MSM: First Swine Flu Vaccinations May Start in Australia in a Month

(Bloomberg) – Mass vaccination against swine flu may begin in Australia within a month, health officials said, heralding one of the world’s biggest public health exercises. Continue reading

Video: Fkn Newz – Economy Too Weak To XXXX Peasants

WARNING: Explicit Content
FKN Newz live at Edinburgh Festival – August 16th, 2009 Continue reading

Links: They Want to Inject My Kids With What?

(if any links do not open, copy paste them into your internet browser’s address window and click enter) Continue reading

Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Paralysis, Leaked Memo Reveals

(NaturalNews) – A warning letter about the swine flu vaccine was leaked to the DailyMail over the weekend. Written by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the Health Protection Agency’s Immunization Department, it warns neurologists that the influenza vaccine of 1976 was linked to a devastating neurological condition called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). “The vaccines used to combat an expected swine influenza pandemic in 1976 were shown to be associated with GBS and were withdrawn from use,” says the July 29 letter. Continue reading

Truth in Government Conspiracy Theories – The Search for Truth

The Search for Truth, is a journey that causes great emotion as one uncovers some very disturbing and troubling facts that cannot be understood utilizing ones conventional thinking skills. One must jump outside the box and be willing to change their perspective viewing the situation from a higher vantage point, therefore seeing the BIGGER picture. It all comes down to: Perspective = Perception. Continue reading

H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Obama Revives Bush-Era Militarized Quarantine Regulations

While the American far-right rants against alleged “Obama death panels” and other Freddy Krueger-like scarecrows to frighten–and divert–the kiddies, our capitalist masters, as they are wont to do, gaze at the spectacle, laugh, and then tighten the screws.

Health care for all derailed? Mission accomplished! Continue reading

Corporate Media in U.S. Ignores Report N1H1 Vaccine Link to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

A Google News search this morning returns no mention of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome link to the experimental H1N1 vaccine in the U.S. media. Continue reading

Video: Children should not be given Tamiflu, Oxford researchers say

(ITNNews) – Researchers from Oxford University have said that antiviral drug Tamiflu could be harmful to children under 12 – so what are the risks? Continue reading

Swine Flu Scare: It’s All about The Adjuvant!

The U. S. government has paid pharmaceutical companies $7.9 billion* since 2004 to develop the capacity to mass vaccine the entire U.S. population by 2011. Under the perceived threat of H1N1, these plans have been accelerated to include the use of a non FDA approved chemical adjuvant suspected of causing Gulf War Syndrome, circumventing the FDA approval process for this potentially life threatening chemical. Continue reading

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents

(NaturalNews) – To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. “They’re good for you!” say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what’s in those vaccines. There’s a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves to be injected with them. Continue reading

GlaxoSmithKline’s (NYSE:GSK) Ship Comes In

One drugmaker has figured out how to pull down $2.52 billion over the next six months off a single disease – here’s how to get your piece of the action. Continue reading

Vaccination Myths and Truths

No one should voluntarily or otherwise take any vaccine, let alone one as untested and dangerous as for H1N1. But make no mistake. The dominant global media are readying a high intensity fear-mongering campaign to convince the unwary to jeopardize their health and well-being by doing it. Just say NO!! Continue reading

New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

Evidence Of The ACTUAL ORIGINS Of The 2009 “Pandemic Influenza” With A Glimpse Into Its Esoteric Symbolism

In March of 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) announced an outbreak of “Swine Flu” in Mexico and in Southern California. Within a few months, the “outbreak” increased in scope resulting in the WHO issuing a “Level 6 – PANDEMIC” alert. Continue reading

Maine preparing ‘mass vaccination’ of students

Maine is preparing for a “mass vaccination” of students to guard against the spread of the H1N1 virus and its more common cousin, seasonal influenza, the state’s top doctor said Friday. Continue reading

The Truth about Flu Shots – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had declared “Level 6” pandemic emergency with regard to the “swine flu.” Shortly thereafter, on cue, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that we should expect mass vaccination in this country to begin as early as September, 2009. Continue reading

Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire

We are very concerned over the stockpile of experimental vaccines that appear to be intended for mass vaccination. Please allow me to submit the enclosed report, also pasted below, which summarises existing evidence on why mass vaccinations especially of school children should not be undertaken. Continue reading

Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health: The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program

War without borders, a great depression, a military adventure in the Middle East, a massive concentration of wealth resulting from the restructuring of the global financial system. Continue reading

MSM: Swine Flu Shot May Rely on Emergency Use of Additives

(Bloomberg) – Swine flu vaccine makers may rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Novartis AG to boost a limited supply of shots that will be available to fight the pandemic. Continue reading

