Poison Tap Water

(PaulWatson&Matt Ryan) – Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies. Continue reading

Monsanto’s Roundup – Be Warned

(EnvironmentalHealthNews) – Weed killer kills human cells. Study intensifies debate over ‘inert’ ingredients.

Used in yards, farms and parks throughout the world, Roundup has long been a top-selling weed killer. But now researchers have found that one of Roundup’s inert ingredients can kill human cells, particularly embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells. The new findings intensify a debate about so-called “inerts” the solvents, preservatives, surfactants and other substances that manufacturers add to pesticides. Nearly 4,000 inert ingredients are approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher

Video: Live feeds from Skandi ROV2 – Video Link Here

(BusinessInsider) – BP CEO Hayward Set For Massive $16 Million Payout If He Quits

The sum, to be paid out in 500,000 pound annual installments ($742,700) could end up being higher, according to experts at Hargreaves Landsdowne. Read More Here

(June 21) – Video: Criminal Investigation of BP Staged Oil Spill Vital

Following the rise of sufficient indicators that BP knew about the conditions of its Gulf oil assets prior to the April 20 leak & explosion 62 long days ago and counting, Alex Jones has called for criminal investigations of key figures at BP, inside the White House administration and elsewhere. Further, Alex has urged activists and concerned citizens everywhere to take a proactive approach to dealing with the looming consequences of the massive oil leak. View Video Here

(GlobalResearch) – Wall Street and BP: Can We “Fix” the Oil and Financial Crisis Before It’s Too Late? – Danny Schechter

What’s the Link Between the Two? – Read More Here

(PressTV) – New Gulf oil leak figure: 100,000 bpd

New figures indicate that up to 100,000 barrels of oil a day may be gushing into the sea from BP’s blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Gulf oil spill: A hole in the world

The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism Read More Here

(WPost) – Obama, EPA to push for restoration of Superfund tax on oil, chemical companies

“This is really about who should pay for the cleanup,” said Mathy Stanislaus of the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. “Should it be the taxpayer, who has no responsibility for contaminating the sites, or should it be those individuals who create hazardous substances that contaminate the site?” Read More Here

(Infowars) – BP’s Super Mega Monster Big Gulp: Over $100 Trillion

Over the last two weeks hundreds of news articles have appeared in the mainstream news which have suggested that BP is shortly headed into bankruptcy due to the enormous expenditures they will incur cleaning up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Just four days ago BP executives agreed to establish a $20 billion escrow account to cover claims for damages from the spill off the gulf coast. And BP’s stock price has dropped roughly fifty percent since the offshore explosion, the price now hovering just over $30 per share. Read More Here

(PostCarbon) – Deepwater Horizon: The Worst-Case Scenario – Read More Here

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – Oil reported just offshore Cuba; Forecast “clearly shows the oil moving southeastward” – Read More Here

(WBTV) – Man claims to find oil in oyster at Cornelius restaurant – Read More Here

(June 20) – Video: Alex Gives His Full Report of The BP Gulf Oil Spill “False Flag” Event on Alex Jones Tv

Alex gives his full report on the bp gulf oil spill, and reveals why he is now sure it’s a 100% false flag event to usher in the global carbon tax talked about at the G-20 summit.

Part 1 of 5

Continue reading

Toxic Corexit dispersant chemicals remained secret as feds colluded with Big Business – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – After weeks of silence on the issue, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally decided to go public with the list of ingredients used to manufacture Corexit, the chemical dispersant used by BP in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. There are two things about this announcement that deserve our attention: First, the ingredients that have been disclosed are extremely toxic, and second, why did the EPA protect the oil industry’s “trade secrets” for so long by refusing to disclose these ingredients until now? Continue reading

BP Oil Volcano

(DigitalJournal) – The Bush Adminstration’s Department of Justice Sheltered BP Executives From Criminal Probe

EPA criminal investigator Scott West spent thousands of hours investigating alleged crimes committed by BP — that would have resulted in felony charges — but President Bush’s DoJ abruptly shut his investigation down, sheltering BP executives from prison Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – The Big Picture: Why Was Deepwater Drilling Allowed in the Gulf, And Why Is It So Hard to Stop the Oil Gusher? – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Senator wants corporate welfare for BP

US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee member Lisa Murkowski has urged Congress not to overreact legislatively to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

On May 13, Murkowski and other Republicans blocked Senate Democratic attempts to pass the “Big Oil Bailout Prevention Liability Act” which would cap BP’s liability at $10 billion, even if damages from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill surpass that figure. The company already estimates that the spill will cost $450 million to clean up. Read More Here

