FSB Wants to Shut Down Sites at Will

(MoscowTimes) – Prosecutors may get to shut down web sites over extremism charges for an unlimited time if the State Duma passes new legislation drafted by the Federal Security Service, Vedomosti reported Friday.

Internet service providers will be obliged to shut down web sites within three days upon receiving a “motivated letter” from prosecutors, according to the draft.

Sites will be able to return online only after a court rules that they did not violate anti-extremism laws. Even if a web site wins its case, it may be kept offline for up to a month from the day it was suspended.

The FSB legislation is to be a part of a raft of amendments to the 1995 information law that is being prepared by the Communications and Press Ministry. – Source: Moscow Times

Video: Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State

See Also: (CP24) – Protesters set fires, smash windows in violent G20 demonstrationRead More Here

(SteveWatson) – Sweeping police powers with no limits, military style checkpoints, LRAD sound cannons, huge makeshift prisons and a taxpayer bill of $1 billion Continue reading

Military Combat Troops Being Trained to Police 2010 Elections

(TargetFreedom) – 0bama now has a Consequence Management Response Force> “to deal with angry people on the street.”

It is a violation of a law called Posse Comitatus to use the American military against the American people.

Our constitution did not give the law enforcement function to the federal government. The 10th amendment PROHIBITS any federal law enforcement functions. Every DICTATORSHIP gives the law enforcement function to the CENTRAL government. This is the derivation of the term “POLICE STATE”.  Military police equals Gestapo. Read More Here

Australian Government To Force Internet Users To Install State-Approved Software

(PaulWatson) – The Australian government is set to intensify its war against Internet freedom by forcing web users to install state-approved anti-virus software. If they fail to do so, they will be denied an Internet connection, or if their computer is later infected, the user’s connection will be terminated.

“AUSTRALIANS would be forced to install anti-virus and firewall software on their computers before being allowed to connect to the internet under a new plan to fight cyber crime. And if their computer did get infected, internet service providers like Telstra and Optus could cut off their connection until the problem was resolved,” reports News.com.au.

A 260-page report released by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications outlines a plan to mandate Internet users to install government-approved software before their Internet connection can be activated. Continue reading

Video: Large Areas of Arizona Now Part of Mexican Narco State

(KurtNimmo) – If you live in southern Arizona now is the time to move if you can. Mexican drug runners and executioners armed with automatic weapons now control three counties stretching from the border to Phoenix.

“We are outgunned, we are out manned and we don’t have the resources here locally to fight this,” admitted Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu during on news conference last week in Casa Grande. “We are three counties deep. How is it that you see pictures like these, not American with semi and fully automatic rifles. How is that okay?” View Videos Here

Driven by Globalization, Today’s Slave Trade Thrives at Home and Abroad

(InTheseTimes) – The legacy of slavery in America is inextricably bound with the history of the nation. And the State Department has finally acknowledged that, even today, people continue to be bought and sold as property.

The 2010 Trafficking in Persons report, a global review of human trafficking and civic and legal responses to it, for the first time ranks the United States among the nations that harbor modern-day slavery. Read More Here

Video: Alex Updates Us on Rob Dew’s Report of illinois Guard working with Polish Troops to Take Guns

(June 18) – Alex udates us on when rob dew will give his full report on what he saw in chicago concerning National guard units working with Polish troops to disarm americans. Continue reading

Imaging, Spy-Cams and Drones: The New Hi Tech Homeland Security State – Tom Burghardt

(AntiFascistCalling) – As “gee-whiz” high-tech wonders seamlessly morph into “your papers, please!,” more often than not in “new normal” America science and technological innovation are little more than deranged handmaids serving corporate crime and political power.

In the interest of “keeping us safe,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unveiled a spiffy new surveillance cam “that puts others to shame,” CNET breezily reported last week. Continue reading

Video: Jon Stewart on Obama

(DailyShow) – Well, President Obama can scratch off appearing on The Daily Show anytime soon. Jon Stewart would be like a shark in bloodied water, hungry to devour his prey. Stewart, a mainstream liberal with lots of respect on the left (and even the right), has turned on Obama for failing to match his anti-Bush rhetoric with anti-Bush action in some of the most controversial parts of national security policy.

