BREAKING: Wikileaks founders wanted in sweden for rape

Wikileaks founders Julian Assange sought by Swedish police. Read More Here

See also:

(FreeRepublic) – Julian Assange Denies Charges of Rape – Read More Here

(France24) – WikiLeaks founder Assange wanted in Sweden for rape – Read More Here

(BBC) – Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused of rape – Read More Here

(DigitalJournal) – Wanted! Julian Assange accused of rape – Read More Here

More Info @

See Also:

(KurtNimmo) – WikiLeaks Founder Charged with Rape in Sweden

Update: Swedish prosecutors have canceled the arrest warrant issued for Assange. “Chief prosector Eva Finné has come to the desicion that Julian Assange is not suspected of rape,” the Swedish Prosecution Authority has announced.

Julian Assange, the wandering founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks, has been charged with rape in Sweden, according to Aftonbladet, a large newspaper in Stockholm. Continue reading

Video: Fox News Comes Out of the Closet

(MSNBC) – Fox News finally made it official. They are part and parcel of the Republican Party. They are now the largest donors to the Republican Governors Association, having given them $1 million dollars. They also employ three out of the top four Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Poll for GOP presidential candidates.

As I explain here, now that Fox News has come out of the closet, it’s hard to distinguish where Fox News ends and the Republican Party begins: Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher

(SpokesmanReview) – Invisible oil plume could be dangerous to marine life – Huge strand may linger 3,000 feet below surface of Gulf for months – Read More Here

(AtlanticWire) – Grim News from the Gulf: Invisible Plumes and Bleaker Estimates – Read More Here

(BKLim) – The Art of Mass Deception – Part 1 Ballistic Analysis of DWH & Riser wreck – Read More Here

(io9) – Scientific proof that the Deepwater oil plume is over 20 miles long

Today scientists revealed the results of an investigation into the severity of the Deepwater oil spill. The plume of petroleum hydrocarbon chemicals measures a staggering 22 miles long, and has settled in a deep underwater layer (see photo). Read More Here

(SkyNews) – Victims of the BP oil spill should be prepared to wait years, perhaps even decades, for compensation

That is one of the lessons that Ecuadorian residents say can be learned from their 17-year battle to hold the oil company Texaco to account for what has been called the “Amazon’s Chernobyl”.

They allege that Texaco, which was bought by Chevron in 2001, caused catastrophic devastation in the country when it drilled for oil there from 1964 to 1992.

It is claimed 18 billion gallons of toxic waste water and 17 million gallons of crude oil were dumped in an area three times the size of Manhattan.

Campaigners say it is the worst oil-related environmental disaster in the world. Read More Here

(Guardian) – BP oil spill: scientists find giant plume of droplets ‘missed’ by official account

A 22-mile plume of droplets from BP’s Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico undermines claim that oil has degraded – Read More Here

(InterPressService) – Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants – Dahr Jamail – Read More Here

(AlexanderHiggins) – NOAA Retracts Report That Majority Of BP Gulf Oil Spill Oil Is Gone

Editor’s note: These crooks have no problems issuing reports for the public and the media that are complete nonsense but when the official in charge of the report needs to testify before congress under oath that the findings are accurate he redacts the findings of the report. Continue reading

Dates That Destroyed America – Chuck Baldwin

(BaldwinLive) – The decision by Congress to socialize medicine in the US ranks among the most draconian, most egregious, most horrific actions ever taken by the central government in Washington, D.C. This bill rocks the principles of liberty and constitutional government to the core. It changes fundamental foundations; it repudiates historical principle. Oh! The same flag may fly on our flagpoles, the same monuments may grace our landscape, and the same National Anthem may be sung during our public ceremonies, but it is not the same America. The Congress of the United States has now officially turned America into a socialist state.

On March 21, 2010, Congress passed, and on March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the dreaded national health care bill into law, and as such, these dates join a list of dates that have each inflicted unconstitutional, socialistic, and sometimes even tyrannical action against the States united and have, therefore, contributed to the destruction of a free America. Continue reading

Bilderberg Exposed: Search Terms Take 1, 2 & 3 In Google Trends

(PaulWatson) – Three keyword search terms related to our earlier article about exposing the Bilderberg Group have hit the number 1, 2 and 3 positions in Google Trends, ensuring the subject of Bilderberg will now get out to millions more people.