(Heidilore) – We Are Witnessing A Marine Life Mass-Murder

80,000 barrels of oil a day?!?!
And every second this continues to go on, our President and our media are desperately scrambling to continue a full-fledged blackout on any shred of truly accurate information. Read More Here

(Discovery) – First Endangered Turtles Found Slathered In Oil

The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle has been on the the Louisiana endangered species list since 1989. “In recent years, the Kemp’s population has slowly started to recover, so we hope to mitigate any decline in this species due to the oil spill,” reported Secretary Robert Barham from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF). Read More Here

(CalgaryHerald) – British Petroleum Accused Of Lies Over Oil Geyser

Mounting frustration and accusations of lying are forcing BP to begin coming clean on what it knows about the severity of the oil geyser which it created. Yesterday the company claimed it was doing everything it could to contain the month-old well leak which is spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientists have claimed all along that BP is trying to hide what many believe is the worst oil spill in U.S. history. The disaster is becoming what some are saying as the most severe environmental and economic catastrophe for the Gulf Coast. Read More Here

(USAToday) – Hurricane season may make spill worse

As hurricane season looms, forecasters, scientists and residents along the Gulf Coast worry that a major storm could make the oil spill worse. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says a hurricane, or a succession of them, may bring oil… Read More Here

(ABCNews) – EPA May Not Force BP to Change Dispersants

A day after the Environmental Protection Agency gave BP 72 hours to start using a “less toxic” dispersant to help control the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the agency told ABC News today it may allow BP to keep using the same chemicals. Read More Here


(Fox) – Scientist Disputes EPA Finding that Carbon Dioxide Poses Threat to Humans

EPA scientists say manmade carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are contributing to a warming of the global climate — and as such represent a threat to human welfare. But a leading climatologist says his research indicates that CO2 poses no threat to human welfare at all, and he says the EPA should revisit its findings. Read More Here

(Fox) – Global Cooling Is Coming — and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, a scientist who has written more than 150 peer-reviewed papers has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon. Read More Here

Air tests from the Louisiana coast reveal human health threats from the oil disaster

(SouthernStudies) – The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher.

Today the Louisiana Environmental Action Network released its analysis of air monitoring test results by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s air testing data comes from Venice, a coastal community 75 miles south of New Orleans in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.

The findings show that levels of airborne chemicals have far exceeded state standards and what’s considered safe for human exposure. Continue reading

Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness

(CNSNews) – A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.

The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, was published by the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health – a combination of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

The report’s overall thrust is for more federally funded research to investigate the alleged links between global warming and public health, including the potentially negative effects from warming and the potentially negative side-effect of green technologies. Read entire article

Health News

(ABCNews) – Flu shots suspended after kids hospitalised

The Western Australian Government has suspended all flu vaccinations for children under five while it investigates a spike in admissions to Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Millions drink toxic water in the USA, but it’s EPA-approved

It has been so long since the federal law regulating tap water has been updated that since 2004, more than one-fifth of the U.S. population has consumed tap water that the government classifies as toxic, but still approves for human consumption.
“People don’t understand that just because water is technically legal, it can still present health risks,” said Pankaj Parekh, director of water quality for the City of Los Angeles. Read More Here

(LaudyMS) – Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality in Hamsters

“This study was just routine,” said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry. Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Food in the U.S. Is Still Tainted with Chemicals That Were Banned Decades Ago

Thirty-eight years after DDT was banned, Americans still consume trace amounts of the infamous insecticide every day, along with more than 20 other banned chemicals. Read More Here

Video: The Chemistry of Monsanto – 100% Safe. Unless… – Shelly Roche

(ByteStyle.TV) – In honor of Earth Day, I thought I’d do a little research on my favorite company… Monsanto. Specifically, the “safety” protocol they used to bring their flagship product, RoundUp weed-killer, to market. Disgusting, really: Continue reading

EPA Institutes Cap-and-Trade for the Auto Industry

(EVMeme) – The buzz so far this week has been about the new EPA (Ever Pretending Aristocrats) and NHTSA (The Roadblockers) standards, which were signed into being Monday. The new rules set emissions standards for both vehicle engine emissions and for the emissions of a manufacturer’s entire fleet (called the CAFE standard). The new rules also set up a cap and trade scheme for CO2 credits within the total fleet of each manufacturer in the U.S. Continue reading

Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week

(CanadaFreePress) – Abandoning all loyalty to the democratic processes this nation holds dear, President Obama has made the decision that getting energy tax legislation through Congress with the approval of the American people is just too much of a pain to bother with. Instead he will have the EPA declare as early as next week that CO2 is a dangerous global warming gas and will start regulating its emissions immediately. Continue reading


