US Kids Represent Psychiatric Drug Goldmine

(Truthout) – Prescriptions for psychiatric drugs increased 50 percent with children in the US, and 73 percent among adults, from 1996 to 2006, according to a study in the May/June 2009 issue of the journal Health Affairs. Another study in the same issue of Health Affairs found spending for mental health care grew more than 30 percent over the same ten-year period, with almost all of the increase due to psychiatric drug costs. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Healthcare Freedom or Healthcare Bureaucracy?

(C4L) – The U.S. Preventive Task Force caused quite a stir recently when they revised their recommendations on the frequency and age for women to get mammograms. Many have speculated on the timing for this government-funded report, with the Senate vote on health care looming, and cost estimates being watched closely. Just the hint that the government would risk womens health to cut costs is causing outrage on both sides of the aisle. Continue reading

Medicare in Crisis: The Devastating Impacts of a Corporate Health Care Bill

(GlobalResearch) – Wading through the endless debate over health care has exhausted the patience of most Americans — the zigzags, obscure language, and long-winded discussion is inherently repulsive. Continue reading

Health-Care “Reform”: It’s All About Power – Campaign for Liberty

If the politicians who are bent on redesigning the medical and medical-insurance industries really wanted only to curb rising prices and help the uninsured get coverage, they would have zeroed in on the previous government interventions that created those problems. Instead, they are pushing grand schemes to turn our medical decision-making over to bureaucrats. That indicates that the so-called reform campaign is about power. Continue reading

Video: Competition With the Government? – Ron Paul

(C4L) – Last Saturday many concerned Americans watched in horror as the House passed the healthcare reform bill. If this bill makes it through the Senate, it would massively overhaul the way healthcare is delivered in this country. Today, obviously, we don’t have a perfect system, but this legislation takes all the mistakes we are making with healthcare and makes them worse. Most of what is wrong with healthcare stems from decades of government intervention and the resulting unintended consequences. Continue reading

MSM: Biotech Lobbyists Write Healthcare Statements for Lawmakers

(NYTimes) – In the official record of the historic House debate on overhauling health care, the speeches of many lawmakers echo with similarities. Often, that was no accident. Continue reading

A Group of Satanic Trillionaires have Created the Goldilocks Matrix

(BobChapman) – Our usurping, non-citizen, spendthrift President, together with our corrupt, elitist-bootlicking Congress of money-grabbing Dumbos and Jackasses, are spending us into a multi-trillion dollar hyperinflationary oblivion as their ratings by their constituents drop into the toilet bowl, ratings which are disgracefully the lowest in all of US history. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Healthcare Reform is Economic Malpractice

As Washington continues debating healthcare reform the rest of the country is primarily concerned about jobs and the economy. It is still uncertain what policies will be implemented, but I am certain about one thing: It will only further devastate our economy and our dollar. Continue reading

The Democrats Are Privatizing Wealth Redistribution – Campaign for Liberty

George W. Bush redistributed more wealth during his presidency than any president had since Lyndon Johnson. Republicans really have never had any problem with redistributing wealth as long as the proceeds go to the right people. Since Medicare benefits senior citizens, a constituency that no election can be won without in the baby boomer retirement era, Republicans had no problem using the force of government to take money from one individual and use it to buy “healthcare” for another — as they did with their Medicare prescription drug benefit. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} – Pelosi “Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail”

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. Continue reading

Government Statistics and Lies – Ron Paul

(C4L) – There has been a lot of talk in Washington recently about senior citizens, mostly about how various healthcare reform models would help or hurt them. But there is another critical issue that has quietly devastated seniors financially over the last few decades. It concerns how the cost of living is calculated. How does the administration justify not giving a cost of living increase to Social Security recipients this year? Continue reading

MSM: Companies reap the swine flu windfall

(Reuters) – Healthcare companies are reaping the benefits of a global swine flu pandemic, brightening what might otherwise have been a dismal third quarter and bringing new focus on the market for vaccines. Continue reading

Public option likely to be managed by private insurance company

(RawStory) – A little-noticed tidbit in Saturday’s Washington Post is sure to raise eyebrows among liberal supporters of a gorvernment-run healthcare plan: the plan is likely to be administered by a private insurance company, the very companies that progressive activists are trying to unseat. Continue reading

Video: Report – Big Pharma has 2.3 lobbyists for every lawmaker

(RawStory) – The pharmaceutical industry spent $110 million in just the first half of 2009 in its efforts to influence health care reform, part of a booming lobbying effort that now has 2.3 drug lobbyists on Capitol Hill for every member of Congress, a new investigative report reveals. Continue reading

The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC – Ron Paul

(C4L) – With a faltering economy, multiple wars, and the approaching demise of the dollar’s reserve status, there are more than enough problems to keep politicians in Washington working day and night. In between handing out cash for clunkers and nationalizing healthcare, the administration is busy sending more troops overseas, escalating existing wars, and seeking out excuses to start new wars. Continue reading

These Are Not Negotiable – Chuck Baldwin

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies.” Continue reading

Take America Back From the Banks

Reining in the financial industry’s power and greed will be a long, hard-fought war. But it is one that must be fought Continue reading

Why are Monsanto Insiders Now Appointed to Protect Your Food Safety?