Three different search terms that all relate to our earlier article – Two Films That Blew Bilderberg Wide Open – “Bilderberg films,” Bilderberg wide open,” and “two films” occupy the top three positions on Google Trends’ Hot Searches (USA) for August 20th.

Two of the terms have hit “volcanic status while the other one is “on fire” – this translates as massive traffic to our Bilderberg article and many people who would never have come into contact with this information educating themselves about the march towards global government and the secret power wielded by the Bilderberg Group. Continue reading

World War

(VHeadline) – There’ll be no peace for Chavez until USA gets its hands on Venezuela’s oilfields – Read More Here

(OnlineJournal) – ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ inflating Islamophobia

I have the feeling that like the Broadway Bomber, the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber, the Khalid Sheik Mohammed trial and where it should be held, and other ‘false-flag’ events that building this new Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero is inflating the inherent Islamophobia of New Yorkers and America. And that ain’t good, for New York, Muslims, Americans and America, or the world. Read More Here


(Forbes) – If Israel Attacks Iran, What About China? – Read More Here

(PeopleDaily) – Vietnam advised not to play with fire (from China) – Read More Here

(StopNATO) – Geopolitical Chessboard: U.S. Global Strategy: Defeating Potential Challengers In Eurasia – Rick Rozoff

“Eurasia is…the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played.”
In its annual report to Congress on the Chinese military this week, the U.S. Department of Defense “voiced alarm over China’s military buildup,” with particular emphasis on what was described as the nation “investing heavily in ballistic and cruise missile capabilities that could one day pose a challenge to U.S. dominance in the western Pacific.” Read More Here


(Haaretz) – Organizers: All-woman Lebanese aid ship to set sail for Gaza Sunday – Read More Here

(DYR) – Deir Yassin Remembered

Against his better judgment Rifkin solicited Albert Einstein to help the Stern Gang raise American money for arms to drive out the Arabs and help create a Jewish state. On April 10th, the day after the infamous massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin, Einstein replied calling the Stern Gang terrorists and misled criminals. Read More Here

(Rense) – Palestine – Occupied, Divided, Isolated, Oppressed And Unaided

Imagine the following: You’re ruthlessly oppressed in an occupied country under a system of institutionalized racism, affording rights solely to Jews. You have no recognized nation, no right of citizenship, no democratic freedoms or civil liberties, including no power over your daily life. Read More Here


(AllGov) – Military Deaths in Afghanistan under Obama Top Those under Bush

In less than two years, the United States has suffered more combat deaths in Afghanistan under President Barack Obama than it did during the two-term presidency of George W. Bush. Read More Here

Video: Azizabad Massacre

This is the video of my visit to the village of Azizabad in Western Afghanistan, where US forces killed more than 90 civilians – Video Part 1 HerePart 2 Here


(IND) – Iraq war was illegal, repeats Clegg – Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg today restated his view that the Iraq War was illegal, saying: “I don’t think the legality of that invasion has been proven.” – Read More Here

(IND) – US Troops Say Goodbye to Iraq – Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America has certainly left its mark – Read More Here

(InfoLiberation) – US Announces Second Fake End to Iraq War

It was another of those great TV moments. Embedded reports filming as the “last” brigade of American troops in Iraq cross the border into Kuwait bringing over seven years of unhappy conflict to its final, conclusive end. America was, at last, at peace.