(FactsNotFantasy) – Destroying America with the EPA’s Carbon Lies

Lisa Jackson, Obama’s EPA director, has just announced the agency’s new auto regulations of gas mileage based on global warming. In addition, the agency asserts the right to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions under the Clean Air Act. Read More Here

(JoNova) – UK Parliamentary Report busts all climate scientists

The UK Parliamentary Committee was always going to be a whitewash. They put no skeptics on the committee; they interviewed no skeptics; they didn’t ask Steven McIntyre to speak. They tried to put people on the committee like Phillip Campbell, who had already pronounced it was a done deal and ClimateGate was a non-event, but were forced to settle for people who were more covertly sympathetic: “impartial” people like committee chairman Phil Willis, who had already made up his mind in January and announced it in the Telegraph:

“There are a significant number of climate change deniers, who are basically using the UEA emails to support the case this is poor science that has been changed or at worst manipulated. We do not believe this is healthy and therefore we want to call in the UEA so the public can see what they are saying”

Read More Here

(Spiegel) – A Superstorm for Global Warming Research

Plagued by reports of sloppy work, falsifications and exaggerations, climate research is facing a crisis of confidence. How reliable are the predictions about global warming and its consequences? And would it really be the end of the world if temperatures rose by more than the much-quoted limit of two degrees Celsius? Read More Here

(NewsRealBlog) – Global Warming Is a Joke, But Its Propaganda Is No Laughing Matter Read More Here

NaturalNews.com Headlines

(DavidGutierrez) – 90 Percent of High School Kids Lack Sufficient Intake of Fruits, Veggies

Less than 10 percent of high school students in the United States meet the federally recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read More Here

(E. Huff) – EPA may soon require pesticide manufacturers to finally disclose secret toxic ingredients

After 11 years of secrecy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided to reverse a prior decision that allowed pesticide manufacturers to conceal the inert ingredients from their product labels. Since many of these ingredients are toxic, the agency now believes that consumers should know what ingredients are hiding in pesticide products. Read More Here

(DavidGutierrez) – Antidepressants During Pregnancy Cause Premature Birth

Women who take strategic serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants during pregnancy are twice as likely to give birth prematurely as women who do not take the drugs, according to a study published in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine and funded by the Danish Medical Research Council. Read More Here

Herbicide Chemical in Drinking Water Could Pose Much Greater Danger to Health Than Previously Thought

(NaturalNews) – Contamination of drinking water by a common herbicide poses a greater health threat than previously believed, according to a report issued by the nonprofit environmental organization Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Continue reading

Video: EPA Head – No Warming Since 1995 Doesn’t Mean Warming Isn’t Occurring

(SteveWatson) – EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson engaged in doublespeak of the highest degree today as she told reporters that no statistically significant increase in global temperatures since 1995 does not mean that there has not been human induced global warming. Read More Here

MSM: Kangaroos poisoned by fluoride

(ABCNews) – The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says fluoride from Alcoa’s aluminium smelter at Portland is making kangaroos sick.

The EPA’s Bruce Dawson says the fluoride is being absorbed by the nearby vegetation which is then being eaten by the kangaroos. Continue reading

Nearly 17,000 chemicals remain corporate secrets – even the EPA doesn’t know what they are

(NaturalNews) – The 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires that manufacturers of products containing potentially toxic chemicals disclose their ingredients to the federal government, however a loophole in the requirement allows manufacturers to arbitrarily withhold information that they deem sensitive to their business. As a result, over 17,000 product chemicals remain secret not only from the public but from government officials. Continue reading

Agenda 21 Alert: Obama’s $250 Million Plan to Brainwash Your Children

On January 6, 2010, Obama proudly unveiled his “Innovative Agenda”. Financed by Public- Private Partnerships, the goal is to train over 100,000 elementary school math and science teachers. The Intel Foundation has committed to spending $200 million dollars to this venture, with 4 other companies providing another $50 million dollars. Continue reading

Video: Global Warming: “Cap and Trade” Will Not Work for Climate

(WashingtonsBlog) – Paul Krugman argues that cap and trade worked to reduce sulfur dioxide and stop acid rain, and so it will work to reduce C02.
However, two EPA lawyers with more than 40 years of cumulative experience – including the guy who has been head of California’s cap and trade offset programs for more than 20 years – say that sulfur dioxide was different, and that cap and trade for climate is a scam which only benefits the financial players. Continue reading

MSM: Climategate – Barack Obama’s rule by EPA decree is a coup d’etat against Congress, made in Britain

(Telegraph) – Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama’s use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation’s elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d’état. Continue reading

