Video: Bob Chapman’s Friday Report on Alex Jones Tv – A Consolidation of Power!!

Alex talks with regular guest Bob Chapman, the former stockbroker and editor of The International Forecaster, a twice weekly compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly and is picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week. Since 1967, Mr. Chapman has written articles on business, finance, economics and politics. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. Continue reading

Fall of the Dollar on G-20 Finance Ministers Agenda

(BobChapman) – The G-20 finance ministers meet in Scotland on November 6th and 7th, and they will all be bleating about the fall in the dollar. France started this week, and the others will follow. Their currencies are rising in value and they do not like it. Continue reading

Rsponse to Christopher Ketcham’s take on Bob Baer (CIA)

Ketcham keeps bolstering the Big Lie by pretending that the incompetence theory of 9/11 has merit. In numerous ways he defends the criminal actions of high level players who have a long history of helping terrorists and funding their networks. While admitting to such practices in the distant past, Ketchum ignores the period leading up to 9/11 as well as the present. Continue reading

Financial Machinations: The Global Debt Crisis is Destroying the Economic Structure

Last week the Dow added 1.3%, the S&P 1.5%, the Russell 2000, 0.2% and the Nasdaq 100, 0.7%. Cyclicals rose 2.6%; transports 3.8%; consumers 1.7%; utilities 1.3%, as banks fell 0.3% and broker/dealers fell 0.6%. High tech fell 0.2% semis 1.1%; bitoechs 1.9% and Internets rose 0.2%. Gold bullion rose $3.00 and the HUI was unchanged, but up 47.5% on the year. The USDX, the dollar index fell 1.1% to 75.62. Continue reading

US Economy: More Unemployment. Slowdown in the Pace of Job Losses

(BobChapman) – The number of Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest since January, a sign the labor market is deteriorating more slowly as the economy emerges from the recession. Continue reading

Dangers, Failures, Diversions and Shortfalls

(BobChapman) – The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading. Continue reading

The US Financial Structure is Doomed. Monetization, Crisis of Retail Trade, Decline of the Dollar

(BobChapman) – Nearly half the nation’s 25 biggest retail chains expect to hire fewer holiday workers this season than they did last year, another sign that retailers aren’t counting on recession-strained shoppers to relax the tight grip on their pocketbooks this year. Continue reading

Looming Global Debt Crisis – Bob Chapman

What do you do after you have zero interest rates and you have flooded the world with money and credit? Continue reading

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

(BobChapman) – In 2009, China opened up various exchanges for investment in both gold and silver to the Chinese public, which previously was not allowed to invest in gold and silver. The opening of silver exchanges to the Chinese public is the most recent development and was accompanied by a ban on silver exports. The Chinese government is actively touting both gold and silver as an investment to the Chinese public, and with good reason. Continue reading

No Economic Recovery in Sight: More Financial Chaos Ahead

(Bob Chapman) – The Financial elites are desperate. They are appealing the Bloomberg directive to reveal who received funding to keep from going bankrupt from the Federal Reserve. Continue reading

Video: ABC Hypocrisy Over Ad Critical Of Nationalized Healthcare

Double standards exposed as network behind White House health care special refuses to air “partisan” ad critical of Obamacare Continue reading

Credit Implosion And Depression Coming, We Are So Screwed

(BusinessInsider) – Another happy forecast from Elliot Wave gury Bob Prechter (who may waste his time staring at charts most of the day, but also talks fundamentals): Continue reading

Video: White House Calls for Citizens to Inform on Opponents of Obamacare

The Obama White House is calling for informer-citizens to denounce opponents of the president’s health care plan. A <a href=”; target=”_blank”>post on the White House website</a> posted today reads: Continue reading

Video: The Alex Jones Show – You Must Awaken!!

“We are descending into tyranny right now and there is no doubt they are going to launch something big, bad and ugly – with this whole flu – and very soon.” – AJ Continue reading

Video: Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv – What’s in Your Vaccine?

July 24, 2009 Continue reading

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Global Research Editor’s note

We bring to the attention of our readers this 2005 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published by Continue reading

Scams And Bailouts The Cause of World Depression

The US Illuminists are gambling big.  This is the most dangerous part of their strategy, namely, how to take down America and the dollar without destroying themselves in the process, both financially and politically.  They are going to get smoked. Continue reading

American Embassies Urged to Stockpile Local Currencies

A top investment advisor, Harry Schultz – who was MarketWatch’s Peter Brimelow pick for financial newsletter of the Year in 2008 – is now claiming:

Some U.S. embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of U.S. cash to purchase currencies from those governments, quietly. Continue reading