But like so many other great TV moments, this one was a scripted fantasy, a fake exit done purely for political gain by an increasingly unpopular president trying to look like he is keeping at least one campaign promise. Read More Here


(KurtNimmo) – Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Amir Supports Iran Attack – Read More Here

(ActivistPost) – HR 1553 Authorizing ‘Use of Force’ Against Iran is Based on Pure Propaganda – Read More Here

(Debka) – Arab sources: A major military surprise is close. Galant scandal a smokescreen

In Tehran, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards announced Friday, Aug. 20: “IRGC is in full readiness to encounter firmly with the stupidity of the US and the Zionist regime.” – Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Video: Iran broadcasts missile launch on state television – Iran has test fired a surface-to-surface missile, according to the country’s defence minister – Video Link Here

(CSMonitor) – 3 Reasons Israel will attack Iran – Read More Here

(NationalPost) – Christopher Hitchens: The price of not disarming Iran – Read More Here

(NYTimes) – U.S. Assures Israel That Iran Threat Is Not Imminent

The Obama administration, citing evidence of continued troubles inside Iran’s nuclear program, has persuaded Israel that it would take roughly a year — and perhaps longer — for Iran to complete what one senior official called a “dash” for a nuclear weapon, according to American officials. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Fueling of Iran’s nuclear plant begins

Iran has begun loading its first nuclear power plant in the southern city of Bushehr with fuel in an effort to provide the country with nuclear-generated electricity. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Iran Test Fires, Touts Advanced Surface-To-Surface Missile Day Ahead Of Nuclear Reactor Launch – Tyler Durden

Nothing like a little geopolitical ruckus to spoil the fun…the fun. Xinhua reports that hours ago, and just a day before the Bushehr nuclear reactor is supposed to go online, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said that Iran had test fired a surface-to-surface missile, Qiam, footage of which was shown on state television. Surely this fits well as a time slot segue from the recent clip showing mass graves prepared for Iran’s “aggressors.” Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: ‘Israeli lobby central, Jewish groups push US to attack Iran’

Secret files declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities by Israel. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation. Alison Weir of the Council for National Interest in the U.S. – a pressure group on Middle East policy – believes Israeli influence is corrupting the American media, which no longer represents the views of the country’s people. Continue reading

Climate Alarmist Calls For ‘Terminating Western Civilization’

(CounterCurrents) – The primary consequences of our fossil-fuel addiction stem from two primary phenomena: peak oil and global climate change. The former spells the end of western civilization, which might come in time to prevent the extinction of our species at the hand of the latter.

Global climate change threatens our species with extinction by mid-century is we do not terminate the industrial economy soon. Increasingly dire forecasts from extremely conservative sources keep stacking up. Governments refuse to act because they know growth of the industrial economy depends (almost solely) on consumption of fossil fuels. Global climate change and energy decline are similar in this respect: neither is characterized by a politically viable solution. Continue reading

Video: Breaking – Google’s Plans to Takeover The Internet Exposed!! – Alex Jones

The net-neutrality ending deal with Verizon is just the beginning of Google’s plans to kill the open and free Internet as part of their takeover agenda to completely control the world wide web and force independent media websites, radio and TV shows out of existence for good. Continue reading

Video: Sheriff Richard Mack on Freedom Watch –

(Fox) – Oath Keepers is an educational organization. Our message is simple: Obey your oath to the Constitution. – Sheriff Mack joins the judge on August 8 2010. Continue reading

The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity

(OldThinkerNews) – Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer was in many ways a man ahead of his time, and most certainly controversial. He was attacked by the medical establishment for connecting diet with disease and mental health in his 1917 book Dietetics. Dr. Clymer received his medical degree in 1902 from the College of Medicine and Surgery in Chicago and began practicing Osteopathy. Accusations of fraud surround Dr. Clymer’s career, including this 1923 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association which claims that, “Our records fail to show that this man was ever regularly graduated by any reputable medical college.” What Clymer had to say more than likely had something to do with the denouncement that he received from the medical establishment.

Though Dr. Clymer may be surrounded with controversy, his 1958 book Your Health and Sanity in the Age of Treason exposes toxic food additives and fluoride with documentation – the majority of which are mainstream scientific studies – that can be verified many times over. What makes this book unique is the fact that Dr. Clymer was one of the first to point out that statements by the elite indicated that these toxins were to be deliberately released “…for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass…” Read More Here

Video: Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy

(PaulWatson) – Newly declassified documents highlighting how the Israeli lobby routinely paid off journalists in the U.S. corporate media to write pro-Zionist propaganda in support of Israeli aggression against Palestine and Iran during the 60’s have taken on new significance after the Atlantic Monthly, which is named in the documents as being complicit in the bribing scandal, recently published a cover story hyping the necessity and inevitability of an Israeli attack on Iran.

