Calls Increase for Government to Regulate Internet Journalists and Bloggers

(KurtNimmo) – Outrage is rising over a Michigan lawmaker’s plan to introduce a bill to license bloggers and internet-based journalists.

“State Sen. Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much as the state regulates hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets — traditional, online and citizen generated — and an even greater amount of misinformation,” Fox News reported on May 28. “Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.

The establishment idea that “legitimate” media sources “are critically important to our government” is hardly a new idea. Continue reading

Left and Right Try to Stop the Rand Paul Revolution

(C4L) – The day after Republican Rand Paul’s landslide primary victory in Kentucky, the mainstream Left tried to paint him as a segregationist, while the mainstream Right either ignored or attacked him. And for good reason. Like his father Ron, Rand represents revolution, and the establishment is petrified.

Let’s begin with the Left. Afraid that they can’t beat a conservative Republican of Paul’s pedigree in the Tea Party-influenced, anti-Obama political climate of 2010, liberals are trying to run against him in 1964. Cherry-picking irrelevant references Paul has made about private property rights and how they could possibly relate to the Civil Rights Act or even the Americans with Disabilities Act, Democrats are trying to portray Rand the libertarian as a closeted Klansman who secretly hates “coloreds” and “cripples.” Continue reading

The FTC’s Plan to Bailout the Dinosaur Newspaper Industry and Suffocate Blogs

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – The Federal Trade Commission has been nosing around how to save journalism and in its just-posted “staff discussion draft” on “potential policy recommendations to support the reinvention of journalism,” it makes its bias clear: The FTC defines journalism as what newspapers do and aligns itself with protecting the old power structure of media. Read More Here

MSM: Michigan Considers Law to License Journalists

(Fox) – A Michigan lawmaker wants to license reporters to ensure they’re credible and vet them for “good moral character.”

Senator Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much like the state does with hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says that the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets–traditional, online and citizen generated–and an even greater amount misinformation.

“Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.

He told that some reporters covering state politics don’t know what they’re talking about and they’re working for publications he’s never heard of, so he wants to install a process that’ll help him and the general public figure out which reporters to trust.

“We have to be able to get good information,” he said. “We have to be able to rely on the source and to understand the credentials of the source.” Full article here

Rand Paul

(KurtNimmo) – Next Rand Paul Slam: Anchor Babies

In the wake of the “scandal” of Rand Paul’s unwavering support of property rights, the corporate media has fired another salvo from its trebuchet. Now it insinuates that Rand Paul is a racist because he is opposed to the government granting citizenship to anchor babies. Read More Here

(RonPaul) – Ron Paul Defends Rand Against Concerted Corporate Media Attack

It sure didn’t take long for the entire establishment to attack my son Rand in the days after he won the Kentucky Senate primary.

As I left Kentucky last week, I was both happy for Rand and anxious for what I knew would be coming at him soon. But it came sooner than even I feared. Read More Here

(MustangDaily) – Rand Paul revisits Civil Rights Act

Dr. Rand Paul (son of Dr. Ron Paul) of Kentucky secured the Republican nomination for the United States Senate last Tuesday. His nomination has sparked a media firestorm. Jack Conway, the Democratic nominee for Senate, claims that Rand Paul plans to “repeal” the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Daily Kos Releases Dubious Poll To Undermine Support For Rand Paul

In a blatant effort to counter the recent independent Rasmussen poll which found that, despite a contrived corporate media smear campaign, Rand Paul was beating his Democratic opponent Jack Conway by a whopping 25 points, establishment liberal outfit The Daily Kos has released a dubious poll that claims Paul is only leading by three points. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – “Rise Of The New Right” MSNBC Documentary Cites Alex Jones, Rand Paul As “Extremists”

MSNBC has begun airing trailers for an upcoming documentary, which the network has titled “Rise Of The New Right”, that prominently features interview footage with Alex Jones.