Stewart reviews some of these similarities with a genuine outrage that doesn’t appear exaggerated for comedic effect. The denial of habeas corpus to terrorist detainees at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan; continuing rendition; arresting whistleblowers; reconsidering reading Miranda Rights to suspected terrorists; using “state secrets” to stop lawsuits against the government. Video Link Here

State Sovereignty in the Face of Ruin and Key Principles – Ben Faulkner

This article is by Ben Faulkner. Mr. Faulkner is a native of the Northeastern region of Georgia. We are delighted to have him as a contributor to our site. As you can see in the writing below, he will bring plenty of knowledge to the table. We look forward to working with Mr. Faulkner in our continued efforts to restore our state’s sovereignty.

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – By all accounts, the past several weeks have been an extraordinarily difficult span of time for the residents of the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and western Florida. A toxic combination of crude oil along with multiple gasses and chemicals continues to spew unabated into the Gulf of Mexico, the full impact of which is still a giant unknown. Tar balls are washing ashore along the seaboard and crude is oozing into marshes, while fishing has come to grinding halt. Amidst this disaster, a number of troubling stories have begun circulating (some confirmed and some remaining anecdotal) of a media blackout underway along stretches of beach, of troop deployments, of possibly using a tactical nuke to seal the fissure, and of the federal government preventing the impacted States and local communities in some instances from taking the necessary actions to prevent the sludge from making landfall or entering estuaries. Some reports have begun to suggest that scope of this event is several orders of magnitude greater than we are presently being told, a fact which certainly could be a plausible explanation for the effort to tightly control the flow of information from the region. Continue reading

Millions of patients should never be prescribed antidepressants, scientists say

(NaturalNews) – Roughly half the population should never be prescribed antidepressant drugs because they are only likely to become more depressed, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute and published in the journal Neuron.

Scientists have known for some time that antidepressant drugs only work in about half of patients. Research has discovered that although the drugs are designed to raise circulating levels of the neurotransmitter chemical serotonin in the brain, they actually produce the opposite effect in large numbers of people. Continue reading

National Guard Training For Riot Control, Mass Detentions

(SHTFPlan) – In a previous story we noted that Reports Surfacing of Multi-State National Guard Mobilizations.

Further information made available after our report, much of which was published in the comment section by contributors who scoured the web for more information on the subject, suggests that the report was true and that national guard units had indeed been called up for training and possible deployment for domestic emergencies.

With the BP oil leak heating up (literally), there is a distinct possibility of noxious fumes and toxic hurricanes hitting our coasts over the coming months. Because there is minimal research on the subject available to the public, it is difficult to establish what is or is not a threat. Nonetheless, we advise those of our readers on or near the coast to remain aware of any developments regarding the possibility of emergencies or evacuations in their areas.

For those who may think we are overreacting to the possibility that the federal government would respond to an emergency, specifically mandatory evacuations on the gulf coast with the use of National Guard troops, we direct you to the article below, brought to our attention by Worldwide Wake Up Now and originally published at Public Intelligence. Read entire article

Gaza News

(FutureFastForward) – Merging with Rachel Corrie – A Dedication to Non-violence – Matthias Chang

Global Research Editor’s Note

Matthias Chang, a distinguished Malysian barrister, former private secretary to the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Acting on behalf of the Perdana Global Peace Organization, Matthias Chang was one of the key architects of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. An unbending commitment to the causes of peace, justice and non violence combined with unusual organizational capabilities is the driving force behind Matthias Chang. Read More Here

(FreeGaza) – ICRC: Israel’s Blockade Breaks the Law Free Gaza: Send More Ships – Read More Here

(MedicalSchoolTraining) – Video: The Gaza Flotilla How Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fakes Photos of Seized Weapons – Video Link Here

(CatBird) – Palestinians Need a State: Loosening Blockade is not Enough – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Lebanese women sending aid ship to Gaza: organisers

An aid ship transporting medical supplies to Gaza will leave Lebanon in the coming days with dozens of women activists on board, one of the organisers told AFP on Tuesday.
“We are all independent women who believe in breaking the siege on Gaza and are committed to the enmity of the Zionist entity,” said Samar Hajj, who is coordinating the trip. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Egypt has accepted to issue visa for Iran MPs to visit Gaza – Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Gaza crossing points opened as Israel bows to international pressure – Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Gaza Flotilla: Global Citizens Must Respond Where Governments Have Failed – Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack – Read More Here

(Care&Washing) – Israel Investigates Israel for Murder and Surprise, Israel finds Israel Innocent