“Declassified files from a Senate investigation into Israeli-funded covert public relations and lobbying activity in the United States were released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on July 23rd, 2010. The subpoenaed documents reveal Israel’s clandestine programs for “cultivation of editors,” the “stimulation and placement of suitable articles in the major consumer magazines” as well as U.S. reporting about sensitive subjects such as the Dimona nuclear weapons facility,” reports the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy.

The documents make specific reference to The Atlantic Monthly publication, and how “arrangements” are made with The Atlantic to publish articles sympathetic to Israel and hostile to Palestine and Iran. Continue reading

Video: Two Films That Blew Bilderberg Wide Open

(PaulWatson) – The Bilderberg Group is receiving fresh and timely attention after Cuban president Fidel Castro published an article warning of the fact that the globalist clique, “has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture,” prompting the term “Bilderberg” to shoot to the top of the Google Trends rankings.

This is part of a global awakening to the new world order in which millions of people around the globe are finally discovering where the true power lies and why the world is being driven headlong towards serfdom and dictatorship,

Castro quoted almost verbatim from Daniel Estulin’s 2006 book The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club in his regular newspaper column, sparking a fresh round of international media coverage some four months after the Bilderbergers last met in Spain, something the publicity-shunning gaggle of globalists were completely unprepared for. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones and MSNBC’s Hit Piece – The Lost Footage

The video footage below did not make it into MSNBC’s slam piece, “Rise Of The New Right,” that featured and demonized patriots, including Alex Jones. A link to “rest of the story,” obviously not suitable for the establishment’s propaganda and demonization purposes, was posted on Real Alex Jones, Alex Jones’ Facebook page. Continue reading

Kicks 4 Guns – Turn in your guns, no questions asked (Central Florida)

(CFNews13) – A huge effort to collect unwanted and dangerous guns kicks off Friday morning across Central Florida.

The Kicks 4 Guns event allows anyone to turn in any firearm, no questions asked, in exchange to shoes or a gift certificate. Continue reading

The Fight Against Federal Tyranny Begins…NOW

(WolvesOfLiberty) – Nullification – it’s all the rage these days – and a big part of that effort is educating Sheriffs across the country about their constitutional duties as the ultimate law enforcement power broker in their county. Thanks to retired Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack and his strategy of No Sheriff Left Behind, a number of Sheriffs are beginning to stand up to federal tyranny as they exercise their authority as a county’s top cop. Finally, the false meme of federal supremacy over the states is beginning to crumble. Continue reading

Video: America Won the Cold War But Now Is Turning Into the USSR, Gerald Celente Says

(YahooFinance) – There’s a lot of talk these days about America being an empire in decline. Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute, goes a step further, arguing America is following a similar path as the former Soviet Union. Video Link Here

Video: Joel Skousen – The Dark Side of America – Alex Jones Tv

Alex also welcomes to the show Joel Skousen, a political commentator non-fiction Survivalist author, retreat consultant and is the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. Mr. Skousen will talk about Chuck Baldwin’s article, Top Secret America: The Rest Of The Story, and the dark side of America’s army and secret police. Continue reading

Video: Barack H. Obama – The CIA’s Greatest Creation Yet! – Alex Jones Tv

Alex breaks down at the top of the show a story put out by Wayne Madsen about barack h obama’s family CIA ties, and how he was groomed from almost day one of his life. Continue reading

Video: Military funding could be slashed by $1 trillion – Paul Craig Roberts

(RussiaToday) – Congressmen Ron Paul and Barney Frank are sending a letter to US President Barack Obama with a proposal to cut the military budget by a trillion dollars. As the economy and the budget deficit continues to worsen, it seems that this is a very logical place to start cutting out funds. Paul Craig Roberts says that while passing this initiative would be great, he is skeptical that it will pass because Congress would lose too much campaign money. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Gold is Money! The Dollar’s Value is Destined to Go Down

(Goldseek) – Ron Paul talks to Chris Waltzek on GoldSeek Radio. Topics of discussion include the Financial Reform Bill, competing currencies, the gold price, and 2012. Continue reading


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda

First published 1928 – [The] American business community was also very impressed with the propaganda effort. They had a problem at that time. The country was becoming formally more democratic. A lot more people were able to vote and that sort of thing. The country was becoming wealthier and more people could participate and a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and so on.