(DrMercola) – As I write this I am in Washington DC for the International Vaccine Conference and I just did a 12 hour amazing tour of the Capitol that I will describe later, along with pictures that I will post on Facebook. So politics and patriotism is fresh in my mind. Continue reading

Congress’ Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare

Leaders in the House and Senate have a plan to pass President Barack Obama’s sweeping health care plan by Thanksgiving without any significant participation by the American public. CNS News has confirmed the details in our September 22nd titled “Passing a Shell of A Bill: Congress’ Secret Plan to Ram Through Health Care Reform.” Continue reading

The Mainstream Media’s Denial of Legitimacy

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is true in the physical world, and even if you cannot clearly see how it applies in the social world, the fact cannot be denied that every action taken by a person or group of people has the potential for negative consequences. A book written, a news program aired, a video filmed, a law enacted, a precedent set, all of these, no matter how benign the intent, have the potential to, and often do, affect our society, and therefore the lives of all, in various ways. Continue reading

Video: Dr. Oz Will Not Give Vaccine to His Kids

(CNN) – Sep 6, 2009 – Mehmet Oz, professor of Cardiac Surgery at Columbia University and host of the Dr. Oz Show, tells CNN he will not be giving his children the H1N1 vaccine. Continue reading

Legislation Still Under the Radar Would Devastate U.S. Gun Ownership Rights

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.–President Barack Obama in San Francisco at a 2008 fundraiser. Continue reading

Swine flu shot protests may be the next Tea Party

If Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente is right another volley may have been fired in what he is calling the “Second American Revolution.” Continue reading

Americans threatened with jail time, huge fines for refusing to buy health insurance

(NaturalNews) – There’s a popular video circulating on the ‘net right now about how to escape handcuffs without using a key. Americans are watching the video to bone up on essential skills that will soon be needed for health care reform, it seems, since the new laws that are about to be put in place call for Americans to be arrested and thrown in jail if they refuse to buy health insurance. Continue reading

Supermarkets’ Bloody Vaccination Campaign Advances “Health Care Reform” by Lethal Injections

(Dr.Horowitz) – Wondering why food stores and pharmacies have replaced doctors offices and clinics as vaccination stations? Ask Steve Burd, the wizard behind Obama’s Health Care Reform plan. Continue reading

Daycare Worker Told She’ll Be Fired For Refusing Mandatory Flu Shot

Obama’s claim that vaccines will be voluntary deceptive and misleading as thousands of professionals face losing their jobs Continue reading

Video: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones Tv – Swine Flu Conference in D.C. Update

Alex talks about the coming hyped-up flu pandemic and the possibility of forced vaccinations at roadblocks and the prospect of those who refuse to be vaccinated being sent to concentration camps at gunpoint. Continue reading

Congressman Grayson: Fed Secretly “Stuffed” $500 Billion into “Foreign Private Pockets” and Gave $230 Billion to Citi “As a Secret Bailout”

(WashingtonsBlog) – Congressman Alan Grayson gave an interview to Wall Street Cheat Sheet’s Damien Hoffman, which includes the following bombshells: Continue reading

MSM: Judge Napolitano – Health-Care Reform and the Constitution

(WSJ) – Last week, I asked South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to regulate the delivery of health care. He replied: “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says that the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do.” Then he shot back: “How about [you] show me where in the Constitution it prohibits the federal government from doing this?” Continue reading

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found. Continue reading

Say No to the Individual Health Insurance Mandate!

(C4L) – Americans are being misled by President Obama and the Republican Party in the health care debate. That is right, the Republican Party. Both are ready to foist a huge joke on the Democratic party, truly left-wing Obama Supporters and the American people. They plan to walk arm and arm together to a signing ceremony this year to finally turnover all health care financing to large insurance companies. Continue reading

Sick and Wrong

How Washington is screwing up health care reform – and why it may take a revolt to fix it Continue reading

Video: The Health Insurance Racket

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CIGNAs Edward Hanway spends his holidays in a $13 million beach house in New Jersey. Meanwhile, regular Americans are routinely denied coverage for the care they need when they need it most. Continue reading