The show, to be broadcast on June 16th, is presented by Hardball host Chris Matthews and will include segments of an interview Matthews conducted with Jones earlier this year in Austin, Texas. Read More Here

Video: Corporate Media Uses Fraudulent MSNBC Transcript to Portray Rand Paul as a Racist

(KurtNimmo) – In order to smear and discredit Rand Paul and prevent him from going to the Senate, MSNBC has modified a transcript of his appearance on the Rachel Maddow Show. Paul appeared on the show after he won the primary in Kentucky.

The modified transcript reads as follows: Continue reading

Gulf Oil ‘SPILL’ – What A Lie – J. Speer-Williams

See Also: (AP) – La. officials: 8-inch tar balls washed up on beach – Read More Here

Also: (PressTV) – US let BP drill in Gulf without permits – Read More Here

(Rense) – Spill? The corporate media continues to call the volcano of continuous gushing oil, in the Gulf, a spill. How insulting. A volcano that shoots out a million gallons of crude oil a week is hardly a spill.

The common definition of a spill is the liquid that fell out of a container, a one time occurrence, not a massive flow that has no known end. An oil tanker can spill oil; but not Mother Earth, who has been and still is continuously gushing oil from 35,000 feet from within her bowels. Continue reading

Delusions and illusions of press freedom: The Israel lobby’s control of Western media

(Redress) – Paul J. Balles compares China’s open control of the press with the “lies under pretence of freedom” of the Western media under the control of special interests, especially the Israel lobby.

Freedom of the press in the West means freedom for those who control the press to lie. Continue reading

Video: Republican Tea Party Hedges on Rejecting Enemy of the Constitution Kagan

(KurtNimmo) – The Republican version of the Tea Party, the Tea Party Express (a money-making machine for establishment Republicans), has drafted a guideline for selecting Supreme Court nominees.

The plan lays out “Five Constitutional principles,” as follows: “Judges must interpret the Constitution of the United States as written,” “Judges must not use their positions to replace the text of the law and Constitution of the United States with their own personal feelings or experiences,” and “Judges must understand that the Federal government has no power if the Constitution does not explicitly provide it.” Continue reading

Video: Obama Bemoans Alternative Media, Rise of Tea Party

(KurtNimmo) – During a speech at Hampton University in Virginia, Obama griped about blogs and talk radio. The anointed one said “some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction” on the internet. “All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy.” Continue reading

Britain’s Political Impasse in the Wake of the Elections: And the Winner is? The Media

(WilliamBowles) – I admit to being one of the many millions of people who didn’t watch any of the so-called Prime-Ministerial ‘debates’ that have swarmed over the television channels since the announcement of the date of the General Election on 6 May. Not that this meant that I escaped the media onslaught on what’s left of our political senses even if, after the first ‘debate’, viewing figures for ‘Debate No.2’ plummeted by over 50%.[1] If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Continue reading

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

(VigilantCitizen) – Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order to understand its true role in society. Continue reading

Exclusive: Oath Keepers founder slams conservative media ‘hypocrisy’

(RawStory) – PART 1 OF 2: Darling of right-leaning pundits attacks promoters, says Glenn Beck ‘was kissing Bush’s booty and now he’s counting his change’

In a time of crisis, who can the people trust? Their political leadership, or fellow citizens?

Concerned the answer to that question might be turning into “neither,” Yale-educated ex-soldier and former Ron Paul organizer Stewart Rhodes hatched an idea that’s grown beyond his wildest imagination. Continue reading

Video: Corporate Media Plays Down Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs Who Terrorized Santa Cruz

(PaulWatson) – Imagine the uproar if 200 Tea Party members had gone on a rampage through a downtown city, smashing windows, starting fires, and spraying graffiti everywhere, the corporate media would be all over it, and yet gangs of pro-illegal immigration demonstrators do this and much worse on a regular basis, with no national news coverage whatsoever.
“A large group of protesters demonstrating at a May Day rally for worker’s and immigrant rights downtown broke off into a riot vandalizing about a dozen businesses around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police said,” reports The Santa Cruz Sentinel. Read More Here

World War

(WSWS) – Pentagon Paints Bleak Picture of Afghanistan War as More Civilians Die

A semi-annual report released by the Pentagon on the Afghanistan war recorded a sharp increase in attacks on occupation troops and scarce support for the corrupt US-backed puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai.