So what do you do? It’s going to be harder to run things as a private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people think. There had been public relation specialists but there was never a public relations industry. There was a guy hired to make Rockefeller’s image look prettier and that sort of thing. But this huge public relations industry, which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry, came out of the first World War. The leading figures were people in the Creel Commission. In fact, the main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out of the Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right afterwards called Propaganda. The term “propaganda,” incidentally, did not have negative connotations in those days. It was during the second World War that the term became taboo because it was connected with Germany, and all those bad things. But in this period, the term propaganda just meant information or something like that. So he wrote a book called Propaganda around 1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system of the first World War and this commission that he was part of showed, he says, it is possible to “regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments their bodies.” These new techniques of regimentation of minds, he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because we have these new techniques. Continue reading

MSM: Study links pesticides to attention problems

(Reuters) – Children whose mothers were exposed to certain types of pesticides while pregnant were more likely to have attention problems as they grew up, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.

The study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, adds to evidence that organophosphate pesticides can affect the human brain. Continue reading

Video: Neocon Petraeus Stakes Out Conflict with Obama over July 2011 Afghanistan Pullout; Lays Foundation for GOP Presidential Draft in 2012

(RussiaToday) – General Petraeus has said he does not plan to run for President, but he is also making remarks that directly contradict Defense Secretary Gates and President Obama on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Is there a political motive at play? RT contributor Webster Tarpley said yes! He argued that while Petraeus said he has no current plans to run, this does not mean he does not have an agenda. When push comes to shove Petraeus may be on the ballot, argued Tarpley. Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher

(JohnDotyJR) – Lied to Public Still Believes The Official Story of BP Blowout

In a bizarre display of the zombified state of the American people, the public seems unable to reason that the pattern of lies and deceit leaves BP and government officials with zero credibility. Read More Here

(My54) – Video: Oil Dispersants have made BP disaster catastrophic – Video Link Here

Video: Fishermen Find Oil and Dispersants on Mississippi Shrimping and Oyster Grounds – Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – (MSNBC) – Video: “Scientists starting to voice concerns about methane being at levels that will kill millions” – Dylan Ratigan Show – Video Link Here

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – Video: “REALLY IMPORTANT” to note that “oil mixed with dispersants is MORE TOXIC than just oil alone” says Valdez expert – View More Here

(JAMA) – Health Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill – Read More Here

(BlaylockWellnessReport) – BP Crisis Spotlights Dangers Of Volatile Chemicals To Your Health – Dr. Russell Blaylock – Read More Here

(AP) – Major study charts long-lasting oil plume in Gulf

A 22-mile-long invisible mist of oil is meandering far below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, where it will probably loiter for months or more, scientists reported Thursday in the first conclusive evidence of an underwater plume from the BP spill. Read More Here

(CNN) – Researchers say they saw 22-mile hydrocarbon plume in Gulf

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said they detected a plume of hydrocarbons in June that was at least 22 miles long and more than 3,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, a residue of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Read More Here

(AP) – BP accused of withholding ‘critical’ spill data

The company that owned the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico is accusing BP of withholding critical evidence needed to investigate the cause of the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, according to a confidential document obtained by The Associated Press. BP called the claims a publicity stunt. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Top Expert: Geology is “Fractured”, Relief Wells May Fail … BP is Using a “Cloak of Silence”, Refusing to Share Even Basic Data with the Government

Few people in the world know more about oil drilling disasters than Dr. Robert Bea.

