Obama is a Liar: Illegal Wars, Fraudulent Bailouts, Egregious Assault on Civil Liberties

(Truthdig) – We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives. Continue reading

The Supremes Bow to King Corporation – Ralph Nader

Yesterday’s 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission shreds the fabric of our already weakened democracy by allowing corporations to more completely dominate our corrupted electoral process. It is outrageous that corporations already attempt to influence or bribe our political candidates through their political action committees (PACs), which solicit employees and shareholders for donations. Continue reading

‘Just War’ Is Just Words – Ralph Nader

President Obama, the Afghan war escalator, received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, and proceeded to deliver his acceptance speech outlining the three criteria for a “just war” which he himself is violating. Continue reading

Rhetoric and Reality – Ralph Nader

I just received a letter from President Obama. Right there on the outside envelope are the words “I need you.” After not answering several letters which I have mailed and faxed to him, I was, for the briefest of moments, curious about this personal plea for help. Then, of course, I realized that it was a form letter from Mr. Obama via the auspices of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Continue reading

Video: Barney Frank – “We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government”

Barney Frank goes head to head with Ralph Nader, and lets it slip. The agenda is to increase the role of Government. On EVERY front. Continue reading

Barney Frank and the Planet of the Banks – Ralph Nader

What planet is Congressman Barney Frank on, anyway? It is the planet of the banks and other financial firms that keep his campaign coffers humming, as their chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. Continue reading

MSM: The Real Reason Americans Are Angry – It’s The Big Government, Stupid

(NYPost) – It’s been a hilarious August, watching media supporters of President Obama’s health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it. Continue reading

Between the Rhetoric and the Reality – Ralph Nader

The Obama White House – full of supposedly smart political advisors led by the President of the “Change You Can Believe In” campaign movement of 2008 – is in disarray. Worse, multiple, confusing varieties of disarray provoking public confusion, internal Democratic Party strife, and the slow withdrawal of belief in Mr. Obama by his strongest supporters around the country. Continue reading

Video: Ralph Nader on Secret White House Agreements with the Drug Industry

(DemocracyNow) – “You Don’t Cut Deals with the System that Has to Be Replaced” Continue reading

Faulty Forecasting – Ralph Nader

Companies that specialize in stock market forecasting and trading—such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and JPMorgan Chase—pay very high salaries to their employee-vendors. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo just released data showing that these and other large banks are giving each of their 5000 trader-forecasters bonuses of at least one million dollars. Continue reading

Purloining the People’s Property – Ralph Nader

Every week, Marcia Carroll collects examples of privatization (that is, corporatization of the peoples’ assets). Looking at her website, privatizationwatch.org, will either make you laugh helplessly or make your blood boil. Continue reading

What’s Good For General Motors – Is Now Good for China

I remember the hullaballoo in January 1953 when GM CEO Charles Wilson, President Eisenhower’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, was popularly quoted as saying that “What’s good for General Motors is good for the country.” Continue reading

US Colonel Advocates US ‘Military Attacks’ on ‘Partisan Media’ in Essay for Neocon, Pro-Israel Group JINSA

In the era of embedded media, independent journalists have become the eyes and ears of the world. Without those un-embedded journalists willing to risk their lives to place themselves on the other side of the barrel of the tank or the gun or under the airstrikes, history would be written almost entirely from the vantage point of powerful militaries, or—at the very least—it would be told from the perspective of the troops doing the shooting, rather than the civilians who always pay the highest price. Continue reading

Film: America’s Secret Destiny

Historian Ralph Epperson provides the evidence that this nation’s founding fathers committed us to a “secret destiny”, one that the people would not approve of if they knew about it in advance. Continue reading

Video: Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?

Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means. Continue reading

Death By the Numbers: Pakistan Counts the Toll of the Bush-Obama Drone War

As we all know, the Terror Warriors in the White House (of whatever political stripe) don’t do body counts. They just kill people, make unsupported claims of “clean hits” on “militants,” backtrack a bit later when eyewitness reports confirm extensive civilian casualties, promise “investigations” that kick the PR can way down the road — and carry on killing. Continue reading

Who Should Resist, and Who Will Become Serfs?

America is devolving into a third-world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elite’s rapacious looting of the public treasury we will be left with trillions in debts, which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Continue reading

Ralph Nader: Seven Steps the Obama Admin is NOT Taking to Fix the Banking Crash, Why Not?

Indicators of avoidance are what come to mind while absorbing the various rescue, recovery, stimulus and guarantee programs coming out of the Obama Administration to slow and reverse a splintering and shattering economy. If the Obamites do not act now when the political time is ripest, to put into motion forces of deterrence and prevention, the casino capitalists of tomorrow will again be able to de-stabilize our economy. Continue reading

Seven Avoidance Indicators – Ralph Nader

Indicators of avoidance are what come to mind while absorbing the various rescue, recovery, stimulus and guarantee programs coming out of the Obama Administration to slow and reverse a splintering and shattering economy. If the Obamites do not act now when the political time is ripest, to put into motion forces of deterrence and prevention, the casino capitalists of tomorrow will again be able to de-stabilize our economy. Continue reading

The Bottomless Bailout – Ralph Nader

Does anybody in the federal government know or could know “who, what, where and when” of the massive, complex, vertical, horizontal, global collapse of Wall Street and its planetary tentacles in over 100 countries abroad? Step forward if you exist! Uncle Sam needs you! Continue reading

Analyst: One Third Of Banks Could Collapse In 2009

Silva tells CNBC up to a thousand face failure or forced mergers

Financial analyst Ralph Silva of TowerGroup told CNBC this morning that he expects no less than one third of banks to fail in 2009 and that anything up to a thousand could collapse if they don’t merge.

Silva said that only five or six global banks have enough funds to survive comfortably throughout 2009.

“The rest of the banks, and that means a thousand other banks, don’t have enough money to get themselves through 2009,” added Silva. Continue reading