unit has quietly begun to rebuild a database for tracking potential terrorist threats that was shut down after it emerged that it had been collecting information on American anti-war activists.

The Defense Intelligence Agency filed notice this week that it plans to create a new section called Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operation Records, whose purpose will be to “document intelligence, counterintelligence, counterterrorism and counternarcotic operations relating to the protection of national security.” Continue reading

MSM: UC Berkeley Asking Incoming Students For DNA

(KTVU) – UC Berkeley is adding something a little different this year in its welcome package — cotton swabs for a DNA sample.

In the past, incoming freshman and transfer students have received a rather typical welcome book from the College of Letters and Science’s “On the Same Page” program, but this year the students will be asked for more.

The students will be asked to voluntarily submit a DNA sample. The cotton swabs will come with two bar code labels. One label will be put on the DNA sample and the other is kept for the students own records. Read More Here

See Also:

(DailyMail) – Parents of under-fives face ‘nanny state’ home inspections to keep children safe

Inspectors will check whether families have installed smoke alarms, stair gates, locks on medicine cupboards, windows and ovens, and fitted temperature controls to stop bath water getting too hot. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Detroit TSA Security Theater

Sam Dodson of OTN did an excellent job as a real journalist — as opposed to a corporate Mockingbird script-reader — when he went to the Detroit Metro airport and confronted the TSA on the Gestapo tactics they employ in airports in order to cow the public into submission. View Video Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: The Militarization of Police

All the time, we hear new horror stories of night raids gone bad, where women, children get hurt, and dogs, get shot. The best example being a raid in Columbia, Missouri just a few weeks ago. Alyona discusses these cases with police militarization expert, Reason Magazine’s Radley Balko. Continue reading

Crisis in New Zealand climatology – The warming that wasn’t

(AlethoNews) – The official archivist of New Zealand’s climate records, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), offers top billing to its 147-year-old national mean temperature series (the “NIWA Seven-station Series” or NSS). This series shows that New Zealand experienced a twentieth-century warming trend of 0.92°C.

The official temperature record is wrong. The instrumental raw data correctly show that New Zealand average temperatures have remained remarkably steady at 12.6°C +/- 0.5°C for a century and a half. NIWA’s doctoring of that data is indefensible. Continue reading

Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US

(NaturalNews) – The United States has become the psychiatric drugging capital of the world for kids with children being medicated at a younger and younger age. Medicaid records in some states show infants less than a year old on drugs for mental disorders. Continue reading

MSM: Arctic Sea Ice Melting Season Posts Latest Start on Record

(Bloomberg) – The extent of sea ice over the Arctic Ocean grew until the last day of March, the latest the annual melting season has begun in 31 years of satellite records, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said. Continue reading


(EarthLink) – Companies say health care costs hard to swallow

The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees because of a change in how the government subsidizes those benefits. Read More Here

(DenverPost) – FLASHBACK: Obama Operative Responsible For Breaking Window To Frame Anti-Obamacare Activists

One of two people suspected of shattering 11 windows Tuesday morning at the state Democratic Party headquarters has an arrest record and a history of helping a Democratic political candidate, public records show. Read More Here

(SouthBendTribune) – Senate Republicans target Pell grants in health care law

After nine straight hours of beating back Republican amendments, Senate Democrats hit a temporary snag Thursday in their drive to rush through a package of fixes to the big health care law signed by President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Conyers Cites Imaginary Constitutional Clause in Defense of Obamacare

It is a sad and frightening commentary on the state of the nation. As the video below demonstrates, our elected representatives are clueless about the Constitution, which they are sworn to uphold. Video Link Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

President Obama’s promise that Americans would still be able to keep the same doctor and the same plan they were on before the health care bill was passed is already collapsing, with businesses, insurance companies and medical device manufacturers jacking up prices in response to Obamacare, and making it clear that the burden of the raft of new taxes imposed by the legislation will fall on Americans across the income spectrum. Continue reading

Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights

(KurtNimmo) – Obama waited until Saturday night to renew the Bill of Rights busting Patriot Act. It was set to expire today. Both the Senate and the House signed off on the extension last week. So called “privacy protections” were dumped when Senate Democrats failed to raise a 60-vote supermajority to pass them. Cast aside were restrictions and greater scrutiny on the government’s authority to spy on Americans and seize their records, the Associated Press reports. Continue reading

HRW slams Obama’s rights records

(PressTV) – Human Rights Watch has blasted US President Barack Obama’s change in “rhetoric” rather than “policies” as US transfers more Guantanamo Bay prisoners to Europe. Continue reading

Senate Approves Patriot Act Reauthorization

(MainJustice) – The Senate endorsed by voice vote Wednesday night legislation that would temporarily extend three Patriot Act provisions set to expire at the end of this month. Continue reading

Bombshell: Goldman Sachs Helped Greece Cover Up Its Huge Debt

NYT is out with a major story by Louise Story, Landon Thomas and Nelson D. Schwartz on how Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other investment banks have helped Greece hide the extent of its debt:

As worries over Greece rattle world markets, records and interviews show that with Wall Street’s help, the nation engaged in a decade-long effort to skirt European debt limits. One deal created by Goldman Sachs helped obscure billions in debt from the budget overseers in Brussels.
Continue reading

MSM: ‘AGW? I refute it THUS!’: Central England Temperatures 1659 to 2009

(Telegraph) – If there’s anyone left you know who STILL believes in Anthropogenic Global Warming, you might want to show them this chart. Continue reading

Decline in Credit Card Debt in the United States – Bob Chapman

Review of Markets – Americans borrowed less for a 10th consecutive month in November with total credit and borrowing on credit cards falling by the largest amounts on records going back nearly seven decades. Continue reading

Global Cooling in 2009

2009 was another year of global cooling, which saw numerous low temperature and high snowfall records smashed. The Dutch canals froze over for the first time in 12 years, record cold came to Al Gore’s home town and ironically a blizzard dumped snow on the Copenhagen convention where world leaders met to try and stop global warming. It was so cold that even the BBC was forced to ask, what happened to global warming? As Climategate would reveal, IPCC scientists had been hard at work hiding evidence of global cooling. Yet the observational evidence cannot be ignored. Continue reading

National Security Establishment Killed JFK In 1963 Coup d’Etat

Researcher and author Jim Marrs and Douglas Horne, former staff member of the Assassination Records and Review Board (ARRB) were guests on the Jeff Rense radio program December 29th for two hours of discussion on Horne’s new book Inside the Assassination Records and Review Board: The U.S.Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Death of JFK. Continue reading

877 new snowfall records set or tied in the USA in the last week

And that’s not all, for the week ending Dec 13th, there were 815 new snowfall records set. December 2009 is shaping up to be quite the snowmaker. Here’s a map showing continental USA records: Continue reading

CIA pulls SWIFT one to get peak at your bank records

European Union governments have given in to the pressure and appear set to make a last-minute agreement with the United States to allow its intelligence agencies to monitor bank accounts and transactions across the bloc. Continue reading

Department Of Energy FOIA Records For Nano-Explosive Materials Development Circa 2001

The following are Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) records provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) pertaining to nano-sized energetic materials research and development circa 2001. Continue reading

MSM: Thousands of guns U.S. sent to Afghanistan are missing

(CNN) – More than one-third of all weapons the United States has procured for Afghanistan’s government are missing, according to a government report released Thursday. Continue reading

MSM: Gold Sets Records as Dollar Declines, Spurring Demand for Metal

(Bloomberg) – Gold rose for an eighth straight session in New York, the longest rally since early 2006, and reached a record as a decline in the dollar sparked demand for the precious metal as an alternative asset. Continue reading

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans’ Private Data Permanently

The National Security Agency is building huge new storage facilities to store the unconstitutionally gained data on the American people’s telephone calls and Internet traffic permanently, including new buildings in suburban Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Antonio, Texas. Continue reading

MSM: Big Brother Britain – £380 a MINUTE spent on tracking your every click online

(DailyMail) – An astonishing £380 a minute will be spent on surveillance in a massive expansion of the Big Brother state. Continue reading

Video: Reality Report – Ron Paul 2012, Verichip bridges Gap, FBI in your Face, Lawless Free State

In this edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi covers a story on the VeriChip moving beyond medical records into the realm of “buying and selling” and a story on the FBI taking advantage of new facial recognition software.