Bea teaches engineering at the University of California Berkeley, and has 55 years of experience in engineering and management of design, construction, maintenance, operation, and decommissioning of engineered systems including offshore platforms, pipelines and floating facilities. Continue reading

Video: Declassified – Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed

(RussiaToday) – Files declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities of Israel in the U.S. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation. They suggest Israel has been trying to shape media coverage of issues it regards as important. You can download the files from the web-site of the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern policy. And we can cross to Washington now and talk to Grant F. Smith who is a director at that Institute. Continue reading

Video: Biometric Iris Scanning Technology Rolled Out Across Entire City

“Every person, place, and thing on this planet will be connected [to the iris system] within the next 10 years”

(SteveWatson) – A biometrics research and development company is set to roll out iris recognition technology across an entire city in a move that it claims will create a real life Minority Report society where anyone taking a train or shopping in a department store will have their eyes scanned by hi-tech sensors.

Global Rainmakers Inc. (GRI), based out of headquarters in New York, has announced that it will use the technology to begin creating what it claims will be “the most secure city in the world” in Leon, one of Mexico’s largest cities. View More Here

Video: Austin Activists Join Fight To Remove Neuro-Toxin Fluoride From Drinking Water

(WeAreChange) – Austin activists from We Are Change join the fight to get fluoride out of the drinking water as more and more people become aware of the fact that they are consuming a neuro-toxin that top scientific studies have associated with retardation, bone cancer and many other severe health problems. Continue reading

Climate Realism: Not to Be Denied Any Longer

(TheAmericanCulture) – Last week’s meeting of 700+ scientists, policymakers, and concerned citizens in Chicago to discuss the science and economics of global warming at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change was a huge success as measured by the intent of its sponsors: to establish once and for all that the climate realist position is increasingly the accepted conclusion among thinking people in the three categories noted above. That position is this: manmade global warming is not a crisis.

Yes, all parties at the conference pretty much agreed that there was a good deal of warming in the 1980s and 1990s, and that the trend stopped and reversed in the current decade. Global temperatures have been falling in recent years, even though the weather stations and other data chosen to represent the official temperature records are in fact skewed to show higher and more-rising temperatures than are actually occurring. Read entire article

See Also:

(NotEvilJustWrong) – UCLA fires professors for reporting real scientific data

James Enstrom, an epidemiologist at the UCLA School of Public Health, was recently fired, because his research “is not aligned with the academic mission of the Department [of Environmental Health Sciences].” Read More Here

(Co2Insanity) – Leading US Physicist Labels Satellitegate Scandal a ‘Catastrophe’

Respected American physicist, Dr Charles R. Anderson has waded into the escalating Satellitegate controversy publishing a damning analysis on his blog. Read More Here

World War

(SouthLebanon) – Zionism – A Terrible Disease of the Mind: Part II – Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – U.S. Military Intervention in Africa: The New Blueprint for Global Domination

The United States’ intervention in Africa is driven by America’s desire to secure valuable natural resources and political influence that will ensure the longevity of America’s capitalist system, military industrial complex, and global economic superiority – achieved through the financial and physical control of raw material exports. While America’s prosperity may be waning due to a number of current factors, policy makers are bent on trying to preserve America’s global domination and will pursue policy objectives regardless of the downturn in the economy at large. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Why the Wars can’t be Won – Prof. John Kozy – Read More Here


Video: It is ILLEGAL for Israel to attack Iran- VIOLATION of RESOLUTION 533 – View Video Here

(GlobalResearch) – Flashback to 1953 : “Operation Ajax”: Joint CIA/MI6 Military Coup in Iran – Read More Here

(OpinionMaker) – Israel will attack Iran: Will Israel attack Iran?

Those who mastermind the U.S.-directed psychological operation against Iran have obliviously forgotten that we’re now accustomed to seeing the uninteresting, exhausting charade of “will attack Iran”; you put the subject for it, either the United States or Israel. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Who’s blowing up Iran’s gas pipelines?