The promised Israeli ‘investigation’ of the savage, brutal and unprovoked Israeli attack against the Gaza Aid Convoy Humanitarians (which the Zionist hasbara agents called “Operation Sea Breeze,”) will find Israel innocent of any and all charges. We’ll hear sob stories about how heavily armed IOF Goons were forced to defend themselves against 80 yo grannies wielding their dentures and threatening to slit the throats of the IOF Storm Troopers of the ‘world’s most moral army.’
More lies about how those wheelchairs and crutches that the humanitarians were trying to bring into Gaza were actually parts of some sinister ‘anti-Semitic’ WMD. Read More Here

(PalestineMonitor) – Largest Ever Flotilla And Land Convoy To Reach Gaza ’After Ramadan’

With the rumour mill spinning faster than an IDF spokesman, we spoke to the organisers behind the next flotilla. Read More Here

(WAFA) – As Turkish Photographer is Buried, other Journalists aboard Flotilla Speak out – Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Video: Israelis Celebrate IDF Flotilla Attack

Thousands of Israelis rally in Tel Aviv in support of the IDF raid against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that left nine passengers dead. The rally was organized through Israeli Facebook forums. In addition to supporting the IDF commando unit that attacked the Mavi Marmara ship, demonstrators expressed anger at Turkey and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who they accused of supporting terrorism. Continue reading

Federal Judge Cites Voting Rights Act to Rig Election in New York State

(KurtNimmo) – Remember when Rand Paul said he opposed aspects of the Voting Rights Act? Paul was taken to the woodshed by the corporate media and made out to be a racist for his opposition. Gremlins came out of the woodwork and lambasted him, including well-paid gremlins over at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post.

“This is the worst possible way Paul could have introduced himself to the nation at this particular moment,” Greg Sargent wrote after MSNBC’s Maddow sideswiped Paul. “It comes, of course, at a time when the Tea Partiers are adamantly insisting their movement hasn’t been hijacked by intolerants and extremists. It comes as the GOP is trying to shake its image as a regional, culturally-backward party.”

In the enlightened state of New York the Voting Rights Act is now being used to accomplish what some liberals might consider culturally-forward to their “progressive” way of looking at things — allowing certain residents to vote more than once in order to fix the result of an election. Continue reading

Video: Corporate Media Follows Government Orders, Runs Defense For Etheridge Assault

(PaulWatson) – Petrified that a couple of college kids with a flip camera can change the course of a state election, the corporate media and the neo-lib establishment has gone into overdrive in an attempt to spin the Bob Etheridge assault controversy, with some even trying to turn reality on its head in claiming Etheridge was the one being assaulted.

Despite the fact that Etheridge’s shameful reaction to merely being asked, “Do you fully support the Obama agenda?” by a couple of unknown college kids has enraged Internet viewers across the board, the corporate clowns at MSNBC and the rest of the libtard apologists immediately went to work in a lame effort to absolve Etheridge of blame, after being ordered to do so by talking points issued by a Democratic Party official. Continue reading


(Reuters) – Moody’s Cuts Greece Government Ratings to Junk

Moody’s on Monday downgraded Greece government bond ratings into junk territory, citing the risks in the euro zone/IMF rescue package for the debt-laden country. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Bulging Inventory Signals Next Leg Down in Housing – Mike Whitney

Did the Federal Reserve collude with the big banks to hold millions of houses off the market until the Fed finished adding $1.25 trillion to the banks reserves? Did the Fed do this to make it appear that its bond purchasing plan (quantitative easing) was stabilizing prices when, in fact, it was the reduction in supply that stopped prices from plunging? It sure looks that way. This is from Bloomberg News: Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – “Dr. Death Says The U.S. Is Really, Really Sick.”

According to Roubini, for the US, the second half of 2010 will be worse than the first. US industrial capacity has fallen from 70 to 65%. Restocking depleted inventories is complete.

The United States, 25% of the global economy, can’t rein in its spending or cut debt. President George Bush inherited a surplus and went on to create the biggest deficit in US history (excepting WWII). Now, President Barack Obama is making matters worse by piling on more unsustainable debt. Read More Here

(DailyBell) – Doug Casey Revisits the Greater Depression and Explains the Realities of Investing in the 21st Century – Read More Here

(MoneyNews) – Volcker Warns: We Are Running Out Of Time

America is running out of time to fix its huge economic and fiscal problems, warns former Fed chair Paul Volcker, who now heads a financial advisory board to President Obama.