The progress report, mandated by the US Congress, presented a grim picture of the state of the nearly nine-year-old, US-led war, even as a series of incidents in which civilians were killed by US and NATO troops unleashed renewed popular anger against the foreign occupation. Read More Here

(JPost) – ‘Iran violating key nuclear treaty’

Iran is in clear violation of a treaty designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Unconditional support for Israel ‘is dangerous’, say leading European Jews

More than 3,000 European Jews, including prominent intellectuals, have signed a petition speaking out against Israeli settlement policies and warning that systematic support for the Israeli government is dangerous.

The petition’s signatories include French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Greens leader in the European Parliament. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder

Over 15 weeks post-quake, Haiti’s imperial takeover is proceeding. It began straightaway after the calamity, Haitians victimized by denied aid, appalling repression, and now dispossession of their land, homes, and communities. More on that below. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Biological Warfare: Priority to Bioweapons Research over Public Health – Sherwood Ross

The priorities of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the area of bacteriology have been “catastrophically re-ordered” by emphasizing bioweapons research over non-bioweapons research, a prominent authority states.

Giving priority to bioweapons research at NIH, started under the Bush Administration and continuing under President Obama, “diverts resources from critical public-health and scientific objectives,” says Richard Ebright, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Read More Here

(BRusselsTribunal) – Iraq: Bloody Policies and Criminal Authorities: Arrests, Assassinations, Deportation of Millions, Torture

For the BRussells Tribunal, its supporters and audience, secret prisons in Iraq are no surprise. We made repeated alerts during years that repression in the “New Iraq” is systematic. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – A Tradition of Dehumanizing: The CIA’s Psycho-War and Torture Schemes in The Philippines

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) occupies center-stage again in the Philippines, the laboratory in 1950-1960s for the Phoenix assassination program in Vietnam inspired by CIA agent Edward Lansdale who is credited for defeating the communist-led Huk uprising. Attention is being given to the CIA systematization of coercive techniques in handling prisoners, including diverse forms of torture, zealously implemented by the police/military officials of the corrupt, unpopular Gloria Arroyo regime. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Media Coverup on the Corporate Pillage and Destruction of sub-Saharan Africa – Dr. P. Wilkinson – Read More Here

(Gizmodo) – Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for “War Crimes,” Law Prof Says

It’s part of an ongoing legal debate about the CIA and U.S. military’s lethal drone operations, which have escalated in recent months – and which have received some technological upgrades. Critics of the program, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have argued that the campaign amounts to a program of targeted killing that may violate the laws of war. Read More Here

Video: Wikileaks Video Roundup – Continue reading

Time Square Car Bomb

(AP) – Video: NYPD – Car Bomb Contained Nonexplosive Fertilizer

New York City police investigating a botched car bombing in Times Square say the bomb contained fertilizer that was incapable of exploding. They are trying to determine what was in the bomb, why it failed, and who is responsible. Video Link Here

(AP) – Video: N.Y. Police: No Taliban Link in SUV Bomb

New York City’s police commissioner says there’s no evidence of a Taliban link to a failed bomb found in an SUV parked in Times Square. Officers will talk to a man who believes he may have recorded a bombing suspect on his video camera. Video Link Here

(LondonTelegraph) – Media Speculates Car Bomb Was Reprisal For South Park Controversy

“Luckily, no one is hurt, and now the full attention of city, state and federal law enforcement will be turned to bringing the guilty party to justice in this act of terrorism,” New York Governor David Paterson said.
The bomb, which failed to detonate, was left in a sport utility vehicle close to a Broadway theatre where a production of The Lion King was showing. Read More Here

(IsraeliUncensoredNews) – Times Square bomb: terrorism or PR?