In the past few weeks Iran’s gas infrastructure, which is central to the country’s energy requirements, has been hit by a series of unexplained explosions. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Iran protests to UN over US war plan

In letters to the heads of the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the General Assembly that circulated Wednesday, Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Eshaq Alehabib, slammed the US plan for an Iran strike which is based on “totally false” grounds, AP reported. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Masterminds, Mosques and Mass Insanity: “War on Terrorism” Propaganda Ratcheted up Ahead of War Escalation

Exemplified by the furor over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” in New York, and rumors of a new Al-Qaeda “mastermind”, 9/11 “war on terrorism” propaganda has been ramped up to deafening levels by various political factions.

Nearly a decade since Bush/Cheney’s 9/11 false flag deception, a fearful, self-destructive American mass public remains fully brainwashed by “war on terrorism” deception— ignorant of history, and militantly oblivious to facts. Read More Here


(RawStory) – Orwell in charge? Kucinich compares Iraq ‘exit’ to Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ – Read More Here

(AntiWar) – US Announces Second Fake End to Iraq War – Read More Here

(CBSNews) – Video: Petraeus Says, ‘We Are Not Leaving’ Iraq

“The real bottom line in Iraq I think is that despite all of its challenges, it is a much, much more hopeful place than in January/February 2007 when the surge was launched and when there were fifty dead bodies in Baghdad every 24 hours. There’s going to be violence in Iraq. There’s still al Qaeda in Iraq, there are other extremist elements, there are residual militia elements. But the 700,000 Iraqi security forces on the ground there generally can deal with this with some assistance from the United States. View More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Last of the Combat Troops Leaving Iraq? – Only in your Dreams – Read More Here


(Redress) – The secrets in Israel’s archives – Evidence of ethnic cleansing kept under lock and key – Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Live ammunition used on demonstrators in Gaza who move a section of the buffer-zone fence – Read More Here

(Haaretz) – UN report: IDF barring Gazans’ access to farms, fishing zones

Humanitarian affairs office: Israel restricts entry to 17% of Gaza lands, 85% of beachfront zone, enforces restrictions with live fire. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Video: A Beautiful Gift from the BBC

If you Haven’t Seen It, Check out the BBC Panorama’s “Death in the Med” program (watch video below) and You’ll be Treated to First Class Propaganda as Only the BBC Can Deliver Video Link Here


(CharlieVLog) – UNEXPECTED – Video Link Here

(DrHousingBubble) – Southern California home sales collapse by 21 percent year over year. Real estate tanks simultaneously with ending of government artificial market intervention – Read More Here

(AP) – Budget analysts see 2010 deficit at $1.3 trillion – Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Obama Says Jobless Claims Report Shows Urgent Need for Small-Business Aid – Read More Here

(CityBizList) – Abercrombie & Fitch Discusses Plans to Close 110 Stores – Read More Here

(NZPA) – Supermarket flooded with job applicants

When a new supermarket opened today in Auckland it created 150 new jobs, but that was a small comfort for the 2550 people who applied for jobs there and missed out, Labour leader Phil Goff said today. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Greek crisis refuses to go away

The European Commission has approved the next €9bn (£7.4bn) tranche of loans for Greece but the underlying economy continues to deteriorate as Greek banks suffer a record loss of deposits and output contracts at a quickening pace. Read More Here

(CNBC) – Death of the ‘McMansion’: Era of Huge Homes Is Over – Read More Here

(Reuters) – Weekly Jobless Claims Post Surprise Jump, Hit 500,000 – Read More Here

(TheEconomicCollapse) – 5 Trillion More Dollars To Fix Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have become gigantic financial black holes that the U.S. government endlessly pours massive quantities of money into.  Unfortunately, if the U.S. government did allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to totally implode, both the mortgage industry and the housing industry in the United States would completely collapse.  So essentially the U.S. government finds itself between a rock and a hard place.  Prior to the financial crisis of the last few years, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were profit-seeking private corporations that also had a government-chartered mission of expanding home ownership in America.  But now that they have been officially taken over by the U.S. government, they have become gigantic bottomless money pits.  It is hard to even describe just how much of a mess Fannie and Freddie are in.  However, the unprecedented intervention by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the mortgage market over the past couple of years has been about the only thing that has kept it from plunging into absolute chaos.  So what does the future hold for Fannie Mae and for Freddie Mac?  Well, according to one estimate, it could take another 5 trillion dollars to “fix” Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac. Continue reading

Seasonal, H1N1 flu vaccine to be combined this fall

(OklahomaWatchdog) – For those concerned about the impending flu season, the government will be making the seasonal flu vaccine available again this year.