Video Link Here

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Wall Street Ponzi Scheme Continues Unabated

The Dow is at 10,000, the Federal deficit is breaking records, unemployment is skyrocketing and money is cheap ~ so let’s inflate the same debt bubble, continue Wall Street’s derivative Ponzi scheme and let Main Street take the risk while Wall Street takes the profit: Allen L Roland Continue reading

A cold start to fall: over 4500 new snowfall, low temp, and lowest max temp records set in the USA this last week

The Record Events map depicts the official National Weather Service records recorded for the defined date(s) or time period, which includes record high and low temperatures, record high minimum temperatures, record low maximum temperatures, record daily rainfall and record daily snowfall. Source: Hamweather Climate Center and NOAA/NWS Continue reading

FDNY 9/11 Reports: WTC 7 ‘Collapse’ Foreknowledge

These are quotes that reveal foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7- from FDNY reports in the 9/11 Commission records, in Box 18 of the Team 9 (aka Team 8)/New York City Series. Continue reading

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

UN and Interpol officials will meet today to discuss the formation of a “global police force” that would enjoy access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records. The effort will be spearheaded by a man known as “The Enforcer” who helped federal authorities both conduct and cover up the murderous Waco siege which killed 76 people in 1993. Continue reading

MSM: £14billion: That’s the record amount Goldman Sachs staff will get in pay and bonuses

(DailyMail) – City bank Goldman Sachs is expected to confirm tomorrow that bonuses will smash all records in 2009, just a year after the Government rescued the financial system from oblivion. Continue reading

MSM: What happened to global warming?

(BBC) – This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. Continue reading

Investigation Could Sink American Police Force

The plans of American Police Force to boss the $27 million dollar detention center in Hardin Montana as well as expand their presence across the country while training foreign troops inside the U.S. could be mothballed after Montana’s Attorney General launched an investigation and demanded the organization turn over all its records. Continue reading

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

(CNET) – Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet. Continue reading

RAND advises pharmaceutical company on strategies in vaccinating low-income students

The pieces of the pandemic puzzle are coming together as the H1N1 Swine Flu hysteria is reaching new heights.  A largely uncovered white paper published by RAND Corporation in March of 2009, sponsored by pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur, identifies parental consent laws, medical homes, and lack of access to medical records as main barriers “for immunizing low-income adolescents.” The solution proposed to Sanofi Pasteur? Turn schools into a vaccine wonderland. Continue reading

Concentration of wealth in hands of rich greatest on record

(RawStory) – The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans now have a larger share of total income than they ever have in records going back nearly a century — an even larger amount than during the Roaring Twenties, the last time the US saw such similar disparities in wealth. Continue reading

MSM: Paranoid, suspicion, obsessive surveillance – and a land of liberty destroyed by stealth

(DailyMail) – Returning to Britain from a summer holiday abroad, you begin to notice things that perhaps escaped your attention before – the huge number of CCTV cameras that infest our public spaces and, much less obviously, the atmosphere of watchfulness and control that has now become a way of life. Continue reading

Number of People Seeking Vaccination Exemptions Rising

A Team 5 Investigates review of Department of Public Health records finds the number of parents seeking exemptions for immunizations has been steadily rising. The number is growing despite a declining number of kindergarten students over the past decade. Continue reading

Vaccination Myths and Truths

No one should voluntarily or otherwise take any vaccine, let alone one as untested and dangerous as for H1N1. But make no mistake. The dominant global media are readying a high intensity fear-mongering campaign to convince the unwary to jeopardize their health and well-being by doing it. Just say NO!! Continue reading

3,000 Low Temp Records Set This July!

UPDATE: It’s not just the surface land temps — Blog reader Tim points out “Water temps at Frying Pan Shoals (off Cape Fear) fell to 78 degrees a few days ago; NDBC historical data shows this occurs only 0.3% of the time in July!” Here’s a look at the weekly departure from normal sea-surface temperatures: Continue reading