In what might be a watershed development, police defused a car bomb at New York’s Times Square. The bomb was of the classical Iraqi type: propane cylinders and gasoline. Fireworks were used instead of explosives. Amateurish, yes, but simple and efficient. Read More Here

(CNN) – Official: ‘Too early’ to call Times Square a terror incident

It is too early to tell whether the incident in New York’s Times Square was a terror incident involving al Qaeda or another terror network, a federal official briefed on the situation told CNN early Sunday. Read More Here

(ITNNews) – Will Feds Blame Car Bomb On Patriots? – Read More Here

(MyFoxNy) – Pentagon Front Group Releases Video Claiming “Taliban” Behind New York Car Bomb “Attack”

Question: If you were a real terrorist group who wanted to appear fearsome and mighty, would you really release a statement claiming responsibility for an “attack” that amounted to little more than a car full of fireworks that killed nobody, injured nobody, and was an abject failure? This claim of responsibility holds about as much credibility as if Barney the Purple Dinosaur had made a video saying he did it. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Feds Characterize Smoldering Car in Times Square as “Potential Terrorist Attack”

The government has portrayed the jumble of propane gas cylinders, gas cans, wiring, batteries and fireworks found in a car parked in Times Square yesterday as a terrorist bomb.

DHS boss Napolitano took to the Sunday talk shows this morning and characterized the “amateurish type of bomb” as “a potential terrorist attack.” She told NBC’s David Gregory that it was “too soon to tell… who or what groups were responsible.” Continue reading

Canada: 9/11 Truth Storm in Mainstream Media

(911Blogger) – A recent bombshell in Quebec’s newspaper “La Presse” talking about the World911Truth conference May 3rd in Montreal with Richard Gage, AIA and Dr. David Ray Griffin has created a coast to coast storm in the mainstream media. From major TV in Quebec, to mainstream radio, to the most popular newspaper in Canada, the Toronto Star, this 9/11 truth debate is being carried out this week-end and is not over.

We invite you to read this article from the Toronto Star: Continue reading

Video: Riot Police Sent to Intimidate Tea Party During Obama Event

(KurtNimmo) – Obama trekked to Quincy, Illinois, today to pitch his Wall Street shell game. Obama’s pitch is designed to coincide with the Goldman Sachs dog and pony show now dominating the corporate media.

The local Tea Party decided to greet the president but the local constabulary was having nothing to do with it — they sent out riot cops to intimidate the Tea Party protesters. It seems they were in cahoots with the Secret Service. Video Link Here

Video: The Alex Jones Show Hour 1 – False Flag Terrorism Hype in Full Swing!

(April 20) – Alex breaks down the latest News & the guest who will be on the show today, and covers the massive false flag media scare hype going on all over the networks with the help of bill clinton and company. Continue reading

Video: Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push “Extremist Threat” Propaganda

(PaulWatson) – Bill Clinton and the corporate media waste no time in dancing on the graves of 168 dead men, women and children to demonize their political opposition Continue reading

Media Lies by Omission: Biased survey over-inflates public support for airport scanners

(Sott) – “Deception by an omission of the truth is as bad as a lie.”  Jennifer Chiaverini
The mainstream media was quick to publicise the findings of a survey that showed widespread public support for the global drive to install ‘naked’ full-body scanners at airports. Read More Here

Video: Black Rev. Calls Accusations the Tea Party is Racist an “Out-and-out Lie”

(KurtNimmo) – If you listen to Chris Matthews and MSNBC, you’d think the Tea Party movement is strictly white and teaming with racists.

The corporate media pushes this fallacy because it is the only card they have to play and because racism is such a divisive issue. If the establishment can portray the Tea Party movement as racist, they believe they can shut it down and marginalize its message. Continue reading

Obama’s disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit

(WashingtonPost) – World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow.

They entered a capital that had become a military encampment, with camo-wearing military police in Humvees and enough Army vehicles to make it look like a May Day parade on New York Avenue, where a bicyclist was killed Monday by a National Guard truck.

In the middle of it all was Obama — occupant of an office once informally known as “leader of the free world” — putting on a clinic for some of the world’s greatest dictators in how to circumvent a free press.

The only part of the summit, other than a post-meeting news conference, that was visible to the public was Obama’s eight-minute opening statement, which ended with the words: “I’m going to ask that we take a few moments to allow the press to exit before our first session.”

