Video: Food & Depopulation – Scams and Solutions

(Infowars) – The Food & Depopulation series of articles has been written for people who think that conspiracies are mere theories, that the American government is working in our best interest and that the United Nations is benevolent. Nothing could be further from the truth; irrefutable proof of this is explained in the previous three articles. Sharing the truth about food is an exceptionally effective way to wake people up because all people have a personal relationship with food every day. Here are the important points to remember: Continue reading

Video: Real Life Avatar

(RussiaToday) – ‘US corporations are under fire for aiding the creation of world’s second largest displaced population. Activists claim millions of Colombians have been driven from their homes.

In light of the issue, hundreds of protestors have gathered at Washington DC’s Capitol Hill. People brought pictures of those who have suffered as a result of the activities of major US companies in Colombia’s indigenous territories, which are rich in natural resources. Millions have not only been displaced, but also are either missing, tortured or have been killed.’ Continue reading

Massive underwater oil cloud may destroy life in Gulf of Mexico – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Over a week ago, I published an article here on NaturalNews questioning the media spin on the massive oil spill in the Gulf. That story, entitled Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we’re being told? (…), stated the following:

“It’s hard to say exactly what’s going on in the Gulf right now, especially because there are so many conflicting reports and unanswered questions. But one thing’s for sure: if the situation is actually much worse than we’re being led to believe, there could be worldwide catastrophic consequences. If it’s true that millions upon millions of gallons of crude oil are flooding the Gulf with no end in sight, the massive oil slicks being created could make their way into the Gulf Stream currents, which would carry them not only up the East Coast but around the world where they could absolutely destroy the global fishing industries.”

Now, barely one week later, it turns out that the oil slick is FAR worse than what we were being told. Continue reading

BP Insider: Massive Dead Zone Could Be Produced by Gulf BP-Congress Catastrophe

A BP insider, providing information to, reports that scientists and engineers, fearing the worst, have envisioned a worst case scenario,
“It could very well be that the entire Gulf and the East coast of Florida could become dead zones, with no aquatic life at all.” Read More Here

See Also:

(PressTV) – BP dome fails to stop oil leak

British Petroleum (BP) has failed in its first attempt to contain oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico with a metal box as crystallized gas fills the structure. Read More Here

(McClatchyDC) – Video: Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded on April 20, the Obama administration has granted oil and gas companies at least 27 exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. Video Link Here

Video: Southern Boys Show US Government How to Clean Up Oil With Hay! – Video Link Here

(MediaConsortium) – Weekly Mulch: Slick of Oil Industry Cash Gummed up Regulatory Works

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is worse than anyone thought, and the crisis will likely go on for months. British Petroleum (BP) is tripping over itself to say it’ll cover the costs of the clean-up, yet before the spill, the company spent its time and money pushing back against government regulation and safety measures. Read More Here

(Spiegel) – Expert Recommends Killing Oil-Soaked Birds

A German biologist says that efforts to clean oil-drenched birds in the Gulf of Mexico are in vain. For the birds’ sake, it would be faster and less painful if animal-rescue workers put them under, she says. Studies and other experts back her up.

“Kill, don’t clean,” is the recommendation of a German animal biologist, who this week said that massive efforts to clean oil-soaked birds in Gulf of Mexico won’t do much to stop a near certain and painful death for the creatures Read More Here

(Guardian) – Chevron wins access to film-maker’s Amazon pollution footage

Crude, released last year, focuses on the 17-year legal battle between Chevron and 30,000 Ecuadorians who say their land, rivers, wells, livestock and own bodies were poisoned by decades of reckless oil drilling in the rainforest. Read More Here

(AP) – Oil spill may endanger human health, officials say

With a huge and unpredictable oil slick drifting in the Gulf of Mexico, state and federal authorities are preparing to deal with a variety of hazards to human health if and when the full brunt of the toxic mess washes ashore. Read More Here

(GreenPeace) – BP working hard to keep the damage hidden – Read More Here

MSM: Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

(Independent) – Al Gore, the self-styled squeakiest-clean and deepest-green politician in American history, has some explaining to do this weekend. His environmental
organisation has taken money to raise awareness about the need for clean water from a controversial chemicals company.

Dow Chemical, the US firm, is sponsoring Life Earth events in 150 cities today. The event aims to raise money for clean water programmes. Research by environmental organisations has found dangerous levels of highly toxic chemicals in rivers, lakes and other water supplies close to several other factories owned by Dow and its subsidiaries in countries including the United States, Brazil and South Africa. Read More Here

Video: Judge orders militia members held in jail

(CNN) – A federal magistrate ordered Friday that eight people accused of plotting to kill police officers as part of a revolt against the U.S. government be held in jail pending their trial. – Video Link Here

Film: Life & Debt

Life and Debt is a feature-length documentary which addresses the impact of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and current globalization policies on a developing country such as Jamaica. Continue reading

Video: Ministers target climate change doubters in prime-time TV advert

(Times) – Climate change sceptics are to be targeted in a hard-hitting government advertising campaign that will be the first to state unequivocally that Man is causing global warming and endangering life on Earth. Continue reading

Wall Street To Securitize People’s Deaths?