Many Predict US Financial Collapse in September

Let us contemplate the day in the near future when the consequences of financial chicanery finally outpace the ability of the governments, central banks and big media to cover up and obfuscate the truth. Many respected voices have now gone on record that September 30 or thereabouts will be that day. Continue reading

The Future Is Deflation – Mike Whitney

There should be a modest uptick in GDP in either in the 4th quarter 2009 or the 1st quarter 2010. This will mark the end of the current 20 month-long recession, but not the end of the crisis. Continue reading

Economy In Turmoil Can’t Be Fixed With Farcical Regulation

The Friday night, June 27th FDIC Financial Follies were presented again at 9:00 pm EST. That is so the public will not hear about the failures. Five U.S. banks with total assets of about $1.04 billion were seized by regulators, pushing this year’s tally of failures to 45 as a recession drives up unemployment and home foreclosures. Continue reading

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

In January, without any recognizable corporate media coverage, Rep. Bob Filner, a California Democrat, introduced H.R. 675. The bill would amend title 10 of the United States Code and extend to civilian employees of the Department of Defense the authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms. Continue reading

Ignorance is Strength – Paul Craig Roberts

The American media’s one-sided and propagandistic coverage of the Iranian election has made an American hero out of the defeated candidate, Mousavi. Continue reading

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

In January, without any recognizable corporate media coverage, Rep. Bob Filner, a California Democrat, introduced H.R. 675. The bill would amend title 10 of the United States Code and extend to civilian employees of the Department of Defense the authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms. The bill was referred to the Armed Services Committee on January 26, 2009. Continue reading

Kentucky “Hate Crime” Report Mentions Constitution Party

A report posted on the Kentucky Justice & Public Safety Cabinet website mentions the Kentucky chapter of the Constitution Party. The 2006 report, entitled “Hate Crime and Hate Incidents in the Commonwealth,” characterizes the paleoconservative political party as a patriot group and associates it with the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations. Continue reading

CBS Editorial Urges Internet Providers Remove “Hate Speech”

James von Brunn, the accused Holocaust museum shooter, has predictably become the poster child for attacking the First Amendment and conducting a purge of free speech on the internet. Continue reading

Ruling Party Official: Japan Should Attack North Korea

A ruling party lawmaker today urged Japan to break the terms of its pacifist constitution and pre-emptively attack North Korea following the Stalinist state’s nuclear bomb test. Continue reading

Missouri State Police Orders Halt to MIAC Report Distribution

In the wake of Alex Jones and Infowars and Prison Planet breaking the MIAC story, Highway Patrol Superintendent James Keathley has put a halt to the report designating Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians and constitutionalists as terrorists. Continue reading

MIAC Report Blowback!!!

A controversial report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) is getting a lot of attention at the State Capitol and has prompted Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R-MO) to ask that Missouri Public Safety Director John Britt be placed on administrative leave. MIAC works with the Department of Homeland Security. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Fusion Centers’ Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members – FOX

Do you like Ron Paul or oppose abortion? You may be a member of a militia, according to a new report by a government information collection agency. Continue reading

Paul, Baldwin, Barr Send Letter to Missouri Gov. in Response to MIAC Report

Last week on the Alex Jones Show, former presidential candidate and Baptist minister Chuck Baldwin said he would co-author with former presidential candidate and House member Ron Paul and former federal prosecutor, former member of the United States House of Representatives and presidential candidate Bob Barr a letter ( see PDF) to the Governor of Missouri, Jeremiah Nixon, protesting the Missouri Information Analysis Center’s document designating Baldwin and his co-authors as terrorists. Continue reading

State considers return to gold, silver dollars

A bill being considered in the Montana Legislature blasts the Federal Reserve’s role in America’s money policy and permits the state to conduct business in gold and silver instead of the Fed’s legal tender notes. Continue reading

Missouri Governor Stands Behind MIAC Smear Report

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has defended a report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center that smears Ron Paul supporters, people who have knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, and people who display political bumper stickers as potential domestic terrorists. Continue reading

Baldwin, Paul and Barr Send Letter in Opposition to MIAC Report to Missouri Officials

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church and presidential nominee of the Constitution Party for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, Chuck Baldwin, talked about the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report designating Baldwin, Ron Paul, Bob Barr supporters and Libertarians as terrorists.

Continue reading

Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty Responds To Missouri’s “Terrorist” Claims

Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty group has responded to a report compiled for law officials in Missouri that equates supporters of the Texas Congressman with radical race hate groups and terrorists. Continue reading

Damage Control: U.S. Army Investigates Deploying Troops in Samson, Alabama

CNSNews is reporting the U.S. Army has launched an investigation into the deployment of troops on the streets of Samson, Alabama, after a murder spree on March 10. The use of the troops in domestic law enforcement is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. Continue reading