Full article here

Video: Alex Covers Police State Takeover of Internet, News Media & Your Mind

(April 13, 2010) – Alex breaks down how “Big Brother” is controling every aspect of free speech left in american, and how they manipulate and control how you think. Continue reading

Palestinians face more ethnic cleansing – (Updated)

(PressTV) – The Israeli military has issued a new ruling that would allow the mass deportation of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank.

According to the Israeli media, the new order considers anyone caught in the West Bank who does not hold an Israeli permit to enter and reside in the area as an “infiltrator.” Continue reading

Corporate Media Connects Hutaree Members to U.S. Military

(KurtNimmo) – Newsweek is reporting that two members of the Hutaree “militia” are ex-members of the U.S. military. “Federal investigators have discovered that two members of the extremist Michigan-based Hutaree militia group charged with plotting to assassinate law-enforcement officers are former U.S. military servicemen, including a Marine Corps corporal who was a Persian Gulf War veteran and decorated expert rifleman,” writes Michael Isikoff. Continue reading

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide

(ThePeoplesVoice) – Most reporters and other journalists in the mass media failed to do due diligence and misled their audiences regarding last month’s US House Foreign Affairs Committee vote in favor of Resolution 252, which would reaffirm the Armenian genocide of 1915 – 1923.

Nearly all media, prior to and after the vote, falsely said or implied that the House and the Federal government had never before recognized the Armenian genocide. Continue reading

Video: Media Critic – ‘Journalists are lap dogs, not watchdogs’

(RussiaToday) – RT sits down with veteran media critic, film maker, journalist and Amy winner Rory O’Connor. Continue reading

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

(KurtNimmo) – It is perfectly timed to feed into the current campaign by the government and corporate media to demonize the patriot movement and portray militias around the country as domestic terrorists — MSNBC’s “The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist” will run on April 19. Continue reading

There Were 88 Media Companies… Now There Are 6

(Rense) – These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.

The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, nor have all the statements below been fully verified. However, the general overview provided appears to be accurate. Continue reading

Video: Savage Caller – Hutaree Member Planned to Run for Office, Member of Campaign for Liberty

(Infowars) – Caller to Michael Savage show claims to know Michael Meeks, one of the accused Hutaree group in Michigan. Meeks is not a terrorist, he insists, and planned to run for political office and was a member of Campaign for Liberty. If true, the revelation puts a different spin on the case than the one pushed by the FBI and corporate media. The whole case appears to be a government frame-up from top to bottom. Continue reading

Washington Post: Government May Have to Waste Millions of H1N1 Vaccines

(Business&MediaInstitute) – Last year many Americans were convinced the H1N1 virus, commonly called the swine flu, would turn into a pandemic. That’s no surprise given the fear mongering media.

News media helped make the case for the government to rush a vaccine and the government spent over a billion dollars producing those vaccinations. But now, according to the April 1, 2010 Washington Post millions of vaccines are still unused – 71.5 million vaccinations will soon expire and may even have to be thrown away. Continue reading

FCC Adviser Advocates State-run Propaganda “Megaphone” to Counter Alternative Media

(KurtNimmo) – In order to counter alternative media, an adviser to the Federal Communications Commission has suggested using your tax money — or rather money the government borrows from bankers and then expects your children to pay off — to create “public media” that will serve as a “filter” and a “megaphone” for a network of government-funded journalists competing with other, non-government-backed reporters, according to Matt Cover, writing for CNSNews. Continue reading

Alex Jones Show

(March 30) – Video: Alex Talks to CNN Producer About Anderson Cooper’s Upcoming HIt Piece – Video Link Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex & Mike Detail Encounter with Military Agent Provocateur in 1998 – Part 1 Here and Part 2 Here

FLASHBACK – (Feb 9) – Video: Sarah Palin – Neo Con Fraud is trying to hijack the tea party movment – Video Link Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex Covers Russian Metro Blast – View Video Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex Explains How The FBI Informant Game is Played – View Video Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex Details Invisible Empire & Police State 4 – Video Link Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex Takes Calls on Mainstream Media Demonizing Patriots – View Video Here

(March 30) – Video: Alex Tells Story of Meeting Civilian Eco Police Squad at A Hike & Bike Trail