Overuse of Vaccines, Anti-Flu Drugs May Result in Human Calamity

Disease researchers have begun modeling how a future H1N1-09 swine-flu outbreak would spread throughout the world and have come up with some troubling scenarios. Infectious disease experts are beginning to describe modern efforts to quell seasonal and epidemic influenza with vaccines and anti-viral drugs using wording like “potentially dangerous,” “worrisome,” and “may do more harm than good.” Continue reading

Ten Things You’re Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine

(NaturalNews) – She was deathly afraid of the flu. So she asked her doc what she should do. He jabbed her unseen With a swine flu vaccine Blurting, “Darling, I haven’t a clue.” – by the Health Ranger Continue reading

Video: Dr. John Cannell on Vitamin D and Swine Flu

Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

MSM: School – No shortage of volunteers for swine flu vaccine trials

(CNN) – Days after the U.S. government announced upcoming trials for an H1N1 flu vaccine, Saint Louis University has been inundated with phone calls and e-mails from people volunteering for the study. Continue reading

An urgent request from Jane Burgermeister US EXERCISES NLE 09

If you live in the US, please email/fax this to all military bases/major law enforcement stations in your region after typing your name in at the bottom for greater poignancy. You can fax from your computer using Metrofax. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu could kill hundreds of thousands in U.S. if vaccine fails, CDC says

(LATimes) – As much as 40% of the workforce could be affected during the peak of a pandemic, health officials say, noting low resistance to the H1N1 virus and its persistence through the summer months. Continue reading

Copper Can Help In The Battle Against Influenza A H1N1, Says Scientist

(ScienceDaily) – A leading microbiologist from the University of Southampton has told a conference that his research has found copper is effective in inhibiting the influenza A H1N1 virus. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 vaccine

(Reuters) – The U.S. government has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine for a possible autumn vaccination campaign, a U.S. federal official said Thursday. Continue reading

MSM: Interview With Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson

(Spiegel) – ‘A Whole Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic’
The world has been gripped with fears of swine flu in recent weeks. In an interview with SPIEGEL, epidemiologist Tom Jefferson speaks about dangerous fear-mongering, misguided, money-driven research and why we should all be washing our hands a lot more often. Continue reading

Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given To Children In Schools

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has issued a statement publicly questioning the necessity and safety of administering experimental H1N1 swine flu vaccines to children in schools. Continue reading

Flu shots for pregnant women, Aborigines

Women who are pregnant, people with chronic diseases and Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders will be offered free vaccinations against influenza by the Federal Government. Continue reading

Video: Government Announces Flu Pandemic PSA Propaganda Contest

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services and Bilderberg member in good standing, has announced yet another waste of taxpayer money. On the USGOVHHS YouTube channel, Sebelius “invites our talented and creative citizens to create and share your PSA about flu prevention and good health.” Continue reading

Flu Shots Put Children in the Hospital

(NaturalNews) – At the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society recently held in San Diego, researchers presented a study showing that the flu vaccine – widely touted as a “must have” for children with chronic illnesses – isn’t effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially ones with asthma. But here’s the most damning evidence that flu shots aren’t the safe, helpful vaccine the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC) and other government agencies claim: Continue reading

MSM: Obesity emerges as new risk factor for severe flu

(Reuters) – People who are obese but otherwise healthy may be at special risk of severe complications and death from the new H1N1 swine flu virus, U.S. researchers reported on Friday. Continue reading

CDC Recommendations for State and Local Planning for a 2009 Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccination Program

The purpose of this document is to describe planning scenarios for state and local governments to target high-priority populations for vaccination in order to reduce the health and societal impact of the novel H1N1 influenza virus. Continue reading

Children and Pregnant Women Targeted in U.S. Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Program

(NaturalNews) – The U.S. government is about to unleash a sweeping new vaccination program that claims to protect people from swine flu. The vaccines, which are of course completely useless against any mutated strain of the H1N1 influenza virus, are nevertheless quite useful at suppressing the immune function of those who receive them. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Warns of Return of Swine Flu in the Fall

(NYTimes) – The Obama administration warned Americans on Thursday to be ready for an aggressive return of the swine flu virus in the fall, announcing plans to begin vaccinations in October and offering states and hospitals money to help them prepare. Continue reading

MSM: Students 1st in Line For Flu Vaccine

(WPost) – School-age children will be a key target population for a pandemic flu vaccine in the fall, and they may be vaccinated at school in a mass campaign not seen since the polio epidemics of the 1950s. Continue reading

S. 969 – The Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations Act of 2005 – Barack Obama

On April 29, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) introduced S. 969, the Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations Act of 2005. The bill would amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to preparation for an influenza pandemic, including an avian influenza pandemic, and for other purposes. Continue reading

MSM: Yet another new flu virus emerges in Canada

(Reuters) – Canadian officials said on Tuesday they had identified yet another new flu virus, this one a mixture of human and swine influenzas, in two farm workers in Western Canada. Continue reading