“Restoring our fiscal position . . . sorting out a reasonable approach toward limiting carbon omissions, and producing domestic energy without unacceptable environmental risks all take time,” Volcker writes in The New York Review of Books. Read More Here

(MarketWatch) – Bearish Schultz says hyperinflation may happen suddenly

Commentary: Crash-predicting letter says recovery might not come until 2028 Read More Here

(WPost) – Obama pleads for $50 billion in state, local aid

President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters” and to support the still-fragile economic recovery. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Economy in U.S. Slows as States Lose Federal Stimulus Funds – Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Central Bank Hid Housing Market Crash Forecast

New revelations concerning how the Irish Central Bank hid data in a 2006 report indicating that a housing market crash was imminent underscores once again how financial elites covered-up signs of the coming economic turmoil in order to exploit the crisis at the expense of the people.

Months before the Irish housing market started to crumble in early 2007, which was followed by a wider collapse in the UK property market, the Irish Central Bank buried data from a crucial report which suggested that a 15 per cent fall in house prices was around the corner. Continue reading

The 51st Police State: U.S. National Guard being used to ‘fight crime’ in Puerto Rico

(America20xy) – Earlier this year the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2499, which put Puerto Rico on the path to statehood.  The resolution would offer Puerto Ricans a two step vote, first asking them if they would like to remain a commonwealth of the U.S.  Then if not, they would vote on whether to become the 51st state.

Most Puerto Ricans, it’s believed, would vote yes if given the choice.

With Puerto Rico on the fast track to becoming a U.S. state, the U.S. National Guard has wasted no time in training its people that if and when they join the union, Posse Comitatus will not be offered as part of the package deal. Continue reading

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Hunted By Pentagon Over Massive Leak

(DailyBeast) – Anxious that Wikileaks may be on the verge of publishing a batch of secret State Department cables, investigators are desperately searching for founder Julian Assange. Philip Shenon reports.

Pentagon investigators are trying to determine the whereabouts of the Australian-born founder of the secretive website Wikileaks for fear that he may be about to publish a huge cache of classified State Department cables that, if made public, could do serious damage to national security, government officials tell The Daily Beast. Continue reading

MSM: Troops Invade Chicago

(NBCChicago) – Disaster. Mayhem. Panic in the streets.

Chicago could look a lot like a Michael Bay movie-in-action this weekend when massive emergency response exercise takes place in and around the city.

The Illinois National Guard says more than 50 local, state, federal and private agencies will participate in the drill to learn how to respond to disasters. The five-day training exercise will run from Sunday through Thursday, June 17.

Officials with the Illinois National Guard say the event is a “full-scale exercise” and residents can expect to see emergency responders throughout the Chicago area “look and acting” as if it were a real disaster mission. Read entire article

Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government

(PaulWatson) – As part of Bilderberg’s agenda to “Europeanize” America and turn it into a socialist welfare state wherein its citizens are completely dependent on the government, the elite are celebrating President Obama’s support for a UN small arms treaty, which many fear could be used to impinge on the right to keep and bear arms.

According to Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker, elitists were celebrating one of their scant victories at the annual meeting this year, namely the fact that President Obama has promised to support a United Nations small arms treaty that could represent an end run around the second amendment. Continue reading

Video: APD hands out $30,000 in grocery vouchers for guns

(News8Austin) – There was an overwhelming response to the Austin Police Department’s first ever “Guns for Groceries” event.

Hundreds of people turned out Saturday to exchange unwanted guns for vouchers to buy groceries.

“The line is very shocking to me. We had people in the parking lot at 7:30 a.m. waiting to turn their guns in, and the event did not start until 9 a.m,” APD’s Sgt. Ely Reyes said. Video Link Here


(Rense) – Illinois – A State In Crisis – Stephen Lendman

This writer’s earlier articles addressed greater social misery in America than since the Great Depression, because of unemployment, homelessness, hunger, bankruptcies, despair, and rising poverty levels.