EPA Says Breathing Is Deadly, But Radioactive Drinking Water Is Good For Us

(PaulWatson) – While the EPA declares the gas that we exhale to be a deadly poison, as protesters at Copenhagen decry the suffering of polar bears as their population figures increase to record levels, and as delegates in the Danish capital warn of the dastardly peril of cows farting, a New York Times report confirming that U.S. drinking water contains dangerous levels of arsenic, uranium and other radioactive substances barely gets noticed. Continue reading

Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant

(KurtNimmo) – Obama and crew will not wait for the outcome of Copenhagen or the passage of the Waxman-Markey climate bill, predicted for 2010 at the earliest. Obama will declare carbon dioxide a dangerous pollutant this week. Continue reading

Pesticides Destroying 60 Percent of Honeybees

(NaturalNews) – The pesticides used in industrial agriculture may eventually undermine its very existence by destroying the honeybees upon which the system depends, experts are warning. Continue reading

Video: Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

Here is the mp3 of the 2nd appearance on Kevin Barret’s show where I explained in detail the rest of the story of the art students. Continue reading

Dangerous Mercury Contamination of Human Body Increasing, Study Finds

(NaturalNews) – It’s no secret mercury is a dangerous toxin that accumulates in the human body and can produce disastrous health problems involving multiple organ systems. It’s known to be a risk to unborn babies, too. Unfortunately, as NaturalNews has reported, mercury contamination of our environment and food sources is rampant. Continue reading

H1N1 Vaccine with Mercury and Squalene Pushed on Pregnant Women

(NaturalNews) – It’s getting crazy out there. New revelations about the novel H1N1 vaccine are raising more questions than ever about its safety while there’s a new drive to push shots of the stuff as quickly as possible on perfectly healthy pregnant women. That means the most vulnerable of all — unborn children — will be exposed to a little-tested vaccine. Continue reading

MSM: Climate plan calls for forest expansion

(USAToday) – New forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields, under a congressional plan to confront climate change, an Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows. Continue reading

What To Do If the Government Force Vaccinates You

This report provides practical information on how to protect yourself if you are unlucky enough to be forced to take an A/H1N1 vaccine. Continue reading

Wyoming Governor Calls for 10th Amendment Resolution

Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal today transmitted the following memorandum and proposed resolution on state sovereignty to the Wyoming Legislature’s Management Council. Continue reading

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

One of the great mysteries surrounding the spread of GMO plants around the world since the first commercial crops were released in the early 1990’s in the USA and Argentina has been the absence of independent scientific studies of possible long-term effects of a diet of GMO plants on humans or even rats. Continue reading

Video: Local Louisiana News Station Investigates Chemtrials

A local news station in Louisiana investigates the unnatural trails left lingering by airplanes crossing the sky. After taking precipitation samples, they find Barium in a concentration three times the toxic level set by the EPA. Continue reading

MSM: Chicago water – In public reports, city silent over sex hormones and painkillers found in treated drinking water

(ChicagoTribune) – Pharmaceutical chemicals aren’t on list of substances in water that require public notice Continue reading

MSM: Climate change – The sun and the oceans do not lie

(Telegraph) – Even a compromised agreement to reduce emissions could devastate the economy – and all for a theory shot full of holes, says Christopher Booker. Continue reading

Toxic Chemicals Release Report Shows Mercury, PCB Pollution Rise Dramatically

(NaturalNews) – Releases of mercury, PCBs, lead and dioxin into the environment increased significantly between 2006 and 2007, according to the annual “Toxics Release Inventory,” published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Continue reading

Video: Sen. Inhofe On Global Warming – ‘This Thing Is Phony’

(Fox) – Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) repeats his claim that global warming is a hoax and calls for a criminal investigation into the EPA. Continue reading

The Most Powerful Military Force in the World is the American People

The Most Powerful Military Force in the World is the American People. It is the Last Jeffersonian Militia on the Planet, and the New World Order is Powerless Against it Continue reading

MSM: EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical Of Global Warming

(CBC) – The Environmental Protection Agency may have suppressed an internal report that was skeptical of claims about global warming, including whether carbon dioxide must be strictly regulated by the federal government, according to a series of newly disclosed e-mail messages. Continue reading

Cap and Trade Will Lead to Capital Flight – Ron Paul

(C4L) – In my last column, I joked that with public spending out of control and the piling on of the international bailout bill, economic collapse seems to be the goal of Congress. It is getting harder to joke about such a thing however, as the non-partisan General Accounting Office (GAO) has estimated that the administration’s health care plan would actually cost over a trillion dollars. Continue reading

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives are nothing more than prostitutes for the international banking cartel. Brothels in Washington D.C. were packed Friday afternoon with eager congressman who sold Americans out 219-212 in favor of The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES). Continue reading