Alex talks about a little trip he took with the family over the weekend to a Hike & Bike Trail, and how he had the “ecosnoop” spuad watching his every move. Continue reading

Video: Pro-Obamacare Thugs, Not Tea Party Activists, Are The Real Violent Extremists

(PaulWatson) – Corporate media characterizes broken windows as deadly assault by bloodthirsty mob while ignoring physical attacks on Tea Party members by pro-Obama leftist goons Continue reading

The Economic Elite Versus The People of the USA: In our Nation’s History, the Stakes have Never been Higher – Part VI

(AmpedStatus) – Throughout this report, I have presented statistical and fact-based evidence to demonstrate that a strategic attack has been launched against 99% of Americans. Despite the efforts of the mainstream media and most current politicians, awareness of this reality is spreading throughout the United States.A recent Rasmussen poll found that only 21% of Americans think that the government has the consent of the governed. An Opinion Research Corp. survey revealed that 86% believe “the system of government is broken.” Continue reading


(Infowars) – Corporate Media Calls Obamacare Opponents Racist, Homophobic

Thousands of people gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday to voice their opposition to Obamacare, but instead of covering their principled opposition the corporate media concentrated on racial slurs made by a few protestors. Read More Here

(CTV) – Dems Strong-arm Holdouts, Ready Passage of Obamacare

As the United States House of Representatives prepares to use a rare Sunday session to vote on President Barack Obama’s health care reform bill, the chairman of the Democratic caucus says his party is poised to win the historic vote. Read More Here

(FDL) – Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill – Read More Here

(RepublicanSenate) – Breaking: “Fix” Bill May Not Advance In Senate

Senate Democrats have balked at a bi-partisan meeting with the Senate Parliamentarian to discuss a rule violation that could doom the entire House reconciliation proposal. Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – Out: Deem and Pass; In: Executive Order on abortion

Health care reform is like a bad Norse Saga – excruciatingly endless, filled with the names of people we’re not familiar with, and ultimately doomed to tragedy. Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – House health-care vote Sunday may hinge on abortion issues

House leaders decided Saturday to stage a vote on the Senate’s health-care bill, dropping a much-criticized strategy of allowing lawmakers to “deem” the landmark legislation into law. But the outcome of that vote remained in doubt as a pivotal bloc of Democrats continued to withhold its support over fears that the bill would open the door to the federal funding of abortion. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – 16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare

New tax mandates and penalties included in Obamacare will cause the greatest expansion of the Internal Revenue Service since World War II, according to a release from Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas. Read More Here

(EmptyWheel) – Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism

I believe that if the Senate health care bill passes as Joe Lieberman has demanded it–with no Medicare buy-in or public option–it will be a significant step further on our road to neo-feudalism. As such, I find it far too dangerous to our democracy to pass–even if it gives millions (perhaps unaffordable) subsidies for health care. Read More Here

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – Kill the Bill, Invoke the 10th

The federal government takeover of the health care industry and your loss of medical freedom only lacks a Presidential signature to become a federal law. We the people know that this cannot stand if America is to remain a free country. Keep your head up, it is time to invoke the 10th and kill this bill and the others soon to follow once and for all. Read More Here

Video: Peter Schiff – Health Care Reform & Socialized Medicine – View Video Here

(TheConservativePost) – Socialized Medicine Horror Stories: Ripped from Britian and Canadian Papers

The Statists are really getting nervous. They went home over the 4th of July, and got an earful from their constituents. Let’s make sure we keep up the pressure, and kill this massive government take over of your health. Read More Here

ClimateGate: What Will Television Do With All Their Scare-Programming?

(BigHollywood) – A funny thing happened on the way to a global conspiracy. Reality killed it. Funny how that happens. Continue reading

The Mainstream, Corporate Media Is A Propaganda Mill

(Rense) – The Twentieth Century Fox Corporation is not unique in spreading propaganda, but they are rare in admitting it. Rupert Murdoch, himself in 2003, admitted that his Fox company helped to sell George W. Bush’s Iraqi-Afghani wars to the American public. Continue reading