According to the National Academy of Science, 47.4 million Americans were impoverished in 2008, 15% of the population, but the true number is much higher since the government’s income threshold is $22,000 for a family of four, way short of what’s needed throughout urban America where even half again as much is too little. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Banks Seized by Regulators in Nebraska, Mississippi, Illinois

Three banks with total deposits of almost $2.3 billion were seized by regulators amid losses stemming from soured real-estate loans, raising to 81 the number of U.S. lenders that have collapsed this year. Read More Here

(EuroPacificCapital) – Key Indicators of a New Depression

With the mainstream media focusing on the country’s leveling unemployment rate, improving retail sales, and nascent housing recovery, one might think that the US government has successfully navigated the economy through recession and growth has returned. But I will argue that a look under the proverbial hood reveals a very different picture. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Solution to Unemployment? Wal-Mart to Create 500,000 New Jobs

Mike Duke, chief executive, told the retailer’s annual meeting that the company will add the 500,000 positions as it seeks to continue to grow globally and maintain its leading position in the US. Read More Here

(EconomicNoise) – Worse than a Depression – Read More Here

(SicSemper) – Video: Obama’s Teleprompter of Propaganda: “Our Economy is Getting Stronger by the Day.”

As the Bureau of Labor Statistics report is published for the month of May showing unemployment at 9.7% due to 322,000 workers leaving out of employment positions, President Obama read from his teleprompter more Orwellian Double-speak, stating “our recovery is still in its early stages, and there’s going to be ups and downs in the months ahead…… this report is a sign that our economy is getting stronger by the day.” View More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Europe is Headed For a Mini-depression – Mike Whitney – Read More Here

(WashingtonTimes) – FTC floats Drudge tax

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seeking ways to “reinvent” journalism, and that’s a cause for concern. According to a May 24 draft proposal, the agency thinks government should be at the center of a media overhaul. The bureaucracy sees it as a problem that the Internet has introduced a wealth of information options to consumers, forcing media companies to adapt and experiment to meet changing market needs. FTC’s policy staff fears this new reality. Read More Here

(TPG) – Countdown to Crashdown

Heed This Warning, and You Could Gain 868%. Ignore It, and You Stand to LOSE HALF of Your Wealth. The Choice Is Yours… Read More Here

(PRWeb) – Investors Shun Market Volatility as Fear and Uncertainty Reign, Opting Instead For Precious Metals IRAs as Gold Nears All Time Highs – Read More Here

(FinancialPost) – World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy

A new currency is intended to challenge the U.S. dollar as the world’s foremost reserve currency. The WOCU, short for world currency unit, was actually launched by London-based WDX Organization in September 2009, but only seems to be gaining recognition now. Read More Here – See Also: Flex Group

Video: Watch the WOCU evolve – Video Link Here

(WOCU) – About the WOCU

The WDX Organisation has developed a currency-basket instrument called the Wocu; available for commercial use from 1st January 2010, the same day WDX launched its commercial reference data products. Read More Here

(YahooFinance) – Video: $6 to $8 Gas? Prices Will “Skyrocket” If U.S. Stops Drilling, Says Former Shell Exec – View Video Here

(WDX) – WDX Institute: Forum for WOCU Related Research Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – MARKETS RIPPED APART: Here’s What You Need To Know

Following two straight up days, it looked like the panic might be out of this market. Nope, not even close. Fresh Euro panics combined with signs of economic weakness in the US to savage markets.

The scoreboard: Read More Here

(RealClearPolitics) – Census Worker Claims Job Numbers Are Being Inflated

“What they do is hire you, they train you like a few weeks — 35, 40 hours of training and give you six hours of productive work and lay you off.” a former Census named “Maria” tells FOX News. “Maria” further explains they rehire you so it counts as a new job.

(RussiaToday) – Video: Euro the focus of secret Bilderberg meeting: Charlie Skelton

I hear from some people, Daniel Estulin has got sources inside, and he says the euro is on the top of the agenda. If the euro fails and the eurozone collapses, it’s been a lot of wasted talk. There’s talk, I have been speaking to some Spaniards here and they saying there’s whispers of returning to the peseta and that is not in the Bilderberg’s best interest,” said Skelton. Continue reading

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State” – Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

(GlobalResearch) – Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary US Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Professor of Political Economy Center for Strategic and International Studies Georgetown University Washington DC. Continue reading

Video: Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO

Type in this link http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=m…

Then paste this coordinate in the search 29.97213,-81.660047
Post and repost! Continue reading

Arizona’s Immigration Law — a good thing? – JT Coyote

See Also: (BostonGlobe) – Mass. Senate passes crackdown on illegal immigrants – Read More Here

(Infowars) – My reaction to the Arizona State law aimed at curtailing the endless flood of illegals crossing that state’s southern border, was initially one of apprehension — upon further reflection however, if this law were well crafted and properly implemented it would not only be constitutionally sound, but it would force the federal government to enforce it’s Article IV, section 4 constitutional mandate. That mandate being, ”… The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; …” This type of legislation by states would push the federal government to act on their long neglected responsibility, the enforcement of US border law. Continue reading