Except this year, there is a difference -the normal seasonal flu vaccine will be combined with swine flu (H1N1) vaccine as well.

“The 2010-2011 seasonal flu vaccine will include the H1N1 strain that was responsible for the 2009 pandemic,” said Vicki Monks, media spokesperson for the Oklahoma City-County Health Department.

Monks pointed to a February 2010 press release on the website that states: “Today’s recommendation to include protection against the 2009 H1N1 flu strain in next season’s flu vaccine was made by the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. The committee’s recommendations typically guide vaccine manufacturers in preparing each season’s flu vaccines. The World Health Organization has made the same recommendation.This recommendation will go into effect for next fall’s flu season. In the meantime, you can still protect yourself against the H1N1 flu by getting your H1N1 vaccine now.” Read entire article

Firearms and the Constitution Versus Treaties

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under that Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” – Article VI, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – Recently I attended a gun show, where I handed out information material and answered questions on the Tenth Amendment Center.  Several people were concerned about the U.S. making a treaty that would gut the U.S. Constitution and potentially take away firearms from law abiding citizens here in the U.S.  They argued that the paragraph above from the Constitution places treaty law above the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

Our Founders very clearly stated the conditions under which the U.S. Constitution could be amended, or changed, in Article 5.  It is quite illogical to conceive that our Founders would write such a brilliant document to be the foundation of our union, only to create a giant backdoor for foreign governments to come in and destroy the liberty we had worked so hard to achieve.   In fact, our Founders themselves said otherwise. Continue reading

Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda

(PaulWatson) – The net-neutrality ending deal with Verizon is just the beginning of Google’s plans to kill the open and free Internet as part of their takeover agenda to completely control the world wide web and force independent media websites, radio and TV shows out of existence for good.

Google’s agreement with Verizon to speed certain Internet content to users opens the door to the complete sterilization of the world wide web as a force for political change. Under Google’s takeover plan, the Internet will closely resemble cable TV, independent voices will be silenced and the entire Internet will be bought up by transnational media giants. Continue reading

Google Yanks “Kill The Web” Article That Warned Of Internet Takeover

(PaulWatson) – Having at first appeared as normal, our earlier article about Google’s plan to kill the web has been completely de-listed from Google News. This is completely unprecedented and underscores how keen Google is to prevent people from finding out that it is a CIA-NSA front that is preparing to completely end the Internet as we know it with the Verizon net-neutrality killing deal.

The article, entitled Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda, originally appeared on Google News but was pulled shortly after.

A subsequent blurb promoting Alex Jones’ video presentation on the issue made it through to Google News but could also be yanked at any time.

In the face of this censorship, it’s more important than ever that people get the word out about Google’s plan to kill the web and replace it with a sterile clone of cable TV that will ensure all independent voices on the Internet are silenced forever.

Get our original article – at
and get it out to people. – Source: Infowars

MSM: Fidel Castro Fascinated By Book On Bilderberg Club

(AP) – Fidel Castro is showcasing a theory long popular both among the far left and far right: that the shadowy Bilderberg Group has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture.

The 84-year-old former Cuban president published an article Wednesday that used three of the only eight pages in the Communist Party newspaper Granma to quote – largely verbatim – from a 2006 book by Lithuanian-born writer Daniel Estulin. Continue reading

Video: Keiser Report №70 – Markets! Finance! Scandal!

This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at post anti-Americanism and crouching assets, hidden wealth in China. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Jon Thorisson in Iceland about his campaign against Magma Energy and about the resistance of the Icelandic people to IMF measures. Continue reading

Video: Gerald Celente – Buck Drug & Progress in Loosing

(RussiaToday) – The White House says it’s convinced the U.S. economy is recovering. That’s despite the fact the unemployment rate is still near 10 percent and major problems are troubling the real estate sector. Gerald Celente from the Trends Research Center says the administration is spinning the story Continue reading