The New York Times published a pretty creepy article on Saturday (September 5th). The article focuses on Wall Street’s new plan to make money. What’s so bad about Wall Street making money? Continue reading

“We don’t want your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to trash the planet” The Federal Reserve, 2009 – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – Having trouble understanding the events since the October 2008 financial crisis?
Any of this sound familiar:
* · Banks hoarding their TARP funds
* · Gas prices going up when they should be going down
* · Automobile dealerships closed without regard to profitability
* · Health Care reform: The Kevorkian is out of jail early Continue reading

No Forest No Oxygen

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, is a major problem that has devastating effects all over the world. Europeans began clearing forests more than 500 years ago. The invention of modern machinery made the process even easier. Continue reading

Video: Buffett: We’re Going to Be Crushed Under Mountain of Debt

A highly influential American has finally hit the panic button about the tremendous mountain of debt the country is piling up. Continue reading

The Great Flu Game, Brought to You by Big Pharma

It’s a slick propaganda tool aimed at the kids — “The Great Flu,” an online game sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, the folks who have started testing their pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine on hapless and dim-witted human guinea pigs. Continue reading

US Air Force Program: Marine Mammals and Other Sea Life to be Decimated

The United States Navy will be decimating millions of marine mammals and other aquatic life, each year, for the next five years, under their Warfare Testing Range Complex Expansions in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Gulf of Mexico. Continue reading

Copper Can Help In The Battle Against Influenza A H1N1, Says Scientist

(ScienceDaily) – A leading microbiologist from the University of Southampton has told a conference that his research has found copper is effective in inhibiting the influenza A H1N1 virus. Continue reading

MSM: Loss of world’s seagrass beds seen accelerating

(Reuters) – The world’s seagrass meadows, a critical habitat for marine life and profit-maker for the fishing industry, are in decline due to coastal development and the losses are accelerating, according to a new study. Continue reading

MSM: Health insurers want you to keep smoking, Harvard doctors say

(ScientificAmerican) – Health and life insurance companies in the U.S. and abroad have nearly $4.5 billion invested in tobacco stocks, according to Harvard doctors. Continue reading

The Declaration of Independence

In Congress, July 4, 1776,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Continue reading

Life, Liberty, and Property Are Inseparable

(C4L) – Life, liberty, and property were the central, inalienable rights that formed the foundation of the great experiment in self government called the United States of America. The founders of our country never broke apart this sacred triumvirate, because each one of these rights is inextricably bound to the other. Continue reading

A List of Corporate Lobbying by Jill Richardson

Out of curiosity I decided to see who was spending the most on lobbying in America. And Oh My Goodness – NO WONDER our policy sucks. No wonder it’s nearly impossible to pass health care reform that provides all Americans with affordable care, a global warming bill that doesn’t suck, and the Employee Free Choice Act. No wonder we’re in these two stupid wars. Continue reading

MSM: Carbon emissions threaten ‘underwater catastrophe’, scientists warn

Royal Society calls for CO2’s effect on seas to be included in climate change talks in Copenhagen Continue reading

Seizing Power and Property

The government and their compliant corporate press mold and manage our perceptions and prefer that we focus our anger and attention on numerous distractions – the illegal aliens, illusive terrorists, same-sex marriages, welfare recipients, North Korean testing, whether torture photos should be released. The fact is that the government Elite set up this entire environment of contention to divert our attention from their treacherous unconstitutional, criminal activities – in both parties. This is all part of America’s drive into a One World Order, now hyper accelerated under the current administration. Continue reading

Pioneer spirit needed during tough times

These are good days for survivalists, those dour predictors of dire times who’ve said all along we’d better prepare for the worst.

With people losing jobs, homes and life savings through no fault of their own, and with natural disasters, oil shortages and terrorists in the news, those long-predicted grim times may have arrived. Continue reading

Ocean Acidification Risks Mass Extinction of Sea Life

Increasing acidity of the oceans due to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions pose a major threat to aquatic life, scientists are warning. Continue reading

To Alter or Abolish

Note: The following letter was found left behind at a local drinking establishment; the authors’ identity is unknown. It is passed along without comment.

“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it…” ~ Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies, 1776

Dear Federal Government,

Drop dead. Continue reading

Video: The Philosophy of Liberty

When you hear Ron Paul say that he stands for the Philosophy of Liberty, this is what he means.

The philosophy of liberty is based on self-ownership. This simple but elegant and hard-hitting animation will explain exactly what that means. It’s a great tool anyone can use to educate children and adults about our right to life, liberty, and the property we create – and our responsibility to think, speak and act. Continue reading