Video: Jamaica Declares State of Emergency After Obama Demands Arrest of “Robin Hood” Drug Lord

See Also: (BBC) – Video: Jamaican Army Accused Of Murdering Innocent People – Video Link Here

(KurtNimmo) – “Jamaican Security forces searched a volatile Kingston slum for an alleged drug lord on Tuesday after at least seven people died in violence triggered by government orders to extradite him to the United States,” reports Reuters. “Heavily armed soldiers and police conducted went door-to-door in the hunt for Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke in the Tivoli Gardens neighborhood of West Kingston.” Continue reading


(ALIPAC) – North Carolina Becomes 18th State Pushing Arizona’s New Immigration Law

The home state of Americans For Legal Immigration PAC’s (ALIPAC) President William Gheen has joined the rapidly growing list of states that are rushing to follow Arizona’s lead of cracking down on illegal immigration with state laws. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Feds Declare Terror Alert on Texas Border

Narco-terrorists, Mara Salvatrucha hit teams, kidnappers and slave traffickers cross the US-Mexico border with increasing frequency. Ranchers are murdered and cops robbed and assaulted at gunpoint. Millions of people enter the country illegally and drain state resources and fill the welfare rolls and prisons. Mexican military helicopters violate the sovereignty of the United States at will. Read More Here

(Trib) – Look at Mexico’s laws

These misguided Americans who believe we are racist toward illegal migrants ought to read the regulations and restrictions imposed by other countries. Read More Here

(AlexJones&AaronDykes) – Video: Director Admits ‘Machete’ Went Too Far; ‘Race War’ Scenes to Be Cut; State is Funding Film

Director Robert Rodriguez admits some scenes in his upcoming film ‘Machete’ were ‘too real’ to include in the final release, following media scrutiny of Texas film tax incentives and criticism about a possible ‘race war’ message

Alex Jones responds to the admission by director Robert Rodriguez that some scenes in the racially-incendiary film ‘Machete’ proved ‘too real’ in light of recent events relating to the illegal immigration issue. Video Link Here

(USAToday) – Activists blast Mexico’s immigration law

Arizona’s new law forcing local police to take a greater role in enforcing immigration law has caused a lot of criticism from Mexico, the largest single source of illegal immigrants in the United States.

But in Mexico, illegal immigrants receive terrible treatment from corrupt Mexican authorities, say people involved in the system. Read More Here

(AmericanFreePress) – ‘The United States of Arizona’ – Jim Traficant

Our 50 states are to be the United States of America. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And, to continue the freedoms we enjoy, our nation must be secured, protected from potential enemies and threats from within—and—without. Quite frankly, those lofty yet pragmatic goals and ideals are not possible without a secure border.

There is no national security without a secure border. Every military strategist knows that. I introduced legislation onto the House floor to secure our borders by relocating troops from overseas to our borders. My legislation provided 10,000 soldiers to be strategically placed and assigned to all our borders, both north and south. Continue reading

Video: ABC News Attempts to Align Climate Change Skeptics with White Supremacists

(NewsBusters) – At first, Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal, but best known for his discredited “hockey stick graph” didn’t like being mocked in a YouTube video. Now Mann is alleging he’s a victim of hate groups.

On ABC’s May 23 “World News Sunday,” a segment from anchor Dan Harris alleged that threatening e-mails Mann received were part of a “spike” in violence aimed at the global warming alarmist community.

“The ongoing oil spill crisis in the Gulf is keeping the debate over climate and energy very much in the headlines and that debate is becoming increasingly venomous with many prominent scientists now saying that they are being severely harassed,” Harris said. Video Link Here

The Toronto G20 Police State Crackdown – Dana Gabriel

It appears as if the G20 summit in Toronto is shaping up to be a showdown between anarchists and police. Caught in the middle of the security circus are local residents. If there is violence and property damage, peaceful protesters will also be demonized. The recent bombing of a bank, perpetrated by a so-called anarchist group, has given an excuse to enact more police state measures during the summit. The curious timing of the attack emphasizes the threat of terrorism and further justifies the huge security apparatus being assembled. Continue reading

MSM: UC Berkeley Asking Incoming Students For DNA

(KTVU) – UC Berkeley is adding something a little different this year in its welcome package — cotton swabs for a DNA sample.

In the past, incoming freshman and transfer students have received a rather typical welcome book from the College of Letters and Science’s “On the Same Page” program, but this year the students will be asked for more.

The students will be asked to voluntarily submit a DNA sample. The cotton swabs will come with two bar code labels. One label will be put on the DNA sample and the other is kept for the students own records. Read More Here

See Also:

(DailyMail) – Parents of under-fives face ‘nanny state’ home inspections to keep children safe

Inspectors will check whether families have installed smoke alarms, stair gates, locks on medicine cupboards, windows and ovens, and fitted temperature controls to stop bath water getting too hot. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Detroit TSA Security Theater

Sam Dodson of OTN did an excellent job as a real journalist — as opposed to a corporate Mockingbird script-reader — when he went to the Detroit Metro airport and confronted the TSA on the Gestapo tactics they employ in airports in order to cow the public into submission. View Video Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: The Militarization of Police

All the time, we hear new horror stories of night raids gone bad, where women, children get hurt, and dogs, get shot. The best example being a raid in Columbia, Missouri just a few weeks ago. Alyona discusses these cases with police militarization expert, Reason Magazine’s Radley Balko. Continue reading

Monetary Dictatorship

(CampaignForLiberty) – If you’re an American taxpayer, you should expect to receive a thank-you note from dole recipients in Greece fairly soon. The reason is that Barack Obama, working with his cohorts at the Federal Reserve, is using your money to bail out the Greek welfare state, thereby enabling dole recipients in Greece to continue receiving their dole.

The problem is that for decades the Greek government has been doing what the U.S. government and many other regimes have been doing: borrowing to the hilt to fund dole payments to welfare recipients. In the hope that Euro officials would not discover how bad things were in Greece, Greek officials were falsifying their financial reports. Unlike the U.S. government which has a Federal Reserve central bank, the Greek government couldn’t simply print up the money to pay off its debts. That’s because it’s part of the Euro zone, where German officials have traditionally opposed such a policy. Continue reading

Unitied Nations Convoy sighted in Pennsylvania

(ResistNet) – At approximately 0715 a convoy of 25-30 camouflaged military, Humvees and armored vehicles with UN markings was observed traveling westbound between State College, PA, and Milroy, PA on US. Route 322.

At approximately 0900 the same member encountered another convoy of UNMARKED military vehicles, refueling at Toms’s Travel Center on U.S. Route 322 at Milroy, PA. The member tried to engage the troops, but was ignored. They were in uniforms without insignia, but the covers did have ranks, from colonel to private. Convoy was a similar size, with Humvees and personnel carriers.

It is hard to say what the destination is so I am posting onstate sights west and south of Milroy, PA. I am speculating possible routes are 322 W, 99S, 70W, 81 S. 322 is not a major interstate, so it is possible secondary routes are being use. If you see the convoy, please photograph and/ or video tape.

This is not a drill, request verification. – Source: Resist Net

Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations – David McKalip, M.D.

“I desire what is good. Therefore, everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor.” King George III .

“That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.” Benjamin Franklin, letter to Benjamin Vaughan, March 14, 1785

“As many of you know, it has been reported that President Obama has signed an order authorizing the assassination of [American Citizen] al-Awlaki… ..no one argues that a President doesn’t have the right to issue such an order. Senator Joe Lieberman, 5/6/10.

(CampaignForLiberty) – Imagine you are sitting home on a quiet Sunday afternoon in conversation with your beloved spouse. Suddenly your husband slumps over, blood draining from his head as a sniper’s bullet shatters your living room window. Your husband has just been assassinated by a government agent and it is later discovered — after ten years of painful inquiries carried out under the threat of your own assassination — that your husband was targeted as an enemy combatant and a terrorist. Continue reading

Arizona State Senator Responds to Immigration Law

See Also: Holder hasn’t read Arizona law he criticized (WashingtonTimes) – Read More Here

(TucsonCitizen) – I’m Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen. I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes. Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by the drug cartel on his ranch a month ago. I participated in a senate hearing two weeks ago on the border violence, here is just some of the highlights from those who testified. Continue reading

Video: David Icke on the 2010 British Elections

David Icke discusses the reasons behind policies of mass uncontrolled immigration in pursuit of ending the nation state, with particular focus on the 2010 British election and the Cameron-Clegg “coalition” which will only be used to advance both flanks of the new world order agenda via a one-party state. Continue reading